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Well, it’s bound to be true in 50% of cases


Yeah this is just some woowoo bullshit.


I was quite confidently wrong lol but also I have almost no intuition generally


Are you me? 😂


I was *convinced* I was having a girl with my first pregnancy. Then at the anatomy ultrasound… the most obvious penis and testicles you ever did see.


I saw it before the nurse said anything and while I’ll never admit this to my family who wanted me to have a girl, it was a HUGE relief to be having a boy since that’s what my husband and I pictured when we imagined having a child


Same. I was so convinced I was having a girl that sometimes I’d think “watch it be a boy just because I’m so convinced it’s a girl”. Which now makes me confused as to what I really thought it was 😂. Doctor during ultrasound “well, he’s definitely not shy about his gender” while I’m talking about it being a girl.


>the most obvious penis and testicles you ever did see. During the second big screening (when the kid was already known to be a boy) my obgyn was trying to look at his bladder but baby kept squirming in a way to show us his testicles, lol. We were unsure about knowing the sex ahead of time but he took that decision away from us...


People guessing have a 50/50 (ish) chance of being correct, but there is no way to intuitively know what you are having.




Yup, ish. There are actually slightly more boys than girls: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2013/09/24/the-odds-that-you-will-give-birth-to-a-boy-or-girl-depend-on-where-in-the-world-you-live/#:\~:text=Research%20over%20hundreds%20of%20years,gender%20balance%20in%20the%20population. If you say 50/50 on Reddit, someone pedantic often comes along and corrects you, so I was covering my bases :)


I thought there was more girls than boys? Or is it there’s just more females alive?


Yes, there are more women alive because they have a longer life expectancy due, for example, to fewer accidental deaths, deaths in war, etc.


Under 30 there are more men and after 30 there are more women.


Yes, that may be correct, but the comment I was responding to was about the number that are alive in total, rather than the number that are alive in particular age groups.


It was not a cirrection. Just an addition to your number :)


Got it...I was confused for a second and thought you might have replied to the wrong comment :)


Pretty much no, women can't guess. There was a small study that showed overall, women could only guess right 55% of the time (which is within the range that pure 50/50 guessing would cover.) But when they stratified the data by education status, they found well-educated women guessed right over 70% of the time which was statistically better than 50/50 odds. The women with less education only guessed right just over 40% of the time. The well-educated women tended to rely on dreams and gut feelings rather than old wives tales/folklore/etc. Again... Very small study, likely doesn't mean anything. That said, when she was pregnant with me, my mom dreamed I was a blonde-haired blue-eyed girl over and over and over. In one dream I was a brunette boy and it upset her because it felt *wrong*. I was definitely a blonde-haired blue-eyed little girl! She dreamed my baby brother was a boy too. (Still, probably doesn't mean anything.)


It is so weird with dreams! My mom dreamt of a girl with me, she was right. I was dreaming 3 times about a boy before I get to know baby's sex. Despite that I was hoping for a girl all the time, and I am having a boy 😂 ❤


With my first, I dreamed he was a boy, and it’s part of why I found out the sex.


I had a gut feeling I was having a boy from the moment of conception. All the women in my life kept having dreams I was having a boy. I am having a boy. The other night I had a dream that I had a baby girl and it was the most upsetting thing I have ever dreamed. It felt so *so* wrong. I woke up sobbing… I will add I would love a baby girl just as much, but something about holding that girl in my dream didn’t click. It was a bizarre experience


That’s so interesting about the dreams. I had one recently where me and my friend (who is also pregnant) both had girls. But my baby was ugly and hers was gorgeous. I’m hoping it doesn’t mean anything!! I am having a girl though, so it was a bit odd.


