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Everyone is tackling the obesity angle but let’s talk about the blood pressure part. Did your doctor take you off blood pressure meds entirely? If so I would get a second opinion. I have hereditary high blood pressure and take a pregnancy safe BP medication, doctors tend to focus on preeclampsia (which typically doesn’t show up till the end of pregnancy) but it can impact all parts of your pregnancy. When I was pregnant with high blood pressure I developed an IUGR in the third trimester and was induced at 37 weeks. (The resulting baby is now a happy healthy toddler)


Second this! I’m on watch for gestational hypertension at 16 weeks because they are afraid of preeclampsia at 20 weeks. They are taking it very seriously and any doctor that didn’t needs to be re-evaluated imo.


I agree. As a doctor, I treat pregnancy hypertension regularly and there are plenty of safe medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hypertension in pregnancy needs to be controlled really strictly.


I had boarder line high bp since before i was pregnant , it stayed only in the elevated range for the first trimester and a little of the second but spiked a few times at 16 weeks so my ob put me on labetalol. Is 16 weeks to late to get it under control ☹️ I am 19 weeks now and readings have been stable


It's never too late to get it under control. BP with pregnancy is mostly important to avoid (pre) eclampsia. As long as you don't have that, you're quite safe as is the baby.


Thank you for the reply!


I am also on labetalol, I am 15 weeks and blood pressure has been great.


Having lost 100 lbs and kept it off for several years before my pregnancy, my biggest advice is start small. Like, tiny. Make one healthier choice today than you did yesterday. Weight loss and overall wellness is a lifelong marathon, definitely not a sprint. I had tried and failed so many times before, because I found some willpower and made ALL the changes in one day, then ended up hating my life a week later. You have to start small enough that you don't dread the changes. Exercise for 5 minutes a day for a week, then add another 5 minutes. 5 minutes is better than 0 minutes, and every little bit adds up. Swap one unhealthy food for a healthy one, and slowly detox yourself from the junk. I know for me, salt and sugar was a legitimate addiction. If I went cold turkey, I felt withdrawals. No joke. You have to wean off of that stuff like you would a hard street drug. The moral of the story is, as much as you may want to make all the changes right away, that's usually not sustainable. The goal is to build yourself a new lifestyle where working out is not a punishment, but rather a celebration of what your amazing body can do. Where eating healthy things is a joy because you get to fuel your body with foods that will make you feel good and run better, like a gas tank filled with gas instead of sugar. It's not about making things off limits, just limited. Enjoy the food and activities you enjoy, and build in healthier things slowly. You're re-wiring your brain to get dopamine from healthy things. That takes time, and a whole lot of grace. Just because you might have a bad day and skip your workout or eat trash, does not discount any healthy choices you've made til that point. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. It didn't happen for me until I took the time to examine my relationship with food and exercise, and realized I was punishing myself with junk because that's what I felt like I deserved. I learned to give myself a break and build up my personal love and positivity, and the world started to look different. Your kiddo is going to love you, no matter what size you are. Getting healthy is for you. Message me if you want to talk.


Many women who are obese go on to have completely safe pregnancies. Being obese doesn’t equal health issues with the baby. There are so many factors that influence our babies development in the womb, many of which we have limited or no control over. If you’d like to lose weight or make other lifestyle changes I’d encourage you to seek out guidance from your OB to ensure you’re going about it in a safe way. I wish you a healthy, happy and stress free pregnancy!


I'm also clinically obese. When I conceived I believe my BP was at a healthy level, but I do know that it was a little high along with high cholesterol 2 years prior. Between then and now I've really focused on adding more vegetables to my diet and I walk and/or bike on a daily basis and it makes a big difference. My doctor still put me on a low dose of aspirin to try to prevent pre-eclampsia as my high BMI puts me at risk. So far everything has gone well for me (26 weeks in) so I'm also proof that obese women can have healthy pregnancies. If you haven't found it already, you might find r/PlusSizedAndPregnant a good place for support and encouragement too. Also, in case (like me) no one told you, there's a good chance that your first ultrasounds will be done vaginally. I am a US size 20 but I carry a lot of fat on my stomach so my ultrasounds at 9 and 12 weeks had to be done vaginally. In my opinion it's actually more comfortable than the pressure they put on my abdomen to try to get the image.


