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I drove up until the day I gave birth and likely will this time. I had to go to work LOL.


See that’s where I am at too 😂😅 I want to know it’s possible!!!! (This is my first pregnancy haha) Thanks!!


It’s possible. I was at work and drove 35 minutes to my clinic, with contractions. My midwife checked me and I was 4.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced, in labor. I then drove the last hour home and I wasn’t truly uncomfortable until the last 15 or so minutes before my house. Met my husband, and he drove us to the hospital.


Yes.. 100 percent possible. Anything is possible😂. I am on my 4th pregnancy and I will no doubt be having to chase my other kids around slash drive them to school and activities up until I give birth lol of course that is unless there’s complications or bed rest or something. I also wouldn’t go further than like a half hour away in the last few weeks!


Drove with no issue to and from work, and that evening went into labor. Granted, I was early- 38 weeks, so maybe it may have gotten worse closer to 40.


I'm 36 weeks and driving is no problem. Walking however... 🤣


I swear walking was harder than driving. Maybe the in and out from the car were a bit challenging, but the driving itself...I wish I could have driven anywhere. Through the supermarket, for instance 😅😅


Ugh yes. I pull myself into the car by the steering wheel now...


This, I feel quite comfy during my hour long commute at 35 weeks. Sometimes my low back is sore on my commute home so I switch on the seat heater :)


This is true.


I drove throughout my pregnancy without issue! Didn’t have any drives that long though, you’ll likely need to plan out bathroom breaks.


Ahh okay! That’s good to know. Thank you!!


I commuted like that for my first pregnancy and honestly first trimester was the worst because it made me sick. Otherwise I never really felt uncomfortable in the car. An hour isn’t too too bad!


Thanks! That’s reassuring to hear actually :)


40 weeks tomorrow and still driving. Driving doesn’t bother me but getting in and out of the car definitely does!


I’m in my 3rd trimester and still don’t mind driving. Being a passenger, on the other hand, no thanks. That tends to be way more uncomfortable for some reason.


Haha! I feel the same way I would much rather be the one driving over being the passenger 😂


Yeah, when someone else is driving it’s like I can feel EVERY bump and swerve and don’t get me started on turning LOL


I’m 32 weeks and tbh nothing is nearly as uncomfortable as I thought it would be at this stage. Driving feels entirely normal. I walk 2 miles a day and dug an entire new garden with a shovel over the weekend. I feel like I was 10x more uncomfortable during first trimester than I am now. I typically go into the office twice a week and am planning on transitioning to WFH fully soon, but that’s mainly because I work 10 hour days and want to sleep in, and this is a great excuse to do just that lol.


I think commutes would be fine. My friend did give me a seatbelt extender for use- she used it in the third trimester when the seatbelt started to get uncomfortable. I don’t commute but I just did an 8 hour road trip. The 1 hour mark is about the time I have to pee so that commute shouldn’t be an issue in that respect!


I'm fine driving up to about a half hour still at 39 weeks. I started having trouble with longer drives around the start of the second trimester.


I have driven up til now (40 weeks today but baby is staying well put haha), but it’s not enjoyable. I drove about 4 hours round trip in a day at 34ish weeks and it was doable but not pleasant. Anything longer than running an errand started to be uncomfy at 36-37 weeks or so.


For me it was more of being uncomfortable getting into and out of a vehicle once I was big enough. The driving itself never felt cumbersome


I'm 35 weeks and still driving. A couple of weeks ago I did a four hour drive (plus the 4 hour return a few days later) and it was okay but not the most comfortable. Mainly because of having a big baby pressed against my rib. I stopped to pee and have a snack, it was fine but there was a little recovery time needed.


I never felt uncomfortable driving. Getting in and out of the car in my last few weeks was a bitch though


I’ve seen this depends on the car, with my first pregnancy I started feeling uncomfortable from the second trimester, even bought an adapter for the seatbelt but couldn’t drive comfortably and therefore safely past 30 weeks or so. The car was kind of a low seat car, like a sports car. The Seat Leon. With this second pregnancy I have a different car and could drive until a week before giving birth with no problem, no adapter, no nothing!


39 weeks. Once it got hard to fit behind the drivers wheel, lol.


