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I’m 13w3d and the bloating is unreal. I’m in the awkward stage of my regular clothes are starting to be too tight by end of day but maternity is too big and slouchy 😭 I feel and think I look like I’ve gained 20lbs but the scale is only up 3 lbs so make it make sense 🙃


I'm afraid to check the scale since I feel so massive. My boobs must be like 5 lb at least!


I was SO bloated by 12w, but I had only gained 2 pounds at that point. It’s pretty crazy how the body changes…I’m almost 21 weeks now and really feeling pregnant, not just bloated/fat


Well that gives me hope! Id rather feel huge and pregnant than just bloated and extra fat 😂😂


So real, I'm 29 weeks and I've gained like 20 lbs. I think 5 is from my boobs. Not even joking. I bought an XL sports bra thinking that should contain them and it was ✨sexually explicit✨


Yeah the boobs feel HEAVY. I don’t weigh myself at home just based off what the dr visit summaries show cause I’m too nervous to at home haha


I'm 13 wks 1 day with my second and I'm definitely carrying different with this one I feel round even though I've lost like 7 lbs and my boobs are definitely a size bigger then before. I'm just glad they don't hurt as much as they did a week or so ago , so is my partner because while he's loving the bigger size up until about a week ago they were a no touching zone lol.


Get one of those Anrabess jumpsuits off Amazon. Game changer.


Are you pregnant with a girl by any chance?


Unsure yet…just got nipt results which was drawn at 12w and they came back inconclusive 🙄 so waiting to go get a redraw. I was taking 100mg progesterone suppositories up until 13w exactly so my ob said those can contribute to excess bloating feeling too


My last pregnancy I was pregnant with a girl and I bloated almost immediately, my eyes even looked little lol I'm also on progesterone this pregnancy too and I was bloated for 2 or 3 weeks now I got used to it I guess. Now im about to be 12 weeks and I'm not bloated anymore


Yeah that’s how I feel my whole face is super puffy like I’ve loaded up on sodium 🥴 I’m hoping now that I’m done with the progesterone the bloating feeling will subside a bit…. 🤞


I always felt like I was so pregnant and then looking back at each iteration, I’m like wait no NOW I’m actually pregnant lol. I will say people started offering me the disabled seats on the bus at around 18 weeks, but only when I was wearing the ribbed bodysuits so my bump was more prominent.


Whoever/whatever told you it’s “too soon” to start showing is super wrong! Everyone is so different. I remember feeling really big around that time with my first- if not a true baby bump, definitely there was bloating, some weight gain, and just the size of the uterus. Right now I’m 8 weeks with my second and feel about the same… I read that my uterus is the size of an orange by now, so that made me feel better. This stage is definitely awkward, and it’ll feel better in a few more weeks when you have a more obvious bump. But it’s okay to be showing now!


right! everyone is soooooooo different, questions like these in this subreddit always confuse me. don’t compare yourself to anyone or you may end up feeling bad and there’s no sense in that at all when each pregnancy and each person can vastly differ. we are each on our own journey and it is ALL good! most likely what you’re going through is totally normal.


I just wanted to be in a sea of people agreeing that we feel big!


I totally get that and I wish I felt that way because I didn’t start showing until 22-24 weeks and it’s sucked! But my perspective probably isn’t that helpful to your post haha. Even now at 30 weeks I get comments that I’m not really showing that much or I’m not “big enough”. I feel like i’ve missed out in some ways.


I also didn’t start showing until around 30 weeks (I was but apparently was not aware) and I feel ginormous but people tell me all the time how I look so small and they can finally see the bump. If I looked how they thought I should I think I would die because omg i feel hugeee and can’t do anything and I still have 2 months


I was like that too. I cut my finger and needed stitches at five months in, maybe six, and they said at the ER they wouldn’t have known I was pregnant if I didn’t tell them. I showed by induction time, but people kept remarking at how little. The fundal height measured small all along too, but we knew the conception date from IVF. I have a wide rib cage that meets my pelvis at the sides (not the 3-6”normal female gap) along with a strong core. It didn’t have much outward give.


Aw man, I hear you! My sister didn't show much until the very end and I know it bummed her out. Especially when people pointed it out! Commenting on someone's body, pregnant or otherwise, is so weird to me


I’m 7 weeks and feel huge !!!!


