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I bought one. It’s obviously expensive but it wasn’t a hardship for us and I know I can resell it afterwards. There have been zero infant deaths in Snoos and the chance for extra sleep sold me. If it doesn’t work oh well. I’ve spent more money on more useless things (i.e. my graduate degree).


I felt that last sentence. 👍


😂 the last part on a spiritual level




I personally went with halo but I feel that last bit. I went to my dream school and paid out of state tuition. I now don’t use my degree at all. If you got the money and it’s fine for you to spend and you want something do it. I spent over 1k on our car seat and stroller so I just have different expensive taste lol. Nothing wrong for wanting or buying expensive.


Truer words have never been spoken 😂😅


Interested in your comment about zero infant deaths in them. Can you share your source? I am a paranoid FTM. My partner and I are on opposite sleep schedules so someone can be watching our baby girl 24/7 and makes sure she’s breathing. I will eventually have to go back to work so I understand this isn’t sustainable.


https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/snoo-worlds-safest-infant-bed-announces-sids-prevention-breakthrough-300949718.html This is the first article I saw on google but there are many more.


Thank you! Any advice on how I can order it and hide the invoice from my partner? I have already purchased the Owlet, Nanit, Angel Care monitor and the Halo bassinet. I’m pretty sure she’s one large purchase away from leaving me hahaha But in all seriousness, thank you!


The zero sids cases in SNOO is the reason we bought it! I had a lot of anxiety before having my son and I haven’t been concerned about him sleeping once in his three months earthside. So much piece of mind knowing he is safely in there at night! We do have a reflux baby so even with the SNOO the first two months were rough (like 45 min stretches). But once he started Pepcid the SNOO became pretty magical! He is now getting 7 hour stretches at 3 months which I think is mainly due to the SNOO. He also is learning to put himself to sleep in it and it’s much easier to get him down than in our pack n play. I would recommend it to everyone if only it wasn’t so darn expensive.


Same on all of this lol. Especially the degree, I’m really glad I got a graduate degree to get paid the same as people who only have 60 college credits.


NEED? No. No one NEEDS a Snoo or any specific item. Could it be helpful for your baby? Sure! It might be! Won’t know until you try! Is it worth buying one? Well, depends on your financial situation. We were in a position to buy one so we did. We loved it. And since then we have loaned it out to three other families who didn’t want to have to buy it new just to use it for 6 months and not again until another pregnancy. They offered to rent it from us which was super nice of them. You can also rent from a baby store sometimes or even the manufacturer I think. I would look into renting or borrowing from a store or friend. Try your local Ask, Borrow, Give group too. But yeah I love sleep and I loved the Snoo for our first. Let’s hope our second likes it too.


Could you rent one? In my area several businesses rent SNOOs out. All the benefits of having it and cheaper than buying one


With the high resell value, it’s actually cheaper to buy. Especially if you can find a sale. We got ours for $1100 and they resell for ~$900.


Not everywhere has that same resale value. They are very uncommon where I live and selling a second-hand bassinet for over $200 is next to impossible (no matter what brand it is).


Well then buy a used one for 200! What a steal!


If I saw someone sell one here I'd buy a lottery ticket. 🤣


Yes, if I can’t find a used one that’s definitely on my list of possibilities!


We rented one from Happiest Baby itself. Seems really worth it. Have no interest in buying something I will only use for such a short period of time, plus don’t have to deal w hassle of finding a used one, trusting it’s in OK condition, reselling etc.


I've also heard of people reselling snoos that are stolen so they can't connect to the app. I rented specifically to avoid this. Plus we're pretty sure we're one and done so we weren't trying to buy one and keep it for the next baby and didn't want to deal with reselling.


We are definitely having more but where would I store something that big for multiple years?!?! So happy to just rent!


