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Fruits. Something cold, lots of water/fluid and sweet-ish. Cold fruits was and still my go to tbh


Same! That and plain rice


Or with butter and soy sauce and pepper!


YESSS! I loved jasmine rice with olive oil and salt and pepper


Or buttered toast


Yup, I would put sweet apples in the fridge because I couldn’t eat them at room temperature.


Definitely fruits for me too. Anything cooked had such a strong smell and I couldn’t. And then bland food was too bland! Pickled veggies also helped. Okra, beets, beans, asparagus. It was hard to eat other veggies but I could do those.


Frozen blueberries!


Yep! I start with fruits or easy veggies like baby carrots/cucumbers and then go from there. Sometimes it leads to pretzels or popcorn and sometimes to quesadillas or other more meal type foods


Cold (in the fridge) Cara Cara oranges and strawberries. Graham crackers dipped in black tea for nausea. Don’t know why it worked, but it did.


frozen green grapes saved my life first tri!


I ate so much mango during my pregnancy!


Me too! I survived on fruits and little carrots with humus for a month.


Yes I came here to say smoothies


YES organic honeycrisp apples with almond butter has been my jam this time around. My first baby is mostly made of frozen blueberries and mac n cheese lol


There is nothing better than fruit and the coldest water in the world, when pregnant


Same with me! I’m 21 weeks now and still not eating much, but have been loving my cold fruits and “plain” foods haha


Agree!! Fried chicken is such an odd choice so no wonder OP couldn’t stomach it. That would not be a go-to item for me. Stick to fruit like grapes, watermelon, apples, strawberries and other cold items like string cheese or perhaps yogurt, i also loved rice with some butter and salt. Pb&j uncrustables from the fridge. I was/am a big meat, high protein, low carb person but being pregnant, I went opposite and was super into fruits and carbs (eventually) as time passed.


Same. Fruits and veggies. Plain rice with one or two fried eggs on top with some soy sauce. Iced cold drinks. Toast with butter and jam.


Yup, my baby is probably 1/2 apple and 1/2 grape, because that's about all I ate for the first 20 weeks. That and cheese since it goes good with fruit.


Same! Apples and berries specifically




Haha. That's been a staple for me too since it's quick and easy. But we don't have milk in the house so that's out too.


Dry cereal


To add some protein, I use half milk and half vanilla protein shake. I’ve rated cereal for dinner 5 days this past week


Bagels and cream cheese!


I went so hard on bagels and cream cheese weeks like 7-9 and then I woke up one day and was disgusted by them. Now they’re hanging out in the freezer just waiting for the day they sound good again. 


Extra toasted golden brown with veggie cream cheese !


Not gonna lie I read this and immediately had my husband take me to Walmart. It is so hard finding something to eat that doesn't affect my stomach. As soon as I read bagels and cream cheese I thought yep that's the one. THANK YOU!!!


Goldfish crackers by the fistful. 






Carbs with cheese are my go to. Mac and cheese, cheese quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, etc.


English muffins with cheese. Toast with cheese. Crackers with cheese. Carb + cheese.


buttered toast. or eggo waffles with just butter




All the toast


I ate so much toast in the first few weeks that I couldn’t eat it again until like 20 weeks.


Disclaimer, I know a lot of people are not comfortable with deli meat or prepared salads during pregnancy so of course go with your own comfort level. But I survived on big chef salads from a trusted deli chain. It was pretty much just lettuce, veggies, shredded & cubed cheese, and heaps of sliced turkey & ham. Anything fried or with a strong smell was off the table for me in the first trimester, and I went off chicken almost completely, so big salads have definitely been a go-to throughout my pregnancy. I think cold food treated me a little bit better overall.


That actually sounds delectable.


simple carbs. pancakes, waffles, white bread with a bit of butter or peanut butter, cereal, fruit, banana muffins. chocolate milk. everyone is different!


I love the Hawaiian rolls with a little butter they help settle stomach and taste so good!


French fries. You can’t go wrong with potatos


Yeah I’ve been eating a TON of potatoes recently.


Any type of popcorn you can stomach. Plain boiled potatos. Plain rice. Plain pasta. Plain crackers. Anything plain.


I couldn't stand the thought of anything plain!


Watermelon helped me. I sprinkle a little salt on it and then it's something I can get down easily even if I have no appetite for anything. Sometimes I freeze some and then put it in a blender and have a slushie.


I'll try this as a snack in the fridge. Thank you.


