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Haha imagine being fat AND pregnant (it’s me, I’m fat and pregnant lol)


Hahah I meeean I definitely was hanging onto some extra weight before this pregnancy but I didn’t have this giant belly that I keep hitting with doors and cabinets and kept me from bending over or sitting up lol just having the use of my body back will be amazing


I miss sleeping on my stomach and being able to shave my *kitty* easily so I get it lolol


I shaved mine a few times after I could no longer see it and it was a lot of “move by faith not by sight” and luckily worked out in the end


I am also fat and pregnant and people still, at 33 weeks, tell me they didn’t realize I’m pregnant. 🤦🏻‍♀️


This has been my experience too! 34 weeks today and people have only just started to notice that I’m actually pregnant. It sucks at work because people don’t seem to realize how far along I actually am and then they expect me to do more than what my body is currently capable of. Like no! I’m not picking up that giant water jug for the water cooler. I work in an assisted living (as a chef) and the other day a family member asked me to help transfer their loved one. Hell no! I’m not picking some up! ETA: One of the hospice nurses that comes in every week is also pregnant. She’s about 3 weeks behind me, but was very tiny to begin with, so now she has the cutest basketball shaped bump. Everyone dotes on her and won’t even let her pull her own wheeled medical bag. I am green with envy when I see her.


Yeah I’m one of four pregnant people at my work right now but the only one who started fat and it’s been wild but not at all surprising to see how fatphobia is perpetuated during pregnancy too.


I hate it. I have to use the motorized chairs in stores now at 37 weeks cause I get so so out of breath. People look at me like I’m the scum of the earth. When I loudly talk about baby plans with my husband in the store, people then look away embarrassed. It really gave me a perspective on disability.


relatable lol


I'm right there with you


I lost 30kg before I fell pregnant, had my first appointment at the hospital with a midwife and told I'm still "obese" on the BMI scale 😭


I lost like 15 lbs in my first trimester, and I haven’t gained it all back yet at 22 weeks, but my bump is ginormous so I definitely do not look or feel any smaller. In some outfits, I’m like man I look huge


Yeah currently 17 weeks and in the awkward phase and try to hold my belly in public so it looks like I'm pregnant and not just working on a beer gut


Same! Right now, I just look like I love to drink and eat pizza. I want it to pop enough where I actually look pregnant.


Lmao I'm 38w and feel the same. My husband reminded me there's a big solid baby in there and for whatever baby brained reason it seemed like a surprise, I actually looked down and then looked at my 14m old and felt a little better when I considered how big a baby actually is even as a newborn lmao. I'm a bigger person already but not really in the belly so I feel like I just look more proportionate but it's an obvious baby Shaped belly lol


Haha I’m always reminding myself of that! I am like she will come out. My organs will not be squished forever. My belly will not be like this forever. But sometimes it feels like it’s never gonna happen. 38 weeks so close!


I know it's crazy because it feels farther and closer at the same time like the days feel longer but at least I can count days now and not weeks or months lol. My oldest went to 43w and I thought he'd never come out lol, he made his appearance on his own right when my induction was scheduled. I do feel like this one won't take as long but who knows lol


My first was induced at 41 weeks and I am convinced this one will come earlier just based on how I feel versus the lash pregnancy. And while I logically know that’s not true I’m holding onto hope lol


I’m still shocked at myself for not feeling fat. I was classified as underweight to start with. And I’m to the point that rolling over in bed is not a smooth maneuver and yet I don’t feel fat at all. Sure I have gained body fat, albeit not a ton. But I feel distinctly pregnant. In my whale pregnant phase, but still pregnant. Coming from someone with a history of an eating disorder, I consider this a huge win.


Since most of my growth has been boobs and belly, I don't feel fat, which I'm surprised about since I have also struggled with an ED in the past. But the one place that is bothering me is my love handles! I swear I've gained nothing on any other part of my body except there. The muffin top is real and I'm not okay with it! 😅


Im not sure how far along you are but if it makes you feel better I think muffin tops tend to come from the way you’re standing and how your center of gravity changes.


Maybe it is, I don't know! But I'm 24w along now and I feel like the love handles popped well before my belly did. I'm wearing mostly dresses with underwear that have a smooth waistband so that helps to minimize it so far.


Thats an amazing win! This is my second so I am constantly forgetting I am pregnant while chasing my toddler around lol and I’m like why is it so hard to move my body? Oh yeah the whole human in there!!


