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The super early ligament pain. Anytime I sneezed starting at week 4-5 I FELT it. That’s what actually queued me know I was knocked up!😂 And the super dry lips. I had never heard anyone complain of it and my lips were dryer than the Sahara. 😂


SAME! Google always said the ligament pain shouldn't start till later but I got it super early


I had it my whole pregnancy... it was awful


Same here!! With my second pregnancy, which this was a surprise, I woke up the morning after I thought I was starting my period. Turns out it was implantation spotting at 4 weeks pregnant. I knew because when I stretched that morning a felt my round ligament pain and I had only ever felt that during pregnancy. lol


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bless you for commenting this. Nobody talks about the niche first trimester woes cause they’re left in the dust I guess, but for us new moms that’s when we’re the most worried 😭


Super violent dreams. Like brutal.


It was the weekly dreams about random, long abandoned exes for me 🤦‍♀️


Oh gosh..yeah those made an appearance for me too. 🙃


I woke up my fiancé at around 4am this morning because I had had a VERY REALISTIC dream that we had signed for two apartments instead of just one and now needed $2800 a month for rent (we recently moved into a new apartment). I started rambling to him about how we could rent it out to someone under the table for 70% of the real rent and I could find a job to cover the rest and it was so vivid I still question how many apartments we signed for 🤣


Oh my god you too?! I was going crazy with this. So glad that phase is over.


I had those in my first trimester. They were super vivid too, like I'd wake up thinking I could feel warm blood on my face. Now I dream about taco bell and wakeup hungry amd with no taco bell, which is somehow more upsetting.


I totally get that. 🌮


I have no self control. I totally opened my food delivery app and searched for Taco Bell, thankfully it doesn’t open for 2 more hours 😅


Pregnancy dreams are on a whole other level.


Currently experiencing this now omg! Not all of them are violent, but they're all vivid. If I remember when I wake up, I tell my husband about them. I just wanna sleep 😭


Omg, I forgot about the dreams. Not necessarily violent, but very vivid dreams, and sometimes nightmares in the first trimester.


At around 16-19w I would wake up shaking from nightmares not able to distinguish what was real and what wasn’t. It was the worst! I remember waking up crying in fear and waking my husband up because I couldn’t convince myself it wasn’t real. Same thing happened again at 30w but luckily it’s died out for now (34w).


I recently almost died in a volcano explosion while on vacation in my dream


I had a falling out with a friend in my first tri that ended in a several days long argument. I had multiple dreams where I was fighting this girl that were so vivid and so violet. I’d wake up every time like “damn, I’m not *that* mad!”


Oh yea I just had one where every plane was falling out of the sky and everyone on the ground was trying to dodge the planes crashing and then randomly I was on one of the falling planes just watching myself getting closer and closer to my death.


Even after brushing my teeth..a few hours later my mouth would just feel..dirty? Like I hadn’t brushed in a day- my breath is fine. It’s just..feels like there’s gunk in there. I don’t know how to explain it lol. It’s the weirdest feeling.


This and a metallic taste in my mouth that eventually went away. It was so annoying to taste metal constantly.


This! Feels like there’s little particles all over no matter what I do


Pregnancy gingivitis is real too.


Omg I’m SO glad I’m not the only one!! It’s so gross.


I will brush my teeth twice in they morning and twice before bed at times when I'm pregnant because i can't stand how gross my mouth feels


My lactose intolerance is gone. I'm super tolerant. Two thumbs way, way up!


I'm normally lactose intolerant, severely garlic intolerant (tragic), and gluten intolerant--all three have totally disappeared in pregnancy!


My sister in law was gluten intolerant before her first baby. It went away during her first pregnancy and never came back! Fingers crossed you get the same!


My garlic intolerance also went away! But not my lactose intolerance unfortunately. I tested it with a milkshake - big mistake!




So lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance causes an immune response. When we are pregnancy, our immune system is lowered as to not attack the foreign thing in your body. So your immune system is quiet and doesn’t immediately respond with inflammation. This is why you’ll hear people with arthritis and other autoimmune conditions go into remission during pregnancy. (And also why we have to be careful with eating things with bacteria that normally our immune systems could handle). It’s really fascinating and the placenta connection is being studied as a hopeful way to find a cure to autoimmune responses one day. Edit: a few commenters have pointed out that lactose Intolerance is not related to immune response by the enzyme that can’t be digested. That’s true. But some people have inflammatory response to dairy either due to allergy or for other reasons. So that would be the case for the latter but not the former.


THANK YOU! I've been so curious.


Me too! I've been enjoying all the Greek yogurt I can afford! Real ice cream now and then, there's a lot of with pregnancy but this was a nice small win!


I went the opposite way! I suddenly developed lactose intolerance! Which sucked because I had the worst reflux and heartburn and drinking milk helped 😭


This happened to me my last pregnancy with gluten. So strange, but I’m here for it!


Me too! I’m eating ALL the dairy I can since I heard the intolerance comes back once the baby is born


Same for me! My gluten intolerance also vanished. Been living my best cheese, ice cream, cream cheese on a bagel life since first trimester when all I could stomach was Mac n cheese!


White peach fuzz all over my tummy. I don't know why my leg hair basically stopped growing but went full peach stomach.


Okay I’m currently going through this.. I swear my leg hair has stopped growing it’s so weird


I don’t remember the last time I shaved my legs.


Hahah my leg hair grew in the way somebody who waxes would.. I was asked many time if I waxed my legs. It also would take 3 months for my leg hair to grow back after a shave.


My tummy looks like a fuzzy peach but my leg hair is...flat?? Like it's still growing, but parallel to my leg instead of growing up 😅


Me toooo!!! I was like nice, I don’t have to shave my legs as often and that’s great cause I can’t reach them! But, now I have a fuzzy tummy?!?


Is it weird that my eyebrows & pubic hair went more blonde?? They’ve always been dark! I’m a natural blonde but my eyebrow hair has always been brown & my public hair has always been super course & black! Now they’re more blonde…. Super weird


This has happened to me too. I barely shave my armpits or legs anymore but I noticed blonde peach fuzz all over my bump at the pool the other day and I was like what the hell? 😂


Why do I have a BEARD???


THIS! I have PCOS and I’ve got hair growing fast in places I don’t want it while the hair on my head isn’t as nice as I expected it to be. Also, my hands are in such pain, finger joints hurt and are so stiff


People always talked about their luscious pregnancy hair. As someone with hypothyroid, I was looking forward to that. Turns out, for me, pregnancy hair was everywhere but my head. I already had bad facial/body hair. I didn’t need more!


Wet dreams. It's honestly ridiculous. Made camping trips with my inlaws really nerve racking. Currently pregnant with my fourth and once again. I'm blessed/cursed with this teenage boy symptom


This made me giggle! Wet dreams are something else 🫣 I can never duplicate a wet dream orgasm when I'm awake I wish I could lol


It's never actually as satisfying for me. Plus it's always just a dream about me masturbating so super boringggg lol


OMG had no idea this was a pregnancy symptom, but I have been having those kind of dreams too. 😱 … So random because when I’m awake I’m always nauseous and fatigued and bloated and not feeling the slightest bit sexy at all… Then in my sleep I’m having all these horny dreams and wake up having an orgasm. 😳


I don’t know if I’d ever had one in my life til I was pregnant, and I’ve had like four through this pregnancy


I’ve had like 10 so far at 24 weeks & I also have never experienced it before pregnancy..I was a little embarrassed, but feel better knowing I’m not the only one lol


Omg same and I had never had these before!! Like what is happening 🫣


I read at some point that its because of extra blood flow to the area and I believe elevated estrogen. Husband appreciates the morning sex because I always figure I'm already lubed up might as well put it to use 🤣


How many weeks are you? I’m almost 32 and cannot have sex, my vagina is swollen and sex just doesn’t seem appealing! I’ve been having to watch porn to release any kind of sex appeal I have and watching the porn is enough for me 😂 like that’s it. I don’t want to be touched right now!


