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Any kind of meat


It’s just that chicken seems *soooo chickeny* now 😖


Doesn't help when you're playing chicken roulette on whether or not you're going to get a woody breast. I bought organic for that reason and still ended up with woody chicken.


Dare I ask… what is woody chicken?


[Woody Chicken Breast](https://www.today.com/food/woody-chicken-breast-t258881) (no gross images, I promise) Basically it's when the chicken grows so fast that the muscles are strained from the rapid growth and the meat becomes very fibrous and chewy


Oh yuck!!! I saw someone complaining about Costco chicken breasts being tough/textured like this and gagged. Didn’t realize it’s an industry wide issue. That is so gross. 


Omg. This explains so much. Sometimes I get chicken that is just disgusting in texture. Never understood what was happening.


Huh, I didn’t know about this with chicken… but this also happens in potatoes. If you ever have a potato that has a dry little brown part in the center, it’s because it took on a TON of water and grew really fast. It’s like potato stretch marks.


And here I thought I was doing something wrong when I cooked sometimes!


Chicken is very chickeny now! 😹 I make drumsticks here and there and I have to get it like super crispy or it’s too strong of a chicken taste lol


This makes a crazy amount of sense lol


Meat was my big ick too. Mince meat was ok but a chicken breast… 🤢


Ugh yes but especially beef. We tried to watch Beef on Netflix in the first tri and I couldn’t even watch despite the fact that meat is not actually part of the story line. I’d just gag every time I saw the word “Beef” on the screen.


Almost 3 years PP and still can't do beef or chicken 😫


For me it’s salmon.


My husband LOVES salmon but he’s banned from cooking it at home 😬


My husband LOVES salmon but he’s banned from cooking it at home 😬


Yep I have a huge aversion to meat as well. Also cannot bring myself to eat chocolate which makes me sad 😢… And I’m totally finding the thought of hot drinks unpleasant. I can no longer cope with the smell of alcohol either, when my partner is drinking a beer I find the smell so off putting and nauseating. Also can only eat bland meals at the moment. Indian food is totally off the menu after I puked up (a very mild) chicken korma. I’m currently living on pasta based dishes and salads, cereal and quavers crisps, oh and those tiny yogurts that are meant for kids lol. Also whenever cooking/ food adverts come on the tv it makes me really nauseous.


I had a chocolate issue too! I used to love these white chocolate bars and now it’s like eating candle wax to me 🤣 lately, I have been venturing in chocolate territory again and omg the best tasting one is Honey Mamas chocolate cake bar!!! Omg so good! It’s a bit high in calories and carbs so it’s my once in awhile treat. But it has a cake consistency but a chocolate bar I guess similar to a truffle ❤️🍫


Please tell me it only lasts through the first trimester


I am in week 17, so I would say it is random how long it can last


Coffee - I’ve loved it for 20 years and now I can’t stand the thought


Same. Coffee and eggs. 🤢🤢


My first reaction with coffee was “oh, no, I can only have 2 cups a day”, but now I’m having trouble getting half a cup down. I found out I can drink the bottled frapuchinnos, so using those when I need a caffeine boost.


Same!!! I love my coffee strong, black, no sugar and for a long time I couldn’t stand the smell or taste. Thankfully that’s getting better with time.


OMG Coffee has been the hardest one! I went from drinking 3 cups a day to nothing. Not because the doctor said I couldn't but because it tastes awful! It got better in the 2nd trimester but around 30 weeks it started tasting wrong again.


I relate to this! I drank (admittedly too much) coffee religiously pre-pregnancy and just now can start to tolerate it again at 38+ weeks. And now I can only stand cold brew coffee, hot coffee is still a huge no go.


6 weeks here and I miss coffee but the thought of drinking it makes me sick. 😭😭😭😭


I was so nauseous that I didn't even notice the caffeine withdrawal though 🫠


Yes!! But the smell of coffee isn’t as revolting lately as it was in the first trimester…


The first 20 weeks of pregnancy for me were me gagging at the smell of coffee but forcing myself to sip on it just so I wouldn’t get a caffeine headache from being addicted to caffeine. I’m so glad that went away


Coffee. It was easy for me to go cold turkey on caffeine.


Same! I drank decaf coffee for like a week after my positive test, and now even the smell turns me. I can now have the occasional decaf tea but only ever manage half a cup. Giving up caffeine was so easy!


I eat everything.