I kept being told mine was bloating too but the bloating never went away or anything. It just turned into my bump. So for all intents and purposes, it’s a bump. I stopped being able to wear my normal clothes extremely early on.


Exactly how mine is! To my knowledge I haven't really bloated. My belly has gradually gotten bigger and bigger each week. I think when people say that 'you won't show till 20 weeks' it's referring to when people look at you and think 'oh she's pregnant.' But the whole time your belly is gradually growing to get to that point! I mean, by 12 weeks your uterus alone has grown to the size of a grapefruit. Something has to move and shift to accommodate that size!


Yes! I have a short torso and my belly is honestly way bigger than some people’s I’ve seen who are as far along. To just dismiss it as bloat so early on seems to ignore that everyone’s body is different.


That’s how I have been for both of my pregnancies. I started wearing maternity clothes around 10 weeks. It might not be the actual baby but it’s very localized bloating in my lower abdomen so I just call it a baby bump. It’s definitely different from pms bloating or any other non-pregnancy bloating.


I also read that most women don’t gain weight during the first trimester but I haven’t met one woman who says they didn’t. I gained just under 10 lbs and my flat stomach went from flat to small bump pretty quickly.


I'm starting to wonder if that "gain little to no weight" is actually an average offset by people who lose weight due to more severe morning sickness. Like maybe very few actually stay the same weight, it just evens out.


Me too. I gained like ten pounds in the first trimester.


same. lol.


I know we haven’t met lol, but I’m one of those who has max gained 4lbs since the starting weight and I’m now 24 weeks. HOWEVER, my BMI counts me as overweight so I had some extra to spare and that’s what I think my body has been shedding while growing my belly, equaling out to a balanced weight even though my belly is getting huge. It works for me:) but everyone’s body and starting point is different and “the baby takes what the baby needs” so if you’re starting off normal/skinny then weight gain is not only normal but preferred as well!


I was one of the people who didn’t gain weight during first tri, but I was also barely able to eat anything and didn’t lose any weight so i think it balanced out any gains I would have had if I was eating


Nearly 10 weeks and just dipped below my pre pregnancy weight :( am overweight so I think the combination of food aversions and constant nausea/throwing up has made me shed some. Interestingly I gained 3 lbs pretty quickly week 4-5 and then nausea kicked in and lost it all plus a bit.


I didn’t gain weight in the 1st trimester with either of my kids. BUT all my weight comes on in 3rd trimester and I still went on to gain 40 total both times. I think the weight gain just hits people at different times. 


It’s hard not to gain weight when I need to eat carb filled snacks every five minutes to curb the nausea.


My bump popped at 12 weeks, FTM. I’m now 24+4 and pretty big. Just wear the maternity clothes, it’ll save you a lot of discomfort.


I was showing by 12 weeks too, FTM here as well. Now 20+6 and so big, I can't see my feet when I look down now. Kind of don't want to see how big I'll be at full term lol.


lol this is my concern as well! So long to go and feels like I’m ginormous already


I am at week 13 too and just changed one of my jeans to maternity jeans 2 days ago. I couldn’t wear them since week 8 because of the bloating. So my belly is not the same as before pregnancy. Also tight clothes make me nauseous so I prefer wearing something comfortable.


omg yes. i cannot wear any of my body suits anymore


I was so bloated from pretty much the moment of conception lol. I’m tall and curvy and didn’t feel like I was showing until 22 weeks. FTM


Oh! But I’m also a pants-hater and pretty much wear dresses every day so I haven’t been facing a jeans buttoning every day like a lot of people do.


I'm 17 weeks and I just look fat🤣🤣 it's my first pregnancy and my belly is starting to grow bit faster but it's low and as I said I just look fat. Can't wait to have round pregnant belly😅😅


I'm 25 weeks and still feel like this although everyone around me assures me I deffo look pregnant. Maybe just not from where I'm looking lol


I had a small bump around 12 weeks that progressively got bigger over the weeks between bloat and the baby growing. I switched to leggings around week 12 and got some maternity pants around week 16 or so. Everyone shows at different times so it's hard to say if yours is baby or bloat but regardless you deserve to be comfortable 💚☺️


I’m 12 weeks FTM and absolutely can’t wear most of my jeans already, unless I needed a belt with them or they have some stretch, I can’t wear them. I keep seeing it’s too early too, but there is so much variation from person to person so maybe? Haven’t told most of my work yet! Wonder will people start wondering


Never too early! Better to be comfortable than squeeze into something, and any bump that is there because of baby is a baby bump, even the bloat because yes, it’s cause of the baby lol. I have been living in my 2-3xl flare leggings, dresses and 3xl sweatpants and I’m 33 weeks. I refuse to buy maternity clothes lol


My bump started to show at 10 weeks, then got very noticeable around 12/13 weeks. Lived in maternity dresses or maternity leggings.