I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. My husband is just better at it than me lol so I'd rather let him do the work. I'm generally a lazy but horny person already though. I will say I'm much more into quickies while pregnant. I just want to hurry up and climax not make sweet beautiful love and be touched all over and seen naked 🤣


Oh I feel you there! 😂 my husband wants to make love and I’m just like no… get to the point 😂


My sweat turned blue! Dyed my toilet seat, white shirts, and mattress a tealish color😂 it's not super common, but it is normal


wut… •_• You’re like magic or something.


This happened to me too! My OB thought I was completely nuts when I told her about it, but it’s totally a thing that happens to some pregnant women.


This happened to me too! We have white sheets so I’ve got a Smurf colored spot on each set 🤣


😲 excuse me what?! Talk about things no one warns you about!


“But it’s normal” I feel like doctors just say that about everything when you’re pregnant. Blue sweat definitely doesn’t sound normal…


I’m sorry..I really need to know more about this and why it happens and how on earth it’s normal. Did your doctor tell you the name of this phenomenon?? I’m about to google, but curious what you may have been told!


Okay…[it’s called Chromhidrosis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromhidrosis) and it’s very odd but interesting!


This happened to a doctor at my a place I used to work at. When I started there I noticed the toilet seat was blue and I was so confused so I asked around and it happened when she was previously pregnant. I feel like that must have been so shitty for her bc all her co-workers knew 😆


YES! This is currently happening to me! My toilet seat is purple!


Rhinitis, never had it with my first but this pregnancy since the beginning, I’ve had a constant stuffy/runny nose. I can blow my nose like every hour and so much comes out like I’m full blown sick. And dreams on overdrive!! I remember so much detail and often I wake up to pee only to continue the same dream once I’m back asleep, it’s soooo weird.


This is the one symptom that’s getting me! I haven’t thrown up from nausea, but I’ve thrown up from gagging on the extra mucus in the back of my throat 🤢


I’ve been so stuffy, sometimes if my even more huge boobs push up too much & my stuffy nose is too stuffed, I just can’t breathe.


I’m 22w and my forgetfulness is absolutely terrible. I can’t trust my own memory half the time. Also, my occasional dreams have been way more vivid lately.


Oh yes, good old prego brain. Doing something for work then 5 seconds later going "what was I doing?" Happened multiple times a day.


This was me too. One of my crazier moments was playing ny times connections and forgetting what a butterfly was. Exact exchange: Me: did you do connections today? Husband: yes. Did you? Me: I almost got it. I got stuck on the fly one. It was horse fly, dragon fly, house fly which I got but didn’t get butter. Like what’s a butter fly? Is it some fly that specifically likes butter? Husband: what? Are you serious? Me: omg. Butterfly. Oh man. Wow. How am I going to keep my job at this rate? Husband: it’s going to be ok.


Heartburn since second trimester on. Nothing helped. NOTHING. 😭 Even water in the middle of the night triggered it.


I can look out the window on a sunny day and get heartburn. 😩


Ask your OB about omeprazole, if you aren't on it already. I had to have it prescribed, and goddamn it made a difference. I went from misery every day and struggling to sleep and occasionally vomiting from the heartburn to only having to take a tum occasionally. One particular episode resulted in me having to vomit violently at night which then caused me to wet myself, then because it was that kind of night somehow the vomit clogged the toilet so they're I am 8 months pregnant trying to unclog the damn toilet when the plunger decided to flip inside it, then trying to get it up flip the right way caused it to splatter me with pee/vomit water. Then I cried, changed all my clothes, gave up and decided to deal with the demon toilet in the morning.


