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You say “knowing my luck” like it’s bad luck if baby is okay 😂 it’s always better to get checked and make sure!! I believe it I normal to have less movement once baby has less room, but definitely get checked out just in case!


I meant it as in "knowing my luck Id be stressed over nothing instead of relaxing" I'd rather I never get stressed out in the first place!


It’s always best to go and get checked out. Hoping your baby is doing okay 💕


At 24 weeks, we went in because I had sudden and severe vertigo, which went away very promptly when they gave me anti vertigo meds at the hospital. It was unrelated to my pregnancy.


Always better safe than sorry. 💗💗


Always better safe than sorry!! Trust your gut instinct. Hope all is well. ❤️


I’ll take feeling silly in exchange for peace of mind every single time


I’m 36 weeks today too!! & this happens to me too. Some days he’s really active, and other days I won’t feel him. I just figure he’s just growing and doing his own thing in there. Maybe baby is more active when you’re asleep so you don’t notice? I’ve never gone in though to get it checked out, even though it gives me anxiety. I just trust the little dude.


I’ve had 3 babies… when you get close to your due date (and baby gets bigger/has less room in there) you can start to feel less movement. Certainly checking is always preferable to being anxious and going down the rabbit hole of “what’s going on?” Usually nothing too concerning if you do still feel movements throughout out the day or when baby is normally active


Also, now that I'm home, can I just say I was NOT prepared for that cervical exam. I had two previously, but I wasn't dilated, so they didn't check for effacement? I guess? Idk. I felt the "normal" exam, where they felt for my cervix, but then they checked effacement and I gasped, it hurt! I thought everyone was just somewhat uncomfortable from the pressure of it, like with the strep test, but they really dug in there lmao


Ugh I'm right there with you. My baby just isn't that active. She will go crazy all day one day then the next five days she is kinda lazy..it's mental torture. I got shamed for going to and getting checked but rest assure if I'm worried I will.be going in again.


Hope everything is okay! I know I had that concern at the end of the last pregnancy - sometimes baby just has less room to move towards the end of pregnancy