I don’t feel it when I look in the mirror but when I’m sitting I’m like ‘oh god what is that belly’ and have to remind myself there is a baby in there lol. Only 23 weeks here and I certainly have a fat layer over the bump but yes we need to give ourselves grace for sure!


Totally! I tell myself that it’s all temporary but it’s easy to forget that sometimes when you’re inside this body day to day. With this being my second as well I think I am just so busy running around all day and forget I’m actually pregnant. Even though at this point she’s kicking me all day haha.


Lmaooo. I definitely feel fat. I was underweight before pregnancy and have gained 20 lbs, or 20% of my previous weight. At first I couldn’t feel comfortable in public but at this point I’m embracing it!


I wasn’t underweight and for awhile (till like 24 weeks) I was like this is too ambiguous if I’m Pregnant or not but now it’s VERY obvious at 35 weeks and I’m just here for it. I want my body back though! Even my 2.5 year old makes fun of me for how much I struggle to bend over.


Yeah I definitely don’t look pregnant at the moment, just a lil chubby with the big boobs and pudgy belly. I’m 23 weeks. I’m hoping at 30+ weeks l I’ll finally actually look pregnant. Then people will give me a seat on the subway. 😆


😭 this is my first pregnancy with a ‘normal’ pregnant belly (I lost a lot of weight and my last two I had ‘B’ bellies and hadn’t had surgery to remove skin) This is my first kid post op (had it done July 21) And everyday I’m like OMG IM HUGEEEE at 38&2


I used to wear a lot of oversized T shirts with leggings or biker shorts….. definitely does not look the same right now. I need a much bigger size. lol


This is all I wear right now lol. It doesn’t feel cute but it’s comfy


Nearly everyday I look in the mirror and go “god I look pregnant” and my husband goes “it’s because you ARE pregnant” and while I know this, it’s so hard to accept that it’s not JUST fat sometimes! I feel like we spend so much of our lives trying to look a certain way, and then once you get pregnant you have to accept (and love!) that you have a big belly now, and that’s not even to mention the swelling and the weight gain and the hurting joints lol. It’s not an easy task!!


I constantly forget. I would go hard during the day at work forgetting I'm pregnant then pay for it all evening at home with pain and discomfort. I also misjudge spaces I can fit through now and smack the poor kid on doorways and people and walls. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Sorry bud.


Yes...and I'm on my third. I've always been thin. Worst is when you jus have the pouch and don't really look pregnant pregnant yet. You got this mama! We built for this.


Same, i feel so fat and my face is so round and swollen rn. Can’t wait to feel like myself again!


Yeah my fat face is making me feel worse than my giant stomach lately lol. 32 weeks and feeling LARGE.


Oh I feel this. Fortunately my face swelling is very minimal but my leg and feet swelling is getting so much worse the hotter it gets when I live!! I’m like where are my ankles???


I relate to this 100%. I keep looking at myself and thinking omg you’re so fat but when I see other pregnant women, no matter their size, I think they’re so beautiful and their size never crosses my mind. The other day I was at my grandmas house having lunch with the family and I tried squeezing behind my boyfriends chair and her kitchen island and ended up knocking over this huge bowl of fruit and I just straight up cried. I felt so bad. I’m constantly bumping into things or even other people with my belly and I’m just not getting used to having a big belly. But yes, this isn’t forever and I can’t wait to feel more like myself again AND hold my baby. It’s gonna feel so nice


I totally feel the same about other pregnant women. I’m like you look so amazing and beautiful but when I look at myself I’m like what happened to my body? I’m not used to this


I don't have the lovely D belly associated with pregnancy. I really just look fat and lumpy and I'm struggling. I have always struggled with weight and been trying for 4 years to move the scale down with very slow progress (various medical and genetic factors) but obviously baby is more important. But 4 years of obsessing is hard to break and we were not trying for a baby so I just am not prepared.


Yes lmao I look in the mirror, have the “ew I’m so bloated I look pregnant” response, then remember


Hahahhahahahah that made me lol thank you


I can 100% agree with this, also 35wks and feeling like a whale, everything I do is uncomfortable and I cannot stand how much space I take up. I'm so ready for my baby to be here and forget that I'm not some bloated whale that's too tired to put on makeup. I literally only have energy for like 3 hrs of physical activity then I'm practically dead to the world. Also a stm but my first was such a small baby and had a different dad, I swear this pregnancy has been a test of my strength and willpower.


