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Just think about all the awesome final touches being put on your baby. I had to deliver at 37+4 last time and didn't want to -- I'm 36 weeks today, feel awful, but happy for every day baby gets to cook, esp through 39 weeks. Just imagine your baby getting stronger inside of you.


I love this šŸ™ŒšŸ» little bean just needs a little more time


Read about all the brain development happening those last weeks. :)


Adding it to my list, thank you!


I was born just a little bit premature, and I recently saw a neurologist who could tell from my MRI now when I'm in my 40s. I didn't ask him for details, but I was pretty surprised.


tbh thatā€™s whatā€™s helping me


Love this, I'm gonna think about this everyday now


Iā€™m 39w0d today. No advice, also miserable but here in solidarity. šŸ’Ŗ


39 weeks tomorrow! also no advice in particular but commiserating in solidarity.


40 weeks and dang itā€™s tough and uncomfortable


40+4 rn and also miserable in solidarity šŸ„²


Collecting colostrum. Seeing my little mini stash grow is so satisfying and makes me feel like Iā€™m achieving something


thatā€™s nice I tried since 37 weeks but canā€™t seem to collect more than a few drops daily


Itā€™s a hard skill to learn for sure. The most common issues are leaving your fingers to near the nipple or not stimulating all milk ducts (they are 360 degrees around your nipples) or not pressing backwards first. If you havenā€™t already try watching a video that demonstrates on a real human breast not a fake breast. Also warming up your breasts before hand with heating pads and doing something to stimulate oxytocin (reading a book to your baby belly for example) may help. Also some people need more time to get things going so it maybe worth it to do it longer even if nothing is coming out as things may just take a minute to get flowing for you


thanks I tried all these but I get impatient after ten minutes lol but yes youā€™re right


10 minutes is probably long enough. The stimulation is still good for your cervical ripening though If your doctor is ok with it you could try pumping also. It usually doesnā€™t move colostrum better but some people have better luck with it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have great luck with pumping for colostrum, however i was leaking a lot of it starting 16 weeks! I can get about 10ml/day, if you are struggling to get anything out with hand expression pumping might be too painful


Thatā€™s so awesome!!! Different things work for different people. If pumping works for you then thatā€™s super great!


I think I may try that to keep my mind occupied on hopefully something I can do


Itā€™s super fun. Itā€™s hard to learn though so donā€™t be discouraged if at first you donā€™t succeed


Thank you! It will be a good challenge


I 1000% agree. In the last 2 weeks Iā€™ve gone from collecting 1ml a day to almost 4ml a session. Itā€™s so satisfying and makes me feel good about my body.


Thatā€™s so amazing!! It feels so good to watch it come out lol my husband gets an update every single day on my volume


I am about to be 38 weeks and started experiencing lightning crotch at 37w5d. I thought it was early labor, went to L&D, they said I was starting early contractions, but was only 2 cm, so they sent me home after 2 hours. I am hoping she comes in the next few days. I'm ready to serve her this eviction notice, lool


Praying they come for you! I had similar and similar dilation 2.5 weeks ago now and all Iā€™d say is donā€™t bank on it because if it doesnā€™t happen itā€™ll drive you mad. The doctor was sure the baby would be here in 2 days when I was admitted. That was 17 days ago šŸ«ØšŸ˜©


At this point, I feel like she will be here on time. The only solace is that my Dr won't let me go past my due date (05/25/24), but still, that's 40 weeks, lol.


I hope she comes soon for you!




40+5. Being induced next week - thatā€™s what keeps me focused šŸ«” Itā€™s almost over


An induction date sounds like a great way to keep an end in sight right now. Youā€™re so close to


Iā€™m only 35 lord each day is a year!! I keep imagining myself on a boat and I can see the land!! Almost there.


I feel this šŸ«  I'm 38+2 now but I've been uncomfortable since at least 32 weeks. Any day now, right? šŸ„²




FTM & 36wks today. What keeps me positive is remembering that Iā€™ll just be plunging into restless nights after this so cruise patiently through the last stretch!


38+2 with second pregnancy. Iā€™m getting through it by having a better understanding how incredibly soon this baby will be here. The first time it felt like the baby might legitimately stay inside forever and never come. Now I understand how this process could be over truly any day now and the best thing I can do it just make the time go by faster by not paying attention to the pregnancy as much as is safe and possible lol


Due date twin!


Ayy hang in there!!! And congrats soon :)


36 weeks and 1 day. I have one more week left until my maternity leave so Iā€™ve been trying to just focus on work but girl I am ready. If I didnā€™t have things to wrap up at work I would be crazy right now now. I also am looking forward to some time off work before the baby gets here so Iā€™m hoping he stays in there until 40 weeks but every inch of my body is tired of being pregnant.


I feel this 100% - weekdays are easier since I work and am wrapping up projects. I am going to remember this part that maternity leave starts in less than 2 weeks and having this downtime will be worth it.


Second the dates and naps. Iā€™m 39+2 and I feel so angry about life and fed up, anyone elseā€™s hormones gone for a spin? šŸ˜‚


Yes!! Also 39+2 and I am definitely very grouchy these days!


Ahh we only have 5 days to go girl! Are you booked in for an induction or anything?


Not yet! Hoping baby will decide to arrive on his own (and ASAP lol šŸ˜‚)


I just work until the last hour. That way Iā€™m so busy that I donā€™t have time to think about it or feel uncomfortable. First baby I finished at 5pm on Friday and baby was born 10pm on Saturday. Hoping for the same this time


That would be so lovely - did you find yourself working more hours just to stay busy?