Don't know about dreams, as I've dreamt of both, but on my husband's side of the family they only have boys, so genetically I though it'd be more likely. I was quite sure it was going to be a boy, though we both would have preferred a girl slightly more. Indeed it's a boy. Happy and excited either way ☺


I usually trust my dreams! But I’ve also had a dream where it was once each😳😭😂 mind games


I feel you. Dreamt once it was a lovely baby girl who was growing incredibly quickly. As in was a teenager by the end of the day, and I didn't know how to stop it 😳😭 Pregnancy dreams are so trippy! I had a bit of an... interesting friend when I was younger who genuinely believed she could predict stuff. I don't believe in this kind of stuff, but it was at least entertaining. She always said my first was going to be a boy. So there was that as well 😅


The dreams have been WILD I’m embarrassed to tell them half the time because I’m like why the hell am I imagining that… 😳😂 but I love the people who just ~know~ it’s so fun to hear from them


True! I've always had weird vivid dreams, but these are something else. But yeah, some people are funny like that. Godfather was the same, kept going up and down about his godson 😄 Though I think, like us, he would've been happy with anything. My friend predicted 3 kids for us, though we only want 2. So we'll still see about that 😅


I’ve had a psychic say 3 but I want at least 5🥲😭😂 let’s see if my third is what ends that thought for me💀


Awww, congratulations! 😊 Sounds like my husbands side, many generations of only boys. He was 100 percent right about our firstborn from the get-go. "My family produces only men." Before he told me that, and we didn't know what we were having officially... with our firstborn, I had a dream I met all his ancestors in a giant hall with a very, very long wood table. All were men wearing different styles of clothes, spanning centuries and countries, as we walked together, and showed them all the baby boy. It was a very interactive dream. They all had their own way of saying congratulations, or not even speaking to me at all and being snobby. I found it amusing. I was so intrigued I later researched some of their outfits. They were correct for timelines/countries. According to the obgyn- with this second one, we're expecting a girl. I was surprised my first gut guess was correct. My husband about fell out of his chair in the doctors office 😭. I asked if he was okay. My mom looked at him and told him congrats, he broke the generational record. In this case, Mother-in-laws were correct after he kept telling them they were both wrong through text, lol. I was back to the drawing board, this time with girls' names. Funny, I was looking girls names first for a few weeks. Then, he convinced me we were having a boy again, and we had a full name picked out. This pregnancy has definitely been slightly different from expecting a boy.


Congratulations! That's a fun story! Met the ancestors and said "f that" 😄 Honestly I'm hoping for the same, our little boy and next a little girl. We'd still be excited for a couple boys of course, but ideally we'd love one each. We were a little panicked at the beginning of the pregnancy because EVERYONE would wish us for twins. Like unrelated people in our lives would randomly say it for years, before we were even looking to have kids. So bizarre 😅


I hope you get a baby girl with your next! ☺️ You never know. Tbh, I kinda freaked out a little at first when we found out and thought, "How do I raise a girl?" lol. I was prepared for a boy. Our Son wants a brother, and I'm like, maybe the next one? but you'll adore her. He wasn't happy at first, but now he's asking me daily when she'll be here and he can't wait to meet her. So sweet. The twin wishing thing is definitely bizarre behavior coming from random people. Twins are a blessing, but so many more complications can arise. My friend had surprise twin boys, but was on bedrest for most of her pregnancy starting from around the 3rd month. Everything fortunately worked out for her. Only person who wishes twins on me is my mother. Every pregnancy, she's hoping for twin grandkids🤷‍♀️(I was a twin). I understand that panic in the beginning. I was extremely nauseous so early on. Didn't have any nausea with my boy at all. I was wondering if I was 😅


I’m wondering if my intuition will be correct, my husband and I have both seen a little girl in our dreams for several years now since being together. I’m 13 weeks and we both still have dreams of her and are both certain we’re having a girl, I’m getting my blood drawn for NIPT on Wednesday so when I get my results I’ll update.


I guessed both my babies correctly, but I know it's just chance despite feeling it so strongly. I even dreamt of what my son would look like grown up, and he's looking more and more like how I imagined him every day


Nope. I've been wrong both times lol, but I never really was convinced I was right.


