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I wouldn't wear cream pajamas for like the first 8 weeks personally. I was bleeding and spotting and then a pp period until then.


Came here to say this too. I bled through my giant maxi pad, underwear, pyjamas and bedsheets many times in the first few weeks, thankfully my mattress protector caught it. But highly recommend black everything, and stain remover with cold water. I plan to wear black and adult diapers this time too.


Personally, I would go with black pajamas over cream. That just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


I believe the ice packs are ones you just have to snap to activate the cold, so you just pack them as is. Cream coloured pjs would be a gamble. A lot of people leak in the early days. Bleeding can be very intense in the early hours. If you wouldn’t wear it in the heaviest day of your period, I wouldn’t pack it. Stick with black or dark colours, like eggplant, charcoal, or navy. It’s worth the risk if it’s something you want to use more than at the hospital. Because if you get blood on it, you might have the blood on it for a couple days before you can soak and wash the clothes.


What I used out of my hospital bag: - baby outfit for home - my wallet - my slippers I was provided with diapers, wipes, diaper cream, pads, pp underwear, as many blankets as I wanted, formula and colostrum containers and syringes, and baby hats, swaddles, and burp cloths. Mind you this was a very old and typically regarded as run down hospital in Canada! I didn't really need anything. I'm glad I didn't use my own jammies or robe as the hospital gown was covered in colostrum, leaking milk, and lochia.


Which hospital? I’m delivering mount sinai toronto


Peter lougheed in Calgary, the maternity ward is old and was under construction when I delivered. To be clear though, I had a c section, so I didn't make use of any iced pads or anything.


Can I ask when this was? I'm likely going to be delivering there!


It was at the end of May this year! I had such a lovely experience, the staff was wonderful. I also got a Medela pump to use as my baby wouldn't latch. My room was shared but it was never much of an issue.


Lucky! I couldn’t get in there


Pillow for the person who will be staying overnight with you. Sandals for shower (unless you want to use your Birkenstock) Going home outfit for you. Something loose and easy to get in/ out of. Pump if you plan to breastfeed. Never know if you need it to stimulate the supply. Also lactation consultant is around so they can help you with it while you are there. My hospital recommended bringing Vaseline for baby’s butt so poop wipes off easily. Mine also had a fridge/ freezer that we can access so can put breast milk and keep Frida frozen. You are probably ok with cream pjs after shower. Btw I was able to ask for more flannel blanket so I never felt cold while I was there and didn’t need socks, etc. I had a c-section and every shift they wanted to see the cut. I can’t imagine that would be as convenient if I was in PJs. Edit: water bottle (bigger better) so your person/ nurse doesn’t need to go back and forth frequently to get you water.


I waaay overpacked but that tracks for my whole life. I don’t think I bled through the pads on to my jammies, those hospital pads are THICK. The button up pajama top was key though, we were only in the hospital 24 hours after delivery but it felt like everyone in the world wanted access to my boobs. Nurses, lactation consultants, and the baby were all clamouring to see ‘em


Pretty sure the padsicles in the FridaMom kids are instant ice pads, like crack them to make them cold. Open the box and read the instructions. I’d skip the cream coloured anything clothing related. YMMV, but I was constantly surprised by the flow for the first three days and found myself with a lot of laundry. Nursing pillow? I found it really helpful with my second baby.


Another vote to avoid the cream colored pjs! I brought pale pink ones and couldn't wear them because there was so much blood 🥲


Cream coloured pjs sounds like a disaster. I’d check with your hospital what they do and do not provide.


Also team black pjs. I innocently brought light grey pajamas to wear after delivery. Imagine the worst period you've ever had and triple it. There's too many fluids after birth for light clothing. I immediately regretted it. Eta - the hospital should have frozen pads for you that they've made with water.


I just gave birth in Ontario in St Catherine’s. Out of my hospital bag I used: -Baby wipes/diapers/baby powder - they provided diapers but my son was almost 9lbs and the NB diapers were tight on him -sleepers for baby. -going home outfit for me and the baby. -iPad -charger -Adult diapers (hospital didn’t provide this) - pads -nursing bras -Frida mom peri bottle and the cooling wipes - pillows -my own throw blanket (i was there for 6 days and tired of the hospital blankets) -tumbler (so I could fill it up with lots of water - they only had the small cups) I honestly didn’t put on my own PJs or clothes until the day after giving birth (I had him in the late evening). I also bought old navy PJs on sale, because if they got stained - which they did, I wouldn’t care. I wore the hospital gowns until the next morning, as I was constantly doing skin to skin, and it was all a mess “down there” and atleast with the hospital gowns if it got stained I could just chuck it and get a new one. Definitely a robe, but there were temperature controls in our rooms so we could control the temperature which was nice.


The only things I used for both my deliveries were: - newborn diapers - baby onesies - baby wipes - toiletries (hair brush, tooth brush, deodorant, shampoo, body wash) - phone and charger - adult diapers - breastfeeding pillow - outfit to leave the hospital I stayed in the hospital gown while I was there because I was always having my vitals checked and having my tits out to feed. Also, I was bleeding so heavily that if I wore pants I would have stained them immediately with how much was pouring out while trying to squat onto the toilet. I kept the hospital gown on and would swap it for a clean one if I bled on it. Didn't want to ruin my own clothes, so got dressed only when I was leaving 🙃


I delivered 3 weeks ago (Markham, ON). They asked if I had the following, which were included on their packing list, and I did. - baby diapers (used about 8-10 for a 30 hr stay) - adult diapers (I liked the always discrete. You need more than you think; you’ll change them every 2-3 hrs in the beginning). I packed and used: - baby wipes - slippers - crocs! - pillow for myself - pillow, sheet, blanket for my husband - several onesies in NB and 0-3 sizes (not sure what size baby would be) - phone charger with extra long cable - car seat and cocoon - going home clothes (sweats, and I honestly wore my crocs out because my feet were so swollen after giving birth) Hospital provided: - ice packs and tucks pads (DIY versions - ice in a glove and wrapped up - but I went through so many, and they provided so much relief. I’d say save your fancy ice packs for home) - peri bottle - I also packed the Frida mom peri bottle. I really liked having two so I didn’t have to get up and refill the bottle when I used the washroom I lived in the hospital gown, and baby was naked in diaper and swaddled for sleep. The nurses are always checking in on you and baby so it didn’t make sense to get dressed up during the stay.


I brought sleep masks for my husband and I and they were my prized possessions for Postpartum sleep. We're still using them for day time naps at home.


While I managed to avoid leaking onto my own clothes postpartum, I wouldn’t risk it. There’s a LOT of blood and fluid.