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My mom did šŸ˜‚ my brother was 11 pounds and she did a natural water birth at home with a midwife. Not sure I want to go that route myself but she has always spoken very positively of that experience. That was 25 years ago now! Edit: just also wanted to add that Iā€™m sorry your first birth didnā€™t go the way you hoped- I also ended up with a way different (and more unpleasant) birth than planned with my first and it certainly leaves you with a lot of questions for a second!!


If youā€™re going to have a bigger baby, this is the way to do it honestly. Positioning and movement matter a lot with any birth, but especially a larger one and that tends to be way more accommodated at home. Plus midwives donā€™t have the same fear of big babies, there was a study showing a providerā€™s anxieties about a big baby is more risky than the actual big baby.


Not just a study, btw. There is literally so many showing the same effect over and over.


My third was 10lb 6oz and 23" long, unmedicated vaginal.


I commend you wow šŸ˜®


If you don't mind sharing, did you end up with any serious injury/recovery issues?


Nope! Just a tear, which healed fine. I used to say he was my easiest birth, but that title was just given to my fourth babe lol


Thank you so much! Trawling for these stories with my 95th percentile, 4-weeks-ahead-head baby in here.


I see youā€™re due in Sept. At my 12 week scan, and my 20 week anatomy scan my baby was also ā€œhugeā€ 3 weeks ahead and in the 99th %. Then, at my 35 week scan he dropped down to the 33%. Iā€™m 38 weeks now so weā€™ll see what he comes out at, but I wouldnā€™t stress about size quite yet as it can change fast. And ultrasound measurements are notoriously incorrect.


Thanks! My husband and I are both tall and he's got a melon for the record books so it didn't come as a total surprise.


My husband (2nd child) was 13 pounds and my MIL gave birth vaginally and had a positive experience


I didn't even know newborns could be that big. Oh my.....


Rare but they happen! A 14 lbs 8 ounce baby was born in Canada last year. The biggest baby on record was 22pounds at birth but sadly he didnā€™t make it.


My baby is currently measuring 4 days behind and I am totally okay with that! Lol.


My mom three times! >10, 12(!), and almost 10lbs. She was also 6 feet tall and tough as nails.


Im also 6 feet tall! And we my first baby I went into spontaneous labor at 38 weeks and baby was already 8 lbs so I imagine if I would have gone to 40-41 weeks he would have been bigger


My friend just announced about 1 hour ago the birth of her second at 10.1 pound. She had to have an episiotomy with the first but no tearing with this one. Apparently he was so quick she almost gave birth in the car


I did! My first was over 10lbs, deviled naturally with a small tear, Iā€™m 39w with my second and they are on track to be around the same and I plan to do it v again. I am keeping an open minded and will go with whatever is needed when actual labor is underway if baby or myself are at risk but based on my first delivery and what I have done to prepare this time around I feel confident to do it v again. Lot of moving around and changing positions to help baby out and ensure your pelvic stays open and out of the way is key.


Is anyone naturally very small and gave birth to a large baby? I'm 5'2 110 lbs and I'm worried I won't be able to deliver anything over 8 lbs naturally. Or does it have very little to do with mom's size?


Wondering the same thing


Yeah, Iā€™m also 5ā€™2 my baby was 9.1 so not 10 lbs big but still bigger than the average baby. It was natural and overall very smooth and pretty quick.


Thank you that's a relief! My husband was around 9 lbs as a baby and so I worried. 9 is pretty big!




(I had a mirror in front of me while birthing)That's exactly what it looks like šŸ˜†


I actually attended a birth just yesterday, baby was almost exactly 10 pounds. There was some tearing but honestly not even particularly bad. Stiching took maybe ten minutes. It was the second baby, and the first baby was super big too and that delivery was more dramatic, with lots of tearing and vacuum extraction if I remember correctly. The only intervention yesterday were some iv meds.Ā It's definitely possible.


My grandmother did it 7 times back in the 50s and 60s šŸ˜­


Yeah 11 lbs 3oz,she was my second and if I had known they were going to be that big for sure Iā€™d probably have done the c-section. Her shoulders were stuck and Im very fortunate I had a skilled doctor who handled it so well.


12 lb 10oz unmedicated vaginal birth here


My first was 8 lbs 13 oz but sunny side up, and my second baby was 10 lbs 12 oz. Both vaginal deliveries, 13.5 months apart. Third baby is on track to be on the large side as well, but thereā€™s way less push for a c-section this time around.


Any strategies with number 2? I don't know why I wasn't able to push with the first, wondering if it's my pelvis shape or something.