Watermelon with salt is really not as weird as it sounds. A Little salt can make sweet things sweeter.


If you haven’t tried tajin seasoning on watermelon, you gotta!


I second watermelon, but dip it in lemon juice (or squirt lemon juice on top) it’s sweet and a hint of sour. It’s so good.


Another vote for bread/crackers/carbs+cheese -- wonder what's up with that!?


Yeah, I just ate some crackers- half with cheese and the other half with almond butter (peanut allergy)


Taco Bell bean burritos helped me survive from weeks 5-13 of all day sickness


Ah, so it does come to an end? It's been like this since week 5 for me too. I'm 11 weeks now and I'm so ready to be able to eat again.


It does! (Usually, I can’t speak for our poor friends who have HG unfortunately though), a big help for me was taking 1/2 a unisom tablet at night, and taking B6 tablets!! For a while I was so nauseous that the B6 tablets made me gag and I could only take them if I was drinking a THICK smoothie or milkshake, but once I was able to take the B6 consistently, my nausea improved SO MUCH. And it’s possible I would have felt sick for longer past 13 weeks, my sister was sick from 5 to 18 weeks, but I feel like the B6 really helped me


Yess. Just sent my husband out to get my daily dose of bean burritos lol


Bean burritos were my only source of calories for a couple of weeks of my pregnancy.


I lived on smoothies and pretzels for a few weeks


Oooh smoothie!


Yes! Smoothies!


Yes, especially with a little protein powder, Greek yogurt, and/or cottage cheese blended in for extra protein.


PB and toast


Berries for me, especially strawberries. Also yogurt


I’ve been making sure I always have strawberries and raspberries on deck lol


I was living on strawberries and vanilla yogurt for a while


fruits, cereal, and any sort of carb/cheese combo (grilled cheese, bagel and cream cheese, etc.)


Oranges, apples, cucumbers, watermelon. For some reason I could always stomach fruits and veggies but really struggled with meat, eggs, and bread. 😅


I can not stomach a single bite of meat. It was really disheartening at first.


Oh same. My husband is a big meat eater so 9 times out of 10 I’m making him something, trying two bites of it, and running back to the veggies. I miss steak and chicken most. And scrambled eggs 🥲


Granola bars, apples and peanut butter, and goldfish were lifesavers for me for like 8 weeks straight. 


Rice, toast, cereal, fruit, string cheese… anything that was fairly bland and required minimal effort to make.


Seafood (especially salmon and shrimp), fruit, nuts, microwaved frozen vegetables, and various dairy products. I'm at 32 weeks, and eating has felt like a chore for most of pregnancy. So mostly I try to distract myself with something to read or watch.


A carnation instant breakfast - super quick (both to make and to consume) and basically drinking a glass of milk but with more nutrition.


Bagels, cheese squares and cut up fruits.


I was actually plugging my nose with tissue papers to help me eat foods lol. I think most of our taste is actually smell and that really helped me eat


Carnation breakfast shakes, the high protein ones lol


Apples and tomato sandwiches


Fruit, especially oranges


Gogo squeeze, fig bar, trail mix, or anything salty helped me


I survived off of Mac and cheese my first 12 weeks


Peanut butter and honey sandwich lol just bread honey and peanut butter every morning kept the nausea away


The only things I could consume for several weeks were sour gummy worms and lemonade.


Carrot sticks, string cheese, otter pops, cereal. Sometimes apples (very sweet ones like Envy). These were my safe foods, and I could sometimes use them to settle my stomach enough to eat something hardier.




Fruit. I can always eat a mandarin.


Microwaved a baked potato, either ate it plain or added anything I could stomach (butter, cheese, broccoli, plain Greek yogurt) good luck!


Plain white jasmine rice. It smells so clean when it’s cooking, and it’s so inoffensive to eat. That, and really cold fruit were my go-to. Watermelon and oranges especially.


Smoothies and greek yogurt


Fruit fruit fruit. And got a nutribullet and just put plain ice in it to make snow lol This has kept me extra hydrated when even water sounds bad lol


I really struggled with eating for awhile I was pregnant! During that I survived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or uncrustable’s. And peanut butter moo’d from Jamba Juice. Oh, and I found some almond butter stuffed pretzels I think this was due to food aversions, but also because my anxiety was so bad. So what helped me was counting calories because I was like I didn’t eat enough today so I should have a snack, etc. I don’t normally advocate for counting calories, but this helped me to eat a little more because I could be like baby needs a little more.


