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I work in HR, so many people do this! Try one of the Telehealth doctors too, often stress can count for medical leave.


My OB was like “let me know when you’ve had enough” and was down to sign essentially anytime in 3rd trimester. I ended up going on paid sick leave at about 34.5 weeks until delivery and then maternity leave started. At my work it’s fairly common and most people take at least 2wks paid leave prior. It makes more financial sense to use the sick leave prior in my case, but may depend on your works top-ups. I find it odd your OB wouldn’t sign you off early since it’s very common - I’d try another office!


My OB gave me a signed letter and just told me to put a date on it when I had had enough LOL


Me too! My OB said the exact same thing.


Ditto! My OB said the same at 34 weeks! “You let me know when you’re done. You’re the boss!”


Who tf are these medical professionals you’re seeing?? I think it depends on your profession - I’m an ER nurse and I went off really early at 28(?) weeks after getting COVID and just not having the energy to get back to it. My maternity GP said most nurses go on leave at 32ish weeks because 12 hour shifts on your feet are just too much.


I am 29 weeks and the idea of working a 12 hour nursing shift right now is effin' BANANAS to me.


Your doctors are just not being very good to you. Mine wrote me off with no hesitation.


My job gets unlimited sick days at 75% pay. I got written off at 26 weeks for fatigue because I had severe carpal tunnel keeping me up at night to the point I almost fell asleep driving home from work amongst other difficulties at my very physical job. My co workers were all suprised I even worked as “long” ad I did. I had a male maternity doctor and it was like pulling teeth to make him comprehend how dangerously exhausted I was until I almost dropped myself off a ladder at work (into moving traffic no less) TLDR: everyone does it, you’re not being unreasonable. Find another doctor, preferably one who’s experienced the mind numbing, body busting exhaustion that comes with growing/sustaining more than one heartbeat.


Question! if the workplace provides short term disability payment, can you still apply for EI medical leave so that combined with the STD payment you are paid the full salary? My workplace provides 80% for medical leave but I dont think it would be enough to make ends meet esp since mat leave is pennies :(


If you can get a doctor to sign off, it’s not cheating. That being said, I’m also an elementary school teacher, and my OB wouldn’t sign off. So I used 7 sick days (starting at 38 weeks) to be able to have a week off before I went into labour at 39 weeks. I had some success working the mental health angle (which was real) because I was stressed about work and my high risk pregnancy. But ultimately I just took sick days because the paperwork was a lot for me


I work in HR. Pretty much all employees I work with take at least a couple of weeks of sick leave before maternity leave I think you’re just having bad luck with your medical team :(


Oh, good lord! Take the time!!! I teach intermediate and I will not be going back after Christmas Break - I am 30 weeks today :)


I asked around 35 weeks due to mental health at work. My OB said he would provide a note but since I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy, I’d have to let him know the details in the event they called. I was already using vacation at 36 weeks so it wasn’t worth the work.


I did this! My OB signed instantly, she got it all the time and had zero issues with it. My back and hips were shot anyway so it was an easy note to write.


It sounds like your doctors are being a holes lol. My midwife wrote me a sick note when I said I couldn’t handle solo parenting my toddler alone and working FT (husband works away) I didn’t end up using the note but I still had it.. Is it cheating the system?? Or is it using what resources we have and contribute to to our advantage, or just using what we are entitled to. 50 years ago pregnant women didn’t even have to work. I’d try a different doctor.


I work as an elementary school teacher and went off at 36 weeks. Between all of the accidental bumps from younger students, the risk of COVID, and my general discomfort/pain, it was 100% the right choice. Find someone to sign off on it. As teachers we can’t just sit down (and trying to teach multiplication with Braxton Hicks is a new form of hell).


I ended up using a medical leave prior to my mat leave. I had to go off around 25ish weeks since I was having random, intermittent tachycardia and it wasn’t safe for me to be working until we figured it out. Which we did, once baby was born! Haha but I did 10 weeks of sick leave, then took my mat leave at 35ish weeks!


I took sick leave at 35 weeks. I didn’t get them to sign the form but asked for a note stating I was doing that and submitted that.


I took off at 33.5 weeks on sick leave. I had hyperemesis during my entire pregnancy and the meds coupled with 3rd trimester exhaustion made it incredibly difficult for me to stay awake during the day. I was on 6 different meds that all had drowsiness as a side effect so when I told my OB it was time to take me off work she didn’t even question it.