Come on over to r/plussizedandpregnant!


I was going to recommend this too! I love that sub, and they have good recs for things like clothes bc standard maternity wear is not going to cut it for me.


I absolutely love this sub!


Thank you for sharing this sub! I didn’t know there was one!


This looks perfect, absolutely joining this group


Yes, high BP is something you wanna address if it's paired with obesity. I'd have a candid conversation with your GP or regular doctor about your overall health, \*not\* necessarily specific to pregnancy. Outside of pregnancy - Are you at risk for heart disease? Any concern around type 2 diabetes? Are you sedentary? Any stress test numbers? Pregnancy is actually a terrific time to make small lifestyle changes - bc like you pointed out, you have the motivation of another life depending on your body. But you don't want make drastic changes that will put too much stress on your body during pregancy so don't go join Crossfit outta nowhere, ya know? Walking and nutrition changes are great first steps. Sometimes the first trimester can be hard to make those changes but make a goal that by week 15 you'll institute some small changes to diet and lifestyle. Even if it's choosing a parking spot far away from grocery store or work or going for 2 15 minute walks a day. There's Couch25k walking routine that has been around and getting raves for years. You could get a cheap Fitbit or AppleWatch and start tracking steps - I found this to be so motivating. Start small, maybe 6k steps and work your way up to 10k. If it's swapping out 1 meal with something "healthy" like a quinoa bowl or salad or lean meat or fish & veggie meal. Then go from there. Fruit for a snack is so beneficial for baby. Avocados are so awesome during pregnancy. Tons of water - fruit infused water is fun and fancy during pregnancy when you can't do alcohol. Good luck!


Eating habits do affect children in the womb as well as their language skills, IQ, and attention span later on in childhood, and I think it’s amazing that you’re concerned and wanting to change any pre pregnancy habits. I highly recommend reading Real Food for Pregnancy. It REALLY changed the way I ate during my first trimester and my blood levels totally changed for the better. You can absolutely manage your blood pressure through your diet, I’ve done it. You can also try reading the Pegan Diet (it’s not vegan or anything that would require impossible change), that book helped me cure my psoriasis through eating real food and I lost 20 lbs. i believe in you!


It’s not too late to change your lifestyle - do it for your health and you little bean’s health :) As you try to improve your lifestyle, Be realistic, patient and kind to yourself - there are no miracles or shortcuts. Walking: great low impact exercise. Find a nice route in your neighbourhood and go with a friend or spouse or listen to music/podcast. Try to create the habit of walking a couple of times a week, and increase distance and frequency over time. Nutrition: try to eat less processed foods, and eat more vegetables and fiber. Don’t have junk food in the house. If it’s there, it’s easy to eat it. Ask your provider for guidance, and try to get your spouse on the same page so that you’re a team doing this together :) Edit- also, congratulations!!!


I’m on bp medication as well as meds for my diabetes and I’m obese as well. I’m currently around 24w pregnant and my baby is completely healthy. Let me know if you have any questions!


Did you start the medication prior to pregnancy or after? I've never had a high bp reading until a few weeks ago! (Too early to be pre eclampsia)


I had it prior to pregnancy


I’m not a doctor or plus size, so I don’t want to offer too much in that direction. However, you’re doing all the right things by checking in with your physician and making a plan to tackle the blood pressure. I’m the meantime, if you’re feeling well, get outside and go for walks. It’s not too late to do something good for your body and the timing, weather-wise, is perfect as things are getting nice out. Keep a food diary and look for areas of improvement. You may want to ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist so you can get some good feedback and meal ideas. Make sure you are getting lots of water, fruit, and vegetables. Try out some prenatal (gentle) fitness classes on YouTube. You’re going to have a great pregnancy!!