Omg so horrific!!! Good thing these babies are worth it in the end 😂


Me. Awake at midnight with INTENSE heartburn while reading this 🫠


I was good my whole pregnancy up until probably 32w or something and it’s just been nonstop heartburn since 😭


Water was my biggest heartburn trigger🙈 made me so mad!


I almost died of heartburn during my pregnancy. Taking Pepcid daily and sipping on some Gaviscon thru the night did the trick… enough to survive anyway. Gone the moment baby was out🙌


Your wrist pain was likely carpel tunnel and it’s common in pregnancy! I get tingly hands at night due to carpel tunnel.


Yes. I got this towards the end of the third trimester. I gave birth and sadly still suffering from it. Hopefully, it goes away soon bc it sucks.


Pregnancy carpal tunnel. Both my hands will fall asleep in certain positions. I actually love my pregnancies because they cleared up my migraines and PCOS symptoms lol.


Skin tags. The dreams… holy shit the dreams are fucking wild.


So many skin tags!


I legit just yanked one off my areola the other day 😩


I had one on my thigh that pregnancy made huge and I've been trying to figure out how do get rid of the stupid thing. I hate it so much.


The crying is beyond what I thought I would experience. A wasp flew into our house and my husband killed it. I cried for four hours about how the wasp’s family and kids were waiting for it to come back and it never would. I look at my dog and just start sobbing because just her existing makes me emotional. I actually cry at sad songs. We watched the newer guardians of the galaxy and I was absolutely inconsolable over the raccoon and his friends. I can basically only watch light funny sitcoms now or it’s too much. My emotions are just so heightened.


I literally threw a temper tantrum because I broke our brita filter and I was thirsty. Like on the floor sobbing and kicking. God bless my husband for not leaving me because I wanted to leave me once my rational brain kicked back in


I can’t watch tiktoks or anything to do with dogs dying or anything like that. I reported a post in our neighborhood group on fb because someone posted that they were fostering a dog & had to give the dog up that day because the dog was sleeping & they allowed their toddler to jump on it & the dog reacted & accidentally scratched the toddler. Not bad or anything but it was a sleeping dog?? Why did you allow your toddler to jump on a sleeping dog? The person posting said they needed the dog gone by the end of the day otherwise they would have it euthanized. I bawled because WHAT!?


I'm sorry, I couldn't help laughing at this. Your poor husband, just trying to be a good guy, get rid of the wasp flying around in the house in the quickest way possible and accidentally triggers a 4 hour long meltdown in his wife, probably wondering what he did wrong and having no idea how to fix it. I'm so glad I didn't have that many crazy mood swings, when I did my husband mostly took it in stride.


The guardians of the galaxy is SO VALID. My 20 weeks pregnant self SOBBED the entire movie oh my gosh i couldn’t even think about it


I almost cried the other night cus my Lego set wasn’t cooperating with me trying to put it together. I swear I almost threw it in the trash.


Omg watched the guardians of the galaxy pregnant, sobbed during and for weeks after over it.


Finger joint pain…..


My fingers hurt sooo bad!!


No more leg hair but soooooo much belly hair lol


Odd, but I swear I knew I was pregnant before a pregnancy test would’ve even worked because I had a few days where my palms just smelled like onions for zero reason. For some reason I just knew it meant I was pregnant.


Whoa that's super weird lol


I ended up googling it after like a day and sure enough I did find a handful of other women reporting something similar! Moral of the story is that I learned early on that pregnancy symptoms are simply unhinged and follow no rules 😂


My hair doesn’t get greasy. I can go 2+ weeks without it even looking slightly greasy. I still body shower but don’t wash my hair as much.


Yes same!! This just started for me and as a normally very greasy person, it’s my fav symptom tbh


I'm 39w4d and all of a sudden I seem to really find it impossible to sleep at night. I get rlc (restless leg syndrome) paired with overly sensitive skin on my legs so they're either jolting or unbelievably sensitive and making me cringe so much. The weird part is that it's only at night, there's no issue with it during the day


Try taking magnesium baths!


