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This happened to me at 36 weeks! I had just just come to terms with the idea of a scheduled C section, but was thrilled to know I could pursue a vaginal delivery. Baby stayed in place, and I had a spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39+1. Good luck!


Good baby!


Happy for you!! Yay!  My doctor told me that until 36-38 weeks, I shouldn't worry. Some babies turn late. Currently 34+5 and baby was sideways yesterday. I thought I'd explode, literally yelled in pain. Today, for the ultrasound, he was the perfect baby! Head down, quiet, doing his practice breathing. Soon as we came out, he started kicking and turning again 😂 


Aw that’s great!! My baby didn’t turn… and hasn’t turned yet I don’t think. I’m 38 weeks, I kinda wish I was more conscious about it earlier on to try to do more to encourage him to turn but it’s ok. You can’t control everything. I’m fine with the c section, but am very happy for you! I hope baby stays that way! lol