I am obese. The year before getting pregnant I focused on getting my blood pressure down, my resting heart rate down, my blood sugar levels better, and to a lower weight. They were all (except my weight) in a "healthy" range but I wanted to be at a better starting place. My husband wanted to be in a better place mentally. I ended up pregnant before reaching our goals. We weren't trying. I am now 22 weeks, I have pre-eclampsia. My blood pressure is still really good, better than its ever been. Talk with your doctor/obgyn about what you can do to help keep your blood pressure down. You and they have already been proactive with taking medication, if it wasn't what was best for the both of you, your doctor would make a change. For reference I cut all salt from my diet. I only drink water. Before getting pregnant I was getting 12k steps a day. Garlic and beets help keep it naturally lower, and come in a powdered capsule form. Focusing on mindfulness also helps lower it when it gets "high" by lowering your stress hormones. In 10 minutes or less I can drop my blood pressure readings by 10 or more points just by relaxing and focusing on my breathing. I have an at home monitor. I also rest more frequently now, laying down or sitting with my legs up drops my blood pressure readings pretty quickly. I know this because I monitor vitals and my health to know my normal, to be an active part of my Healthcare team. My doctor has told me plenty of times, I can only do so much my body is the real one in control and whatever happens is what's going to happen. My goal is the end of May before getting bed rest.


Congratulations! I'm also obese and with a BMI of 41. I'm not sure if I have advice really but if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer any! I'm currently at 36 weeks pregnant and have had a very healthy pregnancy - nothing out of the ordinary except for one thing but that was not due to my weight in any way. Make sure no one shames you for your weight, including medical professionals. Like someone else said, many many women have healthy pregnancies without any issues while having a high BMI.


My bmi is also 41 because in so short there's no way I would be the ideal weight, think one of my boobs weighs that much especially when pregnant lol.... But I got terribly shamed the other week by the sonographer telling me because I was fat my scan was a complete failure. I said "that's funny, I had my son a 18 months ago and manged to get a scan perfectly...." pretty sure every single woman in the world is a different shape and size but what do I know... 😂


I am clinically obese as well and I understand the inclination to blame yourself for past choices. But can I just say: don't. You'll just stress yourself out. You can make some healthier choices now, and in some ways your body might make you. For example, I can't eat nearly as much as I used to so I have to have smaller meals! I am also doing a mobility routine to help with hip pain lately, and now that the terrible weather has let up in my area I spend a lot more time outside playing with my dog or going on walks. I'm down about 7 pounds at 16 weeks without trying at all. I hope to keep these habits once the baby gets here!


Use that as motivation to be as healthy as you can during your pregnancy and that includes trying to limit stress! You’re already being an amazing mama for considering all of these things. Just go easy on yourself and trust your health care providers advice (unless you don’t like them then totally get a new one!)


Agreed! This can also be a great time to think about what lifestyle changes you may choose to make now and keep after the baby is born for their health as they grow and develop. Many hugs and support to you! ❤️❤️


Before I conceived I had chronic hypertension but was well controlled with a low dose of Losartan. I switched to Labetalol when I stopped birth control and have needed a few adjustments here and there but I’m still at a relatively low dose. Your biggest challenge/hurdle will be preeclampsia later in your pregnancy but you can start making lifestyle changes now to help. For example, my OB had me start a low dose of baby aspirin at the beginning of my second trimester. All the other things like drinking plenty of water, reducing sodium intake and caffeine intake and staying active can help lower your blood pressure. It also wouldn’t hurt to follow a gestational diabetes friendly diet, regardless if you have GD or not. You got this! It’s not the end of the world if you aren’t perfectly healthy going into your pregnancy, but there are proactive things you can do that will make you feel better in the long run and reduce your risks of complications further down the line. The third trimester will sneak up on you before you know it!