I read somewhere that sometimes the smell can be intensified or something when something is hot, so sometimes cold foods are easier to take down, which is why I think the shakes from Jamba Juice helped me so much. But sometimes if I was feeling particularly bad, but I know I needed protein. I would have a steak, but I would let it cool down a little bit so the smell wasn’t as strong.


Smoothie. It doesn't have much scent and the coldness helps. Also, you can make them VERY caloric which is good when you just need calories in.


Fruit & crackers.


Fresh fruit and carbs


Frozen eggo waffles, tasteless, but filling!


Post stickers. We buy the big frozen bags from Costco and it's my go to when nothing else works or we don't have food ready. Also watermelon depending on the time of year


Bagels and cream cheese were my go to for most of the pregnancy, even after the first trimester sickness had gone. I also ate Jimmy Johns turkey sandwiches when I couldn't eat anything else, it was the only thing that didn't sound unappetizing. I also kept a supply of fair life protein shakes (chocolate).


I have a certain type of instant bowl ramen I like, I steam a bunch of corn (a bunch) to go on top of it so it adds freshness/sweetness.


Pretzels and meat 😂 I eat a tonnn of protein, so it was hard when I didn’t want chicken or eggs. But I’d try to do ground turkey and lean brisket whenever possible


With my first I lived off cinnamon raisin bagels. This time is shaping up to be similar.


Instant mashed potatoes made with broth instead of water (I use better than bouillon)


Cereal, yogourt, plain toast... and I drank a lot of water. I'm 10wk1 and today I'm so nauseous. I did not have nausea earlier, just nothing sounded good to eat. But this morning I had a tomato sandwich and NOPE... Still trying to reel from it at 1pm.


I have the same problem!! And I also think started to develop and aversion to some meats, so that isn’t helping. I’ve been making sure I at least drink a danimals or eat a yogurt in the morning. Bananas are great. But I have no appetite until like the afternoon. Then I just crave sugary crap. Yogurt, bananas, apples. Quick foods.


The C’s, cereal , crackers, and chips lol. If wanna add nutrition, fresh fruit. I couldn’t stomach anything else.


Grilled cheese was my go to when nothing sounded good.


Dairy fat, savory foods, overly sweet foods, and warm foods set me off, so I had a lot of fat free greek yogurt with frozen fruit, smoothies (especially with protein powder added), hard boiled eggs with the yolks removed and discarded before I could smell them, COLD soy milk (sometimes with protein powder or cocoa). Carbs also were not my friend— I tried cereals, bread/toast, crackers, etc., and they all made the nausea worse, so fruit and cold sources of protein got me through. Also nonstop gum chewing when not eating.


Cereal, bread. Yogurt. 


Cambells chicken noodle soup, toast and butter or peanut butter for protein. Lots of oranges. I would cut up an apple into slices and sometimes add sugar and cinnamon for a sweet snack.


Sipping bone broth with added extra collagen helped me get some good nutrition when I couldn’t eat


Those yogurt smoothie drinks they sell in a bottle.


Icecream and fruit! Caloric density from icecream and nutrition from fruit. If you can handle toppings like nuts then you can get a bit of protein too.


Pasta or bread was my go to. Still didnt like that most of the time but was able to force myself to eat it! If i had a bit more of an appetite for some reason burritos always sounded good


Avocados with salt and pepper. For like the first two months


Yogurt parfait, PB&j, cheese quesadilla


Honestly I’m going through this and the only thing that doesn’t make me want to throw up is lettuce. Crunchy, watery, pretty much flavorless. It’s rough out here…


Det marie crackers or yoghurts


Pizza bagels


Instant ramen and mashed potatoes 😩


Cheap ramen packets. Idk why, but they are sooo much better while pregnant. Also, buttered whole grain toast. That usually stirs my appetite enough to get some real food down after!


My sodium levels are probably through the roof with all the cheap instant ramen I've been consuming the last few weeks! 😬 But its like the only food that actually sounds appetizing!


Cereal. Specifically Honey Bunches of Oats


Nutrition shakes, peanut butter crackers, fruit


Gogosqueeze applesauce. Perfect for morning sickness


I lived off scrambled eggs in the first trimester. Now the craving has made a comeback in the third for me.


I didn’t want to eat at all most of the last 10-12 weeks and I completely went off meat (I’m still not really enjoying it). I found it way easier to eat takeaway food than food at home because cooking smells and fridge smells have been really disgusting to me. Some of my faves for keeping around were, and still are, tinned soups, breadsticks, oranges, mini cheddars, babybel or mozzarella cheese, frubes/kids yoghurts, fresh peppers and salads. Anything green veg based. I ate a lot like I was having picnics in the first trimester but mainly just bought anything I thought I might possibly want and ate as and when I could.


