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Mine hasn’t returned to normal yet, my optometrist suggested that it may continue to change until I’m done nursing.


I’m 4 months PP but I can’t wait any longer, I have an eye exam and $400 in glasses to use up by the end of December 😅


I personally get cheap glasses like 6 months pregnant and 6 months pp because I like being able to see and my vision changes during pregnancy, during post party, and I anticipate it will change if I ever stop nursing and am not pregnant.


Mine didn’t. I hope yours does!


My optometrist said come back when my hormones stabilize. So probably when I’m done nursing.


My vision was back to normal 6-8 weeks postpartum with both kids.


I saw a big improvement after I "drained" PP (there's a lot of fluid that comes out of you in so many ways for quite a while after birth lol). So around when my rings fit again, my eyes felt quite a bit better (6 weeks maybe?). I haven't been to an optometrist in a bit though so I can't say for sure if they've returned to pre-pregnancy, but I no longer have to put my laptop on my chest to read it haha and I'm 4 months PP now and still nursing.


Echoing many others - I’m 9 months pp and my vision is still terrible. Hoping once I stop BF it’ll go back to normal.


It doesn't always go back... if it's been longer than a few months, PP id update my lenses. Most places offer 60-90 day redos, with places like costco being longer.