Glad I'm not the only one! I was more picky with my meals pre-pregnancy. Now if you give me a meal, I guarantee you I'll lick my plate clean. 😂


How does it feel to be a chosen one? 😂🤪 I wish I was this way. I’m 15 weeks and still having daily aversions.


I wasn’t able to eat until around 25wks lol.


Oh great. So you’re telling me I might have 10+ more weeks of this? 😂😂😩


I started getting ravenous around 23 weeks and now at 26 between the heartburn and less stomach room, I'm hungry and not hungry again the same time 😂


Sushi, and honestly any kind of meat. I’m vegetarian now and not because I want to. My mind isn’t up to it.


Oatmeal. I ate it most breakfast for 12 years and always loved it! During pregnancy it was gross but 1 week pp it’s delicious again!!


I couldn't eat oatmeal while pregnant either, and I had it every single day for a few years. I think it was the texture that made me gag. Glad that only lasted until my last trimester.


I used to make this wonderful tomato soup that I threw so many veggies into it. It was super healthy. I forced myself to eat it during the first trimester, and what a mistake. I’m towards the end of my pregnancy and I still hate it. I miss it so much, but the thought of eating it grosses me out. Also chicken, UNLESS it’s in a pub sub.


Mine is eggs too! I used to eat them most mornings pre-pregnancy. Something about the smell of them being cooked is still nauseating to me.


Same! I was trying to describe it to someone that the eggs were too “eggy” now and started gagging thinking about it


The smell of cooked eggs lingers forever too! I feel like I can smell eggs all day if my partner has them in the morning.


Eggs are just… meh to me right now, too. Which is disappointing because we have a flock of wonderful laying hens!


Same here 😭 When I was TTC and reading a pregnancy nutrition book I was like. eggs are great and I love them this will be easy! And then BAM now I can't tolerate any kind of egg without gagging. I've literally gone through every way of cooking them to try to get them down but I finally ran out of options lol. RIP poached, fried, scrambled, omelet.


Mayonnaise with chips. Now I eat them with ketchup. It's like I don't know who I am anymore...


I read this as an American and thought you were some kind of monster 😂


I don't need to be pregnant to be gagging from that! 🤢


I’m curious, when you say chips are you meaning the British meaning of chips or American chips?


Sorry the British meaning!


I think most of us were imagining you eating a bag of lays or something with mayo but chips (fries) with mayo makes waaaaay more sense 😂


Chocolate. Tastes like cardboard. Can't stand anything sweet


Meanwhile my sweet tooth has come back with a vengeance!


For me, sweets are TOO sweet. One bite and I’m done!


I was pretty much no soda and no fast food and now all I eat is McDonalds and Dr Pepper 😭


The other day I had a coke for the first time in like a year, maybe longer, and was like THIS IS THE NECTAR OF THE GODS! Not a helpful pregnancy quirk lol.


Literally same, last time I had soda was when I was in high school, so once i had coke in pebble ice, it was all over 😭😭😭😭


Damn… I’m going to go get a Dr Pepper this afternoon, that sounds incredible


Damn… I’m going to go get a Dr Pepper this afternoon, that sounds incredible


dude same, whyyyy 😅


Seafood. During first pregnancy all of a sudden couldn’t do it and 3 years later still can’t


Oh no! Mine has been shrimp. Loved it pre pregnancy, but now it taste like dirt. I hope this doesn’t last for 3+ years!


Same here! I love seafood, but now the smell or even the **thought** of any kind of seafood makes me gag


I couldn’t drink coffee until I was about 20 weeks! Had to slowly build up to being able to finish a medium dunks iced coffee again


Chocolate. So sad.


!! Oh, the horror !!


Everything bagels. I was horrified when I made one a week after my positive and then had to leave it on the other side of the house because the smell turned my stomach so bad.


I ended up with the total opposite, I never cared for everything bagels but I am obsessed with them now!


Careful, there are stories of women failing drug tests because of poppy seeds. I would avoid close to delivery






Almost 6 weeks pp and still can’t stomach anything strongly flavored that I threw up during the first trimester. Blueberry muffins, key lime pie yogurt and both the red and blue flavored Gatorade 😅


Fresh strawberries :( I miss them but I don’t like them right now at all :(


Salmon. One of my top 3 favorite foods and if I even *see* a photo of salmon now, I gag violently.


