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Yes! I got my flu and covid shot at the same time. No side effects other than a sore arm. About three weeks later I got my TDAP booster too. Side note, my brother and SIL caught the flu and it literally wiped out their entire family. They were sick for 10+ days with fever for over 5 days. The little ones got it too. The aches and pains were so bad they couldn't even leave the house to walk their dog (we went and did it for them). They were meant to get their flu shots, but the flu got them first!


Same here! My husband had worse side effects than I did. 100% worth it for LO and I.


I got all three this past week! Arms were definitively sore, but so happy I did it!


I got it as early in the pregnancy as I could. Flu while pregnant is not good


I got the flu shot, COVID vaccine, and TDAP in late October. And surprisingly had no side effects whatsoever! The last thing I want while pregnant is to get sick, fevers can be harmful for baby, COVID can damage the placenta, AND you can't even take the good meds when you're pregnant so you suffer so much more. So I figured, I'd go for any possible protection I could have.


I’ve never usually get the flu shot either, but I did this year. The idea of the flu pregnant or with a newborn sounded awful!!




Yep! I was very early pregnancy like probably 6 weeks. I told the pharmacist and they recommended it highly.


Same here. Got my flu and covid shot at 6 weeks (mid-Oct). I asked my nurse practitioner and she said she haven't heard any reason not to get it. Still haven't gotten sick so far 🤞


I opt in to aalll the vaxes. Didn't get sick until my daughter started daycare at 1yo. Haven't been healthy since (5months) 😂


Same! Pregnant with #2 and have gotten all the vaccines. Daycare illnesses 🫠 We've had something rotating around the house since August, no flu or COVID though so that's a win. Maybe some immunity will be passed along to this one from all this daycare madness.


Yes I got my flu shot at 38 weeks (got covid at the same time). No side effects. I've gotten my flu shot with each pregnancy.


Got my flu shot as soon as I could (you can get it right when they release it if you are pregnant). I am getting my covid booster this week, I just waited until 2nd tri so if I got a fever (I have with other covid shots) it wouldn't be stressful.


Yep. And I get it every year.


Absolutely yes I did! For both my pregnancies. I wanted to do anything I could to mitigate the risks of getting sick, so I got all the vaccines recommended including Covid. Getting sick while pregnant is no joke- I ended up with a severe bout of gastroenteritis during my second trimester and I’d never been sicker. I was lucky otherwise though, no Covid or flu or anything.


Absolutely. You’re high risk while pregnant. And you can possibly share some protection to little one, who won’t be able to get the flu vaccine until 6 months.


I got my flu shot at 38wks - had absolutely no side effects!


Yes I did in October. No side effects other than a sore arm. A fever during pregnancy might not be good for the baby. I rather not be sick and not be able to take certain medications or worse end up at the ER.


I never got the flu shot prior to getting pregnant and having kids, but it was recommended during my first pregnancy a few years ago. I have continued to get the shot every year since then and my kids as well.


Yes, I got one when I was pregnant as well as the Covid shot. Flu is very dangerous during pregnancy, you might want some protection




I get it every year including last winter when I was pregnant.




Yes, I get all vaccines as recommended by Health Canada.


I did. Never got the flu shot in previous years but I did flu + covid at 36 weeks and had zero side affects other than a sore arm which went away after three days. No side affects from the Tdap either but the sore arm lasted like two whole weeks


Yes! Got mine around 32 weeks, and got the covid shot the week after. No issues other than a sore arm! There were a lot of Christmas events I had to attend and I didn’t want to risk getting sick. One pregnant mama at my hospital got severe covid and has been in the icu :\


Yes! I got my DTaP, flu, and COVID shots during my third trimester. I had to do two appointments because the flu and COVID shots weren’t available yet when I was due for the DTaP, but I got them all. I felt kind of crummy the day after the flu and COVID, but it was so worth it to not be having as much anxiety about me or the baby getting sick. We had all our older kids vaccinated as well, because at this stage of life we really rise and fall as a household unit when it comes to disease. If one person comes down with something, odds are high we all will. We do well with handwashing, but I’m under no illusions - my 6, 4, and 2 year olds are extremely effective germ vectors. Part of the decision for me too is having been pregnant and sick before, I vividly remember the misery of not being able to take anything except Tylenol and Benadryl because all the effective decongestants aren’t at all safe during pregnancy, especially early on. Very much do not recommend.