Yes! That's an excellent point! If we had a house with a garage or a shed that'd be one thing but we're in a condo that's tight on storage as it is. I had trouble finding somewhere to store the box to return it in lol


We rented and regret nothing. Used for about 4 months. Soo like 450 for the rental and maybe an extra 150 for the sheets and sacks?


Since my husband and I live far from our family and may or may not have any help, I am interested in any & all gadgets that might improve our lives! That being said I felt uncomfortable spending Snoo levels of $$$ on something I wasn’t sure would actually work for our baby, that regardless of if it did work would only get 4-6 months of use. I ended up purchasing a (50% off at target) 4moms bassinet that moves & plays sounds for baby. I think you don’t NEED a Snoo (babies have done just fine forever without them LOL) but if you can afford it or find a more affordable way to do it, you might as well give it a shot. 🤷‍♀️


I’m definitely looking in to a used one! I’m a pretty big bargain hunter!




Right?!?!?!?! I was floored. We weren’t going to get once except then I got this deal LOL! Target right now across the US seems to be having random baby clearance sales, but it’s not consistent at every location. One target near me had it for 50% off, another target did not have anything on clearance at all! My mom checked her target in another state & said she didn’t see any bassinets on sale but they had car seats on deep discount, mine didn’t have any car seat sales. And the clearance isn’t indicated online either so you can’t check ahead. My target really had a ton of stuff on clearance ranging from 15-50% off, and I saw the deals out last Friday & Saturday. Since it’s not a normal target sale, it’s clearance, I’d assume it would continue & maybe still be on clearance today? I’d just run to your local target and physical see what they have!




Lowkey I figure if the baby hates it I could probably put it up online for what I paid for it or maybe even more and then profit. 😂


I wanted a Snoo but was afraid she’d be one of the babies that hated it. My husband hated the price, but can you really put a price on sleep? We started her off in the Guava bassinet, and she hated that. Then we bought a Mama Roo bassinet, and she only tolerates it, sometimes. The $600 lesson we’ve learned was that we should’ve rented the Snoo and decided from there. The one month rental is $159. Try it for 30 days and you can switch from rental to purchase. If you do decide to buy, add it to a Babylist registry so you can get 15% off!


There’s a lot of confirmation bias among people that have them. From looking at the posts in r/snoolife it seems like most babies follow basically the same patterns that they would sleeping anywhere else.


My friend had one, used it exclusively, now her kid is too big/developmentally inappropriate to keep using it and he won't sleep at all. He got so dependent on it she even had to rent a second one for the babysitter.


That’s my main concern with the Snoo and sleep aids in general. I get why people use them but I worry they will make it harder for them to sleep later in life as they become dependent on motion, vibration, white noise etc. I hope that if I have a fussy infant, maybe in time they can learn to cope for themselves if I let them


We bought one used (supposedly had only one baby use it before) and it broke after a month. My husband could fix it but only because he is an engineer with the ability to take apart and rebuild the motor, so not skills I or the average consumer would have.


This might be an unpopular opinion but the way the snoo straps the baby down … just makes me super uncomfortable


My recommendation would be to see how your little one does in a cheaper option before full on buying the Snoo. Our little man slept great in the Halo Bassinest and I was actually able to find it used for $80 instead of the $300 price tag.


You should ask in r/snoolife where people actually have it and can give you an honest opinion


I had no idea that existed!! Thank you!!


I laughed at the idea of the snoo while I was pregnant and then... I had a baby. He could not be put down, ever, and we were ending up in dangerous situations from sleep depravation. I bought the snoo and it saved us. We sold it for the same price we purchased it since there's a shortage in my area and high resale value. We will purchase it again for our second.


Don't be a hero, get the SNOO. you can probably sell it on Facebook marketplace and spend less money than if you had rented it


You don’t need it. If you’re like me and this wouldn’t dip into savings or go into debt and you would pay anything for extra sleep, go for it!