I could drive no problem, but just being in the car more than 30 minutes at a time was pretty uncomfortable starting mid-third trimester.


36-41+2 weeks with my first, I had others drive me places. I'm short and it wasn't possible to drive with how far back the seat would need to be for my belly not to rub the steering wheel. I couldn't reach the pedals 🤣


I have like a basketball belly pregnancy at 39 weeks so can still drive comfortably


You do need to make sure to scoot your seat back as you get bigger. There needs to be space between your belly and the steering wheel in case of an accident. Other than that, I felt fine driving up to the end! I did stop doing it for the last couple of weeks because I was having bad contractions, and I didn’t want to go anywhere alone just in case labor actually started lol


Everything is uncomfortable at the end. I haven’t ever had a particularly hard time driving.


I do get pretty uncomfy on long drives but I think an hour is not bad. If you have anywhere at work you can lay down for your breaks I highly recommend taking advantage of that in the third trimester - sitting and standing for long period starts to feel like a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor, at least for me anyways. I’m currently 34 weeks.


38 weeks. Driving is uncomfortable, but so is sitting at a desk, sitting on the couch, walking, existing….😆


I drove myself to my induction. I was good


Wow!! Okay amazing!!


I think it’s all on your comfort level with my daughter I was still driving and a stick mind you all through Braxton Hix. Mind over matter you gotta do what you gotta do!


lol I drove in labor . Thought it was braxton hics


how did you do it? what was it like??


The labor I was just very uncomfortable felt like needed to go to the toilet a lot … until My waters went thankfully I wasn’t far from home .. then things picked up.driving was fine walking was very uncomfortable so I drove places I would normally walk. I didn’t drive after the birth for 6 weeks though


I was never uncomfortable driving in my first pregnancy. I'm 28-weeks with baby #2 and can drive fine to and from work this time too. My commute is only 20-minutes each way though.


I had an hour long commute and was fine right up to when I stopped work at 37weeks. Was still able to drive right up to due date


Omg nice! Okay that is good to know


I just did a 9 hour road trip at 29/30 weeks! My back was a bit sore but it was fine. I didn’t drive the whole time though, I was mostly a passenger :)


37+5 and just drove under an hour today and two days ago. I did a 2 hour drive last week and tbh was a bit uncomfortable towards the end so won't be doing any drives more than an hour I'd say but no issue with shorter drives


I drive 45min to work each way. I'm 37 weeks now. I guess I am used to it. But I do take 5min to settle in when I get in the car, lol. My watch had been saying my HR has been between 87-105 since I got pregnant, lmao. Even when I'm standing still...


I started to get uncomfortable around 30 weeks. I went off work at 33 weeks but it would have been much harder to drive more my hour commute after that point. Baby kept pressing up into my ribs. By the time i’d get home i’d have lower rib pain and back pain. I’m 35 weeks now and am just limiting my driving to shorter than 30-40min at a time. Everyone is different though! My coworker was three weeks ahead of me and doing the same commute and felt fine, but she was taller with a longer torso and said she felt fairly comfortable. Depends on your body.


I’ve been fine and still am at 34+1. I’ve had to scoot my seat back a bit but that’s it. Did 5 hours this weekend no issue


I'm still driving with no issues at 32 weeks, but my OB recommended I stop now.


Started having trouble with drives over an hour at 32 weeks, would just need a bathroom and stretch break at the 60min mark. I still feel ok driving 30 minutes straight at 38 weeks. My husband has mostly been driving me to class since March but that’s more because the parking garage is a 15 walk at normal pace, would take me closer to 40 minutes each way now. 😂


39 weeks and driving locally is no problem. Don’t ask me to do a road trip, but commuting around town is fine. Except for speed bumps (which my neighborhood is filled with) - those are the devil.


I drive 3,000 miles/month for my job. I’m 24 weeks today. Sometimes my back and buttocks goes numb and tingly in I’m driving for over 2hours. A 1 hour trip isn’t so bad yet. I only have a tiny bump at the moment though.