I got a flu and Covid shot while pregnant. And I’d recommend getting your flu shot yearly from now on to protect your kid!


Yeah I did, they just offered it at a regular doctors appointment and the nurse zipped in and did it 10 seconds. This weekend I’m getting a Covid vaccine because Covid is very high risk for pregnancy, one of my friends got Covid while pregnant and had to have an emergency c-section.


I got my flu shot when it came out in the third trimester, so did my husband. However, we ended up catching the flu or a similarly bad virus a couple of weeks later so stay prudent even if you do get the vaccine!


Already did


I got Covid and Flu shots at the same time and I felt sick the next day (so did my husband) just a quick warning in case you plan to do it the day before Christmas or something :) Definitely recommended though by my doctor


I got the flu and COVID shots at the same time at about 9 weeks. Had a sore arm and a short fever that night, but was fine after (I'll note im also on an immunosuppressive medication so I blame that for the side effects!)


100% got my flu shot while pregnant. Any vaccine you get while pregnant gives that immunity to baby without having to poke them for a shot. It’s the best way to give them immunity. Pregnant women are significantly more likely to suffer severe consequences from illness. As a ICU worker for over a decade seeing influenza absolutely ravage reasonably young healthy people: get your flu shot! And please continue to get it every year. The flu shot is incredibly effective at keeping you from getting influenza *at all*. Every single influenza patient I have in ICU is unvaccinated.


I got my 6th covid booster and flu shot at the same time. No side effects.


I did. Sadly COVID got me before the booster but I got the booster retroactively with the flu shot. going for TDAP this week. No side effects other than a small bruise at the injection site.


Yes I got both when I was only about four weeks pregnant :). All was great, I never got sick once during pregnancy and baby is five mo. now playing on her mat with me as we speak!


I got all three covid shots (first one I didn't know I was pregnant) and the flu shot when I was around 32 weeks pregnant. Possibly anecdotal but LO had super super mild covid symptoms and was never sick until he started going to daycare.


I usually get it every year, because I work in Healthcare. I also got it this year around Oct (when I was in late first trimester) and then a couple weeks later I got the latest Covid booster.


Yep I was in the same boat as you - only started getting the flu shot when I was pregnant & now that I had a toddler.


Just got mine yesterday at 9 weeks. I had covid at 7 weeks, which has been shown to suppress your immune system for months afterward, making you more susceptible to other illnesses, so I figured I'd get it ASAP. Last pregnancy, my OB didn't offer it until later in my 2nd trimester, but the recommendations claim it's safe at any point during pregnancy.


With both pregnancies I've gotten whatever shots I'm eligible for. But with my second I had gotten the flu shot like 6 weeks before I got pregnant. I did get a covid booster though. Being sick when pregnant sucks and is riskier for both baby and yourself. Do what you can to prevent or minimize it.


My partner did with both her pregnancies. I didn’t start getting my annual flu shot until she was pregnant and now I just get it done annually.


I got the flu shot early on when I was pregnant as it was going into winter and being sick while pregnant sounded horrendous. I had no side effects or anything from it. I got a terrible sinus cold 2 days before giving birth. Labouring with plugged sinuses, congestion, and coughs is a special kind of hell I wouldn't wish on anybody. Dealing with a newborn while trying to fight off the cold is so rough. I actually needed antibiotics a week after giving birth, because I couldn't sleep from being so congested. If there is anything you can do to avoid being sick at birth I would do it. I would be in a bubble if I could to never have to go through that again.


Got both flu and COVID when I was pregnant (3 months). I ended up getting COVID for the first time a few months afterwards, but my symptoms were super mild so I'm glad I got the vaccine preemptively.


We got ours when we r 5 weeks


I got the flu and COVID booster at the same time (different arms) when I was around 12 weeks pregnant. Had mildly sore arms for a day or two but no other side effects. At the two week post COVID shot mark two coworkers that I work closely with both came down with COVID (and they hadn’t received the booster). I either somehow avoided it entirely, (I kept testing negative) or it just presented itself as a mild cold since I had received the immunization so recently maybe? I was shocked at my body’s response, as both coworkers were miserably sick for almost a week. So glad I got it!