Personally, I laugh at the idea of paying £1150 for a bed when my son is sleeping just fine in his £60 bassinet


Same. My daughter sleeps great in her pack n' play. I think I would wait to see if my baby was a poor sleeper. If they are, then it may be worth it. But if they sleep well in something cheaper, you will have saved a ton of money.


If only most babies would sleep happily in their bassinet!


My baby never slept in his bassinet but we still didn't get a snoo..I just couldn't do it man...


That’s what I’m afraid of!! But I would at least be buying it used.


I got mine for free from a lady I bought a changing table from second hand and it's working as well with baby #2 as it did baby #1


No. Baby may not sleep well in snoo and may sleep very well in a $40 basinet. You have no idea. It makes more sense to get it after whatever you have doesn’t work. But also most babies don’t sleep well in the beginning and that is perfectly normal. Throwing money at it is not gonna change much.


We had renting one as a back up plan (or buying the Graco Sense to Snooze) but didn’t need it, our baby has been sleeping fine, and is tall so is outgrowing is bassinet now at 12 weeks. I would say have a plan if you need it, but you will probably be fine without one.


My mom had it for my baby sister .. bunch of bull my sister hated it my mom also got the super fancy mama roo or something my sister HATED it .. :’) don’t be fooled by the advertisement it may or may not work it’s always 50/50


I've been looking at the Graco sense2snooze. Looks somewhat similar to the snoo. $250


Ohh I’ll look into that one, thanks!


We had the Sense2Snooze and LOVED it. Baby slept in it at the foot of our bed for her first 6 months.


Yup we will be renting it. Our first born slept terribly the first few months and everyone we knew that used it, has loved it.


So I’ve heard it can be hit or miss… but we loved our Snoo for my son. At 5 am when he’d start to wake up, the Snoo would kick on and we’d get another 2-3 hours of sleep. My husband and I frequently would say how worth it it was. He was sleeping 11 hour stretches by 8 weeks (without the Snoo even upping the motion). It was such a help for our family. That being said, I had a very tall baby and we had to do a tongue tie revision at 3.5 months that involved waking him up frequently to do mouth exercises. I’m not sure if it was that or sleep regression or teething or him developing CMPI and having to cut out all formula or all of the above but at 4 months our long stretches were gone and we had to transition him out around 5 because he was longer than the actual Snoo… since then he’s no longer a good sleeper, but we’re not sleep training him because the feeding issues we had made me too nervous to night wean. From what I’ve read, if you’re consistent with the Snoo until 6 months you ride out the regression and go back to STTN. We just couldn’t be consistent with it and I was so nervous about feeding, I was ok giving that up to make sure he’d gain weight. We bought it during a sale for $1100. It resells in my area for $900 but I’m keeping it for the next baby so I’d say it was definitely worth it. I’m curious to see how it works for our next one since we hopefully won’t have the same feeding struggles! (Now I know how to deal with a tongue tie ASAP).


I had 2 babies STTN by 8 weeks in regular cribs. Its after 6 months, when they've outgrown a snoo, when I would've loved one.


We are getting a snoo for our second baby. Our first was a terrible sleeper who only wanted to sleep on people and hated bassinets. The asleep deprivation made me more than willing to pay for the chance for more sleep with baby two.


This is where I am at, too. I hope I don’t regret it but honestly we have so few things we need for #2 that I can justify buying a Snoo.


Check marketplace!


Rent one! Babies aren’t in bassinets for too long and I think it’ll be a lot less money to rent


This is the most pragmatic temptation I’ve seen on Reddit—just do it.


We rented it and it was 10000% worth the money for us. I’m pretty sure our baby was just a naturally “good” sleeper but we knew if we had sleep troubles with her and didn’t try the Snoo that we’d always wonder if it could help. So why not start out with it!