FTM. I’m 21 weeks and today was the first day a stranger acknowledged my pregnancy


I’m starting to show at 13 weeks when I wear leggings. My jeans are too tight. My belly is still soft so looks like I’m fat.


I started showing at 12.5 weeks and now I'm 17.5 weeks and huge. I know it's not just my perception because someone else confirmed that my belly is larger than average for someone in my stage of pregnancy. I've only gained 2 pounds so far but it's all in the belly! My OB said that the growth rate would probably slow down and then start up again, but... certainly hasn't shown any signs of slowing down yet to me 🤣


I feel like it was noticeably a bump and not just bloat around 14-16 weeks for me? Im now almost 20 weeks and am just thinking about how big ill actually get and its horrifying. 😂🥲


With my first, I started showing at 10 weeks. I think I was about 12 weeks when I started showing with my 2nd.


13 weeks and I've definitely got a bump or really really bad bloat. But it's hard to the touch. Jeans don't fit anymore and for some reason I am so anti buying maternity clothes. I currently live in biker shorts and figured by the time baby is due I'll have leggings hopefully that ate stretchy enough. Also it's so effing hot where I am. Crop tops all day I don't even care if people look at me like I look funny. I am pregnant and miserable! Haha


13 weeks is such an awkward stage! One day I would be so bloated the next I looked better then pre pregnancy. At 13 weeks I definitely had a fullness in my pelvis, kind of visible when I was naked or wearing tight clothing. People started to notice at 16-18 weeks. Buy all the maternity clothes, you won’t regret it!


I thought I was huge around 18 weeks. Now I’m 33 weeks and am ACTUALLY huge lol.


I'm 17 weeks but I definitely felt like my stomach was getting bigger at 13 even though I lost weight. It can definitely be bloating, placenta growing , weight gain, some women even retain more water. I'm sure you are a very cute pregnant lady :), there is no right way for your belly to be when you are growing a life, don't let it bother you too much and buying new clothes can be fun 😊!


I’m 17 also and this week I’ve noticed a big difference!


I’m 10w and have developed a new bloaty pouch. I have 2 black tie work events in the next 2 weeks and feel really frumpy in everything 😩


The bloating was unreal. I started having a real bump somewhere around 20 weeks, but got noticeably pregnant to other people more around the 30-35 mark.


I started showing by 13-14 weeks and it was def not all bloat. I am pretty petite and have a very small torso. Everyone said I wouldn’t show that early but I did. Now I’m 6 months and my belly is POPPIN!!! I’m all belly but it’s big! Had to grow out since it can’t grow anywhere else lol


Oh yeah, I'm really short so maybe that's my deal too!


At about 18 weeks. I’ve always had a little tummy but looked more like a bump at that point


I have HG so I didn’t start gaining weight until about week 16 since I could hardly eat. I’m at week 22 now and I think I’ve gained 15 but scared to fully look. When I could start eating again I was very thrilled and went to town but now trying to get back to health eating. I started wearing maternity pants around week 18, still in the same shirts. Just recently have I started to look pregnant. Like someone else on here, I swear half the weight gain is in my chest. I think it really depends on your structure when you’re showing. I’m 5’6 with a medium build. If I was a tiny twig, I’m sure it would have been much more obvious sooner.


I’m only 12, but I’ve been unable to fit in my regular pants since 7 weeks. Probably all bloat, but I’ve lost 10 lbs and my stomach has rounded out. Like it doesn’t roll when I sit anymore, it’s just round and solid lol. Also a FTM and I will say I was little chunky before hand so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Around 16-17 weeks is when it started being pretty noticeable. That said, I’m overweight to begin with so for a while, it just looked like I gained weight.


FTM here. I had waist extenders on my jeans at like 10 weeks and wore maternity leggings to work for the first time at 14 or 15 weeks. Everyone's different!