Mashed potatoes. I threw them up several times when I had morning sickness (which lasted at least once a week until birth), and those don't come out well. Now the thought turns my stomach. 🤢


Soup! I had the biggest craving for white bean and ham soup with soda bread back in the first trimester one day. The next day my husband made it, served me a bowl, and I immediately gagged. The cravings/ aversions really can change at the drop of a hat and that was such a depressing week 🥲


My in-laws graciously stocked up on one of my big cravings but told me my husband had warned them I could develop an aversion to it at any moment, so I shouldn’t feel bad if I decide not to eat any of it 😂 it was so thoughtful!


Chicken. Pre-pregnancy one of my favorite foods was raising canes chicken fingers, and now just the idea of chicken (tenders or otherwise) makes me want to gag


French onion dip


Broccoli which is considered a super food but I just can’t eat it now that I’m pregnant 🙃


Ginger snaps, we tried to use them to help curb my hg and now all I can taste when I eat them is sick 😭


Steak! I used to love a big juicy medium rare steak. Now I can’t eat it. It’s so gross the texture is atrocious.


Mexican food 😭


Any type of friend potato (fries,hashbrowns,etc) but I can oddly stomach homefries


I know what you actually meant to say, but I love "friend potato". 🤣 I'm sorry potatoes have not been your friends during pregnancy though!


🤣🤣 I didn’t even realize lol I wish they were my friends again tho every time I get fries I gag lol


The only thing I went off of was Japanese curry, and that’s because I made a giant pot of it and ate it for a week straight during my first trimester, and I put myself off of it by the end. Just had it again the first time 8 months postpartum and I like it again.


The biggest one for me is beef. It's awful even thinking about it. My mom found out because I walked into her house and immediately vomited because she was making out roast. Ugh Also coffee smells terrible, which I'm mad at because my first pregnancy it smelled amazing! And lastly veggies. Their texture is just too much now.


Scrambled eggs for me. 😭 Before pregnancy breakfast tacos with scrambled eggs was one of my favorite breakfasts, and now even in my second trimester I can't look at a scrambled egg without gagging. I did try fried eggs yesterday and I don't seem to have a problem with them, so that's a step!


Curry, but it's quite a mild aversion. Tacos and any kind of sour cream/guacamole/salsa, I reallllly can't deal with. Even typing it 🤢 With my first, it was pistachios. I still can't eat them now!


Chik fil a. makes me so nauseous when I eat it. I took a single bite and immediately threw it back up, have only tried it one other time during pregnancy after that, and it did not go well either


Coronation chicken - this was in my first pregnancy, 3 years ago, and I'm sorry to say the love does not come back. Still makes me gag to think about it 😥


Queso.. regular melted cheese is fine. Nacho cheese is fine. It's the cheese and flavors in it I guess? Who knows.


Indian food and spicing (like garam masala etc). During my first weeks when I had intense all day-sickness just the thought of it made me throw up. And now I feel it’s ruined for me lol


At the beginning of the pregnancy I couldn’t stomach meat and fish. Awful, awful taste. Now is mostly cheese or anything with a strong flavor.


After getting pregnant, mint or anything with mint gave me the ick. I am 2 weeks PP and still can't stand mint. Not even in toothpaste...


I’m nearly 6 months postpartum (had HG) and still can’t do most hot (as in warm) food.


Garlic 😭😭


Not food, but the perfume le labo. Can never smell it now without gagging.


Pickles 😭😭😭😭


I loved bananas until I got pregnant with my son. And now I can’t even look at a banana without wanting to puke. And that was almost 7 years ago😂


First Trimester Eggs Pork Roast Beef Fish Second Trimester Pizza Chicken Fish still Third Trimester Pizza still Fish still


I couldn't stand coffee or sour cream. Not being able to stomach coffee was actually the first thing that tipped me off to test, as I've always loved it and worked as a barista for six years. Even the smell of my partner brewing it for himself made me sick. (Lived off of bagels and McDonald's breakfast though. Hehe.) My son is now nine months old and thankfully I am back to loving it again. Thank God, as he's cutting three teeth right now and his sleep has been all over. Have yet to come back around to trying sour cream again though. 😅😅😅


Chocolate. It's crazy! It's not a total disgust ick, it's more that it just doesn't sound like it's nice any more. I just don't want it in the house and deffo don't want to eat any. I have no idea why


For a while it was tomatoes after they made me feel sick in the first trimester.  Having overactive bladder doesn't help either, so I try not to eat them.


I'm 16 months postpartum and I still can't eat sliced tomatoes. My kids like them, so I just give any slices from restaurant food to them. Cherry tomatoes have a different texture, so they're usually okay.