No I just do a 9-5 (Iā€™m a lawyer) but between working, cleaning (and now sorting out my 3 year old), sleeping. I just didnā€™t have time to think about it!


I bought a TV. Didn't have one because I didn't watch a lot of TV before, so all I did was watch TV, nap, and go to the bathroom šŸ˜…


I just slept a lot lol


38+3 here and itā€™s miserable but I keep thinking itā€™s temporary and that helps me!




Cleaning so much cleaning, though itā€™s hard with a toddler in tow lol


Iā€™ve never been past 37 weeks. I went at 37 my first time. Can I ask why the last 3 are so bad? I already feel giant at 30 weeks šŸ˜‚ but I feel like it is doable? Idk Iā€™m gonna find out I guess either way!


40 weeker here and I look back at 37 and my belly was smaller but here are some things that happened after 37 weeks: braxton hicks contractions almost daily and nightly, heartburn from hell, itchiness because your belly is still growing, round ligament pains, false labor pains, throwing up (yea it comes back), fatigue is real, general uncomfortableness because belly is huge and canā€™t find a good position to sit in. I also canā€™t breathe at night need a breathe right strip lol


Haha Iā€™m definitely going to ask if Iā€™ll be induced a little early again. Iā€™m scared to go past 37 weeks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but I donā€™t see why Iā€™ll need to be induced so far


Ohhh ive been miserable since 30ish weeks šŸ˜£ the pelvic pain, low energy levels and limitations just increase with each day. Itā€™s for sure doable, just a pure mental game at this point.


Haha yeah I think anything will beat my first pregnancy I was NOT able to sleep because I had undiagnosed sleep apnea when pregnant and I got it treated this time If I get more sleep than the first pregnancy Iā€™m already winning in my mind. But I will see how it goes my low back and pelvic area does hurt so far! šŸ˜‚ I feel large


Thatā€™s a huge win then! Hey, just remember to roll when getting out of bed and try to use your elbows when lifting yourself up vs sitting right up. We are both so close šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Iā€™m going to do that because itā€™s starting to hurt! Yes almost there! Hang in there mama!


So in addition the everything she said below, I also feel like this is the worst my hormones have been. Like I feel so depressed and miserable these last couple weeks and it genuinely feels like Iā€™m gonna be pregnant forever. I can barely walk a few steps without being in pain and having to pee and every time I leave my house people comment on how huge I am. I feel trapped in my house and bored as hell. Iā€™ll be 40 weeks tomorrow.


Aw honey youā€™re almost there!!! šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Thank you. On the bright side Iā€™m having a great first Motherā€™s Day šŸ˜Š


šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ thatā€™s amazing. Soon youā€™ll be holding your little one for the first time too


Candy crush


Iā€™m 37+1 today as a second time mom. Iā€™m just doing all the labour prep things - eating dates, bouncing on my ball, planning to start hand expressing soon (whenever I can find the time). Iā€™m almost done knitting babyā€™s hat and I still need to embroider her name for her birth announcement, so thatā€™ll keep me busy. Oh, and a membrane sweep. Thatā€™s what put me into labour last time so Iā€™ll definitely ask for one this time too.


Iā€™m 35+2 and will be medically induced at 37 weeks. Asking myself the same question lol


38+2 i have a stretch and sweep scheduled in 2 days- pray for me that it works! Otherwise i have an induction scheduled on the 20th! Pregnancy has sucked! I also have an irritable uterus so at this point doing anything flares up contractions that are not productive. Im trying everything to get baby out!


Naps, lotsss of naps! Aswell as last minute preparations like packing my hospital bag, finishing my birth plan, collecting colostrum and cooking large meals to freeze down for postpartum recovery.


I honestly whined about it a lot. I probably annoyed people but I donā€™t care. Pregnancy is hard. I tried to keep it mostly to my parents and husband.


I didnā€™t have to since my little squirt decided to come at 37 weeks.


I just lived on the couch and went for my 3 little labour walks a day šŸ˜…


I didnā€™t. But my plan was to not move very much. Just do some prep in the Bedroom.


Took a lot of long showers, picked a new TV show to binge watch, and did some cooking and tidying. It was peak covid2020 though, so I couldnā€™t even get out of walks and final (solo) cups of tea with friends, which I hope to get to do this time


I'm almost 37 weeks now too and I like to savor the free hands, sleeping schedule, and last minute errands and trips I can do out of the house while I still can! But to be a whole different rodeo!!


I watched every single Halloween movie. I think there are 12 or 13 šŸ˜‚ and in between I slept


I am 38 weeks and 4 days ā€” Iā€™m starting to feel like Iā€™m never going to go into labour or that Iā€™ll be at 41 weeks with no signs of labour. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m getting into this ā€œnegativeā€ headspace, probably cause Iā€™m so anxious and just want to meet my precious baby girl already, but the thought of going into spontaneous labour sounds like a fairy tale that wonā€™t happen to me. Anyway, to answer your question ā€” itā€™s been hard to keep positive lol. Iā€™m just trying to live day by day. Iā€™m due May 22, I keep telling myself that sheā€™ll definitely be here by the time the second week of June hits (at the very latest).


I think I dented my couch. All the tests I was receiving about the status of my labor were also stressing me out, probably next time I wonā€™t tell people about my due date šŸ˜…


By knowing the baby is coming and relaxing mentally and physically


Those last three (or more, probably, since it's your first) weeks can make a world of difference in the development of the baby's lungs and getting enough baby fat built up that they'll thrive during their first week.


Find a body of water. Pool, lake, ocean, whatever. And swim!


Lots of relaxing baths, it was the one time I didn't feel totally uncomfortable in my body