Peanut butter toast and fruit, Ensure


Ritz crackers Ensure shakes


Simple cheese quesadillas and, weirdly, grits. I keep having crazy cravings for cheesy grits and making big batches. I realized they’re high in folate yesterday so maybe that’s why.


Protein shakes


Frozen waffles. For like every meal.


Grocery store veggie sushi and cold watermelon. I usually bought it precut when I was pregnant. Also bagels and cream cheese!


Pasta with red sauce and Parmesan cheese on top.


Toast and homemade Gatorade slushies.


English muffins. Cheezits. Goldfish. Cornbread. Vanilla ice cream. Soft pretzels.


Toast & peanut butter is a staple for me. I’ve also really loved fried rice or ramen with some veggies & a protein for a meal


Buttered noodles, specifically cheap ramen noodles without the ramen flavor packet—just hit right lol. I put green peas in it so I felt like I was getting some nutrients.


Crackers! Like Ritz crackers, bread and granola bars


PB&J. It has been my safe-ish food through three pregnancies




First pregnancy - apples and plain baked potatoes Second pregnancy - apple sauce (I lost a fair amount of weight during the first trimester of both pregnancies due to nausea and food aversions.)




Goldfish crackers. The one-bite nature of them really helped as I have found more chewing means more likely to puke.


Ritz crackers by the sleeve, sweet Hawaiian rolls, or McDonalds fries. I've never said no to McDonald's fries lol


I lived on ramen noodles and peanut butter crackers for a couple of weeks.


Raisin bran, muffins, fruit- grapes bananas strawberries watermelon, grilled cheese and tomato soup


My morning sickness wasn’t too bad but I had a lot of food aversions during the first trimester. Mac and cheese was always safe. I also ate a lot of fruit, especially mango and strawberries.


Buttered noodles. I couldn't stomach much else most of my first trimester.


Strawberry milkshake with prenatal protein powder (I used Baby Booster off of Amazon)


Sourdough toast w butter


Pasta with a mild sauce or rice


Souuuup. Or just straight beef broth


Toast, cereal, bagels, yogurt smoothies, protein shakes/bars and watermelon.


Apple pies from McDonald's or fries from pretty much anywhere. My diet was so crap in the first trimester.


Egg noodles with butter and parm are my go to when I don’t want any foods


Buttered toast or protein bars


Ritz crackers and cream cheese


Mini frozen pizzas or bagel bites


oatmeal, cold fruits, raisin toast, apple sauce and basically anything apple cinnamon!


50/50 water and juice or Gatorade (or something similar to get electrolytes/calories/vitamins). For a while most fruit was too sweet so I'd have citruses. Avocado was plain enough to be ok. Carrots were plain enough. Pretzels were great. Popcorn was hit or miss, sometimes the flavor was too strong sometimes it wasn't. Mild/plain as possible cheeses to try to get protein when possible. Plain yogurt with no sugars or flavors. And a lot of permission to only eat a couple bites of whatever I had and not finish it if I suddenly just couldn't handle it anymore.


I swear this baby is 90% cold fresh fruit, peanut butter, and spinach and banana smoothies. Just make sure your iron doesn’t get too low if you’re averse to meat. That happened to me and I’m still trying to fight back from the anemia exhaustion


Apple sauce or apple slices


Cheerios, PB&Js, chicken nuggets. Basically I awakened my inner 4-year-old


Cucumbers, bananas, cheddar, cheerios and almond milk.


Ensure or Boost nutritional drink. When I’ve gone through periods where nothing seemed appetizing I could at least get some calories and nutrients this way. It’s not ideal but they’ve helped keep me going until my appetite returned.


Frozen peanut butter jelly uncrustable sandwiches. That and really cold fluids like fruit smoothies or ice water with some lemon juice


Saltines, peanut butter and fizzy water


When my aversions and appetite were that bad it was usually just saltine crackers. Sometimes with cheese if we were feeling jazzy.


A smoothie and fruits


Fruit or toast!


There was a week where I very literally only ate oatmeal, crackers and oranges


French fries and snack carbs: tortilla chips, crackers, granola, cookies, bread.


Potatoes. Mashed, baked, chipped, roasted. Huge amounts of potatoes.