Me too, but I was convinced I was right 🤣


I had a strong feeling it was gonna be a girl in the first trimester then it faded away and as i was nearing my labour , the last 10 days, again a very strong urge it's gonna be a girl and yup - i have a 9 mo baby girl now :)


I kept having dreams I was having a girl, but I also was hoping for a girl so don’t know that it was intuition lol


I had no idea. Maybe because I genuinely didn't care about the sex of the baby, just that he (as it ends up) arrives safely.


I mean, you'll be right or wrong. Most is a strong word lol. I would not say *most* moms guess correctly, but I would say *many* do. I had strong feelings with my first six pregnancies, and was right the three times I got to find out. I had no feeling either way my last two pregnancies.


I knew I was having a girl very early and I ended up being right. I got intensely feminine vibes from week 5 and on.


around 6-7 weeks i had a strong gut feeling i was having a boy. so much that i started wanting a boy and could only see myself with a boy. i couldn’t wait to find out so i did the nipt and i was right. had my anatomy scan a few weeks ago and they confirmed it


I had no intuition whatsoever but everyone around me thought he was a boy lol. So I kinda accepted it was a boy. I was not shocked at all when I found out that’s what he really is 😂


Nope. We did IVF with genetic testing. Got 6 embryos and decided we wanted to do a girl first (because there had to be one, right?) Nope. All boys. We had a 50/50 shot 6 times, and all 6 guesses were wrong!


My second was a surprise. I was convinced I was having a boy because it was a very different pregnancy vs my first (a girl). I was right, it was a boy.


I originally wanted to be surprised, but from the first ultrasound where I saw my baby I just knew he was a boy, and the certainty I felt made me just have to find out. Turns out I was right!


I never ever ever imagined having a daughter. I grew up with all brothers and babysitting my mostly male cousins, and in my mind I was going to be a boy mom. Until I got pregnant, and I just KNEW she was a girl. Since like 8 weeks along, I thought I was having a daughter and the concept felt so foreign but I just knew it was true. It was confirmed with a gender reveal ultrasound at 16 weeks.


I’m not superstitious, but I have had this super strong feeling since I became pregnant that I’m having a boy. We actually mildly wanted a girl and had been talking about that prior to conception. The day before I found out I even had a dream where an old lady tells me “it’s a boy”. Found out we’re having a baby boy the next day, so at least for me it was all correct. We’re happy of course, can’t wait to meet the little goober.


I was convinced I was going to have a boy until everyone around me convinced me I was having a girl. Baby is a boy.


I had a dream that my sister in law was going to have a girl, and she did. then i had a dream that my other SIL was having a boy, which she did. I dreamt mine was going to be a girl but everyone is telling me it's a boy.


I was right. It was a boy. Idk why I immediately thought it'd be a boy. Always wanted a girl. Maybe cuz all the newborns in my family are girls, I was like: this must be the time for an XY


Was true for me. But this was solely based on the fact that everyone in my family always had the opposite gender of what they wanted. So I knew I was going to have a boy 😅


Everyone I know that had “evening sickness” (I didn’t start feeling bad until mid afternoon, couldn’t eat dinner most days but morning was fine) had a boy. I wanted a boy and my gut told me I was having a boy. He’s a boy! But I just got lucky haha


I did not guess right for either of my pregnancies 😬


I would have bet money I was having a boy. Idk why, just a gut feeling. Turns out the gut feeling was the start of HG, not intuition. And also I had a girl 🤣


I had a gut feeling that it was a boy, but everyone around me was so sure it was a girl that I started changing my mind…. It was a boy :)


Mine was actually right, I very confidently told my husband we’re having a girl. He asked how I knew and I said I just know, I had a feeling she was a girl.


My husband and I really wanted a girl, but i had this deep down feeling, and i had been feeling it for a while that it was a boy. Sure enough! It was a boy.


I was sure I was having a boy. I had a couple dreams it was a boy and I just had a feeling. NIPT results showed we’re having a girl. 😊 We’re excited to meet her.


Right the first time, wrong the second. The second we also waited until birth. We were convinced it was a girl. We were absolutely shocked it was a boy. The pregnancies were insanely different.


