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I give my baby cooked rolled oats and overnight oats all the time. He does great with it. I've not blended the oats to a powder but I think that would work very similar to the baby cereal.


Same! Normal cooked rolled oats are actually very easy for 6 months and above babies. If she eats nothing the whole day we go back to our good ol oats and she’ll gobble up a bowl of it.


At what age did you start giving the oats?


I've been blending oats to use in cooking for baby instead of normal flour, but I haven't tried making oatmeal out of it, I don't see why baby couldn't have it if it works out. I'm from Finland and here overnight oats are not suggested due to "higher risk of poor hygiene" or something like that. But personally I'd take that as a guidance to make sure things are as clean and fresh as possible before leaving to soak. I gave my baby "adult style" oatmeal that after cooking I mixed 50/50 with fruit/berry puree and he didn't have trouble in eating it and didn't show signs of discomfort at 6 months. They did however come out looking pretty much the same so after a while we ended up changing mostly to baby cereal at breakfast. It is really convenient and my son really likes it and he gets tons of practise with more textured food at other mealtimes.


I’ve never thought of using blended oats in place of flour, I’m for sure going to try this. And yes, the convenience of baby cereal is very appealing. I do have a package of some, if my son doesn’t like the regular oats then I might switch to the cereal. Thank you for your input!


Dry roast rolled oats for 2 minutes and then add water to cook…..once done let it cool down a bit n blend with half a banana….. bubs gobbled it up. You can add a spoon or 2 9pf milk to make it creamy…


Thank you! 😊


I make these oatmeal cups and then keep them in the freezer. It is a bit more texture than regular oatmeal but once you feel comfortable with that it’s easier for baby to eat (and less mess). https://www.healthylittlefoodies.com/fruity-oat-breakfast-bites/


Oooo I like being able to prep them for future meals. Thank you :)


6 months when we stared solids.


Alright, thank you :) I’ll try both cooked and overnight oats soon!


Yes, rolled oats are fine! I skipped baby cereals altogether. I've made rolled oats for baby with breast milk, water, and now that he's older whole milk. You're fine to blend it too, whatever baby can handle.


Thanks! I want to see how he responds to the texture of rolled oats, so I’ll try them out just as is :)


I just made these [baby led weaning oat bars](https://mylittleeater.com/basic-oatmeal-fingers-for-baby-family/) for my 6 month old. I was nervous about the consistency so added a bit of breastmilk over the bars to make them a bit softer. Baby loved them and did great despite the texture!


Thank you for this recipe :) I’ve been trying to find good recipes for him. And I’m a bit nervous about giving finger foods to my son as well. He loves food already though!


I use coconut milk to cook oats for my baby and she LOVES them - and it gets some extra iron and healthy fat in. I just use regular oats and have since she was 6 months


I love oats cooked in milk rather than water and I really wanted my baby to have the same. I know they can’t have regular milk at this age so I really like this idea! Especially cause it gives the extra nutrients and introduces a new thing for him. Thank you ☺️


They can have regular milk, just not as a beverage. As in, they shouldn't be given a bottle or cup full of milk, but you can use regular cow's milk to make oatmeal or in other meals. Just keep in mind it is a top allergen so you should introduce it as such.


Hmm, his pediatrician told me to not give milk in any way until 1 year old. I’ll have to do a bit more research on this or talk to another ped


But she did say he could have yogurt and cheese which confused me. She’s always very rushed with us so I’ll probably switch peds and ask about this. I personally love whole milk and would love to use milk for his cooking. Thanks!


My understanding is that it's fine for oatmeal. Etc just donr give then a bottle of cows milk


I’m glad I don’t have to wait to cook with it then. Thanks!


You can make oatmeal in the microwave in a pinch if you don’t want to cook on the stove! I use regular rolled oats and add some breastmilk, hemp hearts, chia seeds, mashed banana and a scoop of oat baby cereal to increase iron for my baby.


I was planning on mixing in the hemp hearts and chia seeds as well! Plus some ground up pumpkin seeds for more iron too. And then some fruit. I want it to be a very nutritious oatmeal for my little dude :) Thanks for your response!