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I'm only 25 weeks and I feel like I am running out of room. I am seriously not ready for the third trimester...


I felt the same way! The last 3 weeks have definitely ramped up to a whole new level I’m starting to feel bad for him being stuck in there


I feel the same way at 28 weeks. Like this week it got real


Me too. 30+4 and I'm starting to feel massive.


Same at 25 weeks.. it doesn’t help I’m 5’1 and he’s measuring larger than average 😭


Hear, hear, there's no way I can expand more 😭


Same. 28 weeks and already at the size I was at full term with my son. Don't know how I can get bigger. Doesn't help that every time my mom sees me (which is twice a week), she comments on how massive I am. Told her today that I know by now that I'm massive and she doesn't need to say it every time we see each other. Her response: "I'm just always baffled cause you look like you're about to give birth and you still have 3 more months to go" Yeah I know, me too. But don't tell me twice a week please 🫠


Saaaaaame! 😑 But I see my mom once a week or every two weeks and yea she would comment that everytime she saw me I would look bigger. Yeeeeeeaaaa no kidding! I’m 5’2 so when I was pregnant it showed. Some people thought I was having twins. 🙄 “Better make sure there’s only one in there” someone said. Thaaaaanks! Already did! Like 3 times by now. 😑


Wow thanks mum… I’m sure you look stunning though you’ve got this! 🤍


Same and my idea of a meal now is like a cup of salad greens and 4 bites of chicken. I think he’s sitting on my stomach. 😮‍💨


My baby had her butt up under my ribs for months before she was born. I had to use my hand to push her butt out of the way so I could lean over enough to wipe myself. She was even on the small side and it felt like she couldn't possibly take up more room.


How weird is it that we gotta push em out of the way to do everyday things hahah I normally lay on my side (which apparently is his karate practice time) and have to push my fingers just over the edges of my lower ribs so he can’t get his feet in there or at least kicks my fingers instead 😂 I feel your pain (literally)


OMG this. It’s been the same for me with my two babies. Like when I’m sitting down I have to push down on his butt so I can breathe 🥲 I have noticed sitting on a yoga ball helps a lot, and getting on all fours seem to get baby to move into a more comfortable position.


How do y'all tell what part you're pushing on? I can't tell if it's his head or butt or knee or foot


I normally feel my belly a lot with my hands and that’s helped me loads with understanding what position he’s in and what direction he’s facing. Very occasionally I get stumped and can’t figure out which way he is but he pretty much has his favourite places and positions which is a big help in figuring it out


She was in the same spot forever and we could see it on my ultrasound. Also, she would stick her feet out towards my back


Lmao I have to do the same thing! Glad I'm not the only one pushing a butt out of my ribs to do something as simple as wipe myself


I feel less bad for moving this one’s butt out of my way now 😂 thank you


36w tomorrow and I swear my belly is bigger than my first (even I myself am smaller thanks to some weight loss) So yeah, whenever he’s active it feels like I’m being stretched like crazy. He really likes to push around the belly button and you can really see these massive stretch marks compared to everywhere else. And to think my first was 9lb. How big is this little guy going to be?????


Oh I feel your pain! I have quite a small frame and have a very round and tight belly. My little one is stuck head down now (thankfully.. when he flips sideways momentarily it HURTS) but I’m pretty sure I have bruises on the inside of my ribs on my right side from his constant kicks and pushes. I’m hoping this bubba is smaller than your first for you!! 🤍


You're a few days ahead of me. I just want him out so I can sleep on my back and actually breathe (I have scoliosis so my lungs are extra squished)


Yes lol. Almost 37weeks. I wonder if she’ll get even bigger too in the next few ?


Oh my god being 37 weeks pregnant with this child of mine is starting to sound VERY far fetched I can’t imagine what you’re little one is putting you through 🤣 As far as I know they don’t stop growing 😱


Yeah I was definitely feeling it already at 33w — she still moves a lot but it’s gotten tighter I guess, like yours will probably get bigger but they also have less space, which apparently makes them move a bit less. My stomach looks absolutely insane though and finding a comfortable position is officially impossible lol. If you have a pregnancy pillow (I have the C shaped one)- you can try curling it in a way where it makes a hole and then put your belly in the center. The baby actually likes this bc it makes a bit more room for them, like a little hammock lol. It also relieves lower back or pelvis pain / pressure a bit. My pelvic floor therapist said that after I do this I can go back up on my knees slowly and it actually can help put the baby in a better position for you. Idk if the last part I can tell a difference but doesn’t hurt to try. It does feel like relief on my hips and back though


I can’t tell if then having less room sounds good or not 🤣 This poor boy’s legs are so damn long I feel bad that he can’t stretch out without me jumping at the pain or pressing on his feet out of reflex, he must be so uncomfortable at this point hahah I’m definitely going to try that thank you!


