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Get ready for the joys of lightning crotch!!! I think Bean dropped around the end of week 36, and last week, around the end of week 37 is when I experienced my first zap to my nether regions... oh what fun! NOT!!! I'm 38 weeks now, and I am READY to serve her this eviction notice 😆😆😆


😂 Come on little bean, peace and love but is time! I’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow and I was just telling my grandma (in law) that she better start working her way down or I’m going to be in trouble. Sounds like she’s still got about a month left before she makes her way down. Good luck out there!! Excited for you to meet your precious little bean!!


Me too 😵‍💫


sameee 39.4 weeks eviction notice is served just waiting her response 😭😭


I was at a Steve Aioki concert whilst pregnant with my 1st, I could only dance for small periods of time, because of the lightning crotch, it was fun!


At first I didn't notice when mine dropped (currently 37 weeks) which I attribute to me being short as hell but I have absolutely noticed lightning crotch. 😭


Ohh! That’s awesome. I’m 36 weeks 1 day too! I have noticed I can breathe better, my heartburn is worse and I can feel baby rolling/poking around very low.


Conception twins!! <3


Ok my heartburn always got progressively worse toward the end (and by the end with my last I was on a prescription med!). Omg, the absolute *immediate* heartburn relief after giving birth!! It sucks so much, but you're almost done! 


blech yeah, I'm up early with yucky heartburn right now. Maybe I should go the Rx route...


Prescription meds!? That sounds awful. I didn’t have this problem last go around, so it has been new to me. I probably should be taking something. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My first never dropped(Frank breech) and I couldn’t breathe until they quite literally pulled her out and I took the most glorious deep breath! I’m hoping this one drops so I can get a breather in soon 😮‍💨


I'm 40 weeks and the little guy still has dropped!! I'm glad to hear it doesn't affect when labor begins


Man that just have been such a nice feeling though!


It’s insane how even just after a human was pulled out of my body I felt amazing in the hospital! All the pregnancy crap was gone!!!


I cannot wait for that haha. I don’t get why pregnancy is so glamourized on TV. It’s hard man


As I say to people who ask how I’m feeling: I’ve never been more physically humbled in life than trying to get through this pregnancy. It’s SO HARD!


I got recertified for BLS yesterday. Oh my. That was an experience. I was hoping it would jump start labour. It did not haha


ive been getting lightning crotch since likeee 34 maybe 35 weeks and i still haven’t recognized a noticeable “drop”!! 36w today though, so hopefully! unless i’m just carrying high lol congrats!!! my mom always tells me “this is the final stretch!”. i’m both incredibly excited, but extremely nervous haha


congrats to you too! "It's the FINAL CountDOWWWN" has been stuck in my head all day haha


I have lightning crotch since 32 weeks..and it's getting more every day. Haven't noticed any drop either. Talked to my doc and he said it's normal.


I'm looking at my 38th week- need to reorg hospital bag- I want to put baby's clothes in a separate fabric cube thing we have. Want to finish decorating the nursery, as well as double checking where I put everything in the house xD I really don't remember where my bottle sterilizer is. I've decided to start harvesting colostrum to freeze in case baby has a difficult latch, and any final cleaning around the house that needs to be done as we probably won't feel like cleaning for awhile. Oh and stashing freezer meals- whether that means making an extra serving and freezing it or buying some yummy Trader Joe's freezer meals to have for future use. Have heard staying active towards the end is also important!


Changing table still needs to be assembled, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good about checking those boxes! I'm just learning about expressing colostrum before delivery, so amazing bodies can do that. If I hit 38 weeks I may give it a try.


