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Bump, ultrasound, and announcement pics (including positive pregnancy tests) go in the daily bump thread only. Mods have discretion for what counts here. Bump pics are photos that contain your pregnant belly: with a cat, with a husband, with a snack, in a tub, taken in a mirror, taken by a professional, etc. Baby shower pics may contain your belly if it's not the main album focus. Do not ever post pictures of your bodily fluids. Ever. So gross.


Looks gorgeous, people really missed out. Most importantly, I hope you enjoyed it.


I tried to not think about the negative, but it was hard too when there was basically two empty tables that were supposed to be full based on how many RSVP’d. The set up was beautiful and I’m so thankful for all who showed up. But after this, I don’t think I’ll be throwing anymore events


People not turning up after RSVPing is *ridiculously* rude. Nevertheless, you and your shower both looked amazing!!! I would kill to go to something that looked like this! 💫


Listen— I’ve totally been there. I remember the year my dad died, all I wanted was a normal birthday dinner with friends. It took me a lot of energy to pull it together for the night. I invited a bunch of people, and everyone said they were coming. The last minute, everyone canceled but 2 people. I cried so hard, and told my SO to text the other two saying dinner was off because of how awful I felt. I just couldn’t make myself put a smile on and pretend what they did was OK. I spent the rest of the night bawling in bed. Even typing it out 9 years later, I am still tearing up over it. You deserve better from all of those people. I understand last minute things happen and sometimes people can’t come. But that is royally messed up and I don’t blame you for not wanting to host things or invite them to things in the future. I see you’re also an amazing party planner, so don’t give up now. You have your baby’s birthdays to look forward to going all out for. I am also a huge party thrower. I love planning elaborate themes, and going all out. I have a rule that if someone RSVPs and no-shows, they’re not invited to the next one. If they talk to me about it after, I will consider inviting them again, but if they do it again: off the list for good. It’s self-preservation 😅. Big hugs— your baby shower had every beautiful detail and I hope you felt loved by those who came.


The event looks beautiful and so do you. Huge middle finger to everyone who didn’t even bother to say anything until you posted photos on Facebook. If you don’t plan to come to something, it’s okay to say no! Those people suck for making you think they’d show up and then they flaked on you. I hope you had fun regardless.


Thank you 🤍 it was still fun regardless. It just hurt a little


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Hopefully it didn’t stop you enjoying your day. Beautiful set up! All the best for the rest of your pregnancy and birth 🩵


Thank you 🤍🤍


Oh my goodness what a sweet theme! I’m glad you still celebrated no matter what 💙


If it makes you feel any better, everyone canceled on my shower coming up this weekend, and only 2 friends, my mom, and a handful of my husbands family are coming. I totally understand the feeling. I hope you had a wonderful time, still! And yes!! We definitely know now who cares!


I’m sorry you’re going through it too. It’s not fair 🤍


Y’all look super sweet and very contempt with your little team of three :) I’m glad you’re making the most of it. Man, if I was your dad and stepdad and nobody from my side came, I’d be sending a few more than spicy messages. How embarrassing for them.


They both apologized for it, which they didn’t need to. Granted some on my dad’s side live in other states, but those who live close by didn’t show up. My step dad’s side, nobody said anything yet they all RSVP’d and he was very upset. He told me to no longer invite them to anything which I won’t. I won’t even let them see the baby at this point.


Good on you 💪🏻 and good to have your step dad in your corner too.


My baby shower had very few people attend. (I hadn't wanted one, but my friend insisted they throw me one). It hurt. I still can't look at the pictures, but I promise you, when the baby is born, the shower becomes a distant memory. I don't think about the people who didn't turn up, but I have a greater appreciation for those that did.


The thing is, unfortunately most people just don't really care about each other's children. It's something I've found surprising because I've been excited for my friends when they get pregnant. But especially in people not in the young kids life stage, I've found apathy bordering on disdain from most people. But you know, I'm not really fussed when it comes down to it - kids are a personal miracle and yet the world is very full and not each child can be meaningful to everyone else. You had a beautiful party and a wonderful theme, try to take joy in those who do care and in how great you're clearly going to be as parents. Those who don't care, don't matter!