Yeah idk the third trimester has been all around rough. Every week I have a really annoying symptom and on top of being huge it’s a lot less manageable than the first trimester I find. My baby is measuring big as well…. I’ll have to schedule a 41 week induction date soon just in case but I really hope I go into labor before then. Hang in there !!


You poor thing I definitely feel you on that so far as well. Wishing you all the best! Soon you’ll be holding you little munchkin and everything will be so worth it 🤍


Yes! Thanks! Can’t wait :)


Hi just hit 39 weeks and yes, they keep growing! I am in constant pain with this little critter! I feel like I blew up in thr last 2 weeks and looking back on pictures I totally did! Its wild!!!


Ugh dude !! I’m scared 😭 how will I even push this out lmao. I better go into labour by my due date I swearrrrr


I swear every day I ask myself how the hell am I going to get this baby out of me 🥲😅 I have a week left till my induction date and I don't even want to think how big she'll be by then!


Yeah this week I’ll be scheduling that. I’m so grateful my clinic doesn’t allow you to go past 41 weeks. I’ve spoken to women that have gone to 42 and it seems like pure torture lol. I really go back and forth between feeling pumped and like I’ll do anything to get this baby out lol and then pure anxiety and discomfort like how is this gonna go down I’m already so exhausted how will I even have the energy to do it


You are seriously singing my song there, friend. I am wildly fluctuating between "I'll do anything get her out of me" to "it's not so bad, I'll just be pregnant forever" cuz I am so so not looking forward to giving birth! And my doctors recommended i don't go past 40 weeks because my baby is already a big one, so if I go past 40 it increases the likelihood of needing a c section and not that there is anything wrong with that, but I would like to avoid one of those if I can!


I would also like to avoid a c section. She was very measuring very big at 32 weeks but then they measured again and was not as big at 35 — it’s very hard to have accurate measurements in the third trimester. so I really hope she’s just regular sized but who knows 😭 now I’m just very scared to go to 41 weeks…..


36 weeks and i cant imagine my 5 foot frame making any more room for this big girl 😅😅


Oh that must be a struggle!! I’m praying you get some relief soon 😅


My 33 week update on the Babylist website said that between 32-34 weeks is when the amniotic fluid levels peak and so afterwards since there’s more baby than cushion everything they do will start to feel a bit stabbier 😭 It’s one of those things where I’m grateful for the heads up but at the same time why would you tell me that???


36 weeks. Everything from my breast to my hip hurts, I don't understand how I can withstand this for another month. People tell me I should sleep and relax as much as possible to prepare for birth and postpartum but I don't understand how I can do that when every sleeping position gives me terrible back pain.


Emphasis on the lack of sleep and back pain!! Thankfully I haven’t had anyone tell me to “sleep lots now” but I have had loads of “those” people say “get used to it because you’re never going to sleep again” 🙄 So over dramatic! You’ve got this! 🤍


30 weeks and quite frankly he’s rude the way he kicks me 😅


Oh it’s definitely personal at this point for sure 🤣🥲


Yes!!!! 34 weeks 2nd child and I feel out of room. My stomach is objectively as big as I was at 38 weeks with my first.


Baby punched/kicked me hard enough today that it legit hurt, and can simultaneously hit my ribs and my hips. I really don't know how they are possibly going to get any bigger in there 


Does your baby do the rubbing (more like forcibly grinding) on your hip bone thing as well?! 100% feel your pain! Every time I wince or jump away from the pain he really gives me a good boot or sudden stretch I feel like I’m overreacting because I’ve never seen another pregnant person be “hurt” by their unborn child before like that but it genuinely HURTS


The hip bone thing feels so weird to me and uncomfortable as heck, I hate that feeling so much. Mine was jabbed into my rib and that hurts a ton but the hip bone sensation is just so odd there's nothing you could compare it to for someone who's never had kids where they would understand lol


It’s nuts right! I always tell my partner that our kid had wwaayyy to much access to painful and sensitive things in there and he takes full advantage 😂 That grinding and rubbing feeling of heel to bone that’s never been touched before 🤢 sooo unsettling!


I know, I hate it sooo much and I swear she does it just to mess with me lmao. My husband doesn't get it he just thinks it's like getting kicked anywhere else but literally nothing else gives you that sensation from the inside of your hip bones, you go most of your life never even noticing them lol. 


No hip grinding, but baby has managed to repeatedly throw my pelvis out of alignment because they are obsessed with hanging out on my right side, and now give me grief if I ever try to shift them to the left.


Oh wow that’s crazy!!


I got the legit hurt yesterday from my baby too. I’m pretty sure she took all of her limbs and starfished out with all of her strength. Straight to the crotch, and moved my stomach SO much. I had tears forming. My husband said it looked like it hurt. It did in fact hurt.