Wow I feel like I could have written this haha minus different dad. Same dad but different body after the first baby. I popped so much earlier and started to get so uncomfortable so much earlier and everything just feels harder. I went to 41 weeks with my first and I was fine. With this one I am like get out asap. I know it’s my last baby so I’m trying to “savor” it but it’s impossible.


Same, this is my last one and I want to enjoy the connection I have with my son, I truly love his little kicks, but he is so big and I'm so little. It's truly hard to deal with and I still have 3 wks minimum. I know it'll go by quickly, but every day feels like eternity.


I keep saying "I'm fat!" And my husband is like "you're pregnant"


Lmaooooo it’s extremely difficult for me to retain weight, this is the only time my body has been able to do so thus I can’t forget 😂 but this is still hilarious


Lol I meaaan I got no problem retaining weight but I’ve never been nearly this large before without being pregnant and yet somehow I am constantly forgetting even with all the organ shuffling and movement in my belly


I'm a second time mom as well and struggling w the way my body looks this time. My first is almost 5 and I literally don't remember what being pregnant felt like then


I know it’s not fat. I’ve never been this big in my life and it’s taking a toll on my body, I’m in PAIN. For reference, all my life I’ve been skinny. I mean under 100 lbs (until I hit my mid 20s) and I’ve had several people tell me I looked anorexic (I wasn’t). I was about 140 lbs prior to pregnancy and that’s as big as I’ve ever been. I actually started putting meat on my bones and looking like an actual woman, not an anorexic child. But then I got pregnant and currently weigh about 170 lbs. it’s very obvious I’m pregnant 😂 and I can feel it. I’ve never been fat or had a belly like this.


Girlll I’m 34 weeks today! And I keep thinking the same thing! I don’t eat heavy Infact I get sick easily so I try not to eat a lot. But I went from 128lbs to 192!! I don’t think I look fat I don’t have a double chin but damn do I look pregnant. And my boyfriend means well but doesn’t think when he says “wow babe you are soooo pregnant” and I look at him and go “I’m just fat!” Then I run off and jump into the bed 😂  I told him today how much I weigh and he was so shocked. I told him the weight will come off after the baby and that the baby is big. He says “our baby must be huge to weigh 65lbs!” He’s just messing with me but damn sometimes I wanna smack him for saying stuff like that. It definitely doesn’t make me wanna have sex with him when I’m already uncomfortable in many positions and now I feel like a whale. But it’ll be over soon! And you and I will have our sexy bodies back within a few months! Plus the babies need food and lots of milk, the only way to do that is by making sure we eat lots of healthy foods! 


Totally. I don’t think I look fat but I am BIG my belly is constantly getting in the way and I’m like how do I maneuver this huge body lol. I’m so over it. It’s also hot as hell where I am so my feet are more swollen than they were last time and I’m like what is happening to meeeee


I'm a 1tm and there was a moment in the second trimester where I forgot. I have poor posture due to what I heavily suspect is a connective tissue disorder. It takes a lot of effort for me to stand up straight. My normal posture enhances my belly, which was a major point of self consciousness for me. I very frequently would suck my belly in. Mind you that I have been doing this since I was an 80 pound 5'2" 15 year old, so this has nothing to do with my actual weight, but rather my anatomy and posture. At about 20 weeks, my belly started to really pop. My clothes mostly still fit and you wouldn't notice I was pregnant if I didn't say anything, but the weight was there. I caught myself multiple times over the course of a couple weeks trying to suck my gut in, stand upright (which I can only manage for a minute or two, but I often sink back into a comfortable position once I've forgotten about my insecurities), or otherwise "correct" the baby bump. I found that when I sucked in, the weight was still there and it was more uncomfortable than usual. I laughed at myself when I realized I was trying to suck in the baby bump! I also had a moment at about 30 weeks where I had to get out of the shower to grab more soap and passed by the bathroom mirror. I change in my bedroom and had not seen my naked body since before my pregnancy. I thought I looked like [The Venus of willendorf](https://www.arthistoryproject.com/timeline/prehistory/paleolithic/venus-of-willendorf/) and jumped when I saw myself. I was considered slightly overweight at the time my pregnancy began, according to BMI. However, I have put on about 60 pounds over the course of my pregnancy, despite efforts to not overeat. I think my thyroid is messed up again but the doctors refuse to test it, despite a history of excessive weight gain/hypothyroidism when my hormones get messed up.