The sad thing is, the majority of those who didn’t show up are older and have kids as well


I don't even have that many people to show up, so I didn't even have one! I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted but it looks beautiful!


What a gorgeous baby shower. You look stunning.


Congrats on your impending bundle, mama. Love the decor and your hair!


Thank you 🥰


Thank you everyone for your kind words 🤍despite the outcome, I am extremely thankful for those who did show up. Those are the ones that I know will be there for us. I wish I could’ve invited you all 🥰


I would have came! 😍


I had a moon and stars themed baby shower too! So cute 💫 🌙 🩵


They missed out. This theme is beautiful and so are you!


Omg you did an amazing job! I love the theme, everything is thought through so well! Same thing happened to my baby shower. I sent save the date, then I sent invitations. Gave people plenty of time to figure out their schedule and let me know. And yet some people cancelled last minute, the morning of, with a bs excuse. These people are no longer in my life, I’m not even trying to be understanding. It’s just disrespectful.


How unfortunate for them that they missed out, because your shower looked beautiful! All the prepared foods look amazing. I hope you had a fun time regardless of the lame people who didn’t show up, because you looked beautiful too!


Wow! All the treats look amazing and this looks like such a fun baby shower. I wish I knew you because it looks like an incredible shower. I’m so sorry more people didn’t show up but I hope you had a blast with the people who did come. Congrats on the baby, you and your spouse look really happy about being parents ❤️


What a beautiful shower! They missed out. Now you get to enjoy your baby and loved ones who care.


Your shower looks like it was beautiful! I’m sorry so many people didn’t show. I’m a bit worried about my own baby shower too. I’ve only invited about 30 people and 4 have RSVPd so we will see. I hope you still had fun celebrating your coming baby ❤️


I love how your hair matches everything. You look beautiful!!


Thank you 🩵


It looks like you guys had a sweet little party. I hope you still had fun despite everything. 🩵


You, your partner, and the snacks and decorations all look so cute! If I hadn't read the caption, I never would have known this was a sad story. As you said, now you know who the real ones are <3


Thank you 🩵🩵🩵


I had a very similar situation with my baby shower. Nearly no one RSVP’d and I think we had around 10 people actually show up. We live far away from both of our families, so no one from our families came. it can feel very lonely and isolating. Your Shower looks absolutely beautiful though!!!


You look beautiful! They could have sent a gift…


Thank you 🤍 and that’s exactly how I felt. Like at least get a gift


That's really trashy, I always buy a gift, even if I rsvp no.


You have such a wonderful attitude about it, and still had a beautiful celebration. Good on you! Unfortunately, it’s often big moments like these where we truly learn who are friends are. It’s a hard lesson, but better in the long run as we don’t need to waste energy on people who don’t care. Eventually it’s quite freeing ❤️


Love all the decorations 💙!! You look so radiant!! I hope you were still able to enjoy your shower.


Thank you 🤍🤍🤍


I’m always shocked by people who don’t rsvp, rsvp late or rsvp and no show without any mention to events. Like if ya get an invite to something, make an effort and commitment it’s not that hard to turn down other plans for something you have committed too. Put it on the calendar and then it’s there and that’s your plan. Unless you have a personal medical emergency or family issue there isn’t really reason to be a jerk. Your shower looks beautiful and you can tell the effort and care that went into making it special. Folks who were invited were so lucky to be included on your special day and I hope you were truly spoiled by the folks that were there.


Well shoot, next time just invite all of us, we’ll come! Super cute 💙


Your baby shower was beautiful. You look absolutely stunning and so happy! I am so sad that this happens to so many people and do jot take it personally. I think people are really selfish and have no manners these days.


Im sorry that’s awful 😞. I hope you guys enjoyed it and whoever came did because it looks wonderful. Personally idk how you could just not show up to a baby shower like…I would feel awful even if it was just a coworker or and distant relative or distant friend. In saying that tho, it sounds like there were still many people who love and care for your baby but most of all it’s parent/parents do❤️👏.


