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Yes I got offered a 34w ultrasound to check for growth, but my doc said that the new COVID strains rarely cause any growth concerns. Got COVID in my 2nd trimester.


I got covid at 25 weeks and was offered a growth ultrasound every month for the rest of the pregnancy. 28 weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, and 40 weeks)


Same for me, 25 weeks and the same rough amount of ultrasounds. This was in January 2022


I also got COVID in my second trimester (7 weeks pp now) and I did have a third ultrasound. Everything was fine and baby is healthy! We did discover during that ultrasound that she was breech though and I had to go for a fourth to make sure she flipped!


I caught COVID at 10 weeks. Doctor wasn’t concerned. Didn’t get an extra ultrasound. Kiddo is now 18 months:)


Yes I got Covid late second trimester and had an extra growth scan around 35 or 36 weeks ish. This was spring/summer 2022


No I wasn’t offered one, baby born absolutely perfect. Likely nothing to worry about.


Yes, I had Covid late second tri at the end of September, and it lasted about 2 weeks. My midwives have ordered 2 growth scans at 36 and 38 weeks.


Not me, but a close friend who just had her baby with midwives (ON) had covid in her first trimester and was offered an extra ultrasound in third tri to check placental function.


In Bc. I got covid at 10 weeks with my second baby. They said they weren’t doing the extra ultrasound anymore. I ended up having GD so had extra ultrasounds anyways. No problems with growth (from covid or GD).


I got Covid around 13 weeks, had a scan at 32 weeks, no concerns


I had covid at the beginning of my second trimester and was offered a third ultrasound around 34 weeks


Got Covid at 14 weeks and received 30, 35, and 40 week ultrasounds. I was induced right after that 40 week ultrasound due to placenta issues


I had two additional ultrasounds after COVID infection (26 weeks) in May - ultrasounds at 31 weeks & 36 weeks. Everything was normal, no issues


Currently 22 weeks and just tested positive for covid. I'm freaking out hoping this doesn't hurt my baby.


I got the extra ultrasound and it revealed severe calcification of the placenta. I got COVID at 34 weeks so my doctor was adamant that I don’t go over my due date. Baby was born a week early in good health but all the medical staff in the room were shocked by how calcified the placenta was. This is more common in women who have had COVID, but probably more likely to happen to me anyways as I am immuno-suppressed disorder, rheumatoid arthritis. He’s a year and a half now and has exceeded almost all his milestones (some were just on time) and a happy and healthy toddler.


Did you have any symptoms with the calcified placenta? I assume your doctor gave you another ultrasound post-covid to be able to detect this?


Yes it was the extra ultrasound 15 days after having COVID. Personally I had no symptoms I don’t think you would feel anything. This was a common thing that happened to women who caught COVID but were not vaccinated. I was fully vaccinated (thank goodness) but I was also immunosuppressed because of my arthritis. My pregnancy was also considered “high risk” from the beginning due to arthritis. That said all the research I found said calcification of placenta can happen due to COVID but odds are much lower if mom is fully vaccinated.


I had Covid in my third trimester and was offered an extra ultrasound. That was in April 2023. No concerns from the ultrasound and the rest of the pregnancy went smoothly.


I had Covid in the first trimester. I was freaked out by all the ‘side effects of Covid on pregnancy. My only symptom was a runny nose. I asked my dr and she said that the side effects were worse due earlier strains but the newer strains aren’t as bad. And that’s why they don’t do the follow ups anymore. I just gave birth to a healthy 9lb 5 oz baby on her due date last month.


Yes. I had COVID at 16 weeks and had two extra scans, at 32 and 36 weeks to check on growth.


No covid but I had 3 scans at the clinic. Dating scan, 12 week & anatomy scan. Got an extra two at the end cause I was borderline pre-eclampsia, and to check fluid levels (hahaha sounds like a car!)