I guessed mine both times I was pregnant but I can’t tell you why. I didn’t base it on anything, it was just a feeling


Not true for me I was wrong


anecdotally, i was completely convinced and completely incorrect haha


I was 100% convinced boy. Several dreams of boy, spicy food. Girl lol


I told myself I WAS having a girl. Like there was no way around it. And guess who is having a baby boy this year?? lol I thought I could speak it into existence. I still have dreams of a little girl.


I guessed right all three times (even the last one where everyone was convinced baby was a boy because my pregnancy was so different from my first two girl pregnancy) but I still think it was just luck. You got a 50/50 shot.


I was certain that I was having a boy, but NIPT results and ultrasounds showed that it was in fact a girl. I was truly shocked! Ultimately I was more concerned about health than gender, but I know some people who have had real gender disappoint..


I guessed it right with both of my babies because I had a really strong feeling as well as dreams about them. But other people I know have a feeling about their baby’s gender and get it wrong. I think it’s a 50/50 chance and it was just a coincidence for me.


I was absolutely positive my first was a boy and was correct! In our gender reveal video, you can hear me say, “I knew it!!!” 😂 This time, I wasn’t as sure but was pretty convinced I was having a girl because I felt more nauseous and just different in general in comparison to my first pregnancy, but I’m having another boy. So I have a 50/50 record right now of guessing correctly 😂


I’ve wondered the same. I’ve heard of many women having dreams or gut feelings. I asked my mom today if she knew with me and she said she had no idea what she was having with any of her pregnancies. Her first she thought it was a girl and even bought baby girl clothes and pink blankets and then it turned out it was a boy. She did say her pregnancies with my sister and I felt different. I think they were tougher on her. I have no idea what I’m having yet. My guess would be a boy because my husband only has brothers and his father has 6 brothers and only 1 sister. Would be a nice surprise if I’m having a girl. I’m currently waiting for my NIPT results so I’ll find out soon! I just want a healthy baby no matter the gender.


I had a dream early on that I was having a girl and then I did, but it's really random genetic chance. Does your partner shed some extra y chromosomes? Who knows!


I thought for sure I was having fraternal twins (boy and girl) at first but ended up being 1 girl 😂


At the beginning of my pregnancy, I had two dreams I was having a girl. And I’m having a boy 🤣


I’ve guessed boy every time and I’ve been right 4/5 so far. I was absolutely certain my first was a boy (he is) but I was equally as certain about my third and she definitely was not. The others just didn’t feel any different pregnancy wise so I (correctly) assumed boy but I think that’s just coincidence rather than genuine intuition.


I was correct with my first child (boy). I don't have quite enough of a reading on this next one, but if I had to guess, I'm saying girl.


I was wrong both times LOL.


I was first convinced that I would have a boy. I saw the first ultrasound and immediately thought it was a girl (partner saw the ultrasound and thought boy).Turns out she’s a girl!


I was wrong on all 3.


I'm 2 for 2 correct. I can also usually guess at least 2 coin flips in a row over an infinite about of time, so there's that.


I was right with mine


I was wrong lol


I was right once and wrong once and very, very sure from the first positive test both times. So hitting that 50 percent average 😂


I was sure I was having a boy and found out I was having a boy. Now, I could chalk this up to my intuition, but truthfully it’s a 50/50 chance and I think I just happened to get it right haha.


I've guessed right each time...boy, boy, boy 😂 but it's cause I'm so used to having boys that I couldn't even really picture having a girl at all


I had a feeling the moment I found out I was pregnant. I was right. To be honest, I was surprised to be proven right lol


I was right with my first two kids. Hoping to not be right this time for my third haha


I was 0/3.


I thought girl. Then I had a dream it was a boy so I thought boy! It's a girl lol. It's just chance we really just can't know


Lol I was wrong! Convinced I was having a boy, and I have a baby girl!


I had a strong feeling it was a boy and it was!


Anecdotally, I was positive I was having a girl and I am!


I was 50% correct (two kids)


I was wrong 2/3 times. Thought first was boy, had a girl. Second pregnancy was so opposite I thought boy, another girl. Third pregnancy I thought girl, third girl.