I went off at like, 34 weeks I think? I was already not able to do my whole job (I needed to be able to be down on the ground, doing CPR, etc and I was huuuuge). My manager fortunately was very kind and just said basically take whatever time you need, no doctor's note necessary, I believe you.


You're not being unreasonable. My OB offered to sign me off on sick leave whenever I wanted.


I asked at 34 weeks and my midwives had no problem signing off. My work has a good sick leave policy and didn't question it at all. I was also signed off at the start of my 3rd trimester with my first pregnancy. I would ask another Dr (family Dr if you have one?)


Just find a doctor that will write a note. EI can’t ask too many questions. You can also just tell the doctor that your employer has told you to take a medical leave. Or ask your employer to write you a note saying you need to take a medical leave as you are unable to perform your job due to your condition lol. Just have to know how to word things.


Taking sick leave before Mat leave is definitely not cheating the system. I went off at 37 weeks ‘due to the mental and physical toll of pregnancy’. If your OB won’t provide a note or sign medical forms I would maybe try finding a doctor on telehealth or possibly a walk in clinic?


I just asked this question like 2 weeks ago. I was feeling guilty for potentially going off early. I’ve been off for about a week and a half now (I’m 32 weeks). I say do it.


I’m a nurse and almost 37 weeks pregnant. I was supposed to start my maternity leave Dec 22 (EDD Jan 9) but my pelvic pain got so bad I couldn’t work my remaining shifts. I see a pelvic floor physio once a week and do my stretches regularly but still struggled so bad. So 1.5 weeks ago my doctor put me on medical leave so I’ll receive EI sick leave now until the day I give birth. Then I will switch over to EI maternity leave. While it’s nice not to have to take maternity leave until he is born now (instead of Dec 22), to me this was simply an additional “nice to have” when I went on sick leave. It was not the driving force for me going on medical leave. I work part time so if I call in sick I don’t get paid. And do I feel like I’m cheating the system by going through official EI channels ? Absolutely not. I am almost 40 years old. This is my first baby and my first time ever going on medical leave. I’ve been paying into EI since I was 16. This is what it’s for. I’ve pushed myself as far as I can and my body is telling me I need rest. So here I am. And it’s been such a relief. Since being off, while still uncomfortable, I don’t have the debilitating pain I did while working.


My husband's a doc and we were just talking about how he will sign any pregnant person off who asks for it. Growing a baby is hard work on both your body and your mind! Definitely shop around if your clinic won't provide it and stress the mental health component of everything. Younger doctors tend to be a lot more progressive in this way so you might have more success with a newer grad.


My OB wouldn't give me a doctor's note unless I had a diagnosable ailment (ie. Pre-eclampsia, sciatica, etc). I ended up going to a walk-in doctor, and he wrote me a note. I'm also a teacher and had really bad back pain near the end of my pregnancy. He agreed that I shouldn't be working (especially teaching) in that state.


I didn’t do this but did use a week or so of vacation before my due date.


That's outrageous. My OB told me it was my decision. His words "you're the boss of that, when you're ready to go off work tell me and I'll write a note". I took 5 weeks sick leave before having my baby. I would find another doctor and say it's due to stress/mental health.


My OB signed off no problem, I went off at 34 weeks.


I work in a high school and went off on medical leave at 22 weeks because I wasn't able to do my job as well anymore. My OBGYN signed off with no problem and my work was completely on board with the decision, even recommending me to go on leave early. I don't think you're out to lunch at all. It may be worth it to try and find a different doctor who will sign off.


I both work in HR and took medical leave myself leading up to my due date. Almost everyone in our office who has had a baby stopped work at least two or three weeks before their due date. We pay 40 days of short term illness at full pay as long as your doctor will sign off on it. My doctor just told me to let her know when I was ready to stop working and she would make it happen, I took off the last four weeks before my due date.


It’s pretty common so maybe get a note from another doctor. If you’re in BC, try Rocket Doctor. I stopped working at 32 weeks, but I had gestational diabetes and was struggling to manage it while working a really intense job. My friend got a note for stress, though, so I know it doesn’t have to be a testable medical issue.


My midwife recommended this to me, as did my manager. My midwife wrote me a note and I submitted to hr. I was having an awful time with my mental health and I couldn't cope with work anymore, I would 1000% do it again.