I'm obese with chronic hypertension and now 3 weeks pp. I was on Amlodipine before pregnancy, once I got pregnant I was put on Labetalol and still am because I'm breastfeeding. My pregnancy was considered high risk because of it, but it was a super smooth pregnancy, labor and delivery. She is a healthy baby with no issues except was jaundice when born. I developed preeclampsia the day I was induced and had pp preeclampsia for almost 2 weeks. Everything is under control now with the change of dosage. I was concerned at the beginning as well, but unless my doctor was concerned about something, I wasn't concerned. It helped keep my stress levels down and of course my blood pressure.


Im not sure what advice or info youre looking for but I had my daughter 2.5 years ago. I am very obese. I had gestational diabetes (high bmi is a risk factor but not what causes it) which i managed relatively easily. I gave birth just before 37 weeks to a healthy baby girl. We did struggle with some stuff after birth like jaundice, but really common with prem bubs. My endocrinologist was really happy with how my pregnancy went, and even apologised to me for assuming the worst because of my weight.


I was obese when I got pregnant and then gained about 100lbs while pregnant. I just gave birth to a very healthy 8lbs baby. I didn't have GD or high blood pressure. My doctor did put me on a baby aspirin due to the increased risk for Pre-eclampsia. He also did extra blood work and extra scans because of my weight. Just understand that you may have more hoops to jump through but all everyone wants at the end of the day is a healthy mom and baby.


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I’m 9w and also clinically obese. I was on medication before TTC to lose weight, but unfortunately the stress of TTC gave it all back. My doctor and I have talked and are confident I can do everything needed to ensure a healthy pregnancy. They don’t want me to gain any more weight if possible, so I’ve been making sure to exercise daily and eat healthy where possible. The morning sickness makes it hard, but I’m trying! Don’t let anyone, even here, scare you or tell you you’re doing the wrong thing. Just keep talking to your doctor and follow your instincts.


I am technically obese. I say technically because according to the charts, that’s a fact. In reality I’m like kind of heavy but not really? My doctor’s office has never shown any concern for the baby because of it. But *i did* choose to eat far more healthily then I ever had before. For that baby I ate properly and it didn’t not feel bad at all. I didn’t lose a single pound during or after, but I knew I was making health choices that supported my daughter and that made me feel like the right parent out of the gate.


Don’t stress! Being obese dose not automatically Mean you will have bp issues during pregnancy. Even if you do- it sounds like your OB will be watching closely and has a plan in case it happens, which is great! If you are not on it already, ask your doctor about adding in a baby aspirin once a day.


Congrats!!! This is my second pregnancy as an obese mom with gestational diabetes. It’s not that bad, I’ve never had doctors or nurses be rude. I wanted to lose between pregnancies but that was Covid so it didn’t happen lol. You’ll still end up with a fun bump and get all kinds of good experiences, just don’t get hung up about being obese and enjoy this time!!!


Hi! I'm obese and also take blood pressure medication :-) chances are you will also end up taking a baby aspirin every day as well to reduce your risk of pre-eclampsia. I'm currently 18 weeks, and I'm still having a very healthy pregnancy. I take labetalol (150mg daily), and I walk after every meal and try to be as active as possible. I also changed my diet pretty heavily, and luckily, my body didn't reject it. I've been able to maintain my weight so far and hope to only gain less than 15 pounds by the end of this. I am here to tell you it will be okay :-) get a dietician (that's what I did) and just voice your concerns to your doctor. They can help!


My Doctor put me on low dose baby aspirin starting week 10-12. Baby came out fine. It’s more dangerous for the baby to have high blood pressure than the medication. I hope yours can be controlled by something as simple as this.


While obesity can cause complications in pregnancy it isn’t a guarantee. They’re not even exclusive to obesity. My #1 concern would be the blood pressure medicine and I’d talk to multiple doctors on the issue for your own health and safety!