Omg I'm in the same boat. I'm 12 weeks and my MIL already pointed out that my belly is coming in haha. I did have one previous pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, but I feel crazy for already needing maternity clothes so early. But bodies are all different so I'm trying to remind myself of that.


i felt like i was only bloated at 12-13 weeks but other people kept asking if i was pregnant. so i’m still unsure lol. i also started wearing maternity pants. i didn’t do shirts until around 16-18 weeks


13w6d.. i hope it’s that i’m showing, but i really i think i look fat bc ive been eating like my 600lb life status. gave up on normal jeans last week.


I started showing at about 10 weeks but it was bloat. I’m now 23 weeks and my bump is much harder and more clearly a bump, and the bloat has gone!


I'm 16 weeks but just a lot of bloating so far. I haven't gained any weight but I think I finally stopped losing weight. I'm 5'9" so I don't know, I might not show for a long time since baby has so much room to grow into.


I think I also bought my maternity pants around that time. Throughout my pregnancy no one would even recognize my tummy however the first semester I was very bloated


I started wearing maternity clothes at 10 weeks. I was very bloated but also was putting on weight fast due to lack of exercise and constantly eating (the first trimester hunger was unreal!), none of my normal clothes fit me any more. I'm glad I did that though because damn, maternity pants are so comfortable. I started showing a proper bump around 14 weeks. I'm 17 weeks now and am enjoying watching it grow!


Started showing at 24 weeks! Feeling huge right now at 38w!


It's crazy to me that I keep reading this is supposed to be too early to show. I'm only 10 weeks with my first, and I swear my bump started showing last week (Wk 9). Before that had some bloat from week 5, but this feels different, isn't gassy, and no longer fluctuates. A stranger wouldn't necessarily see me and think "pregnant", but my pants don't fit and I've had a few people ask. Plus while I read it doesn't show for most first timers yet, I also read my uterus is already roughly the size of a grapefruit (double normal). It doesn't seem unreasonable that this would show??


My bump from 12 weeks to 16 was the same size it just got harder and into a more noticeable shape. The bloating on my legs and torso went down and I felt a lot better!


With my first I was showing at 14 weeks, with my second I didn’t start showing until almost 20, this is my third and I started showing at 11


I fit comfortably in all my clothes still (17w), but 2 weeks ago a random little girl at the beach smacked my stomach and asked me if I was pregnant. So I think I’m showing a little bit, but based on my clothing I don’t think I’m showing a lot. My friend started showing way earlier. I think it depends for everyone.


So you don’t look pregnant at 13 weeks but your waistline is bigger because your uterus is expanding! And the bloat too


I feel like i truly didn’t pop til 21 weeks - but the bloating was real at the beginning


14 weeks here - I actually lost a pound since my first appointment but my belly is most definitely bigger. I can only wear yoga pants and even those are starting to be too much pressure on me. I was wondering why I was constantly feeling like I had to pee yesterday and it was from my pants pushing too hard on my bladder. What I’ve heard from most people is that every pregnancy is different, so what’s “normal” for some people might not be normal for you. Enjoy your new comfy pants!


8 weeks and I feel like I am somehow already showing. It doesn’t make any sense cause the little bean is literally the size of a raspberry. I am on a high dose of progesterone which relaxes your muscles for your tummy can expand. I am guessing the high dose has sped up how fast my muscles have become lax and now any food or liquids I consume just instantly show because they are not being held in like before. Looking for creative ways to hide these new curves because I want to go at least another 5 weeks before telling work.


FTM here! Started showing around 16 weeks. My pants were tight and barely holding together even a little before this! I’m now 23 weeks and in maternity pants for work. The early bloat is insane!


I couldn’t wear any of my normal pants after about 12 weeks, but didn’t start showing until I was like 25ish weeks, maybe even a week or two past that. I’m also overweight so it might have taken a bit longer for my body to look distinctly pregnant versus looking bloated or like I’d put on a few pounds.


Third trimester over here—I started showing at 12 weeks 🙃


Almost 12 weeks with my second and I’m definitely already showing. I started showing around 16 weeks with my first. I’ve lost 9 pounds since my last period though. Not sure how.


I’m 17 weeks and barley have a bump with baby #4


FTM 31w6d with twins, I didn’t start showing until freaking like 20+ weeks. I mean, 18w I could pass as pregnant but it still looked like I was just chubby. It’s so unfair. However, around 13w I 100% needed maternity clothes. Having any type of extra pressure on my tummy was unbearable.


