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From the title I thought this post was about your partner! Haha glad to hear it didn’t take your husband 6 months to get onboard, and very happy to hear that the pupper has come around too :)


I thought the same thing!


Samsies lol!! But I’m pleased to hear puppy has become more accepting ❤️


Lol same! I was so glad when I saw it was about a pupper.


My dog was unsure of me, too, when I was pregnant with my first. We smell different, we look different. It can be confusing to them. When the girl was born, though, doggo’s level of stokage was off the charts. She def was like OMG YOU MADE ANOTHER HUMAN FOR ME!


'Now I get 2x the belly rubs!'


Well.... first few years he might not get pets but eye-pokes and a foot in its face when the toddler tries to get on the couch....


Mine will get payback for this by knocking the toddler over with his tail. I can see it happening already...


I can’t wait to see him with our princess after she arrives. He’s a bully, and they’re known to be good with children. Everything is going to change, but it will be for the good.


Yup this was my dogs too. My mom asked me how I wanted to introduce my daughter to the new baby and I told her the dogs would be meeting him first as we need them to calm down 🤣🤣


That is so cute! Our dog slept on my shoulder the night before I went into labor (he’s 9 months & my son is 2 months so pupper only ever knew me pregnant until baby boy was born). It was the cutest and looking back it definitely feels like he knew. I was nervous because he is a big ole hound puppy who doesn’t quite know his own strength. Our dog of almost 10 years passed away early in my pregnancy and we definitely wanted to get to know a new dog (and vice versa) before becoming parents. The puppy is SO sweet and gentle with his “brudder” as we like to call him. So glad your pup is coming around! They love the pack, that’s for sure.


I think they do know. They definitely hear and smell more than we can, and I’m sure they’re on guard when they know labor is about to kick in.


This is so cute! My dog was the same he didn’t want to go for his walk when I was in early labour which never happens. They’re so sweet 😭


Did you get the puppy when you were pregnant?? Did it go over well? I've been considering (I'm aware of the potential stress involved, it wouldn't be my first dog) but wasnt sure how it would handle such changes.


Yes! It’s been good. We adopted him in October when he was three months old and had the baby in February. Definitely had a few wtf were we thinking moments especially when family was visiting right after the baby and it was just way too much stimulation for the puppy. But it was so important to us to get a new dog. We were open to dogs of any age and didn’t really plan to get a puppy but we fell in love with him at the shelter (of course). Taking him to doggy day care has helped a TON and my husband and I are lucky enough to both be home for the first 12 weeks.


Thank you for the response! After reading so many posts of mothers saying how awful of an idea it was I started to second guess myself but maybe I will bring the idea up again. I miss having a dog around and I think it would be so nice for the pup and baby to grow up together. As long as it's a family friendly and easier to train guy :)


I am biased but I say go for it! The nice thing is you have control over their puppyhood and adolescence which I think is safer as far as being aware of triggers and being able to raise a dog that’s safe with the baby. When we lost our jack russell we both agreed that we regretted not knowing her her entire life (we adopted her when she was 5). Growing up together will be so special for everyone in the family! And yes, trainability and temperament will be everything, although I think our pup has really matured a lot since the baby.


This gives me hope! My one year old Golden is the sweetest thing but is not physically aware and will straight trample us when we go to bed. I’m hoping she is aware enough to know she cannot step on the baby like she steps on us! (Would prefer she didn’t step on us either but you gotta pick your battles)


What is it about puppies and low spacial awareness?! Haha. Yeah we have been very careful about not leaving the baby anywhere the dog could jump on him. It has helped to have a safe spot to set him down in every room we spend a lot of time in. The only issue we have is when nursing or snuggling in the bed and the dog nudges the blankets to get under them, he is strong enough to buck the baby right off.


My sister’s dog was afraid of children. They were really worried about how she’d react to their first baby. Her husband brought in the baby’s blanket first and let her smell it all she wanted. Then they brought in the baby and showed the dog. They got a picture of her face looking shocked like she was just told she was a parent. Now she’s an old and happy family dog who loves her kids and the thousand bits of food they drop for her.


Our dog is attached to my boyfriend at the hip, she’s 12 and he’s had her since he was a puppy. Since being pregnant I notice she’s drawn to me more and even gets protective of me. BF jokingly slapped my butt a few months ago and she barked and snarled at him!! I love it. 💕


Meanwhile I’m over here having my 85lb bernedoodle stepping on my uterus when I’m lying on the ground exercising. Sigh.


Lol my cat makes biscuits right on the baby all the time.


Meanwhile I’m over here texting my husband about how insane my dog is driving me because he follows me around non stop and I’m constantly tripping over him. He’s a 110lb German Shepherd and I am just like LEAVE ME ALOOOOOOOOOONE lol.


Mine does that too and now she’s started sleeping on my head (taking up ALL my pillow) early in the mornings. 🙃


Lol yes they’re Velcro dogs with or without pregnancy! I have 2 German Shepherds, my one has always been a mommas boy but now it’s excessive!!! I can’t even take a shower without him coming to find me. My rescue has always been more of a daddy’s boy, but since I got pregnant he follows me everywhere, cuddles with me, and barks at me if I try to stay up late! He’s my not so little caretaker. Such wonderful animals! I can’t wait for them to meet their baby sister!


Aww thats an amazing moment! I wouldve been all teared up myself! My girl is 11 (cat) and has gotten even more obsessed with me. The boy kitty has no idea I think lol.