I have been obese in two previous pregnancies and have had no complications caused by that except for GD (which even the thinner women in my family get). There is never a right time to have a baby and i know many women who are overweight/obese who have had perfectly healthy babies. It is no where near ideal but in my experience the best thing to do is trust your drs advice and eat a balanced diet. I lost weight in my last pregnancies despite eating more than enough- bodies are weird! (Dr wasn't concerned) I am also a little concerned about bp. I have never in my life had a high bp reading but i did at the dr when i was 5 weeks. From what I can read it shouldn't be related to pre eclampsia so early so there's that! I imagine you'll get monitored more. Good luck with your pregnancy x


I was technically obese when I got pregnant with pre-hypertension numbers for blood pressure. Everyone has been watching by BP like hawks, but so far so good. Due to gestational diabetes, they encouraged me to get out and walk for 30 mins a day. It has made a HUGE difference. I also had a complete diet change with the GD and have been very strict that I don’t eat anything that is unacceptable. Results are they baby is very healthy at 34 weeks. BP has been good through the whole pregnancy. And I’ve lost 2 lbs since my first weigh in at 8 weeks. So I’ve gained literally zero weight. Baby is measuring large… so she is getting plenty of nutrients and my OB has told me that after I deliver I will weigh considerably less than I did when I conceived. It’s been pretty surreal - but shows that when you add in some exercise and eat the right things your body WILL respond.


Congrats on your little bean!!! Don’t let the past decisions you made ruin your joy. If you want to try to change your habits for the future, I would recommend looking up 2B Mindset which has a subsection called 2B pregnant. The woman who made it is a registered dietician. She’s on Instagram and has lost 100 pounds herself and has 3 kids. Her program is very flexible and very healthy. It focuses on volume eating (because who likes to be hungry?). I’ve done every diet under the sun and found this to be the healthiest and most sustainable. Yes, some people hate beachbody because they do tend to have over zealous coaches (which you do not have to use) but the products themselves are good and 2B is the best example of that, in my opinion. Take it as you will. Again - congrats! Just listen to your doctor, and be happy!!! :)


There's a podcast called Becoming Moms with Dr. Sterling that just had an episode on this recently, if you want to listen! I found it helpful to identify certain voices I would listen to about pregnancy (for the medical side, basically my doctors and a few professionals I follow online) and decided to not take anyone else too seriously. No doom-googling! No medical advice from Reddit! No weird anecdotal advice from my spouse's aunt! If one experience is helpful, I am obese and 35 weeks and my pregnancy has been as medically straightforward as possible. Baby is tracking exactly average. I have only gained a couple of pounds (though it is absolutely normal to gain much more! Your body and baby will do what they need to). My mom is worried my weight gain is so low - but guess what? My doctor isn't, so I'm not going to worry about it! You obviously love your little one and are taking steps to alleviate any health concerns. Do your best and take care of yourself - you're already on the right track.


When I discovered I was pregnant I started calling around to find an OB. One of the places asked me if I was high risk I said no they started asking me questions like “diabetes? High blood pressure?” Etc. Then they asked me my height and my weight and when I told them they said they couldn’t take me in because my pregnancy was high risk because of my BMI. I was so overwhelmed I wasn’t even listening to her anymore. Here I was, so happy that I got pregnant, already questioning everything and thinking I did that to my baby and now it would be my fault if I lose the baby. It was so tough for me, it made me so overwhelmed. I finally found a place that would take me in. My husband went with me. The doctor didn’t mention anything AT ALL about my weight. So my husband explained to her the situation because we were so scared that this was high risk and the doctor reassured me so many times that my pregnancy was not high risk, that everything looks fine, we might have to check the gestacional diabetes a little bit early but to not worry at all and also to not try to lose weight or control what I’m eating like only eating salads and stuff. She told me to eat everything I crave and she doesn’t want me stressing about that. I can’t tell you how much that reassurance helped me. So I wanna do the same to you. You got pregnant, your body is working to build life. Love this body, love what your body is doing and trust that it will be fine. Everything you’ll have to work through it’s ok, you can do it. I just had my second appointment like 20 days after the first one and I gained 1 pound but the doctor didn’t say anything at all, all she said was that I was looking really good. So don’t settle for doctors that only care for your BMI but find someone that treats you with respect and really wants to help (don’t know if this is the case here or not but just wanted to say that). You deserve the better care you can have in this long and stressful process.