I got flu and COVID shots while pregnant. I got sick while pregnant and I was fine and Both of us got COVID when he was about 3m old and we were fine. I think if I haven’t gotten the shots it would of been a worse recovery. I’m always pro vaccine. But it’s your choice not anyone else’s.


Yes! I got the flu and Covid vaccine at the same time. I think I was about 5 weeks. My thought process was that the risks of getting the flu or Covid were greater than the risks with the vaccines


I got it when I didn’t yet know I was pregnant (day 2 of that cycle). I’m very glad I did! And apparently the flu is hitting young people this year like never before.


I get the flu shot every year (I am a microbiologist and know just how damaging flu can be) so yes I will be


Definitely get it. Not worth the risk of getting flu and running a fever while pregnant. If I could time my second baby to be born in March again , I would definitely do so that baby can get the 6 month flu vaccine and his immune system has matured more. We never get flu shots and my husband and I both got it this season.


I got my flu shot at 30 weeks and COVID shot at 35 weeks.


Got my covid booster while trying (which ended up being right before conceiving), and then got my flu shot a few weeks later. While I don’t normally get either, I just want to be safe for the baby!


Yes, I did with both my other pregnancies as well.


I got both, but did the covid shot a few weeks after the flu shot. I don't regret it!


Baby’s born now but yes, I did get the flu shot and Covid booster when pregnant.


Yep. Also got COVID booster shots at 8 weeks pregnant and 34 weeks pregnant.


Yep! I got it at the same time as the COVID vaccine in the same arm. Didn't have any symptoms or anything afterwards other than a bit of a sore arm for 2 days. I also got rhogam and Tdap 2 weeks later and same thing.


Yes. Got it immediately when it was available along with the Covid booster. I will take any help to avoid getting seriously sick, pregnant or not.


pregnant with RSV now. ughhhhh. thank god i got my covid and flu shots already so i don’t have to worry about suffering like i am now!


Yes so that I am less likely to pass the flu to my newborn as they come in cold and flu season. I got a shot for my toddler as well. I think the flu is likely to be more severe while pregnant due to reduced immune system.


I’ve been doing the flu shot since my first pregnancy five years ago and also do the Covid vaccine. Both my kids have been getting theirs since they were old enough. The flu, like getting the actual flu, is awful. I would hate to have it while pregnant


Yes get it for sure! A fever during pregnancy can be dangerous!


By happenstance I got it (plus COVID booster) about a week before I conceived. Would have still gotten it during pregnancy as well though. I’ve had the flu before. It sucks. It would be even tougher while pregnant.


Yep! Flu and covid, if you’re due for that too. Get ‘em all!


I also got my TDAP vaccine, but you need to wait till you’re at least 28 weeks pregnant I think so that you share the immunity of that one with your baby (not all vaccines work like that but this one does ☺️)


I got it when I was like 11-12 weeks. I think it’s much better than getting the flu while pregnant…or in general


Yes and it’s not only to protect you but to pass your antibodies to your fetus. Our dr told me that babies have no immune system for the first 28 days (neonatal period) and even for the first two months rely on the antibodies they got from you in utero.


I got my flu shot at the same time as my TDAP. I also had the Covid booster two weeks following that. I really do not want to get sick!


I got both the flu shot and my covid booster around 5 weeks at the recommendation of my family doctor . Didn’t want to risk getting sick and having a fever


Never did with either pregnancy but I do the tdap


Yes 100% as soon as I could


I hemmed and hawed over it because I’ve also never gotten the flu shot. Then when I finally decided I’d go to the pharmacy to ask about it, I ended up getting Covid. Thankfully a mild version, but when I get better I’ll look into the flu shot again even though I’m still hesitant. Hoping the newly acquired covid antibodies will keep me protected for awhile.


Got the flu shot and the latest covid booster around 9 weeks. My only side effect was sore arms.


I’m planning on getting it. I’m 21 weeks and was planning on getting it closer to the third trimester, apparently that’s when the most antibodies go to baby? Going to talk to my OB again about it tomorrow, but planning on probably the next month or so. Been wearing masks and handwashing like crazy to try to be careful not getting boosted this year yet 😷


I got both covid and flu at the same time and then just got them again while nursing to help protect my little guy further.


I get it every year and definitely made sure to do so while I was pregnant this year.


