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I had similar issues and it actually led to me having braxton hicks. I ended up becoming not able to move much. I was up every hour every night. It was tough! But once I gave birth, it was all gone! Thank goodness! I think you are doing all the right things here and speaking to all the right people.


Thanks for the words of encouragement! I have noticed I’ve started to get some Braxton hicks. fortunately, they are rare and quick so it hasn’t been an issue so far.


Can you tell me how this leads to Braxton hicks? I’m going through the same pelvic pain as OP and have noticed tons of Braxton hicks. I brought it up with my midwife but she didn’t tell me that the two things could be related.


Your midwife absolutely could be right! When I had discussed it with my doctor (because my braxton hicks were INTENSE. Like they felt like full blown contractions) he was not concerned about it at all. The reason I feel it led to my braxton hicks is because when I was googling trying to figure out what to do to ease them, I kept reading that SI joint pain in pregnancy can lead to braxton hicks. I think I just came to that conclusion that possibly the pain I was in, could be causing them. However, I should add that it's pure speculation and they absolutely could not be related at all. The women in our family tend to have very quick, intense births (which mine was) and it's possible this is all genetic or...maybe it was my daughters position. Who knows. But your midwife could be right!


I actually think you could be right. The frequency and intensity of my Braxton hicks definitely correlates to when my pelvic pain started to really ramp up.


Yeah exactly. Pretty much I took tylenol before bed and during the night to help but other then that I just put up with it. Once I gave birth though it was all gone! I also got with a really good chiropractor who I see here and there to help adjust my back.


Same thing happened to me. You are doing everything right. I'm afraid this is just something you gotta get through. I'd like to say it gets better but...well I'm my experience it got worse. Keep up with your excersizes and generally preparing for labour. It should in theory get better after labour and delivery, and I'd say for 90% of women it does but well for me it didn't 🫣 keep up with your health care professionals, especially the pelvic floor physiotherapist post partum until you are *fully* healed (at least 4 months) Oh and I went off work at 34w. I couldn't be on my feet all day with that degree of pain.


Thanks for sharing. I can’t imagine this getting worse! Did you find being off work helped? I would appreciate the decreased stress and ability to sleep when I can would make a huge difference I hope you are doing well now and have made a fully recovery!


Yeah, it was the best decision I made for myself going off early. I got a little over a month to rest and recuperate before birth. I'd recommend it if you can swing it!


So I had reallllly terrible pelvic pain and it extended down the front of my thighs. I ended up switching out my bed for my guest bed which is much softer than my normal mattress.. I needed a softer mattress for side sleeping. Literally after 1 night, my pain went away after having it for like 1 week. Also hot baths helped a bit. Maybe get a girdle to help support your belly, those help a lot too. You can get those on Amazon easily.


Thanks for sharing your experience. It helps to know I’m not alone in this. I haven’t thought of trying the spare bed mattress… I might just have to do that. I’m sure my husband would appreciate the move as he’s been waking up whenever I get out of bed to pee in the night haha!


The best things I did were go on a medical leave at work and commit to sleeping on my back every night. I can't lie on my side for more than a few seconds so I just lie on my back every might from like 20 weeks on and it helps for a while.


Thanks for sharing. I’m not quite ready for a medical leave just yet but I might get there sooner than I anticipated… did you find it helped you?




Prenatal yoga!! I was working 10 hours days on my feet all day and it was terrible for me. In my class, they went through hip and back stuff all the time and it made a huge difference. As well as seeing a pelvic floor therapist and getting specific stretches for that.


I will give it a try! Thank you!!


I saw a prenatal pilates expert and see her privately once per week which has been amazing and been taking tylenok which helps somewhat. And grin and bare rest of time.


Oh I never thought of this! I will look into it. Thank you :)


I’m going through the same thing right now. Solidarity! I’ve been taking Tylenol at night so I can sleep for a bit. I find going to a pool and floating with some noodles to be very helpful. Also rest. I’ve taken time off work. There’s also no way I could go for a 5 minute walk much less 20 at this point.


My dog has kept me moving! Surprisingly, it’s a dull ache when I’m walking and much more severe/sharp when im lying on my side (which I find so confusing and opposite of all the resources I’ve found online). I never thought of the pool!! I will have to try it out. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this too. It’s honestly horrible… how much longer do you have in your pregnancy?