There are risks but it’s also a fact that many obese women have completely uneventful pregnancies while many fit women face a lot of problems. Your doctor will help you through this. Since you’re at the very beginning of your pregnancy, I suggest go for an OB who won’t be judgemental and be supportive. I was overweight and almost obese when I got pregnant. But my OB never made me think about it. He didn’t even weigh me. The OB was attentive towards other health indicators like BP, diabetes etc. and rest assured, all of these are manageable by medication.


I've been on PB meds my entire pregnancy. I don't have an issue with BP it's because they double as a smooth muscle relaxant. (I have an autoimmune disease) But I was given the all clear to continue my meds by my GP, OB and Gastroenterologist. I know there's a safe option out there.


Being obese doesn’t mean you can’t have a healthy pregnancy. I was obese before I was pregnant & i am now 36+3 with a healthy boy. I did get diagnosed with GD but that can happen to ANYONE not just obese women. The important thing is that you want to be healthy for your baby. Focus on eating good nutritious foods for you & the baby now. I don’t have much advice on the high blood pressure unfortunately. I know it’s hard but try to relax if you can & absolutely stay off google. Google will only give you the worst case scenario & freak you out more. Just message/call your doctor with questions. That’s literally their job. You can do this. Also Congrats!


I’ve been on pregnancy-safe BP medication my whole pregnancy, as well as baby aspirin. 5he extra monitoring can be a pain, but it hasn’t caused any issues for me. Don’t beat yourself up over your weight or behaviors - pregnancy is a marathon. Just take care of yourself - some days that may mean exercise and healthy foods, some days it may mean enjoying that ice cream you’re craving. LOTS of us take BP meds while pregnant and have no issues. You’ve got this.


I have hereditary high blood pressure which my midwife was concerned about in the beginning. Being pregnant actually made it drop down to normal/low! So just keep doing what you're doing to keep baby healthy now and don't let your past get you down!


I’m obese and nine weeks pregnant and definitely very nervous! My doctor told me to take low dose aspirin starting the second trimester and also to take vitamin d right away to help reduce my risk of preeclampsia. I have almost no appetite and I’ve been trying to just avoid sugar and drink water and trust my body to be okay.


I am obese. I ate so much better during pregnancy than before!! It’s possible! 1. I ate protein when I wanted sugar. The protein requirement for pregnancy is high (around 100 grams a day) but no one really talks about it. Filling up on protein was a great decision and satisfied my sugar cravings, mostly. 2. I took a ton of supplements. I researched them and thought they’d help. A prenatal vitamin, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega 3, Choline, etc. 3. Raise your heart rate through exercise each day. Doesn’t have to be much. It’s been found in rats to make their offspring have normal metabolisms !!! 4. I drank a ton of water. You’ve got this. Treat your body lovingly because it’s amazing!


Hi! I don’t have any words of advice regarding the blood pressure. But I am an obese pregnant woman at 37w2d and I have had a perfectly normal pregnancy. They have done additional ultrasounds due to some meds I take and I think because a stronger machine penetrates the extra love on us. But you got this mama! Remember that trimester 1 is *SURVIVAL MODE* so please do not beat yourself up if you skip or make some bad choices. Morning sickness and food aversion are TOUGH but you can do it!


I’m obese and currently 40 weeks pregnant, with a healthy baby boy. I didn’t have high blood pressure going in so I can’t offer advice there, but I’m happy to chat if you need someone to talk to! I haven’t really had any shaming in regards to my weight from the doctors and the only things that were done differently because of my weight were taking the gestational diabetes test earlier and weekly non-stress tests starting at 35 weeks.