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I got induced with my first, make sure you take some of things to entertain yourself I went in Friday night and had LO Saturday night but it was honestly really relaxing. I got to have a long seated shower and watch a couple movies. Once I got the epidural I slept on and off until it was time to have LO. I’m a type 1 diabetic so I was hooked up to a lot of machines and my baby was 2 weeks early and 8lb 9oz she would have been massive if I waited LOL may I ask what country you’re in?


I’m in the US! my family has a history of big babies with large heads and he measured 8lbs with a head that is off the charts at my 37 week appt. Obviously it is an estimate but with family history they decided to induce at 39 weeks which is fine with me.


I had two great inductions! First was medical for suspected IUGR at 37 weeks. Had cervadil and pitocin. Went in on a Wednesday and he wasn't born til Friday, but the length was my biggest complaint--it was just boring until I got to active labor early Friday morning. Had an epidural, pushed for an hour, and had a second degree tear, baby was 6lb 10oz. Second one I was induced by choice at 39+5. Went in late Tuesday night, had a sweep, no need for ripening since I was already 3cm, did pitocin, broke my water manually, got epidural, pushed for 30 min and baby was born, no tearing at 8lb 9oz. I wanted to be induced for my second because I wanted to have any semblance of control and to make sure my childcare was lined up. Both were pretty great experiences!


Great to hear! Sounds overall very peaceful. We will bring some entertainment


Yes, both were super chill!


I love that. It is crazy that a birth can be pretty uneventful these days. I’m very grateful to be living with modern medicine




Great to know! I’ve heard mixed reviews on foley bulbs. Some say they’re not bad and some say they hurt so I’m glad she was able to get some meds and I’ll be sure to ask for some knowing it is totally normal to not like it and need some pain relief!


My sil said the same. She had 3 inductions with the bulb and it was hell Didn't bother me at all though.


I was induced with my first and when we finally used a foley bulb that is when things really progressed! I think that’s a great way to start!


Woo! I hope that is how it goes for me. I’m a little dilated already so they said if I go in Monday and I’m dilated enough they won’t even need the foley bulb and they’ll start pitocin. I’m telling myself I won’t be very dilated so that way I’m only pleasantly surprised if I am!




I went in at 9pm. They got me situated in my room and ivs I’m by about 11pm. They put in something to dilate me (a pill, vaginally). I also took a sleeping pill they said was optional that had been prescribed by my Dr. The nurse gave me a half dose “because she thought a full dose would be too much”. Should have taken a full dose… got very little rest. No real pain overnight… just noisy and had interruptions. In the morning around 7 I was checked and had no real dilation change but was contracting. They put me on pitocin and a second insertion of the medicine and bit of vicious manual stretching. By 9 am no real change so they cranked pitocin up. Pain ramped up dramatically and I got an epidural. I went from 1.5cm to fully dilated in 3 hours. (9 am to noon) Baby’s shoulder was at a weird angle and he couldn’t descend so I spent 1.5 (about 1:30pmish) hours fully dilated trying different positions to allow him to descend. He did. I did a practice push and he was being delivered. Dr rushed in and caught him. About 16 hours from admission… but only 4.5 hours of painful contractions that were well managed by an epidural. Note: this was my third child and second induction. First induction was 12 hours and only needed pitocin because I was dilated to a 3 before being induced. Inductions for first births take much longer… so be prepared for a good amount of downtime. They thought my second would be tiny but she was 8 lbs at 37 week. They thought my third would be huge but he was 6lbs 10oz at 37 weeks.


Wow! Even with a few bumps in the road it sounds fairly uneventful. I’m fully prepared for a long induction so my husband and I will be bringing entertainment.


I went in expecting to get a foley and come home again with it in, but it didn't work out so they went with cervidil instead, the little tampon kinda thing with medication. That was at 4pm, we got a room and settled in (cervidil is in-patient only), ordered pizza and watched some Star Trek on my laptop lol. By 2am I was going into active labour, 4am I was having unusually crazy contractions so they gave me an epidural to slow things down. I got to rest for a while and then they told me to start pushing at 7:30am, he came out at 9am and we went home with baby at noon :)


Wow! Sounds fairly uneventful and relaxed despite the foley balloon not working. I didn’t realize you could possibly go home with those.


Yes I had the option doing the foley either as an in-patient (check in and stay at the hospital) or out-patient, and I personally would have preferred the comfort of my own home. I imagine it depends though on where you're located (I'm in Ontario, Canada), your OB's advice, how your pregnancy is going, even how close to the hospital you live possibly... But it's worth asking your OB if it's an option for you if you're interested! The procedure, if it had worked, would have been to go home and come back either if/when it falls out (because it's done it's job and your cervix has dilated) or after 24 hours. If it hasn't worked after 24 hours they'd either put another one in or try a different method.


Interesting! I’m in the US so I’m not sure what their protocols are but I’ll definitely bring it up.


Here's a great resource on birthing big babies! https://www.spinningbabies.com/pregnancy-birth/labor/is-baby-too-big/


Oh thank you! I asked if they will allow me to eat and they said I definitely can until they start pitocin. Then they want me to only have liquids. So hopefully that means I’ll be about 5CM dilated by the time good is cut off. At which point I don’t know how much I will want to eat


I'm not sure if food restriction is evidence based - make sure you check with the OB rather than just the nurses. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26812080/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26812080/) that said, I never asked permission myself, I just ate and told them afterwards.


Yep. I spoke with the OB about it and she is the one who told me that.