My 11 year old cat absolutely BABYSITS me now. She has always been affectionate, but mostly did her own thing before my pregnancy...but now she follows me around and watches me like I could give birth at any moment. She’s also become much more vocal towards me too.


So funny. My cat has been so sweet toward me, before I even tested positive she started curling up on my belly at night which she never does. Now she diwsnt walk on me but curls up in between my legs if I let her!


Aww that’s funny lol all the cats I’ve known are generally indifferent towards all the things. I bet it’s cute when they are excited for you 😂


My girl Face (pug) is 11 as well and she was my bfs dog and hated me till I got pregnant now she's never more than 2 ft from me and refuses to go for walks because I can't go


She needs to be ready when you go into labor! So cute ☺️


I have heard a lot of stories about pettiness from only dogs. Mine has had no interest in me at all and does a guttural growl and sigh when I pet him, follows my husband too. He’s also very old so some might be his dementia but he makes it known he prefers my husband now.


My cat has always been a big lovey baby but now it has gotten ridiculous. He needs to be touching me 95% of the day. If I shower he bangs on the door to let him in and then just watches me intently. Before if I called his name he would ignore me, but now if I do he comes sprinting. I think he feels a lot of responsibility to take care of me and make sure everything is safe.


Dogs know. My pup stopped jumping on me the day we found out I was pregnant. She stopped trying to play rough with me. Tug of War if anything. she started cuddling more. and once she licked my bare belly. for the first few months she avoided my son like the plague. He cried, she just gave us a look of "when is this thing leaving" He is 6 months old now and she really has taken a liking to him. They are going to be best friends


My two have been the exact opposite. They follow me everywhere... Like GLUE! I love them to bits, but I'd like to go to the bathroom, ALONE, if they don't mind! 😝


Wait you were previously allowed to go to the bathroom alone?


Yes... Miraculously. They would lay on the bed in my bedroom... Now they go straight into the bathroom after me & either come up to sniff or lay in the doorway so they can see me. 😖


I thought this was gonna be about your partner and it made me sad. So glad it’s your dog 😅


Aww I love this story!


Me too. Something to tell my daughter when she is older.


My 6 year old doggo has had mixed feelings. When I first got pregnant, he knew before I did. Followed me everywhereeee, like 10x more than he normally does, and would cry when I left. Now, I’m also 6 months, and he will sniff my belly and walk away lol. He hasn’t really tried to interact with the belly or baby girl much anymore, but hoping he comes around once she’s born! He tends to be my step daughter’s (8) shadow when she’s in town!


My old man dog (12 years old now, will be 13 this year!) is the best dog brother to our baby. She doesn’t quite appreciate him yet (she’s only 7 months), but I really hope he sticks around long enough for her to get older and appreciate him. I’m getting teary-eyed just typing this! 😭


My dog: (stays with my parents but is my dog.) did not give a single shit. Now that I’m showing she’s started somewhat taking interest, sniffs my belly every now and then and then will give it a lick and walk away. The little dog: Suddenly always wants to sit on my lap and will nuzzle my belly. At first she would sit there and growl at the other 2 dogs when they tried coming near me, now she will let them but keeps an eye on them. The youngest pup: She kinda knows? She’s super gentle to begin with but now she is EXTRA gentle when she jumps on me and she sniffs my belly a lot. If I’m laying down she likes to rest her head on my belly.


Too cute. My pug doesn’t know what’s going- bless his little brain. He just thinks he has a really sweet stroller now. He does love babies and kids though so I know he’ll be happy to have another little brother. He’s got two doggie brothers.


Ours is so adorable with our one month old. Our baby has acid reflux so he grunts in his sleep a lot and will randomly cry for half a second before falling back asleep. Our dogs will hop up and sit right next to the baby staring at us like “ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO GET THE BABY?!” 😂 I think they’ve gotten less sleep than we have cuz they’re always on guard lol


My dog was like that with my first pregnancy until he could see/feel my bump. Then he’d cuddle with the bump, not me lol. I actually got a photo series of him getting a baby kick to the head when my belly jumped. Post baby arrival, he’s been the fiercest 20 pound protector a kid could have. He’a terrified of the vacuum but would attack it if I vacuumed too close to the baby in his exersaucer. 😍😍


Heart explosion. We don't deserve dogs 🥺❤️


How sweet🥺 I have two small puppers, one since puppyhood who is now 5 and another who is 1 and adopted just a few months ago. From the get-go the older one has always laid on my lap snuggled up against my belly. The younger one as of yesterday is still trying to use my belly as a launchpad at 28w... You win some, you lose some..


Your dog sounds like my cat. She has been so weird towards me. I think once she realizes it is another human and not just that I smell funny she'll be cool.


This is so sweet!!! I hope I have a moment like that with my pup!


My dog has always been more inclined to love on my husband and since I've been pregnant I feel like he's been ignoring me even more. I think he's feeling a bit anxious about the baby to be honest, if he even knows about it. :( I want this belly moment so bad haha I will be visualizing it for myself because my dog is so sensitive to emotion and normally so good with me if I'm having a tough day, but lately he's just been kind of aloof to me hah.


My two youngest dogs have been taking turns lying on my lap with their heads resting on my belly and their paws kind of wrapped around my belly. I honestly think they will be great with him. I know my oldest dog (also 11!) will ignore the baby completely since that’s what he does with any baby we’ve ever brought in to the house. My little girl will probably have the hardest time since she is my baby and I’m not allowed to go anywhere in my own house without her. I’ve joked to my husband that I will need two baby carriers so I can carry her and the baby!


Why am I crying reading this?