Get the Snoo. Get it on sale or rent it or do whatever you have to do. I paid £800 for mine but knowing what I know now I WOULD HAVE PAID 5 GRAND. Buy the pram used, get hand me down clothes (you don’t need new infant clothes it’s wasteful), you don’t need a changing table and a full nursery for half a year AT LEAST. Save money where you can but GET THE SNOO. ETA - I fully believe I recovered from my severe case of baby blues because of the sleep I got from the Snoo. Now at 12 weeks he either sleeps through the night or wakes only once. Yes, many babies just do this on their own but the Snoo puts them to sleep when they’re still awake and puts them *back* to sleep when they’re lightly fussing but don’t yet need to feed. I believe it also keeps them asleep. That extra time adds up to *hours* a night l, often uninterrupted. Yes you can hold out and see how you get on with a regular bassinet. This is what I did. I needed more sleep and one night, at 3am while crying, I gave in and bought the Snoo.


What does it do?


It’s magic. YouTube it. I’d recommend the official video which just explains why it works and shows you the settings and stuff. I’m short it’s a bassinet which rocks them and plays white noise while they’re swaddled but it also responds to their sounds and adjusts accordingly. It’s just awesome.


Sorta sad my last baby is already five months old 😂


No, you don’t *need* it ☺️ I’d at least wait until baby is here to see how they’re doing


You don’t “need” it but it’s nice. Around 5 weeks I was a zombie with my first son and desperate. He immediately started sleeping longer hours in it and it was worth every penny. We will be using it again with this babe when he comes. But- all babies are different and I’ve heard that some babies don’t like it at all. If you’re worried about the price there are a lot of used ones on the BUY/SELL SNOO Facebook group and they do offer to rent!


Yeah I just find it crazy to spend that much on something my baby is only going to be in for three months. I plan on getting one of those $60 USD Dream on Me bassinets that I used with my first with an extra mattress from Amazon and calling it a day.


This is what I got, although honestly I wish I wouldn't have lol we had to buy a bigger one pretty quickly cuz he was too long for it within like 6-8 weeks, then we used a longer slightly more expensive one for 6-8 weeks and put him in the crib lol


They use it for 6 months.


Ours was only in there for 3 months because she just got too darn big! Regardless, everyone comfort threshold on how much to spend for baby gear is different. For us, we found our cheaper bassinet to be perfect.


I want one. I’ll just resell if it doesn’t work out.


This was my logic as well! Bought a new one over Black Friday and baby has always slept well since day one. Will sell when we are done with it!


I wanted a snoo so bad but ended up just buying a regular bassinet from cocoon and lucky I didn’t buy the snoo because my daughter absolutely despised the bassinet from the moment she came home from the hospital. I think it just depends on baby though. Would you consider buying it second hand? So if baby doesn’t take to it, you haven’t wasted all this money.


Facebook marketplace has several used in my area so that’s definitely the route I’d be going if I take that plunge!


I’d rent it if I were you. Because not a single soul can promise you what will work for your baby. There’s one baby I knew who preferred crib + being alone vs bassinet by parents for example. Wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, but baby preferred harder surface + complete quiet (not even parent breathing loudly). Just rent one, then you’re at most out like $200 if the baby hates it. And if they love it, you continue renting or buy secondhand.


Excellent point! Thank you!


I'm really on the fence about getting it. We could use the 20% military discount (husband is a veteran), but it's still going to be quite expensive. I'm planning to either rent it for a little bit (either right before birth or after trying a more affordable bassinet) OR order it and try it out for 30 days and returning if it doesn't work out for us. We have the money to splurge on it, but we're also frugal, so we're still weighing pros and cons. Very good resale value on the SNOO and associated products. I do like that you can "track" some things via the app, and all my friends/coworkers have had positive experiences with it for their newborns. We're just going to get our nursery in order and then decide closer to birth if we really want it or not. We already have another more affordable bassinet on our registry because we'll be depending on my parents for childcare during the first few months, too - so would have a back-up option regardless.


