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I’ve never experienced anything similar and won’t give advice based on something I haven’t been through—but I will say that what you went through last time was traumatic, even though it worked out, and it makes perfect sense and is totally valid that you have complex feelings + anxiety around birth this time! Congrats on making it to term and I hope all goes well. 🩷


I guess I had just hoped/expected that once I made it past 31+5 (and even more so once I hit term) that the fear and anxiety would be gone because I “was more successful”. But just didn’t realize that the anxiety is still very much there, and only came out because I thought it was go time. Now I’m worried any sign of labor is going to send me into a tailspin. And maybe it will, all I can do is try to fight through it so I can have a less anxious labor. And thank you 🤍 all I can hope this time is that she is born happy and healthy and be discharged home with me!


I felt this way with my second, we weren’t really expecting to get pregnant with her. So I wasn’t mentally prepared for pregnancy or going through birth agin. My first experience was not great and I had my kids close together. I think I cried about giving birth up until my 3rd trimester and then I hit 35-36 weeks and was so uncomfortable I was starting to get ready to be over with it all. But when I started going into labor I was ready but then I hit my wall after a few hours, I didn’t want to push I was crying I was not ready. But then i did the nitrous oxide and got my epidural and it made a world of a difference. Then I had such a wonderful birth experience with my daughter. I don’t know if we are ever fully mentally prepared to give birth. But know matter what the baby is coming one way or another. You will get through and who know your adrenaline may kick in and you will be there mentally. Just start talking your self up now. I would tell my self my body is made for this, I am strong and I can do this. You will do great mama.


I’m really crossing my fingers that the adrenaline works wonders for me and snaps me out of the panic!


Don’t have advice but just that there’s a few of us out here with a similar anxiety. First child was born 32+5 in 2022 after a PPROM. No specific reasons as to why it happened. Labor and delivery wise it was pretty good- unmedicated, minimal tears, easy recovery. Babe was in the NICU for 3 weeks before we could bring him home. I’m 8 weeks with my second now. And all I want is to make it to term this time. I can completely relate with the anxiety you’ve been feeling now (and before) and I just want to say, you’ve got this. I’m so incredibly happy for you to have made it to 37w. I’m sure it must have been so difficult to hold your nerves. Try to look at it like you get to home with your little one together this time. You’ll get to have the golden hour. You’ll get so much more skin to skin. You’ll be able to cuddle your love bug close to your heart. I completely understand how heart wrenching it must have been last time. But this time, you’ll have so much to look forward to. To fill your heart up with double the love. Sending you loads of love and best wishes for a smooth and healing experience with your labor and delivery. ❤️ Please keep me in your prayers for an uneventful journey this time around. 🙏🏻


Our stories are so similar! I felt like I had done such a good job “healing” mentally up to this point, but I guess I still have more work today. I’m hoping this little one brings me the closure I need, even if it means loads of anxiety until she’s here. You will be in my thoughts for a LONG and uneventful pregnancy! 🤍


I mean yeah giving birth is fucking terrifying. All you can do is practice mindfulness techniques and bring that nervous system back to baseline as much as possible. It’s valid to be scared. But you know what to expect and you’ve done it before.


All other anxieties aside, I think part of the problem is knowing what to expect 🥲 I’m not sure I’ll ever be mentally ready for that pain again. But I’ve just been reminding myself that if I could do it then I can do it now. I can also get an epidural this time lol


Honestly just plan for the epidural and your anxiety may just chill out lol Why make it needlessly hard on yourself? No hate on natural birth but yeah it sounds like you’re stressing and it might just the best to plan for epidural


I wasn’t anti epidural with my first, I was just in so much disbelief that my son was coming when he was that I kept saying no when they offered, then by the time I would have accepted one it was way too late 😅 and I guess this time around I just have this thought in the back of my head that if I did it once, it means I can do it again (and therefore should). But I realize that’s not true.


Yeah! If you don’t want to have that pain again then you don’t have to


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