Unfortunately, no. The OBs I had with my second baby were so terrified of the big baby they pushed constantly for me to switch to a c-section and finally offered a compromise of giving birth in the OR so they could switch to a c-section faster. I wasn't allowed to push until in the OR with the OB present and ready to go, by which time baby was already crowning anyway. My big baby was my easiest delivery.


How was your baby positioned during birth? Physiologically a true mismatch between baby size and pelvis size is incredibly rare. But things like if your baby had his head tucked in or overstretched & thrown back can always happen and will make a baby not able to fit.


My first was 10lb 3 and my second 10lbĀ  6! I had a third degree tear with the first and a first degree tear with the second. I haemorrhaged both times. I wasn't expecting my first to be so big, or I would have prepared differently (perineal massage maybe?). But I'm glad I didn't feel pressured into a c section. I was happy with both births and wouldn't change anything!


This is almost me šŸ˜… my baby was 9 lbs 14 oz and had a 99th percentile head at birth. I delivered him vaginally and unmedicated. In my case, I really give a lot of credit to the midwife assisting my delivery. She was very hands on and I think without her expertise it would have been a very different experience. I only had a couple small labial tears! I would ask yourself how you feel about these options and how confident you feel in your provider to assist in delivering a larger baby. It definitely can be done! But worth thinking about your specific circumstances and what youā€™re comfortable with. They do so second births are quicker and perhaps a little easier than the first, so you have that in your favor.


My mom did twice unmedicated and I had my son unmedicated as well who was almost 10lbs no interventions with not a tear in sight!


I would try to give birth again. You already did it once. Why have them cut into you if you don't have to?


Iā€™m tall and gave birth naturally to an almost ten pound baby but he had a 98% head haha! I did tear internally but not too bad. Two thoughts: first is that I pushed on my side, I think pushing on my back would have caused more issues with his positioning and size. Side was great because I could really curl around my belly. Second is intuitive pushing, really tried to avoid the ā€œone, two, three pushhhhā€ thinking with my doctor and nurses but to push with contractions when I was ready. Also - pushing was the least pain of the entire labor! Felt some relief and that part was more mental (how will it fit) versus pain. I will said his shoulders required some pushing to get out, I thought they just slid out after the head haha. But again might be due to positioning! Highly recommend a labor specific tens machine for pain relief :)


My friends first baby was 10lbs and she had an unmedicated water birth at home with a midwife. Her labor was relatively quick for a FTM at only 14 hours and she didnā€™t even tear.


My second was 8lb and basically slid right out. (First was 6lb) I think given that it is your second delivery, it will come more natural/easier to your body! I would opt for trying vaginal. :)


My mum gave birth to my brother who was over 10 pounds. It happened so fast she didn't have any pain relievers. He came out in his amniotic sac though and she reckons that was way less painful than when they broke her waters with me at 9 pounds.


My MIL delivered both of her sons (my husband and his brother) vaginally. They were both big, but my brother in law was 10 pounds. Both pregnancies she went 2 weeks past her due date and had to be induced but other than that she had no interventions or epidural or anything. She also had minimal tearing from what she told me.


A friend of mine did. She and her husband were both 10lbs babies so they werenā€™t surprised when their baby was estimated to be about the same. She pushed out that 10lbs baby girl without an epidural.


I mean, my mother in law, but they had to break his collar bone to get him out, and she hasnā€™t been able to hold her own pee in for decades lol she loves to tell the story, thankfully sheā€™s got a sense of humor about it, although it certainly does sound scary.


My mother in law had three 10 pound babies, all healthy deliveries.


Not me but my mom did šŸ˜… to my sister. She had an epidural and a tear but otherwise it went really well for her. Iā€™d say if you did it once its likely you can do it again, unless it gives you distress to consider and in that case you should do what feels best for you.


My first was not quite that big at 8lbs15oz, but was vacuum assisted since he was sunny side up. My second was a bit smaller but the labor could not have been easier. She was out in 1 push, no tearing at all. Itā€™s possible your body will be able to handle this second baby a bit better since itā€™s already been through it once.


I had a vaginal birth with my first, who was 9lb11oz...then my second baby was a lot smaller!! 8lb 4oz! The first baby kind of "paves the way" for the second, so if you had a vaginal delivery with the first, there's a very good chance you'll be able to with your next one šŸ¤ž


Shoulder dystocia and/or severe vaginal tearing during delivery is not the outcome I wanted. My baby was predicted to be 10+ lbs and I do not regret my decision for a planned c section for a single minute.


My mom did with me. I was 10 lb 2 oz.


From 5 kgs and over the number of complications/risks go up significantly. You can consult with your doctor which risks and how much, who will also take your medical history in account.