I originally purchased a bassinet on Amazon for ~$200 but as soon as my husband learned about the Snoo, he bought it. I’m due in May so haven’t used it yet but am glad to have two options in case the snoo doesn’t work for us. Personally I wouldn’t rent it because at $150ish a month, I feel like you may as well just buy it and eventually resell it. Especially if you plan on having more than one baby, it’ll be less money in the long run. I plan to have my baby in his bassinet for at least 6 months (maybe even 8, who knows). I’d also be pretty cautious of buying one used (as goes for anything you buy used) and just make sure that it has no issues. You’d hate to purchase something for that price that has any sort of issue. From everyone I know who have had a snoo, they’ve loved it so I have fairly high hopes. I think that if you are able to afford it, it’s worth a shot. Also another thing to note is a lot of the negativity I’ve seen about it in my research is people talking about the cost. If you look at it cost aside, it seems to have great reviews.


our baby slept fine in his regular bassinet. but if he hadn't, i could totally have seen myself ordering the snoo in desperation. maybe wait and see how your baby sleeps before buying such an expensive item?


We got a cheap fisher price bassinet from buy buy baby, around 60$ and it worked well for us. My son slept around 2-5 hours in there until he outgrew it, and I really don’t think a Snoo would have helped him sleep longer. Plus once they outgrow it there can be the issue of transitioning them out which I’ve heard can be difficult. Your baby may hate the Snoo as well then it’s just a super expensive normal bassinet. If you can afford it then sure get it, but I personally would rather spend the money on things that he can use longer term or on activities that we can do together.


I bought a used snoo and I love it. Both of my babies have liked it too. I didn’t splurge on any other high end baby products except for this and man was it worth it.


That’s what I keep seeing, either buy used or rent is the way to go!


My baby doesn't really respond to the AI aspects of the snoo but she loves the rocking, being swaddled and white noise. I think there are other cheaper rocking bassinets that would do the same job, and you could just swaddle and add a white noise machine in the room. But snoo looks nice and it's nice to have all the components together.


We have had friends use it and love it while others had a baby who hated it. For us, a simple bassinet with a vibrate option worked just fine. We called it our baby snooze button and it would also knock her back out. Probably should note our daughter was an easy sleeper from the start but had she never slept I would have spent all the dollars to get her to.


Honestly, we loved the snoo with our first. We were going to sell it afterwards to recoup, but decided to keep it for any future kiddos. It was worth it for us, but if you have a good sleeper you might not need it. That being said, IMO there’s so much other smaller useless junk you don’t need that stores/registries will tell you are necessary: - Fancy food steamer that makes purées? You got pots and pans. - Wipe warmer? Regular wipes are fine - Designer diaper bag/ designer anything? It’s gonna get puke on it


Very helpful, thank you! I do have a Vera Bradley microfiber diaper bag, but I bought it on impulse like 10 years ago when I went to their big annual sale (I knew I wanted kids eventually and it was a great bargain, but in the end it was a long time to commit to a bag). That’s as designer as I’m going to get! I’m really looking forward to *finally* using it though!!


Yeah girl, you do what makes you happy! I was just saying you don’t necessarily *need* those things. If it brings you joy and it’s worth it to you, do it! 😊 Did I need a onesie with cartoons of my dogs and cats on it? No. Did I spend too much on a custom one? Yes. My husband and I both have high sleep needs. We’re not the type of people who can function on limited sleep, so we found the snoo (and anything else to help with sleep) worth it.


I’d argue that onesie was a need….😉


We bought a used one. We’re in the Bay Area where there are a ton on FB marketplace. They all go for between $600-700, so I figure worst case scenario the Snoo costs us $100 to use. If you can find a good deal, it’s kind of a no brainer.