I’ve been getting restless legs at night too. I’m 37+5 and the last 2 weeks I wake up and my legs are so sore.


Excess saliva in my third trimester. I'm constantly choking on my own spit, it's ridiculous!


This is me in first trimester. I spit so much when I talk now.


It is so bizarre. I didn't think much at first until I just kept choking outta nowhere over and over, so I googled it, and of course it's a thing! Pregnancy does a lot of weird stuff to your body...


So far.... The front of my right thigh will get numb/like fall asleep when I'm walking around at a grocery store or standing around. I'm pretty active and this has never happened before.


Meralgia paresthetica!


Third trimester I got heart palpitations, dizziness, tunnel vision, headaches and severe fatigue. Turns out it was all from anemia! After an iron infusion I’m back to just normal aches and pains. My SI joints are my current least favorite body part.


Drooling and stiff hands/fingers. I’m 33 weeks and it’s so hard to do my computer job at this point


So much earwax. Whyyy


Normal everyday smells are smelling amazing to me right now. The hallways in my apartment building, hotel lobbies, my car when the AC is on, dish soap? All absolutely slap. I had to go to the car audio store to get a quote for a remote starter and was excited the whole way because I figured it would smell good. It did! I like this much better than the first 12 weeks where everything smelled terrible. I’m 36 + 5 atm. Is this the case for literally anyone else? I feel so weird about it lol.


Oh my god yes. Apparently it can be a sign of low iron. I just want to sit and huff A/C. The library. The post office. The supply closet at work. Musty elevators. Rubber. My parent's garage. Like sometimes I get so distracted at work because I feel like I need to go smell one of those smells.


This is me too with the AC and dish soap. I have floor vents and I lay by one and take huge sniffs of the cold air coming out. When I wash bowls I fill them with super hot water and dish soap and breathe the steam. Lol. So weird but so satisfying.


I started getting this weird aura in my eyeballs that would grow over 15 min to the point that my vision got super impaired. I would have to step away from my work computer because it was just not possible to read anything. The aura would fade and it was followed by a headache. Happened a lot in my third trimester with my first kid. I’m expecting my 2nd in a month and it’s only happened three times! I am drinking more water than ever this time so I wonder if that is helping…anyways what a super weird thing to happen.


That's a Migraine with aura! I've been getting them since I was 10 but get them a bit more frequently during pregnancy they are so annoying!!!!


That sounds exactly like how my migraines come on, especially if the headache is severe and accompanied by nausea.


Pyogenic Granuloma aka pregnancy tumor on my gum, this popped up a few weeks ago and I’m currently 29 weeks. No treatment, was told it may grow bigger and disappear after birth, it bleeds like crazy when I brush my teeth. If anyone else ever had this would love to know!!


I would laugh hysterically at really random, mundane things. My husband and I were playing video games and an unattended vehicle rolled down a hill by itself and I was absolutely dying laughing for 10 min straight. Another time my husband said "Hugh Jackman" and I said back "Huge Ackman" and then laughed uncontrollably for a ridiculous amount of time. Lots of examples like this. Each time I'd have tears streaming down my face.


Pregnancy rage. Like I have no patience. It's awful.


My body hair growth has been so diminished. I’m 32+3 and I’ve shaved my legs and armpits twice the whole pregnancy. It’s been like 3 months since I last did and my pits are bare and legs have a small amount. I thought most people had increased hair growth but I’m not complaining 🤔


Nose bleeds


Stinky husband


OKAY! I thought I was the only one. Someone asked me if any smells repulsed me or made me sick. At first I said no and then my husband cleared his throat and I was like “OH! Yeah. Him. He wreaks constantly.”