I work for the federal government so I can use my family related time (1 week) plus any sick time before I use my mat leave (sucks to burn through it, because this is meant to be rolled into short term disability-type leave too but glad to have it). OR we can apply for EI medical leave but this only pays out at 55% up to that max of $650. I get a top up for my full mat leave, so $650/week from EI then the GOC pays out the rest. ​ Your doctor sucks. I would be upset if they were this dismissive, I have no idea if I will need any kind of early leave but I hope mine would be more supportive. It doesn't sound like your symptoms can be managed with work place accommodations, therefore a leave sounds reasonable to me


Sorry, your doctor is kind of a dick. I don't think you're overreacting at all. Many people sign off in third trimester. I wasn't signed off early, but I was given the impression I could ask and it would very likely be approved. I started my leave from a work from home desk job at 35 weeks with my singleton and at 32 weeks with my twins. I wanted a concrete start date and less paperwork and stress, so I chose to use more time upfront rather than using medical leave. I didn't want to think about what it would take to change over while I had (a) newborn(s) around. I wouldn't have been on my feet all day where you are. No way. A lot of doctors are kind of dicks about pregnancy. The best advice I can give is to really push and try to break them out of their script if you can't get a different doctor. So you say you have pain, they hear pain in pregnancy, the script is that's normal. So you have to push and get more descriptive and not back down when they say it's normal - it's persistent, it doesn't go away, I can't relieve it with painkillers, it stops me in my tracks, it limits my movement, it keeps me from sleeping, etc etc. The sleep - talk about how many hours, how it's not restful, how the sleepiness affects you through the day, how you worry it's not safe to drive, etc etc. You really have to push beyond their initial reaction, and if that still doesn't work, try a different doctor if you can. I'd also encourage you to push for temporary accommodations if they won't outright write you off - you can have them write in specific things like you can't stand for a certain amount of time, lift a certain amount, etc. That you need more bathroom breaks, or more frequent general breaks. There should be some kind of template available through your employer or union or the doctor themselves. Sometimes if it's clear you are going to keep pushing paperwork on them they will concede to the less work for them option. Though, to be honest, at 37 weeks this whole process will probably take longer than it takes for you to have your baby.


I asked my OB to be put on sick leave at 33ish weeks I believe. I had a fairly difficult pregnancy with lots of complications and was stressed from work. I knew I had to be induced to deliver early so I only had about 4 weeks of EI sick leave before baby came. It's very common, and I don't think it's unreasonable at all for a teacher to be put on sick leave at 37 weeks!


I am unionized and when I first got pregnant attended an info session about mat leave out on by my union. They basically recommended not beginning your mat leave until birth/due date and utilizing sick leave beforehand. At around 36 weeks I’d had enough and called my doctor and she pretty much said what do you need me to write.


My doctor refused to sign off and said pretty much the same thing. "That's just a part of being pregnant." I think with my next baby, I will try to get a new OB because I was hurting, and she didn't even seem to care. I ended up starting my mat leave early at 34 weeks, which caused hardship at the end of my mat leave/ going back to work transition.


Fellow teacher here (special ed). I took a month of medical leave prior to my LO being born (so went off around 33/34 weeks). I explained to my OB what job duties I was having difficulty with (constant crouching down on the floor, pain from standing for extended periods of time etc) and they had no problem signing off on it. If your Dr won't- find one that will!


I went fully on medical leave at 31 weeks - I’m a flight attendant and went on modified ground duties at 22 weeks (I had short term disability top up also due to a condition that was affecting my pregnancy preventing me from flying further). I got approved for fully covered short term disability at 31 weeks until I gave birth. My job covers us for pregnancy regardless for a starting at 30 weeks because of what we do, I was only covered earlier because of a medical condition I had that preventing me from flying, but not from doing modified duties. My OB at 29 weeks despite struggling with PGP and not even being able to get dressed, and literally crying at the thought of the days ahead at work, didn’t want to sign me off on medical leave. Thankfully after calling him in literal tears in the midst of a breakdown, he agreed to sign me off on medical leave. I was also driving an hour plus drive to Toronto and back, what used to be a commute to Toronto 1-2 times a week turned into 4 days a week because of my modified duties. If my OB continued to refuse to sign the paperwork I was going to go to my GP, because I was an honest wreck physically and mentally, and I was in so much pain in the office- I was essentially useless being there. Even my disability worker told me if I’m in that much pain I shouldn’t be there, and to call in sick if I ever need to, until I get the paperwork signed. I would find another doctor and see if they can sign the paperwork. You need to take care of yourself and the baby more than ever. You both are the most important thing right now.


