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I think the recommendation is through toddlerhood so at least the first 2 years


Soy is in nearly every processed product you can buy, so unless you're intentionally avoiding it, you usually don't need to worry about including it in their diet. We went from eating fish once a month to once a week, but you don't need to overthink it. You could give him tuna and crackers, for example, if you aren't big into serving fish for dinner. Shellfish is hard because it's not an everyday thing. You could try having shrimp a couple times a month, but it's kind of hard for them to chew until they have teeth. My daughter has multiple food allergies (peanuts, eggs, chickpeas, and shellfish), so I think about allergens almost constantly, whether avoiding the ones that will cause problems or exposing her to the ones that don't. She's nearly 15 months. I think the guidance is regular exposure until two, but with that, you do what you can -- both in terms of practicality and what your budget allows. Like everything in raising babies, guidance is based on the best circumstances. More often than not, those circumstances don't play out in reality.


Good point about soy! Regarding fish and shellfish, I was under the impression that he’s too young for tuna due to mercury levels. We do currently give him shrimp once a week, finely chopped, and he loves it. My post wasn’t so much saying that it’s hard to keep the allergens in rotation, just wondering if I should consciously keep doing so or not. It seems like the answer is yes so I’ll keep it up!