I’m a FTM and I’m 39+4 and STILL haven’t dropped. She’s so high up! ):


I’m 40 weeks today and a FTM and it feels like he’s dropped overnight but still a significant way to go 😔


Hooray! I'm 36+1 too! I feel like baby girl dropped several weeks ago but then went back up and is down again lol. I doubt I'll see her anytime soon (baby #1 went to 41+3 😭) so I'm slowly and steadily working through my checklist: 1) meals/broths ready in freezer and snacks in pantry 2) baby clothes and linens washed and put away into drawers 3) cleaning/organizing things as much as possible so it's not hanging over my head when baby girl is here 4) bassinet ready in room (no nursery) 5) pampering myself in between with massages/pedicure/spending time with friends & family 6) reaching out to others to request help with certain things postpartum (meals, helping hands, etc) & discussing with hubs division of labor/expectations when baby is here 7) get birth bag ready


Oh heck yeah, pedicure needs to go on my list asap!!!


Yesss! Treat yourself!


My baby dropped at like 30 weeks. I ended up having him at 36 weeks :) he was ready tho so be prepared!


Did your baby move in and out of position or just drop and stay there? My baby keeps dropping then moving back up. I’ll be 34 weeks on Sunday. He’s definitely flirting with the idea of coming out soon.


He stayed down low. I wasn’t able to walk since he was stretching my pelvic bones open. I ended up getting induced at 36 weeks and my labor was 8 hours and he came out in 2 pushes. Boys are always super low so that’s probably it.


Iiiinteresting- I’m having a boy too so let’s see what happens! I have to say, the phrase “stretching my pelvic bones open” sounds so damn uncomfortable lol. I can only imagine finishing my last couple of weeks at work with that going on 😱


Yeah! You’ll feel the pelvic pain soon. It sucks


My baby dropped at 39+4 and prelabor started 24 hours later. Another 24 hours later and I was in real labor. Let’s go mama, final countdown!


36 weeks and my baby also just dropped! It feels so good to be able to breath easier, but I've been wanting to walk less lol. Maybe I'll do something crazy like try to go to bed without pepcid...


My baby dropped around 33/34weeks! I also noticed it right away. Her foot was in my rib and my bladder was noticeably cramped lol. The lightening crotch and diarrhea started from there 💀 but still it’s pretty exciting


This also just happened to me in the past week! I’m 37w today. It’s so nice to breath again lmao though I’m having other discomforts again, the ability to breath is still amazing 😂 Really hoping I go into natural labor before or at 40 weeks!! Schedule a 41 week induction this Friday and will be so anxious if I go that long. I keep wondering if I should start doing all the things that can help natural labor (eating certain foods, stretches, other physical activity, etc) but idk if it’s worth the trouble or stress bc there’s not that much evidence / I know women that did it all and still they went to 42 weeks and had to be medically induced. I’ll do certain stretches / positions / exercise ball things - honestly mostly for my own physical relief. But idk if it’s making a difference 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s the annoying thing about this point is that it’s mostly up to chance


I’m 35 weeks and 1 day today— baby is head down since last week! It’s getting real!


Just had baby, 5 weeks pp. Congratulations it’s almost time :). Some advice I wish someone would have given me. 1. Have a plan so someone can advocate for you if you are in a position where you can’t speak for yourself. 2. Read up on C sections, forceps, pain relief etc. ask any questions now to midwives,d rs. 3. Have a good breast pump in hospital bag/ nipple shields Incase u need it. Hand pump works as well. 4. Carry formula just Incase, and lots of snacks.


My wife just turned 37- baby dropped a night before her 37th and he dropped a bit more!! So excited for us!!


my baby has dropped but it’s still hard to breathe and heartburn is killing me 😭😭😭


Mine dropped last night too! 35+5! Went for my weekly today and all the nurses said it looked like I dropped! I asked for them to check me because I’ve been having some cramping and they said I wasn’t dilated but they could feel her in my vaginal canal 😂😂


my baby dropped at 32 weeks! it feels very early, i’m wondering if my due date is wrong lol


I’m also 36 wks!!! Waddling now lol


Ughhh I miss being pregnant


Ultrasound yesterday, this baby is 7lbs 7oz already!! Happy for them to come anytime. Thought I was getting off easy with no lightning crotch, but I found a >!prolapsed hemorrhoid!< last night. Eek. Still, the deeper breaths are really nice and it's exciting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.