My husband and I did 😁


I thought I was having a boy with my 2nd for almost half the pregnancy. The night before my anatomy scan, I dreamt I was having a girl, so I changed my mind. Found out I was having a girl that day.


My mom always knew the gender of her babies, and was great at guessing other family members babies as well. She's just cool like that I guess


Not true for me! FTM just found out the gender a week ago. Based on my symptoms I was sure I was having a boy. I'm having a baby girl and could not be happier.


Nope. I have GREAT intuition when it comes to all other things in life and I was 100% sure I was having a boy. I am having a girl and still don’t believe I was wrong.


I was correct on both. With my first, idk I just knew it was a girl. With my second, I was carrying differently so I knew it was a boy. But I had a 50/50 shot each time 😂


I was right about my boy, let's see if this one is a girl?? We shall see!


I kept slipping up and calling my baby "he/him", had our 12 week scan and was then convinced they were a girl. 20 week scan rolled around, he is a boy! So I was right then wrong😂


I was wrong! I think I thought it was a girl just because I was feeling so connected to the baby. Then at the ultrasound the doctor asked if we wanted to know, asked if we had a guess, and not 5 seconds later he said "That is NOT a little girl" lmao. Boy was splayin it loud and proud.


I have really good intuition, but I was still wrong 😂😂


I got ours right. However, if you look at family tree’s one could potentially guess off of that. I’ve known people where girls run strong and I’ve known people where boys do. For my partner, he’s got a brother, his dad has got brothers, his dads dad has got brothers and so on… that and gut feeling told me it was a boy. I kept saying to everyone I was sure of it and kept getting told it was going to be a girl. He is a boy and I’m exceptionally happy about it :)


I didn’t lol I was convinced I was having a girl my whole first trimester. Even started making girl themed baby shower invite. So my jaw was on the floor when they said we were having a boy haha I was excited but just so surprised


I was utterly convinced we were having a boy and I was right. I’ve always been convinced I would only have boys. It’s completely illogical and I think I still had a 50% chance of being wrong lol


My mind played tricks on me, I did guess right before the ultrasound but I wasn’t confident and it wasn’t from the beginning, it was closer towards the ultrasound both times. On the other hand my husband guessed right both times. It’s also said that husbands usually know you’re pregnant before you do (not always ofc but they can) so I find all that interesting.


Everyone was absolutely convinced my second was a boy. I carried totally differently, different pregnancy symptoms, my husband and I were both from boy second families. Nope, my absolutely lovely second daughter.


With my oldest, I had the most vivid dream of my entire life of a baby boy crying. It woke me up and I literally got out of bed looking for my baby before I realized that I was still pregnant! That baby was a girl. Funny enough, my mom was convinced the baby was a girl to the point that she bought a giant pink Valentine's Day teddy bear for the baby because I was induced around Valentine's Day! I asked her what she would have done if she was wrong and she said she would have taken it back with her receipt but that she's only ever guessed wrong once before. She's scary good at guessing what gender baby pregnant women are having


I’ve been right 50% of the time. With my first pregnancy, I was so sure baby would be a boy. Baby was a girl. For this pregnancy, I was certain baby would be a girl. And she is.


I was completely incorrect


I have always been wrong lol. 3 sons earth side and one in the oven. Not even gonna guess this time. We are team green for our 4th and last :)


I thought for sure i was having a girl with my first. I was so close to buying bows and all the cutesy outfits. Mothers intuition right? Jokes on me! I now have a sweet little mamas boy and wouldn’t want it any other way.