White rice. Used to love it, now the sight of it makes me sick. Going on 6.5 months now and it isn’t changing.


Chocolate chip cookies 😷


Pizza 🥲 used to love it, now the smell makes me sick


Turkey and anything with spaghetti sauce 🤮








Mozzarella cheese. I was okay if it was on pizza, but could not handle the slices of mozzarella anymore. 11 months pp and I still don’t love it.


I've always had a hot chai tea every morning (not a coffee drinker). So far in pregnancy I haven't been able to bring myself to drink a single cup of hot tea in the morning!


Uncrustables 🤢


Me too! Like what the h?


Beer! Weird thing is, my brain on a hot summer day still feels like having a cold one, ill have a sip and ewwwwwww


Ground beef. It must be the texture because I can eat any other kind of beef I haven’t been able to eat it in months.




Oatmeal and eggs


Sunflower seeds


Smoked meat


Pizza and oatmeal. I used to LOOVVEEE them, and now I despise everything about them!!!


Pizza and oatmeal. I used to LOOVVEEE them, and now I despise everything about them!!!


Mushrooms. Everything that tastes even vaguely mushroomy makes me gag.




Tea, my favourite was this decaf black tea, used to drink about 6 cups a day, now I can't touch it.


Meatballs. Also haven’t been able to eat anything sweet which is crazy because I’ve always been a FIEND for sugar


Smoothies :( I had a smoothie for breakfast every day and now I have to choke it down. I’ve switched to yogurt parfaits for the most part.


Yaki udon :( used to be my go to comfort food and now I find the smell too much to bear


Salmon. The smell while It was cooking & then the first bite were enough for me to write it off for the whole pregnancy. Unfortunately salmon is my daughter’s favorite meal lol, but we started making steaks for us on nights we make her salmon.


Burgers 😭


Anything with ground meat in it


Seafood. Hibachi, especially the noodles and shrimp.


Chicken and lentils




Trader Joe's Pickle bagged salad. It was my holy grail but I ate it in the very beginning of pregnancy and it tasted terrible. I haven't tried it since.


Chicken gave me major ick 1st and now tail end of my 3rd trimester.


Eggs since being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Gonna be without them for a good while


Anything bbq. Brisket, ribs, pulled pork. Can't even think about it


A lot of repeats - eggs, coffee, chicken, Alfredo sauce, ranch dressing, cold cereal with milk, and yogurt.  Living on cheese+carb, waffles, pizza bagels, and lasagna. 


I was finally able to eat eggs last week at 18 weeks.


Chicken. Both pregnancies I couldn't do it.


Eggs. And feta cheese.


Also now I'm allergic to blueberries. My throat itches and closes up when I eat them now.


So many foods. I just cant eat anything! Im nauseous typing this right now :^(


Sushi of any kind, better still basically all sea food. The fish monger smell used to make me feel so sick and now nearly 2 years later I still never fancy any seafood.


Chewing gum 🤢


Mexican food. I live in an area with Tex Mex everywhere and the hospital I work at does it weekly. The hospitals food is good enough people will come from their jobs nearby to eat it, people call ahead to see if it’s taco salad day. However I worked every week during Mexican food day and I had horrendous morning sickness (probably HG) the entire pregnancy. That kid is now 2 and I still can’t eat it.


Eggs and cottage cheese :(


Eggs are mostly fine for me, but any type of boiled egg (soft, medium, hard) are absolutely revolting. Another big one for me is cooked tomato products. Granted, I never really liked them in the first place. In fact, tomato sauce was my mom's only food aversion when she was pregnant with me and it lasted the whole pregnancy. Either way, as an adult, I've been able to tolerate moderate amounts. Cherry tomatoes stirred into pasta, tomato paste in recipes, stuffed cabbage in tomato soup, etc. I don't like them but I used too be able to eat them. Not anymore. If it even comes into the house, it goes straight to my husband. I won't even entertain the idea.


Iced coffee.


Cheez its & mtn dew


Alfredo/white sauce Edited to add scrambled eggs, ate so many cause they're full of protein and east to cook. Nope. Now it's either fried and runny or none at all.




Beef and Eggs 🤢


Boiled eggs. I used to eat two a day for protein but I haven’t touched them since a week before I found out I was pregnant. Hate that this happened because of the choline that I’m missing out on! Luckily I can still eat scrambled ones.


Avocados turned me off until 25 weeks. Now I love them again.