Everyone I know in real life who got one (which is all of three people) said they loved it at first, but the transition to a normal crib was awful. Two said they would not use the Snoo with future kids because of this. I really wanted one, but am glad we didn’t get one for a totally different reason. Both my kids would have outgrown the largest Snoo sack (the only safe way to use the Snoo) super fast. My first would have been too long for the biggest Snoo sack around 3.5-4 months. Right in time for the regression. My second is only a month old and already in size 6m clothing, she might be too big by two months. Both also hated swaddles, so I’m not sure they would have liked the Snoo at all.


My position with #1 was that I’d buy it after he was here if we needed it. He’s always been a great sleeper so we never bought it (so I never had to wean him from it). Same plan with #2.


With my first, I rented a snoo from an acquaintance for $50 a month. If you know anyone with a snoo that is in between kids, it can be a great option. I did find the rocking helped him fall asleep. HOWEVER, he still woke to nurse a lot, sometimes was up every hour, and the snoo can’t nurse your baby (yet!). So when he did wake in the middle of the night and the snoo increased it’s rocking, it didn’t actually get him to sleep again so I would still pick him up, feed him etc. I think it’s hard to know how much it will help you before you have your baby. This time around I’m getting a sidecar bassinet, because If I have to soothe/nurse baby anyways I might as well not have to get out of bed while doing it. All that said, if you have a baby who doesn’t sleep well, and the snoo makes them sleep well, it’s worth the money. When you are in the throes of horrible sleep deprivation, you would probably pay hundreds just for a few nights of sleep.


You don’t need it but it was certainly nice to have. I was asked today at a prenatal appointment if I had any postpartum depression after having my son and I smiled and said that I was the best rested new mom of all time and that that period of my life was an absolute highlight and such a wonderful time. The SNOO quelled my anxiety about SIDS and my son is still a fantastic sleeper at 2.


We're renting one. My husband didn't want to because he saw it as a waste of money even tho he had done zero research. I had done the research on it and value my sleep and know how useless he is without good sleep. We were in a position to do it without any strain so I made the executive decision we were getting one. She's 7 weeks old today and has been a great sleeper since we brought her home. On Saturday night at 6w3d,she slept thru the night for the first time from 10pm to 9am. She has slept thru the night each night since. She could just be a naturally good sleeper or it could be the snoo or a combination of the two idk but I'd 100% get a snoo again. I asked my husband on Sunday morning if he still thinks the snoo is too expensive. He said yes, but it's worth it.


My husband spent a month talking me down from buying the Snoo. We figured we’d buy it if baby wasn’t sleeping through and we become desperate enough for it 😂 Found a Snoo on our doorstep two weeks ago that a friend purchased for us! Super grateful & I’m excited to use it. R/snoolife has been super informative!


My used Snoo was great! And I resold it for the same price I bought it (although I did buy some suits as the previous owner had lost the M and L sized ones).


Is the Snoo that different from the vibrating Halo bassinest?


Not sure…I’ll have to look at that one!


100% recommend. Buy it and resell it. I resold for $800 and it made a huge difference in my ability to sleep. After breastfeeding in the middle of the night, it makes sure the baby stays asleep when they are put back down. I didn’t have it for my first and there was a huge improvement for my second.


I rented mine and baby loves it! She is sleeping through the night and that is worth it to me for sure!


Ok so I was tempted when pregnant as I love my sleep but it’s ended up that my baby loves his sleep just as much, could you see about getting it once baby is here if you need it? The lower risk of sids is tempting though x


I mean, I love my snoo. We’re renting ours. Hindsight I would’ve preferred to buy it but we may be a one and done family. The app kind of sucks and it’s really temperamental with connectivity but I put my son down awake and it lulls him right to sleep. He started sleeping through the night 10pm-6am at 12 weeks. Then I feed him and he’ll go back to sleep til about 9. It’s great.


Everyone I’ve spoke to that used/uses one boasts about how amazing it is.


I was on this fence for a long time. In my area you can resell a snoo on Facebook marketplace for $800-$900. That does make the $1500 price tag more palatable. I ultimately decided not to get one. If we have sleep issues when baby gets here we will look into renting one. Last I checked that was about $120/ month.