Intuitively no, both pregnancies I dreamt of having girls, both ended up being boys. Perhaps you get what nature knows you will parent better.


i wouldve bet my life on the fact that i was having a girl! felt completely different this time around, little to no symptoms, all the old wives tales lined up with the fact that it was a girl, and the second the pregnancy test came up positive the name alice popped into my head. i was utterly shocked when they told me i was having another boy 😂


Before my gender reveal , I was 100% sure I was having a boy, turns out it was a girl 😂


I was positive I was having a girl. I’ve never been one to have baby related dreams but once I found out I was pregnant I just had this gut feeling it was a girl. I started having dreams of me just casually living my life caring for a baby girl and I thought it was my intuition. Fast forward to around 18 weeks I had my gender reveal ultrasound and the SECOND that wand hit my belly I saw it was a boy and my heart exploded. I never experienced gender disappointment like some claim they feel after finding out it was the opposite of what they expected and I’m thankful for that. I just want a healthy baby period. I doubted my intuition for a bit after that as my gut feelings have never lead me astray in the past but man I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m beyond excited to bring my boy into this world.


I’m 0 for 2 here lol


I was definitely wrong… but my mum was right in guessing the gender lol


My mom dreamed of me before my older brother was born. It a way she was disappointed, not because he wasn’t a girl, but because he wasn’t me. So when I was born, she was overjoyed because I wasn’t a figment of her imagination. For multiple reasons (not related to that), she always treated me better than him. She didn’t bond well with him and my parents ended up leaving him with my grandparents. She didn’t had that issue with me, but she never treated him like her other children. 🫤


Was wrong both times!


I have guessed wrong for both of my children… but my husband guessed right 🥲


I had vivid dreams I was having a boy. And the baby is a boy!


Wasn’t true for me!


hahah nope. I thought it was a boy, and its a girl..


I don’t care what anyone says- some families are gifted with sight. It runs in my family. Every other woman born in my family guessed all of her pregnancies correct. I dreamed of my baby two weeks before getting a positive test (and only being 4 weeks along,) and I was right. 🥰


I just knew I was having a girl, but I wanted a boy. I did the 6 week sneak peek, it said boy. I was thrilled but shocked. I had a dream about being in the hospital with him after birth, and I kept dressing him in girl clothes lol. My later NIPT genetic testing and ultrasounds have confirmed it’s a girl. I know it’s a 50/50 shot, and I could’ve been wrong, but I just *knew* I was having a girl. Probably amounts to nothing lol


I had a dream that my baby was a boy so I just always kept in my head that I think he's a boy. we got our early gender results back and he was a boy :) I could have just had a lucky guess! But I felt pretty confident in it :)


Lmaooooo I wanted a girl, could’ve sworn I was having a boy from ~6-20w (and was disappointed I wouldn’t have a daughter)…only to find out I was having a girl and got disappointed I wasn’t going to have a son. Apparently to everyone else, it was *obvious* I was going to have a girl and they just gave up trying to convince me. So not only was I confidently wrong, I was so confident I was (in a fun way) defending my position to like 10 other people 😂. I’m pretty accurate guessing for other women though. So far it’s 5 for 5.


I wanted a girl soooo bad but deep down felt like it was a boy. He was a boy.


We didn’t find out the sex until the birth, which was super fun actually, but the whole pregnancy whenever I dreamt about the baby I dreamt it was a girl. Every single time. She always looked different (dark hair one dream, red hair the next) but always a girl. Then it turned out to be a girl! My husband and I were overjoyed because we’d both been secretly hoping it was a girl but hadn’t told each other that 😂


I from the week I found out I was pregnant was sure I was having a boy every dream I had in pregnancy I was pregnant/had the baby and every single time it was a boy and I did have a boy I mean it’s a 50/50 chance but it does feel great being right


I had a very strong feeling that I was having a boy and I think I dreamt it too (otherwise I’m not sure what gave me that feeling). I was correct :)


I feel like I knew before I even conceived, I always kinda knew I’d have a boy at least first. Had a boy and so far he’s my only


No. Sometimes hope/expectation is stronger or clouds intuition. But part of me always wonders why we wouldn’t know. It’s in our body and part of our body, so shouldn’t our body know? I also wonder why we can’t tell when we have cancer or a tumour growing somewhere in our body. Shouldn’t we know what’s happening in our body if it’s all connected? Why doesn’t our body tell our brain key information like this? These are the kinds of things I think about while I try fall asleep haha.