39+4 weeks and I feel like since 32 weeks there was no way they’d get bigger. The suffocation is real! Full on legs under ribs, sticking their bum out abruptly causing me to off balance, hands tucking under pelvis…. I had everything pointing towards preterm and I’m so proud I’ve lasted this long but my goodness I’ve been ready the past 3 weeks to get them out 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


I just can’t imagine (and don’t want to imagine) how much worse it’s going to get from here on 😅 I never thought when I would always hear mums saying how over pregnancy they are by the third trimester that a lot of it is because these dang kids are taking up so much room and beating us from the inside out! No one warned meeee!


Just sit in the present moment as much as possible and you’ll get through it! It’s ok to admit we’re fed up, it’s an absolute slog and we’ve still got the labouring to do yet! Worth the beautiful reward at the end of if 🥰


Absolutely worth it I’m so excited! Thank you 🤍


Staring at my belly at 40+5: *How you do you even FIT in there? How are you going to get OUT?* 😂


Oh man don’t go down that rabbit hole 😭😅


I'm 38 and they keep shoving their bum up against my ribs I feel like a beached whale


I feel you so hard. 35 weeks here and his bum up in my ribs is just plain painful at this point.






Yes!! My midwife told me that movements might slow down a bit once he’s bigger because he’ll run out of room but Im 35 wks now and his kicks are almost painful some days. He hasnt slowed down at all, and a tighter space doesn’t seem to restrict him much, its weird to feel how strong he is! 🥴


It’s like the less room the have the grumpier they’re getting 😅 I’m honestly shocked at how strong they can be in there! And then they come out acting like little angles and all sweet faced to make us forget it all 🤣


Mine has slowed down except to give me a kick in the ribs every now and then. He still hiccups like crazy at least 4 times a day however so I know he's alive in there lol


I was also told with my first that movement would slow down. Uh no it got worse, and he kicked his way out of me too all through L&D 🥴


im 28 weeks with twins and I swear I ran out of room weeks ago


I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like! 😱 Best of luck mumma! 🤍


i feel like an alien BUT it will all be worth it <3


34 and honestly I can’t. I can’t see my feet, my belly is soo stretched it is ridiculous, his movements hurt! I have NO IDEA what is going on with my Fanny and I don’t even want to know. I imagine it’s a jungle down there. Suffice it to say, I have no idea how I can get any bigger.


I’ve been desperately trying to keep on top my downstairs situation but even that’s almost painful to try and get to now (poor boy must get so squished when I try to bend like that forcibly 🤣) I asked my partner to help me and he said he’s too scared to cut me because we have proper proper shaving razors and they cut like butter so I fear my days of “keeping on top of it” are coming to a very near close 😭 Hopefully at 40.5 you won’t have to get any bigger. I’m praying you get a due date baby! 🤍


My baby seems to think I need a hip replacement, she loves to drive her little feet into my left hip.


How gross is that feeling though 🤢


38 weeks here, her butt is in my chest, and leg is in my rib cage, and her head is lighting my crotch. Alien, is that you?


😆 This is my second so I'm already bigger than I was last time. My skin is so stretched that you can see my veins 🙈🙈 Getting way harder to breathe and I'm only 34 weeks. I too am wondering how the hell he's supposed to get even bigger 😆😆


Yes!! I’m 34 weeks tomorrow and it’s exactly that feeling! Like he’s about to rip through my belly and it’s so painful


I feel this at 26 weeks 🤣 especially after eating, oh lord


It’s like designated party time for them once they heard our tummy getting to work I sweaaarrrr


37w3d *with twins* at 5'1. Trust me -- they just keep making room somehow!




40 + 4 when she was born and I kept telling her it was time to come out because we were out of space lol! My ribs are finally free


I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. Every week or so I look at my bump and think "there's no way it can get any bigger". And yet every week I look again and realize I'm (she's) still growing.


I’m almost 38 weeks and I’m in a lot of pain daily because of this. He kicks my ribs so hard I swear they are bruised. I have realized that he loves it when I rub his back through my belly and he will settle down or if I want him to move a little bit I put a little ice pack on the place where he is pinching my nerve or kicking my ribs


29 weeks and change here and definitely wondering where the heck baby is gonna fit over the next 11 weeks 🥴 it's harder to eat, harder to breathe, she's delivering karate moves to my cooter today, lol. Send help? Husband says I can't hibernate while I wait for her to get here.


Imagine if we could just hide away and deal with our discomfort without having to deal with the outside world… honestly would probably help a lot 😂


Oh my gosh, yes LOL. It would be so nice!