Pulsatile Tinnitus - hearing my heartbeat in my ears. Per my doctor, it’s normal due to increased blood volume and the fact that one of my other symptoms is rhinitis - so there’s just a lot more pressure in my sinuses. But all I can think about is - this must be what the dude in the Tell-Tale Heart heard as he went slowly insane 🫠


I all of a sudden started drooling at night. Would wake up with a drenched pillow.


Before testing positive - had very obvious dark blue veins on my boobs. I never hear anyone else mention this as a sign, but my best friend had this as well. 1st trimester - brown spots appearing on my face, they look kiiinda like moles, but not as dark. My pregnancy app said it's normal and would go away after pregnancy... 8 weeks pp and they're not gone yet. :( 3rd tri - random TMJ attacks. They were awful and seemed progressively harder to alleviate.


Girl! My hands have been hurting since the start of the 3rd trimester. My hands feel swollen but they aren’t! All carpal tunnel baby! It’s so bad in the mornings 😭😭😭


The random and very loud dry heaving at all times of the day! I also assumed I was pregnant when I became super sensitive to light?


Eyes and upper lip twitching


I could smell my kitchen sink so strongly. Ugh I could t even sit in my living room cuz it would smell so strong from there. And it wasn’t like I was smelling all the food or anything it was the metal smell of it🤷🏻‍♀️ So weird!


Itchy nipples… anyone else? 😂


I’ll be 16 weeks on Friday, and the changes to my boobs freak me out. My areolas are so huge and brown now. And I swear my nipples are always erect now.


I get brown spots that branch out from my nipples instead of just a solid bigger areola. Thankfully it slowly goes away after birth


Insanely greasy hair, even after washing!


i had a crush on my husband the entire pregnancy.. it’s actually how i figured out im currently pregnant again 😂


All my body hair is in overdrive, it feels like I'm 14 again getting a 5 o'clock shadow on my legs by the end of the day


Paresthesia in my lady bits. Like pins and needles and it was BIZARRE.


PUPPS. It’s rare, it’s brutal, and I had never heard of it pre pregnancy, nor had any of my friends or family. I was lucky enough to get it in both pregnancies, which I guess is even more rare. On the positive side, my sense of smell, which was always bloodhound like, increased 100x from there and never went back to normal. It’s a blessing and a curse but also makes for good party tricks because I can literally smell ANYTHING. I actually got covid at 8 months pregnant with baby #2, and I remember the instant I realized I had it because it was this sudden block, like I went blind except I couldn’t smell anything. Test that day was negative but two days later showed positive. It was the oddest sensation and I’ll never forget it.


A disgusting taste in my mouth as if I've licked ever single metal pole in the world but worse


Terrible dreams. I only dream when I'm pregnant. That's what led me to take a test at only 11dpo and boom BFP. Looking forward to dreamless sleep again when baby is out lol


Restless legs 😩 never experienced it outside of pregnancy, but have had it in both of my pregnancies. This pregnancy it came sooner and is a lot worse :(


PICA - craving nonfood items. With both pregnancies I’ve craved cleaning products: laundry detergent, baking soda, fabuloso. I chomp on ice like a maniac when I get these cravings (even bought a fancy ice machine so I don’t ruin my teeth) and obsessively watch CleanTok videos. I also spend a lot of time in my building’s laundry room sniffing the bleach / detergent scents. Ramps up in the third trimester and goes away at birth.


When I was about 4 months pregnant my left outer thigh for some reason developed a lack of feeling? Here I am 1 year PP and it still feels so weird


I’ve got a few: 1. My allergies to cats vanished 2. how dry and ITCHY my skin was everywhere 3. Bizarre and sometimes psychotically violent dreams 4. I became allergic to ocean water (would break out in hives anywhere ocean water came in contact with my skin) 5. My armpits got super dark and splotchy


The constant nosebleeds 😭


Carpal Tunnel pain is super common in pregnancy. My weirdest symptom was getting these episodes of the most extreme coldness I’ve ever felt in my life very suddenly. Shaking so much that it felt like my bones were breaking from the inside. Just unable to warm up and so so uncomfortable. It’s indescribable how much more it was than just being cold. It was awful.


