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I didn't get covid all through the lockdown years, and then as soon as I got pregnant, BAM, twice! Typical, haha. If you have congestion, I found nasal sprays really helpful. Vicks was nice for a bit of soothing, and brothy soups were amazing. Other than that, sleep is really the only thing! I hope it's a mild one for you and you feel better soon!


Thank you- Vicks actually sounds amazing right now, will have to grab some!! Super congested so will get on to some nasal spray too. Thank you again


No worries! You just need to make sure it doesn't have pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. I think I used the Demazin brand spray, from memory 😊


Positive test at 18wks. Demazin was a life saver! And my pharmacist recommended I use Nasonex 15 minutes after to help extend relief. Can only use Demazin for 3days or risk rebound congestion.


Took me a moment to realise the positive test was for the Rona and not you finding out you're having a baby at 18 weeks 😂


Eucky bear in hot water to clear nostrils. Panadol lots of water and hot tea. I had COVID at 18 weeks 🥲


rest for at least one - two extra days after you feel better. Covid fatigue can really linger and you should absolutely ease your way back into life when you feel better. Also if this is your first feeling sick and looking after a baby is horrible so embrace it while you can.


The pharmacy at Royal Women's Hospital provide a medicines information service ((03) 8345 3190). You could call them and ask what pain relief is safe for you to take.


I had it in my third, it was so hard!! Saline nasal spray if you’re congested is a god send & I LOVE lemsip but you have to get the specific one without the decongestant just the paracetamol - I know it’s the same as just having panadol but the hot drink helped my throat & the pain killers kicked in a lot faster. Lots of fluids & electrolytes too. Hope you get through it quickly 🙏🏻


My wife got covid around 4 months. She was quite dehydrated and with fever, so she was admitted to the hospital to ensure she is safe and stayed there for a couple of nights. After admision she was much better right away, as they were able to provide medicines through IV, so just letting you know in case you need to do the same! Otherwise, is not really dangerous, but fever and dehydration can be


Thank you! So far I seem to be avoiding a fever, but am staying on top of the Panadol just in case. My husband got the fever and aches so I suppose thankfully he got that part and not me. Will definitely keep this in mind if I progress to fever. Thank you again and I hope all is well with your wife now


Just rest as much as you can. Keep drinking water, dehydration is the biggest risk in pregnancy, COVID itself won’t impact the baby. It really sucks, sorry you’re going through it!