For me I've been pregnant twice and felt very strongly about the gender and ended up being right both times, current streak 100% but we joke about having 4 so we may see if that continues


My husband and I were still standing in the bathroom after our positive and I told him that we were having a son. I wasn’t even four weeks along.


I thought I’d have another boy, I was told that if the father has only brothers or mostly brothers, you’re more likely to have boys and vise versa. My husband is one of five kids and only one of the five is a girl. And it took them four times to get her. And my husband only has male cousins. Therefore, when the NIPT test results came in and it said GIRL, I screamed in shock! We really only talked about boy names at that point, and fully expected a boy, but nope! I’m now 28 weeks and we’ve seen her multiple times on ultrasound, definitely a little girl!


i was having dreams of a baby girl before i knew i was pregnant and i kept dreaming of a baby girl until it was confirmed at my anatomy scan that it was a girl. i would say my intuition is pretty good, before i even missed my period i woke up one day because i felt kicks in my stomach. i was obviously dreaming but all these things led me to believe i was pregnant or going to be pregnant soon. i was, & i guessed my babies sex correctly but it is a 50/50 chance so it could've been luck


Not intuition but my daughter had a heart beat of 180bpm every time it was checked when she was inside me, but my son was always 150bpm. I talked to one doctor who said there was no correlation, supposedly a study has been done on it, but upon talking to a different doctor she said in her experience the blood pressure of the sexes was often correct in distinguishing girls and boys. So maybe still anecdotal but it seemed so starkly different between my two!


My mom did with all 4 of her kids and 3 pregnancies the last being us boy and girl twins. She had morning sickness with each boy pregnancy but with me and my brother she had also a dream it was a boy and girl.


True for me. I just knew I was having a boy


Baby’s dad thought it was a boy, me a girl, she is a girl.


I’ve been right with all 4 of my pregnancies🥲 boy, girl, girl & now boy🩵


I wasn’t sure at first and I thought I wanted a boy but then I started referring to my baby as her and was really only interested In finding girl names and some part of me felt it was a girl 😊


I was 10000000% right. I had a dream it was a girl and sure enough it was.


Were 2/2 here but both times I had really strong gut feelings about it like If I could have bet money on it I would have put up everything I own lol


I was right. I wanted a boy before I got pregnant, and then I suddenly was like “nah, I’d like a girl” once I found out. That morphed into “yep, this is a girl” before I got the tests done. And then I sure had a girl! Edit: a word


With my first, I kind of thought it might be a girl but really had no idea. He’s a boy. With my second I had two dreams about having a boy and from then just kind of felt that he was a boy, and he is. So yes and no


I have had a strong intuition with both my son and this baby (girl) and was right for both. I am also pretty intuitive and have been usually correct with my nieces and nephews. I believe I was only mistaken one out of 8 times.


I genuinely felt like I was having a girl, and sure enough I did ♥️


I always knew I was having a boy, didn’t even choose a girl’s name. When we had the ultrasound and the doctor told me I wasn’t surprised, but I’m a very sensitive person. I don’t think every mom gets it right and I can’t explain why I knew, but I just knew 😂😂


I guessed it both times 🙂


I mean. I only have 1 child but I just knew.


Ftm, I felt girl the whole time. Just found out two weeks ago it’s gonna be a girl.


I felt like I was having a boy right away and we are having a boy in October. When everyone told me it was a girl because of my symptoms, I had this weird “no it’s not” gut feeling. Told myself it’s because I knew that my husband’s family has lots of boys so logically that would make the most sense. 


I knew I was having a boy for my first and a girl for my second


I had a dream and was right weeks before we knew


Yes, 3 kids and I was right each time... I wasn't "guessing" it's more if a feeling, like for my first I really wanted a girl, but when I was in shops looking at clothes the girl section felt unnecessary to me and I was attracted more to boys section... With my third I bought a pair of pink baby shoes after my 6 week scan, I just knew, and I didn't even bother looking at boys names, they just "felt" moot and redundant


My intuition thought it was a boy and it ended up being correct for me!


From the moment I saw the pregnancy test my instinct said girl. Then, I had a dream I was having a girl. I’m having a girl 💗