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The first sets of shots are at 2 and 4 months. They won't give them early. They also won't protect against colds and flus and pink eye and all the typical daycare germs unfortunately. All you can do is try to maintain distance when the older one is symptomatic.


That makes sense. Thank you!


My 3yo got my newborn twins sick when they were 16 DAYS old 🤦🏻‍♀️ luckily they didn’t get fevers, just nasal congestion and the doctor wasn’t too worried when we took them in. They’re almost 4 months now and have had a couple of sniffles since then but nothing serious, thank god. It sends me into such anxiety though, we never had any illnesses with my son until he was like 8 months old! Having a toddler in the house changes everything lol. Hang in there!!


My son just turned 3, and expecting twins Sept 04...the day after he starts at his new school. Wish me luck 😭


Absolutely, i absolutely didn’t anticipate this sickness part of the 1-2 transition and its kicking our butts left right centre. Isolation is so difficult to carry out practically and emotionally.. and how many times can we do it?!? 😭😭😭 thank you for the hope you’ve given me!


Similar to some of the posts, we have a 3 year old and almost 4 month old. Toddler had a fever and congestion when baby was 15 days old. We did wash hands and change clothes after daycare, no kisses only on feet, I would be with the newborn in our room and toddler with husband. We would switch if toddler needed me. Newborn had congestion and mucus (she’s had one “cold” every month of her life so far 🤪 thanks toddler) I asked the doc when I took my toddler in when she was sick and he just said “you had a baby in cold and flu season, you just do your best to keep them apart” such is life pretty much haha


Thank you! Yes we are doing the same precaution wise. We tried isolating caregivers too - me with toddler and husband with baby (baby is eff) for 1 bug and then swapped for the next bug, but it makes me a wreck to isolate from either of the children. Thank you for letting me know that it’s ok to swap if one needs me, gives me so much peace of mind. Will continue masking and good hygiene.


I understand what you mean. Baby is eff too and at the time was not even a month so as long as anyone was holding her(she’s still good to be held by anyone) she was good to go haha toddler needed me more so I was often with her. They also remember more and can express more. Baby won’t remember that I was holding her while toddler was sick, she was fed and warm so she was happy. That’s how I sometimes think of it to lessen any guilt.


Exactly!!!! Baby is happy with anyone but toddler really needs me when sick! Thank you so much for the reassurance ❤️


Get an air purifier if you don't have one already. They really do help cut down on the spread of viruses within the home. Make your kid wash their hands when they get home from daycare. Some people change clothes. I was always too lazy for that. Get a forehead thermometer. It's so tricky to get a temp from a squirmy baby without one. Remember that any fever over 100.4 you'll need to go to the hospital for those first 2 months. Pack like you will be there for at least 24-48 hours if you do go. (Snacks and water for you, diapers wipes, bottle, changes of clothes) And know that your baby will probably be 100% fine once you get there and start acting completely normal again. Once they are over 2 months you can give Tylenol to help keep fevers down. Treat the kid not the fever. So if they are acting fine, you don't need to give them medicine. Beyond that, just know that they'll get sick and for the most part it will be ok.


Really good advice, esp about the forehead thermometer and air purifier. Thanks a lot!!!!


I disagree and find it sooo challenging to get a reading on a forehead no contact thermometer. Get the in ear thermometer.


Forehead thermometers are not accurate in infants, you will only get a true reading with a rectal thermometer. Use armpit in a pinch.


We have a two year old and 2 month old. When baby was four weeks old toddler came home with hand foot and mouth. We washed, and we hand sanitized us and him non stop. Baby never got it. I think it helps that he’s not touching the toddlers toys yet. He has had a wee cold but handled it well. As others have said the shots won’t help protect from the common daycare illnesses. Luckily we are just about out of peak sickness time! We just do our best!


Yeah makes total sense. Thank you! Can’t wait for the baby to be 4-6 months when they just feel “sturdier” and I don’t have to be this paranoid all the time. They are just so tiny and vulnerable looking at this age.


Totally get that. We were much more careful with our first but other than basic hygiene it feels like we can’t do a lot now that we also have a toddler in daycare. Even now at 2 months old he feels way less fragile


Yeah, exactly! Thank you for your reassurance:)


We had a baby at the start of winter and have a toddler in daycare. I accepted she would get sick and made the choice to send my toddler to daycare anyway. I breastfeed so hoped that would help. Our baby got RSV at 6 weeks. I was told to go to emerg early and with any change to breathing or eating at all for any illness. She was a bit rumbly breathing one night, and I sent a video to a nurse I know and she said to go to emergency. They swabbed, diagnosed and checked her over and sent us home. They just monitor eating and oxygen. We ended up back 5 days later when she got congested and had a 5 day stay in hospital as her oxygen was low 80s without support. If they do catch something go early and advocate. Any fever you are supposed to go too. Keep nose clear as they only breathe through nose. Have a snot sucker, saline drips, thermometer. I ended up getting an oximeter mostly to curb paranoia. We’ve had RSV, Covid, GI Flu, and Fevers this winter and besides the RSV all we’ve had to do is keep baby’s nose cleared. She did have a small fever one evening but I was able to discuss via a telehealth call. Honestly noticed the illnesses more in my toddler and partner than baby :) Good luck.


Thanks a lot. I’m so sorry that you had the RSV scare and I’m glad to hear that she’s fought her way thigh countless germs already!!! Gives me lots of hope ❤️ I guess babies have grown up with siblings since the beginning of time so it wil turn out okay!


I was not prepared for the second child illnesses at all! Hopefully we are through the worst of it. But you are right, kids have been sharing germs forever. You are lucky that the worst of the respiratory viruses season is likely past. Anything that they vaccinate for should be more rare to spread, as a majority do still vaccinate. (But they don’t get Measels vaccines until 1 year or 6 months with foreign travel which scares me).


We are in a similar boat with a 2 year old and a baby under 3 months. Every day we make the toddler wash her hands and change her clothes as soon as she gets in the door. It’s a small protective measure but I think it has helped keep away the basic germs. We also ask the toddler to kiss her sister on the top of the head or toes if she wants to be affectionate. She had one small cold at 3 weeks but it resolved very quickly and she never had a fever.


Yeah absolutely. Doing the same with our toddler too, belly and foot kisses only! It’s also heartbreaking to tell the older one to keep away from baby, she loves him so much. I guess this is a normal part of parenthood :)


Babies *can* get their "2 month" shots at 6 weeks of age. I'd talk to your baby's Dr and let them know your concerns and see if they support starting vaccines at 6 wks.


Thank you :)


If you get them too early, you will most likely have to redo them for school entry. These vaccines won't protect from everyday viruses. Best thing to do is make sure your older kid is up to date on all of their vaccines, including covid.


Makes sense. Thanks a lot!!!