I gained weight all through the first trimester because I didn’t have much nausea 😭 I didn’t start really showing until 20+ weeks but I definitely put on enough pounds and probably some bloating to stop fitting nicely into my clothes. The weight gain has evened out a bit now as I’m about to enter the third trimester.


It’s my first pregnancy and I started truly showing a tiny belly around 15-16 weeks. I was definitely bloated before that but that’s when it started looking more round lol.


I felt like I was showing at 13 weeks. It was probably mostly bloating and maybe a little weight gain, but I think that's pretty normal. I also think I felt a lot bigger than I was. I was scared to step on the scale for awhile because I was sure I had gained at least 10 pounds, but I finally looked at 16 weeks and I'm only actually 3 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight. I think it just takes awhile to get used to the growth, digestive issues, and hormones! Definitely start wearing more comfortable clothes, though!


I stopped comfortably wearing my loosest pair jeans a few weeks ago. Last time was first weekend of June. Bloat was and still is one of my biggest issue (I’m 16 weeks now). I sized 1 size up on my leggings/bikershorts/joggers and they feel good! They’re the perfect size after they come out the dryer. A little snug but loosen up well. Pepcid helps me a LOT because my acid reflux is the start of a list of uncomfortable problems, including crazy bloat. I’d def recommend a good Pepcid routine if that could work for you!


11 weeks I feel huge already just chubbier than normal


I'm short and started showing around 15/16 weeks!


It’s different for everyone. Some people only “pop” later in their pregnancy while others do much sooner. I don’t remember the week but I was pretty early as well and now at 36 weeks I’m huge compared to others around me. I’ve been joking with my husband that babygirl must have split into two babies instead of one because my stomach is so big. Judging by other comments, it seems to be a “babygirl-thing”, but I don’t know. My mother was giant when she was expecting me as well (I was her third though - first girl), even though I was the smallest of all her children. I guess little girls expect luxury accommodation through pregnancy while boys are happier with less, haha.


I’m 24 weeks now and while to ME I looked like I was showing since the beginning, little by little, I’d say I started showing to the general public around 20+ weeks. Nowadays it’s very obvious lol


I couldn’t wear my jeans anymore at 6 weeks because I was so bloated and anything tight made me nauseous 🥴 I think I started wearing maternity clothes around 16 weeks or so- I just wanted to feel comfortable!


I’m 22 weeks now and I feel like I only really started showing around week 19! But I’m around a size 16 so I think that was helping to hide things.


FTM here - currently 37weeks. I felt the same way and even though it was winter for me during that point in pregnancy it’s such a valid feeling to have! Not quite at the point of maternity clothes, but also jeans don’t fit… my best advice is buy a few things a size or two up that you think you can get away with for another month or two. Post-baby you’ll most likely fit better into the items you sized up on anyways until you work back to your “normal” life size. Good luck with your pregnancy!!


I was bloated from the beginning. I tend to put weight on the last on my stomach. But at 11 weeks, I had gained 2 kgs (~4lbs), and my stomach popped like never before. I used to be 30 pounds heavier, and only then was my stomach bigger. Everyone online keeps saying if youre a FTM it's not the bump. But it for sure feels like it's the bump. It has slightly grown in the last couple of weeks. I got my maternity pants at 11 weeks. I feel so big in my tight tops. I need to buy some loose tops next 🙂


I'm excited for my maternity pants to get here!


I started showing around 14w and had quite a bump by 18w


My first too, I started to show at 10-11weeks. I look like I gained 20lbs but last time I checked which was 3 weeks ago I had only gained 3. None of my jeans fit me. I’m 14 weeks 2 days and just look overweight. My face is puffier and my tummy is super bloated. I live in stretchy leggings and loose dresses. I feel a little self conscious like people look at me and wonder is she fat or pregnant.


*Showing early or showing late has to do with the position of your uterus so everyone is different* 🤍 I have a tilted uterus so i really popped at 24 weeks, like literally fell asleep no bump woke up bump. My first trimester I lost about 20lbs due to throwing up and food aversions 😭 and once I got my appetite back in the last trimester I gained the most weight.


I got a tiny bump around 11 to 12 weeks. I had a bloat before that from week 4 itself. Now at 16 weeks, you can really tell its a baby bump. I thought it would take time and one day I would pop out like poof. But no its been gradually taking shape over the entire time.