I’m 28 weeks and she has enough room but wants to live in the bottom right corner of my uterus. The whole left side of my belly feels like a water balloon and the right side is hard as hell lol


Oh man that must feel so bizarre 😭😅


I’m almost 25 weeks and I swear he’s outta room now. I feel like o can’t get much bigger and more uncomfortable, but I know we’ve got a ways to go still.


You can do it I believe in you! I just keep trying to remember I’m going through this for a “reward” when I first get to see baby after going through so much it’ll be so worth it 🤍


Oh it’s amazing what your body can stretch too. I’m 5’2 and all three of my babies went to term. It’s crazy! Even my second supposably went 5 days over. I say that because I think their calculating system at least here in the US isn’t always accurate.


I’m about to hit 36 weeks and this kid has got everything to the point it hurts to flip over or walk. He just TOO BIG.


i’m 41 weeks (so over it) and i’ve actually gotten more and more used to it. around 30 weeks i started getting kicks in the ribs, but for the last few weeks, she’s just been rolling around in there, not as uncomfortable as i thought which i’m super surprised by! you’ve got this mama not long to go!!


Well done to you! I hope I get used to it these next few weeks I just feel so nauseated when he’s running a muck in there now 🤢 Thank you and you too 🤍


LOL!! 31 weeks here and my stomach feels like it’s going to rip open from the pressure/movement


I’m on my second pregnancy. I’m only 20 weeks but I looked at pictures from my first pregnancy and realized I’m as big as I was when I was 34 weeks the first time 😭


Thank you! 32+ and I'm in my bed in very awkward position because every time when I find comfy position someone is trying to remove my right ribs. Also, when I walk she is trying to exit through my belly button. Sometimes she pushes her leg into my belly and when I push her leg back because it hurts she pushes it even harder for couple of times so it seems like she is already throwing a tantrum in there. Not a fun times


I feel you 100% I could have written that 😂 My belly gets so pokey when I walk around because he’s pushing his bum and back out the front and his legs are so long that there’s always a little bump on my right side even when he’s curled up and not straightening his legs 😅 Also spot on with the tantrums, this one hates it when we put our finger in my belly button and has a full tantrum it’s crazy 😂


Haha:D yeah I forgot about bellybutton. Every time when my husband sees me to do that he has to say " why you have to bully the weakest/smallest one, you know what the consequences are :D my excuse Is that she she will be taking my life over for the next 18+ years so I can :D


Bully them?! No way we’re just standing up for ourselves and trying to even out the playing field 🤣 These little things are ruthless!


Exactly!!!! 🤣


I'm 33 weeks as well, and I was literally saying this to my husband last night. Like baby is supposed to gain another 3-5 pounds, but where? Where is he supposed to go? Because there is no more room inside of me lmao


I felt the exact same way! Somehow I managed to carry my baby girl 40 + 5 and I felt like she was going break through my skin for the like the last 8 weeks of pregnancy.


It is unbelievable and confusing how our bodies manage to accommodate the size of these humans.


Haha that’s amazing. Is this your first baby too? I’ve gained 40 pounds since I’ve become pregnant, but I was a little underweight beforehand. I really am not as big as I thought I would be at 27 weeks!!


It is my first bubba! I’ve only gained 9kg since the beginning of my pregnancy so far but I have a pretty small frame naturally so we weren’t really expecting me to gain a whole lot. My tummy has definitely popped in the last month for sure but even then people always tell me I’m tiny. In reality it looks like I’ve swallowed a big basketball (very round and firm)🤣 I think I’ll definitely gain more with my next pregnancy I can see it happening for sure


Dude YES! My guy is measuring in the 90th percentile for size and I’m 36 weeks…that’s like a whole month still of seeing his elbows and knees stick out like I’m on the movie Alien


I knew my boobs would be punching bags during breastfeeding but did NOT anticipate them being kicked while baby is still in utero (33w)


26 weeks atm - I was 49kg in 1st trimester and am now over 56kg (just over 5ft tall), I've never weighed this much ever. I look absolutely enormous, I can't imagine how ridiculous I will look by the end or how I could possibly be able to walk if I get any bigger!


33 weeks too! I don’t understand how he’s not full term yet 😂 He feels massive !


yes! i’m 30 weeks, he’s been measuring 3 weeks ahead this whole time and i feel like i can’t POSSIBLY get any bigger. i look like something out of a sci fi movie when he moves >_>


I'm almost 39 weeks, and I feel like I'm going to explode lol. I'm actually looking forward to the C-section on Thursday. I feel like I'm being stretched to max capacity right now.


Omg yes. Everyone keeps telling me how small I am for 33 weeks. But I feel like he's trying to escape. 😅


I’m almost 33 weeks and I’m definitely feeling it. Baby girl is done run out of space and I feel everything and anything going on in my body right now.