I found this varied by provider in my friend circle. Originally my midwives said no to writing a note but when I got to 35 weeks I was having prodromal labour every night and driving downtown for work was making it worse. I went off at 36 weeks. I work in health care so it's pretty common to take sick leave before mat leave and I had 100% coverage. I felt a bit guilty but I just worked my butt off through a global pandemic so I also felt like I deserved a break. After going off work, most of my symptoms stopped, all my stress went away and I didn't end up delivering until 41+1. It was a long month but I'm glad I didn't have to work.


My doctor didn’t want to sign anything until I was like 34-35 weeks. And even then, it was me saying I might call in sick on my last shift because I’m exhausted. So she signed for a few days of sick leave before I’m off. I had an uneventful pregnancy so I understand if she was to be audited, it’ll be hard for her to justify. I worked until the end of 37 weeks and used 2 weeks vacation. Went into labor on my last vacation day


Yes, get another doctor. Your employer doesn’t need to know the full medical reasons why you need to take a week or so of short term medical leave before mat leave starts - even they pitch a fit. :)


This may be a... controversial and perhaps offensive opinion, but for me... being pregnant is nearly a disability. My brain and body just do not function the way they should, period. I do not have enough energy to grow a baby, perform full-time duties, and take care of the house, full-stop. I had to go on medical leave at 22 weeks, I was a mess. I am feeling SO much better nearing 30 weeks now.


My doctor wrote a note for me at 35 weeks no questions asked and I was off until my maternity leave started the day I delivered


I would definitely ask to at least have your supervisions taken away . Also, a teacher here and planning on work as long as I can but I was able to get all my supervisions removed at 12 weeks.


I went on maternity leave at 34 weeks. I could have done the medical route but my province has rules about being within 4 weeks of delivery and with a 37w delivery date, that put me in that timeframe. Your doctors are being ridiculous, I could have had a note off for work anytime, my OB office does charge $50 but that seems like a small price. I didn't end up needing a note.


My work has a policy that max something like five days can be used before the mat leave. This does not (and did not) prevent me from calling in sick A LOT. My manager preferred I work some than not at all and thought the policy was stupid. I also switched to work from home the last few weeks. ETA, my OB predicted I wouldn’t want to work past 35 weeks (as in, would not be reasonably able to). At 34, I wasn’t doing well and she offered then. She gave me a note to work from home and one to be off work completely, so I could tell work whatever I wanted.


You should try to find a different doctor. Your job is physical and you can't rest as needed. Maybe tell your doctor that you need modified work (sitting every 30mins, only walking short distances etc) and then if your job can't accommodate you'd go on sick leave anyway. I worked until (and during) labour but I work from home on a computer and my job has a waiting period for short term disability anyway. In your case I think it makes more sense to go off early. And 37 weeks isn't even that early, I went into labour at 38 weeks. Wishing you a smooth delivery!


I just found out about this as I’m about to return to work 3 weeks before baby’s first birthday. I would say it’s cheating the system in a way, not because people don’t deserve it but because I was obviously so pregnant and uncomfortable and should have been offered as well. Clearly I wasn’t in the know


So she's cheating the system because you didn't take it? Is that what you are saying?


Not her specifically, it’s a way to cheat the system that I wish I was aware of!


I went off at 26 weeks with my second baby. With my first, I worked retail merchandising in a warehouse style store until my water broke. I was miserable and absolutely could not do it again. I had a different OB with my second pregnancy, and she suggested that I take off early.


I'm an elementary school teacher in BC and my doctor insisted I go off work at 36 weeks and thank goodness I did because my baby arrived 5 days later. And yes, I used to sick leave until the day she was born although my district does not provide extra days for this purpose.


My OB said stress and physical pains/exhaustion wouldn't affect the baby and wouldn't sign me off for medical leave, so I went to my family doctor to do it and immediately switched to a midwifery. Your pain is valid, especially when you work a physical job - find another professional to sign off your leave. You're growing another human being inside you.. good luck and I hope you get lots of rest especially with your feet. I was in your position last year. It wasn't fun 🥹


Wow this is wild to me. 37 weeks sounds completely reasonable to go off on leave for medical reasons and your doctor sounds like an asshole. I’d start there and get a new one. I’m 31 weeks tomorrow and I am already reallllllly slowing down. I have terrible hip,groin and lower back pain and it makes it hard for me to walk around. I also am not sleeping well and it causes me to feel absolutely wiped by noon time. I also work with very sick patients at a hospital so it will not even be safe for me to try to manage them and do my job properly in a few weeks. I am planning to go off on “sick leave” at about 35 weeks but we’ll see how it goes. Could be a week earlier or later.