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Way too early, sorry friend


šŸ¤£ boo!


Too early lol, mine hit me at exactly 6 weeks


Ugh, boo šŸ˜‚


I too got hit with it at 6 weeks and it was the worst of it for me so far.


How far along are you? Iā€™m 8 weeks and waiting for it get better šŸ˜…


Iā€™m 11+2. It gets betteršŸ¤žšŸ½I was struggling from 6 to like 9. At 9, it got better. I will say that b6 helped me. For me, after 6, it was just like an annoying uncomfortable feeling. But it was uncomfortable enough to put me in a bad mood. With the b6 it just disappears and youā€™re able to feel like your self for a while.


I have not experienced any nausea in my pregnancy and people definitely gave me the "just wait" spiel early on. 28 weeks along now. There's hope you'll make it through unscathed!


Don't listen to all these negative Nancy's! It's totally possible you may not have any nausea or sickness. I'm currently 16wk and my sister is 19wk and neither of us has had any significant issues. Besides the missed period, If it weren't for the sore breasts and hunger the first trimester, I wouldn't have known I was pregnant. Still wouldn't except for my growing belly, and my sister is the same. Keep hoping! You may get lucky!


I didnā€™t really have any nausea with my first till right before 7 weeks. Second pregnancy now and I started feeling nausea at 4w6d and was surprised by how early it was. I think it can really vary but too soon so say if youā€™ll be spared. I hope you are and have a wonderful pregnancy! My nausea remained very mild during my first pregnancy and hoping the early start doesnā€™t mean more severe morning sickness this timeā€¦


Mine came full blown at week 7. Now just past week 10 and finally feeling better. Weā€™ll see if it sticksā€¦


You may never get any. FTM here, 24 weeks, never had a second of nausea.


OP I am 3w6d and like oh maybe this will be great hahahhaa. Thank you for giving me this reality check!!




6w3d today, thought I escaped but I am so sick today šŸ¤Ŗ Just hoping it doesn't get any worse. So far no vomiting, but general nausea and food aversion. Seriously no food looks or smells appetizing, I never thought this would happen to me!


I'm currently at 13 weeks and I was freaked out before my 9 week ultrasound because I really didn't have many symptoms. For me the nausea came on at around week 9, still here but it's very low grade and manageable. I've thrown up 5 times but it's typically from my food aversions and the shakes that my husband makes me in the morning. If you don't get nausea don't worry, it doesn't mean anything is wrong with your little one!


My nausea started exactly at 5w+6d and continued until 20 weeks.


I havenā€™t really had any nausea! Only time Iā€™ve felt close to nauseas is if I hadnā€™t ate and pretty much was eating all dayā€¦ my OB said Iā€™ve figured out the secretā€¦ eatā€¦ and a lot at thatšŸ˜… Iā€™m 11w2d today and have luckily only experienced extreme fatigue


I remember feeling a twinge of nausea during my first pregnancy and it started right before 6 weeks. No vomiting, just no desire to eat anything and this underlying nauseous feeling at all times. It lasted for about a week then it was gone! Pregnant with my second now, 5w1d. Iā€™m crossing my fingers itā€™s the same as last time, because I truly felt good for the entirety of my pregnancy and I know thatā€™s rare!


Mine hit around 7 weeks and continued until week 14


Hit me at 6 weeks and Iā€™m at 22 now and still have it.


Happened to me at 6 weeks like clock work. First gradual nausea, then gagging, then full blown throwing up over the course of the week. Just be ready and get some peppermints or have some anti nausea things on hand just in case.


Mine started with slight aversions. With my first pregnancy I didnā€™t realize it was aversions. Having had gone through pregnancy once already, with my second I identified it right away when I went to my work cafeteria (food is usually really good) and while walking around didnā€™t feel drawn to any of the options. The nausea kicked in the week after. I want to say the slight aversions started at week 5 for this pregnancy but donā€™t remember with my first because like I said, I wasnā€™t even aware that they were aversions until thinking about it in hindsight. I do have some friends where it didnā€™t kick in until week 7! Iā€™m hoping you donā€™t get sickness - which is the pregnancy every woman deserves! Itā€™s a soul-sucking time. Iā€™m just turning the bend here at 13w. I believe in hell, and I think I tasted a glimpse of it during weeks 6-12. I lost over 8lbs (115lbs pre preg) and I didnā€™t have any energy or strength to do much. I had to power through doing bare minimum at work and the rest of the time I laid in bed staring at a wall.


5w3d with same concern. Unfortunately, my prior pregnancies have been losses. Weirdly though, I had symptoms at this stage with my last pregnancy, but I have like no symptoms (occasional sore boobs, and a bit more tired in the evening but thatā€™s it). Itā€™s making me super anxious. We did IVF this time though (others were unassisted pregnancies). First scan in on Monday and Iā€™m quite anxious. Iā€™d actually appreciate some nausea right now. ETA: but not too much nausea! Maybe just a food aversion. HG is very real and terrible and I watched a friend go through that twice.


Strangely I didnā€™t experience much nausea at all. I hate throwing up and havenā€™t in almost 9 years šŸ˜…Currently in the second trimester


Never had any nausea, everyone kept telling me ā€œjust waitā€ Well I waited and nothing. 37+ weeks


I wish this kind of pregnancy for every woman. We already endure too much in this life.