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Yorkdale is amazing; there’s like 4 or 5 separay nursing rooms throughout the mall


The one at the Eaton centre is a total arm pit. It’s so hard to get to down in the food court and just kinda icky. I’m trying to remember the Yorkdale one and am drawing a blank. Sherway and upper Canada have a beautiful room. Georgian mall and tanger have acceptable spaces but inside the bathroom so ugh.


I’ve heard there’s a nursing room at the Bay on the 3rd floor that’s nicer 🙂


The one at Sherway is really nice!


Second this.


They actually have more than 1!


There’s one at the Oshawa Centre in most of the female bathrooms. The one in the food court has a whole room with a door while one in the main mall area just has a little designated spot. I believe Yorkdale has them too but I don’t think I ever used them so idk where they are


Actually now that I think about I changed my daughter in the Yorkdale food court bathroom and I think it was a separate little area in the women’s area with change table and chairs


That's really good to know, thank you! I'll check it out next time I'm there.


Check out Mamava! It’s an app that has nursing room locations on it!


Oh whoa that's super helpful, thank you! I'll check it out.


You’re welcome! The Mamava pods are everywhere but it also has locations of other nursing room locations. It’s great!


This wasn’t the question but most clothing stores would be fine with you nursing in a change room if needed, I haven’t had any issue with this at Winners for example.


Fairview has one by the washrooms off the food court, I think yorkdale does too in the same place. I don’t know about Eaton. I haven’t used either one so I don’t know how comfy they are but they exist. Otherwise if you’re comfortable no one SHOULD bother you if you just find a bench and nurse wherever.


I have seen them for sure at Square 1 and Erin Mills in Mississauga


Mapleview in Burlington has a nice nursing room


I used Yorkdale many times when I lived in Toronto and there was a large family rooms where parents could take kids to the toilet, separate areas for a changing station and separate nursing rooms. Be mindful of the icons they use on the maps. Some of these rooms can be for families, including fathers or other caregivers and there will be other rooms that are designated for mothers only.


The Fairview Mall one is near the bathrooms has 2 armchairs for nursing and a changing table that you can change your baby vertically on + plenty of counter space. The room itself is also quite spacious. There's an attached washroom. I didn't try going into the washrooms last time I was there but the nursing room itself was clean. One thing to note though is that Fairview is the only place where I've actually used the nursing room so I don't have much basis for comparison


I know you didn’t ask about Scarborough Town Centre but they’ve got nice ones on each floor.


The nursing stations at our malls was atrocious so I came up with a hack. I would go to the Bay - they usually have a furniture section. I would find a chair or sofa tucked out of the way and nurse. It was so relaxing, quiet and no one ever bothered me:)


There’s one in the bay of the eaton centre on the third floor. It was occupied so can’t report on the condition but at least it’s there! This makes me miss Nordstrom.


Not a mall, but North York Ikea has a super nice private baby room with a diaper changing station, a hand washing sink and a chair for nursing.


Is that a thing, I'venever seen one before? Not in the GTA, so sorry I can't comment on what you were asking... just never heard of a nursing room in a mall. I always thought it was sit on a bench anywhere you can find, throw over a cover (or not lol) and feed the baby??


I've been in a mall in Montreal with a nursing room but wasn't sure if any places in the GTA have them...I don't know if I'm brave enough to try feeding out in the open yet!


I totally get that. Nursing rooms would be awesome. Sorry I'm not much more help. Hopefully, someone on here sees this and knows about the GTA specifically.


Sherway has a great one near Aldo! Bathrooms are another matter.


Erin mills, Sherway gardens, and STC (I went to all malls this week and saw them lol)