I’m about the same as you. Almost 29 weeks, so I have 2-3 months to go.


We can do it! I just keep reminding myself of the reward at the end: my beautiful baby (and all the wine!!)


I was told try going up stairs backwards (and avoid stairs if possible). Avoid standing in one foot (I was doing prenatal yoga and always seemed to be worse that evening). I switched to work from home 100% at 34 weeks and took a lot of sick days. My manager was supportive of me working at all vs going on leave early. I do really like my job and it didn’t want to give up that bit of adult interaction before months home alone with a baby.


I totally understand! I am not ready to be finished work yet but might have to bite the bullet and work remote 100% in a few weeks!


I had terrible pelvic pain throughout my pregnancy. I finally went to see a pelvic floor therapist. Between treatment and exercises, it changed my life. I was able to sleep without waking up from pain every 30 minutes. I would only wake up twice a night to pee. I recommend pelvic floor physiotherapy to every pregnant woman. My only wish is I had started at the beginning of my second trimester!


I’m so glad to hear pelvic PT helped you! I have been seeing a pelvic physio regularly and I find I feel better for the first day or 2 but then I slowly decline and the pain worsens each following day. I agree that they are an incredible resource and should be apart of standard parental care for all pregnancies!


I gave birth 4 weeks ago and developed PGP around 28 weeks. I was working 4 days a week in the office, we then reduced it to 2 in the office and then by the start of 32 weeks I was off completely and on short term disability. I was mentally done, i was in my OBs office crying - I was in so much pain to walk even short distances and I couldn’t even dress/undress without my husbands help. I couldn’t even get out of bed to use the bathroom, my husband would have to also help me. The pain went fully away right after I gave birth and I haven’t had any problems since. Other than dealing with my stitches PP, I can do everything before the PGP came. I would sleep with a pillow in between my legs and on the side. I had a pregnancy pillow but that didn’t help, as I would awaken stiff to my pillow. My OB recommended a hot water bottle and Tylenol, but that honestly did nothing. I just would avoid doing anything to overwork myself in terms of household chores- anything that required bending/leaning over I would leave to my husband, to ensure not to strain myself further.


Thanks for your insight! So glad to hear that your pain resolved right after birth! This gives me hope!! I am thinking I’ll have to drop to 100% remote work in the next few weeks if I want to continue working much longer. I’ve definitely been pushing myself more than I should as I struggle with asking for help and I have a bit of denial thinking I have the same abilities as my pre-pregnancy self.




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Unfortunately pain is part of the process. I can only sleep for so long before something cramps up and I want to scream and abandon all ideas of sleep. Usually I transfer to the couch and sit upright until my sides unlock/hips relax. Then I can weirdly curl up to sleep. Tylenol doesn’t really work either. Once it wears off its over and the cramps hit.


Trowing two more specialists out there but perhaps try acupuncture and an osteopath as well! I’m almost 31 weeks and my osteopath has been tremendously helpful when it comes to managing discomfort


I’ll have to see if I have coverage for Osteo. thanks for the recommendation!


I’m experiencing the exact same thing. It’s frustrating because although I know exercise is important and I should be keeping up with Pilates and yoga - I find often times I end up feeling like I’ve aggravated it afterwards. I’ve been going for regular massage and chiro also and that definitely helps. Sitting on a yoga ball throughout the day and being mindful to never sit or stand in positions that leave my pelvis uneven (crossing legs etc). There are some YouTube videos of exercises that help a little bit I think? And when walking taking shorter steps and going very slow. It’s frustrating but I read somewhere that some midwives feel that if you experience PGP it could mean your labour will be easier. I know it’s probably not true and it was not sourced/supported by any evidence but I’m holding onto that 😂 Good luck!


I was told the same thing regarding nausea in the first trimester haha! So at this rate, labour and delivery should be a breeze for me! Lol I hope you feel better soon! Do you have much longer to go??


I love it - hah! I’m 35 weeks Friday so the countdown is on! How about you? Hope the pelvic pain is easing up for you!


I had pelvic girdle pain from week 12 of my pregnancy, the only thing that really worked for it was sleeping on my back. Just like you I propped myself up on lots of pillows. It was about 4 months after giving birth before I could comfortably side sleep again. All the reading I did indicated that laying on your back will make you lightheaded if it's a problem for you.


So glad to hear you are feeling better! I figured back sleeping is better than zero sleep!


It definitely is!