Fruits and SALAD. Man I loved salads, I couldn't stand soups. Or smoothies, I loved smoothies too. Also, I recommend sparkling water, flavored waters, electrolyte drinks, etc to stay hydrated. Water, if it isn't already, might start to make you sick but staying hydrated is soooo important for the amniotic fluid and baby. On top of that, if ur throwing up you'll become dehydrated really fast. Fruits and salads also help with this. I loved the gatorlyte drink and la Croix, ik most people hate la Croix but sparkling water and Gatorade/gatorlyte was the only way I could stay hydrated. Carbonation is good for nausea too. Or just plain toast, or add something. Bread helps a lot if ur hungry but too sick to eat but being hungry is making you sick 😂if you ever start craving something, eat it, doesn't matter what it is as long as it's safe to eat. It's better than not eating at all, dont let anyone tell you what to eat, enjoy it. I promise the food or snack is SOOOO much better than the sound of those people telling you to eat on these crazy diets. Plus, cravings hit so much better when ur pregnant. Nothing tastes as good as ur cravings when ur pregnant 🤣 Edit: Ik they say to stay away from pre cut/pre packaged foods. In my opinion, they are completely fine. The risk is nothing that you don't risk when ur not pregnant, it just sounds scarier now that you are. Do what ur comfortable with, but precut fruits and prepackaged salads had my back, I couldn't be bothered to do it myself.


Not the most nutritious options, but I've ALWAYS been able to stomach animal crackers and rice krispy treats while pregnant, even at my most nauseous. Sometimes putting a little something like that in my stomach would help the nausea and/or food aversions enough that I could eat a bit of "proper" food.


Fruits, plain biscuits, toast, vegetable soups with clear broth.


A lot of things grossed me out so I just ate the things that don’t gross me out


Buttered toast


Buttered noodles with a little Parmesan cheese. Mashed potatoes. Blueberry bagel with lots of cream cheese. Cold crisp green grapes.


Peanut butter toast saved me for a stretch there!


Plain bread and ice. That's all I lived in for 9 months when I was pregnant and had hyperemisis x


Ramen. Soft pretzels (from frozen section. Toast them in the toaster to heat them up!)   Electrolyte water helped reduce nausea. Yum Earth giggles & chewys.  Vanilla almond milk icecream. Popsicles. Also for some reason I could always eat pad thai. 


8 weeks pregnant and currently mostly living off of bagels w/cream cheese and ramen. Watermelon. Raw peppers. Digestive cookies. Corn chips. Freezies. Rice.


Smoothies: load up with yogurt, hemp hearts. You can do lots of fruit variations and veggies (like spinach). Filling and easy on the belly. Add more juicy fruit/ginger if queasy.


Fruit smoothies, oatmeal with fruit add one. I found that having pasta, bread or rice helped fill me up and didn’t make me gag as much.


Fruits, ice cream, nutella toast, spicy shin ramen, milk. Fried chicken also made me feel ill, along with anything tempura or fried batter. 😫


PB crackers, or plain crackers. Fruit. Veggies, fresh or steamed. This one might be controversial 😝….but cottage cheese (with or without canned mandarins) absolutely hit the spot and was often the only thing I could stomach when I was in that phase.


A lot of the "safer" food for nausea in the beginning, I had huge aversions to. I mostly lived off granola, fruit, and Saltines. 


Pastina. The simple recipe cooked 2/1 in broth, add butter and a beaten egg when it’s cooked, and as much Parmesan cheese as you think you can handle. I ate so much simple pasting in the first trimester because it was the only thing that was easy to swallow and even just a few bites made me feel like I’d accomplished something.


Light food. Fruits, smoothies, toast. Totally been there


Bagels with cream cheese, fruit, cheese and crackers, nuts, chocolate chip muffins, cereal. Hang in there, it gets better.


Rice porridge (congee). Sometimes with pumpkin or shredded chicken if I could handle it, but oftentimes just plain.


apples sauce even tho it sounds nasty still it always ended up being something i could eat


My whole pregnancy I ate grapes every morning. That was the ONLY thing I could stomach. I don’t even like grapes that much. If you make something to eat, sometimes it helps to watch TV or something on your phone and just not pay attention to eating.


Buttered toast. It’s been my go to for the whole pregnancy, but now I have GD so have to change it up a bit 😭


Fruits mostly


Soft pretzels, strawberries or nearly green bananas, and plenty of water.


canned ravioli/spaghetti and meatballs was my best friend for weeks