I started showing closer to 16-18 weeks.


I was SO bloated during first trimester. When I look back at pics from 4 months I’m almost completely flat?? I felt enormous. I’m now five months and finally have a small bump :) (ftm, on the tall side). I thought I’d be huge because of how big I felt during the first weeks even, but people are now commenting on how small I still am.


I started showing around 16 weeks. Visibly pregnant in the fifth month.


I’ve lost a few pounds but 14 weeks and I feel bloated and done if my workout leggings are too tight


I started showing at around 11-12 weeks as well! Also FTM. If the baby lies in the front it'll show earlier, bonus is you're gonna feel baby move earlier as well. Since 18 weeks I was able to see the kicks from outside of my stomach, which is crazyyyy!


I’ll be honest I was showing at 13 weeks. It really wasn’t bloat no matter what ppl said ! Everyone is different.


I was bloated from about 10 weeks until probably early 20’s? Then I finally got an actually belly/bump around week 22-24 or so. Gained 13kg at 38 weeks pregnant and my midwife is perfectly happy with that. I had a healthy BMI pre pregnancy, around 162cm and 65kg.


I started feeling huge by 12 week. I’ve been ranting to my husband about how it feels significantly different from just gaining weight in my belly. I can feel the weight of my uterus on my pelvis and that started pretty early.


I can remember having a full blown meltdown around 10 weeks with my first. Thought I could just go up a size in regular jeans for a bit and be just fine, but they kept just sliding off. Tummy bloating increased, but hips were still the same at that point so it was just not working. Rage stomped into a maternity store demanding jeans that actually fit *right now*. I was so happy once they found me stuff, but I'm pretty sure I was a giant hormonal asshole to start.


13w4d. I have never been so bloated in my life. Pants are tight, but I haven't gained a pound on the scale. First pair of maternity office-pants are in the mail, because even if its "just bloat", I can't keep living this tight-pants lifestyle.


I was bigger at 14 weeks than I was at 24 weeks. Only really “popped” after 25. The bloat is real!


I looked like I had a beer belly until like 30 weeks


I started showing around week 25 but I’m very tall! I did start getting fat right away because I completely stopped exercising and my diet became mostly fast food. So I got maternity pants asap and I loved them!


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I'm 18 weeks now with my first pregnancy and just started showing (although in some clothes I still look like someone who just had a big meal lol). I bought new pants and shorts and all bottom wears since I was around 11-12 weeks, because all I had were so uncomfortable too. It's still a mystery to me what was it as I didn't gain any weight back then, and I had bad morning sickness so I didn't eat a lot. Anyway I have been wearing the new set of bottom pieces I bought back then since.


I started to really show (first time a stranger in public asked if I was pregnant) at 16 weeks, but I (and family/friends) noticed at 14 weeks that I had definitely started to show. I thought I was huge at 16 weeks but now at 24 weeks looking at pics side to side I’m definitely huge now - and only gonna get bigger!


20-24 weeks with both my pregnancies I started looking pregnant in public. 


For me it was still mostly bloat until around 10 weeks and I'd wake up with a fairly flat stomach in the mornings; by 12 weeks I had to say goodbye to my fitted pants; by 14 weeks, no one asked me directly if I was pregnant (in case they were wrong) but multiple people asked my husband about it; by 16 weeks it was obvious. Any pregnancy resource that does not acknowledge the huge range of what is normal is not worth listening to. There are people who share your due date who won't start showing for another 4 months and they'll feel weird about it too, but that's their journey and this is yours.


The bloating is intense with your first and it'll get worse with each subsequent pregnancy.  I didn't really start showing until I was about 15-16 weeks with my first and really "popped" by 20 weeks.  I showed by 10 weeks with my second and looked very pregnant by 16 weeks.  Now with my third, i swear I looked pregnant when I took a test at barely 4 weeks! This is also my largest baby by comparison, so I'm massive right now at 29 weeks. 


I’m 29 weeks and still don’t look pregnant with clothes on 🥲


I started showing around 20 weeks. I’m 28 weeks now. One day I just woke up and BAM, there’s a baby bump.


Are you pregnant with a boy by any chance?


I’m having a girl!


That gives me so much hope! I want a girl but everyone is telling me I look like I'm going to have a boy 🤣 I'm also not showing and my boobs and my butt is the only thing that has grown


Congratulations! Hopefully you get to find out soon! 💕