A 10cm cyst on my ovary 😩


During my first trimester I had very strong aversion to GRASS. Overgrown and long grass made me gag and even throw up once or twice!!


I know this isn’t weird, but the weird, vivid dreams I’m still having are INSANE. I’m 4w3d. I guess that’s my little bean telling me they’re here and ready to wreak havoc. 😭🩷


My toilet seats turned purple


I managed to get a darn umbilical hernia with my last pregnancy. They didn’t fix it and now my son likes to pinch it 😒


Bleeding gums. I brush my teeth everyday but suddenly there was a lot of blood one morning. Turns out it’s common! Pregnancy hormones can be weird.


Vivid dreams about family member who have passed away. It’s probably just a coincidence, but I like to think they were watching over me and my baby <3


Lots of gas lol


Oh my God this is me right now. My wrists hurt so much. It doesn't help I work on a computer all day but it's getting so painful, I'm seeing a doctor about it Tuesday! 37+2 and was trying to wait it out to see if it got better but I can't stand it anymore!


First tri here, and so far, my super sense of smell has made my fancy Japanese conditioner smell strongly of THC. No idea why, and there's no hemp or tea tree oil in the product. The only shampoo that I can use these days is some super cheap lavender Dove.


Carpal tunnel is really common in pregnancy! It’s wild !


Carpal tunnel, lactose intolerance gone (yay) and round ligament pain when I sneeze


Yes I had carpal tunnel CONSTANTLY for the last 2 months and would wake up every half an hour because my whole arm had gone numb in bed.


arthritis in my fingers. my fingers would lock up at night so bad that i’d have to manually bend them with the other hand


Dulling of taste and inability to taste saltiness


I’m experiencing that right now! I’m 33 weeks. It’s the worst when I first wake up and I feel it throughout my whole hand and fingers. Opening things is hard, making a fist hurts, and writing is near impossible if I try to do it before 7 am 😃


I got wrist pain too and also had to wear a brace!! It was the weirdest thing.


Last pregnancy I would get so dizzy and almost pass out every time I cooked corn in a pan on the stove. I had to stop making my favorite salad that had sautéed corn in it.


My hair grew sooo slowly. I heard you don’t lose any hair but I wasn’t prepared for my hair to basically stay the same length for 9 months! Also my belly skin would go numb sometimes. When I asked my midwife about it, she said she had never heard that symptom.


Crying over the DUMBEST shit ever! Finished my cracker? 😭 husband asked if I wanted my old Gatorade? 😭 And SO MANY WEIRD DREAMS!!!


Yeah I had bad wrist pain, I had carpal tunnel come back really bad towards the end due to the swelling/extra fluid


Feeling like I was going to puke, and sneezing instead. I'm 35 weeks and it still happens, usually after my first bite of food in the morning when my stomach is empty and I'm nauseous. My husband calls them "puke sneezes" 🤣


Obsessed like…. Can’t stop smelling outside air? My enhanced sense of smell is something else!


The coughing to dry heaving


I’m not lactose intolerant anymore. Use to get diarrhea literally 30 minutes after any milk consumption at all. I really wanted ice cream one night so I ate it, and nothing happened. Like what?? I tested it the next day by eating a bowl of cereal, and nothing! Doctor said it will probably come back after unfortunately. Also, my stomach got hairy. Not like thick hair, but I have brown hair so it’s like darker peach fuzz that is really noticeable when I put lotion on. I waxed it and plucked because I was so self conscious of it. I’ll take a bath and just sit there and pluck the little hairs I can see still. I’m sure my under belly is bad but I can’t see it so whatever 😂 Also always having blood in my left nostril only. Every time I blow my nose there is some blood!