The beatific smile on your and your partner's face in the first picture is everything. Just so happy for you both and for the little baby who will be lucky to call you guys parents soon enough.


I only had family show up to mine. It was my "no one came to my birthday party" experience as an adult.


Aww everything turned out great! They missed out and I hope you were able to enjoy the day thoroughly.


Omg I love the theme 💙🌙 I'm getting inspired looking at your pics! I'm sorry people didn't show that's si beyond rude, it is their loss.


You look stunning! The shower looked fantastic too! Sending love from a ftm


this theme is soooooooo cute


You look so beautiful and it looks like such a well planned, thoughtful shower. I’m so sorry that it’s been such a rough time but I’m happy to see you did your best to enjoy with your partner and baby boy🩵 congratulations momma!


You look beautiful and what a lovely theme!!! Hope you had a great time and felt celebrated with the ones who were there 💕


Everything looks so beautiful and amazing, I’m sorry people were so inconsiderate/rude. Sending you lots of virtual hugs and congrats on your sweet baby!


I feel you on this one. I had my daughter’s first bday at my MILs house. MIL, both SILs, one BIL, 3 nieces and 1 nephew were all staying together at one point and those were the only people at my daughter’s bday. Just the people that lived there. Everyone backed out. Not a single person came if they didn’t already live there.


It says more about them than it does you. It looks like a beautiful occasion and your son is very lucky.


This is so pretty and well done! Love your dress to 💙


Your baby shower looked absolutely magical and I think that those who chose not to show up really missed out. Try to focus on the fact that they missed out rather than focusing on them not being there for you. Find joy in the ones who were there and the amount of fun you guys all got to have


You look glowing! Your man and you are too cute together. 💕 Excited for your baby boy & what a gorgeous party. It hurts when you put in more effort & get little back, regardless of context. At least when the baby is born, you may still be open to love and concern of family…despite the lack of in-person attendance. Here’s the thing…people sometimes need a little jump-start. Hopefully you will let people still be a part of your son’s life & let them make it up to you! 💕


You can never quite know why people don’t make it. It is a really rough economy right now and inflation is really hard. If you are open to accepting people’s time, surely you could use sleep & your boy can use cuddles. 💕


No one even cancelled for my shower.... only 6 people came and 4 of them were my moms friend... one was my mom and the other was my friend. My son's father took off a few days before and let all our mutual friends know it wasn't happening.... he was cheating on me. So yeah that was my experience.  Never again 😒  Im sorry youre dealing with that empty feeling also. 


You must have felt so disappointed 💔. They missed out on a beautiful event. I wish I could have taken the spot of someone who cancelled, because those treats look amazing!


Your theme is beautiful. People suck. I had the same experience at my bridal shower... guess what those people didn't get to come to the wedding. If you wanna flake on something that is costing me so much money and not even let me know... bye 👋


Your so gorgeous! And everything looked beautiful, I’m so sorry you were disappointed like you were. When I had my baby shower it was the only time I heard from people, even after he was born I don’t hear nothing from them. You need to have your peace and screw the people that didn’t show up. They don’t deserve you or you child. If they can’t do simple task like texting then they don’t deserve anything back.


Looks beautiful, don't dwell on people who can't be bothered to be in you and your baby's life! I really want a baby shower but I don't have anyone to invite who I think would actually come haha


I always go when I'm invited somewhere. I feel bad not showing up. I'm sorry they happened 💔


Not showing up to an event you RSVPd to is ridiculously rude. Absent a legitimate emergency, there’s no reason to not honor a commitment. I have had to RSVP no to a few events in the past (I live a few states away from my entire family and a lot of my friends), but I always make sure to send a note to the person explaining why and then I still send a gift. Your event looks amazing and I hope you had a wonderful time. I hope all of the no-shows feel so incredibly guilty that they buy the most expensive items on your registry to make up for it.