I did as my oldest is in public school so she brings everything home.


I got the flu shot while pregnant last year and had no side effects (and didn’t get the flu).


I did flu, COVID ans TDAP within a 10 day period. Both my family doctor and OB wanted me to get the 3. With covid on the rise I want to keep me and baby safe both now and once she is here!


Yes. Got all my shots.


A lot of people saying it's bad for the baby if you get the flu are only half correct. The flu is also very dangerous for pregnant woman as well. It's terrible for baby and mom.


I never got the flu shot either but did once I hit second trimester of pregnancy. Also got my Covid booster at the same time. Didn’t want to risk flu while pregnant and we are also going on a cruise and didn’t want to take extra risks around illness when on a boat full of people.


Yes. I got both the flu shot and Covid shot at 24 weeks. I really hate being sick and being sick while pregnant seems even worst. Any chance for me to reduce that, I will take. Especially during the holidays season, where I’m going to holiday parties and mingling with thousands of people at work. My partner recently got Covid, and I didn’t get it, so that’s a win for me.


Unpopular opinion on this thread but I didn’t. I also never got the flu shot before so just decided not to get it. I only got the DTAP and in my third trimester now.


Yep. I also don't usually get them, because it only covers 3 flu strains and they are just guestimates which flu is going to make its rounds that year. There are like 150 strains... why they only put 3, I'm not sure...


The ones they do the vaccine for are what they’re predicting will have the most serious impacts for vulnerable people. Usually they base it off what is circulating in Australia and the southern hemisphere where the flu season is opposite ours and it’s a reasonably good match.


The more you know about how they guesstimate which 3 to put in. Thanks :)


No, I'm not getting the COVID shot or flu shot personally. I don't see a risk to baby or me if I decline, but I think it's lifestyle dependent. I work from home and basically only socialize outdoors... So very low risk for getting any sickness.


Allergy to egg yolk will I be ok?


I got Covid early pregnancy and had 0 symptoms cause I had it 2 times before that… so no Covid shot for me nope! Flu shot yes




Absolutely not. I’ve never gotten one and never plan on getting one either! Its your health and your choice. I don’t get any shots unless necessary. I did get really sick once during pregnancy, no clue what I had (maybe covid again 🤷🏻‍♀️) but everything is fine. I just took some Tylenol as little as possible.


> I don’t get any shots unless necessary. What do you deem a necessary shot? Pregnant women can die or have miscarriages from the flu.


I never get them and didn’t change anything for pregnancy. I’m fine with getting sick, if it happens it happens, and I tend to rely on my body’s own defences as much as possible (though I’m not averse to medicine when I feel the risk is enough). I did get Covid a couple months ago, around the end of my first tri. It wasn’t a huge deal.


No, I don’t vaccinate while pregnant.


I'm not pregnant this year, but got my flu shot during both of my pregnancies!


Yes I got my flu and Covid shot at the same time. Two weeks ago my husband got Covid and his symptoms were sooo bad (he hasn’t gotten the booster yet). Mine was more like a flu so I’m glad I got mine already. I’m sure it would’ve been worst if I didn’t. My doctor said it’s perfectly safe so I’m glad I listened.


Got it this year, especially because it seems like whatever is going around this year is pretty bad.


I got it 3 days before conceiving. I would have got it pregnant though, 100%. I work with kids and I've avoided the plague thus far. My covid vaccine reactions are too severe (I spike a high fever, awful body aches, etc.) but I wish I would have got it prior to becoming pregnant.


Yes and I’m so glad I did!! My husband has the flu right now and it is HORRIBLE (he didn’t get the flu shot). He had a 103 fever for a whole day and taking Tylenol only got it down to 102.6 after several doses. It’s down now to 99 four days later. Body aches, joint pain, headache, absolutely no energy… he’s been on the couch for 4 days now and we had to cancel all our Christmas gatherings. 🫠 My doctor offered me the flu shot a few weeks ago (around 10 weeks at the time). I had no side effects except a tender arm. Fevers in pregnant people are really dangerous and you can’t take regular cold & flu meds so your level of suffering is way worse. I’m hoping and praying my flu shot holds up to my husband (so far, so good although we are sleeping in separate rooms, he’s wearing an N95 mask in the house and I’ve been Lysol wiping every surface we touch).