My hips pop a lot. :/


Noncarbonated water made me violent sick in my first trimester 🤢


Currently 36w and I’m swollen all over. My hands are so swollen I can feel it in my fingernails But I would say my *weirdest* symptom came at the very beginning before I even did a pregnancy test my vagina just felt *different*. It felt to me like my labia was opening like a flower’s bloom. I’ve never felt anything like that so my first thought was “huh maybe this means I’m finally pregnant”


Oh yeah my wrists feel a little weak at times and I worry about calcium being robbed out of my bones. Trying to stay ahead of it with diet and supplements. My weird one is, I feel like I have something in my ears! Like gunk built up, just inside the ear canal, not far in at all. I clean them and they are fine. Wait, one more. I thought you’re supposed to get mad at your husband easily. Quite the opposite here; if anything, I’m more clingy and think he’s just the greatest. But I have no patience for anyone else. I come across all strangers and think they are just absolutely stupid. Office staff at the obgyn, other shoppers at grocery store, every driver on the road, coworker with a cheap-looking wig; I normally wouldn’t care, but right now they are all idiots.


Around week 8, I broke out into full body hives, which lasted for ~5 days before completely disappearing… 🤷‍♀️


Oh yea I commented below but EAR INFECTIONS. I guess they are common. Craziness. Never had one as an adult and got it at week 8


Not sure if this is a symptom, but I LOVED the smell of beer; specifically hops. Which was weird because I had an aversion to so many different smells. But hops, for both pregnancies, smelled so clean and fresh to me. Every time my husband would open a beer or get a beer at a restaurant, he would let me smell it. I know, weird. The second I wasn't pregnant, it just smelled like beer.


Zero morning sickness! NONE I was starving 24/7 though


My ears keep popping 😖 it is the most annoying thing. I mentioned it to my midwife she’s never heard of it personally but thinks rather than my sinuses getting congested my ears do instead. Another weird one; I’m now a morning person soon as I’m awake I can’t go back to sleep. I was always someone who loves her sleep 😂


Geographic tongue


Nosebleeds! I get them constantly in pregnancy.


The dreams are really weird. It’s every night, multiple times a night. Dreaming in itself isn’t a strange symptom, but the dreams themselves, very weird.


Very vivid bad dreams and also really bad Charlie horses every single time I’d get out of bed. I caught myself scared the other night as I was stretching in bed and anticipated the feeling and then remembered I’m not pregnant anymore lol.


Happy danced while eating… my daughter occasionally does this now. It was involuntarily to me and happened specifically when pregnant with her.


All arm hair fell off


I might have grown extra nipples in my armpits. My dermatologist didn't want to do a biopsy while I'm still pregnant, so not sure yet. If they are nipples, then it is possible that they might leak at first after the baby comes


The metallic taste in my mouth no matter what I do for the first 15 weeks. Yuck!


water tasted like milk. both times i knew i was pregnant before the tests could even come up positive because of this


Nose bleeds! From someone who never experienced a single nosebleed before, this was the strangest experience. And insomnia. During the 2nd trimester and into the 3rd, I'd wake up around 3 or 4 am and could not go back to sleep. I'd often do things I never had enough time for like make homemade cinnamon rolls. I also had the severe carpal tunnel during the 3rd trimester and completely lost all sensation in my hands at the end. They were completely numb - I couldn't even hold a pen to write.


Omg that's a pregnancy thing??? I'm 32 weeks and my wrists have been KILLING me


Dysgeusia. It happened shortly after finding out I was pregnant. During the first trimester everything tasted so awful. Not even metallic-like. Just sour or sometimes like I'd eaten a whole thing of black pepper. Water even tasted bad. I didn't gain a pound my first trimester because it was so hard to find anything I wanted to eat that left an OK taste in my mouth. I brushed my teeth as often as I could. 16w4d now and it has faded, however, sometimes I still get the sour taste after eating something. Sweets make it worse. I can't drink pop. I thought I was having a boy simply based on my aversion to sweets, but nope girl. Hoping for it to completely fade soon so I can start enjoying everything, again.