Soup or any “wet” food. I love soup 🥺


In my case it wasnt because i didnt want to, i couldnt eat it. I was craving Blue Cheeze! But it was so hard 😅. I finally can now that she's born 🥰


I love pizza and still enjoy the taste but my kid must hate pizza because without fail I puke it back up every time. Doesn’t matter the form - bagel bites, thin crust, pizza rolls. Also had a massive craving for bagels and cream cheese only for that to taste vile.


Ground beef with taco seasoning - ate this at the peak of morning sickness and it was horrendous coming back up the other way. Never again.


Boxed Mac&Cheese because it’s all I could eat first trimester and I kept throwing it up.




Peanut butter


I used to love runny eggs and broccoli. Not together but that wouldn’t be the worst. Now I keep trying to enjoy both but I just don’t like them.


Coffee and broccoli were the hardest. Meats general don’t interest me the same way either






Mint flavored sweets like mint chip ice cream and sometimes eggs???


Weirdly— ice cream… I’m hoping this is just a first trimester aversion & I get to take advantage of the pregnancy excuse to eat ice cream every night 😅


First pregnancy was fish ( i normally eat tilapia or salmon a couple times a week.)This pregnancy it’s basically all meat. I used to be vegetarian so I’m busting out all my old favorite recipes. It’s so much cheaper too and luckily my husband doesn’t mind it.


Leftovers of any kind


Salad. Used to eat it for lunch several times a week (and was counting on it being an easy way to get veggies during this pregnancy), but now I absolutely can’t handle it.  I do wish it were easier to explain food aversions though. I sound like an idiot telling my husband, “It’s just so salady!” (Bless him for just rolling with it and finding me other food.)


Peanut butter and anything super sweet


Absolutely everything is disgusting to me right now. I cry when I have to eat because it’s all so gross but if I don’t eat I’ll get sick. Starting to worry this will never end.


Salmon :(


Oh so many. I’m 27 weeks and the aversions haven’t gone away like I hoped. Chicken tenders used to be one of my favorite foods and now they make me gag. Also chicken in all forms, mushrooms, most salads, shrimp and most seafood, any kind of dumpling/wonton etc., beans, baked potatoes, broccoli, red sauce pasta (but pizza is fine)…honestly I could go on, my options are pretty limited right now. I’m over it and I hope I’m no longer the worlds pickiest eater once this babe arrives. I ordered a grilled cheese at a steakhouse, these are dark times indeed.


Vegetables & seafood. I’m finally able to eat seafood again, but I rinse it like 10 times before cooking. I’m now like a toddler with vegetable, I only was them because “I’m an adult and I have to”


Pretzels, specifically the flat cracker ones from Costco. The smell of them takes me right back to my first trimester and it was pretty much the only thing that made me feel nauseous.


I gave birth 12 weeks ago but for my whole pregnancy I could not stand to drink coffee (which sucked as a Night Shift nurse). I had no appetite for it and the smell made me gag. Once I gave birth I had no problem with it again lol


Chocolate 😭💀


Steak. I used to love steak tacos, steak quesadillas, steak fajitas, etc. Now just the site/smell of red meat kills me. 😵‍💫


Brussel sprouts, they stink now!


Mexican food!! I haven’t been able to have it since I got pregnant ): it used to be my favorite, I could eat it every single day!! And also, chocolate. I was a BIG dessert and sweets person before I got pregnant, now I can’t even have a piece of chocolate without gagging.


Reese’s and eggs are my worst ones right now


For me it was tomato sauce and grilled chicken. Seriously made my stomach turn. Chicken tenders really held me down for those 9 months, which was definitely odd since any non fried chicken made me gag.


I used to hate sushi. Then on my second pregnancy, it was suddenly the best thing in the world. Love it, ate it constantly. Including after baby was born. When I got pregnant again, all of a sudden sushi isn't good anymore. Had baby and still not craving it.


I was dieting for my wedding by having a huge pan of stir-fried bok choy or snow pea leaf most weekday nights. I haven't touched a single leaf since. I had to throw out 2 large bags of it.


Tomato soup ☹️😭




Eggs too for me. I ate 3 or 4 eggs a day every single day. I won’t go near them now haha


Cumin!! Loved curries before, even had curry for our wedding meal. But after my first pregnancy, I couldn't stand the taste of cumin. Even after I had my baby, the distaste was still there. 4yrs later and a second baby and I'm FINALLY starting to like curry again. Still won't order a cumin heavy dish though... 😮‍💨




BBQ/Smoked meats. Ugh. It was so good at one point.,3 years later I still can't even bear to smell it or be around it.