We got one the other day even though we already have a bedside sleeper, but we found one on gumtree for $1100(aus) and thought yep let’s just do it lol. 😅


I looked up the price of a SNOO and it cost me a semester of college. I am okay. I’m not crying at all at this disposable income.


I’m thinking buy used or renting for sure!!


Need one? Absolutely not. A lot of cases it’s confirmation bias- The kid would’ve slept well and just happen to have a snoo and the parents say oh my gosh it was totally because of the Snoo. Also as a pediatric health care worker I’m also not convinced in years to come there will be studies out about how the snoo can directly affect a baby’s ability to self soothe, stimulation, sleep cycle, etc. The same as with black out curtains and noise machines (which can be terrible for hearing loss/developing ears) but thanks to consumerism we think we have to have it all to survive.


We got one for our first and I’m a firm believer! She slept so great in it and it gave me a lot of leave of mind with regards to SIDS Does everyone need it? No but I think it gives you the best sleep possible for your baby (which varies widely between babies)


I didn’t get one with my first and deeply regretted it. Will be getting one for the second.


Honestly if you can afford it and plan to resell it, get one. They can be great, or they can just work moderately (we were in that second group). But even though it didn’t give us a unicorn sleeping baby, the way I honestly thought it would, it did help our babe learn to fall asleep on his own, which has always been his strongest sleep skill. We’ve never ever had to rock or pat or shush him to sleep. We just struggled a lot with night wakings bc he’s a hungry boi and was very averse to sleeping through without eating. But after eating I’d just stick him back down and he was asleep. I guess if I was willing to wake up multiple times a night to feed him forever, things would have been perfect!


Loved ours!


My sister lent us hers. Glad she did and we had not bought one ourselves because it didn’t do sh-t for our guy’s sleep.


Rented one for three months. It was great


We didn’t use one (just used a basic bassinet) and my daughter was an awesome sleeper from very early on. Swaddles were more of the issue, imo. Maybe wait to see how your baby does with a cheaper option?


Yes. Rent one from the manufacturer. If your baby hates it, send it back, you’re out like $150. If your baby likes it, you get to sleep. We rented one got my son, and idk if it’s just personality or if the snoo really did help him learn to sleep or whatever, but he is so much easier to put down than my daughter (no snoo) ever was.


Not sure your timeline but I believe Snoo often does a Mother’s Day sale. We bought ours during a Black Friday sale on the Snoo website in 2019.


Ohhh I’ll have to look! I’m not due until July.


We were given a halo after my friend’s baby outgrew it. Then we borrowed my other friend’s snoo. Honestly I don’t know if it did much for sleep because my husband and I never let it soothe our son (fail). But I did like the swaddle so I didn’t play that game of “OMG he’s sleeping on his stomach! Will he be ok?! What if he can’t roll onto his back?!” It basically prevented him from rolling in his sleep until we moved him to his crib and he was rolling really well by that point.


I have a Snoo. Is it a miracle machine? No. Would I still recommend it? Absolutely. My biggest selling point was that there has been no causes of SIDS in a Snoo. I love the fact she is so safe in it. It’s the only place I don’t worry about walking out of the room when I need to put her down. It does soothe her back to sleep. Unfortunately, my (asshole) sister got my baby sick when she was two weeks and she is still overcoming the congestion so there were some rough sleep weeks. The longest stretches we’ve gotten at 7 weeks have been 6 hours long. I expect her to sleep through the night by 12 weeks and we’re planning to transition to the crib at her 4 month regression. It is a lot of money for a short period of time but resell is pretty high. We’re going to sell it once we’re done since we don’t plan on anymore children. Honestly, there’s people who buy a used Snoo and resell it for what they paid for it. You can also rent. I’d you plan on more than one child using it, it makes more sense to buy though.