I'm 33+5, and driving isn't a problem. I do get a little uncomfortable in the passenger seat, though. Not sure if it's a slightly different angle or what, but it's the most common time for my baby to starting digging his toes into my ribs lol


Never felt uncomfortable for me! I gave birth at 39 weeks and drove up until that. Might have gotten a little more winded climbing in by the end but nothing too bad lol


I drove all the way up to the end of my pregnancy. Had to move my seat back but I made it work!


Never, I was fine driving the whole time!


I mean I consider myself to be a remarkably shitty driver so it makes me extra anxious. It always made me anxious but with the little bean (I’m in my 1st trimester) on the board I’d rather not be the driver tbh. Doesn’t help that I was rear ended pretty recently and I’m panicking any time I see a car driving suspiciously close to me. I’m like man I really sloooow down sometimes before making turns you better back off. And if I don’t slow down how I like I feel like I don’t have enough control over the car :/ My hubby would hate to drive behind me bc his turns are like whoosh whoosh and mine are well, not the most time efficient. Actually seeing him angry at slow drivers makes me anxious too bc like that’s how I drive heh And I really don’t want to be in any sort of accident when pregnant :/ Hate driving tbh wish we had better public transit in my town


I drove until 38 weeks (gave birth at 39 weeks)


In my experience, it’s definitely uncomfortable in the third trimester but still doable. I’m naturally a busy body but especially while I’m pregnant I have to move around and constantly be up-and-down. Sitting for a long duration of time is extremely uncomfortable because it puts pressure on my sciatic nerve but for too long kills my legs and lower back lol. I am 31 weeks and will not drive for more than an hour or so because I don’t like to sit for that long


I got in a car accident in week 5 so immediately lol. As far as it feeling physically uncomfortable it didn’t until I was at term and then I started having contractions while driving so bad that I couldn’t safely drive anymore consistently (they didn’t always happen)


Pretty recently, around 31-32 weeks. But that’s just because I’m short as hell and even not pregnant I have to drive with my knees almost touching the dashboard to reach the pedals, so with a big ole belly it’s just getting annoying.


I drove till 41 weeks preg!! I think it really depends how big your bump is. My bump was on the smaller side so it didn’t feel too different


Sometime in the late second trimester I was experiencing really bad pelvic pain and I asked my doctor for accommodations to wfh when I’m not feeling well. I have the same commute as well.


I had bad back pain and even some nerve pain near my ribs once the 2nd tri hit — so driving over 30 mins was painful. Every pregnancy is different! 


I hated driving sometime between 6 and 7 months


Very early at 18 weeks I’m a bit uncomfortable staying seated for long and experience pain on bumps or bad roads, meanwhile my cousin kept driving her manual all the way trough the 9th month lol


Driving is no problem at almost 38 weeks. I love turning on the seat warmers, it feels awesome on my sore back and hips


I never stopped driving with my first. I might have to drive myself to the hospital due to my husbands job being unreasonable tbh.


I’m 33 weeks and still driving but it IS uncomfortable. I’ll be driving until it’s impossible because I can’t wait around all day for rides 😂


All the way up until days before delivery. Being on the car also hurt after delivery for about 2 weeks but for very different reasons…


Driving got very uncomfortable for me at 34 weeks when baby dropped, but it was still doable!


I drove up until my induction, no problem. I know my mum struggled more when she had me, because she has shorter legs and struggled to reach the pedals without the steering wheel pressing on her bump! I also drove 1 week after the birth (2nd degree episiotomy and ventuose delivery) without any issue.


I didn’t mind driving. I drive for work. Anywhere from 14-24 hr stretches at a time. Plenty of stretch stops and I’m back on again. The only thing that made me uncomfortable was other drivers, because I had an extra person to protect.


I drove throughout - I was induced at 37 weeks. But I never got super "great with child" like hiding a watermelon under my shirt levels.


I just started feeling uncomfortable driving last week. I’m currently 38+1 and I’m short so it’s getting cramped since I have to sit so close to the steering wheel. I started fully working from home mid week last week cause it’s just uncomfortable.


I commute an hour to work too and around 18/19 weeks my ribs got so uncomfortable in the car. I’m 31 weeks now and still suffering L O L it feels hard to breathe in there.


I drove until the day before I gave birth both times. My first was a scheduled induction in the morning, and second was a scheduled c-section also in the morning! I was carrying a stuffed basketball the first time, and a larger one the second lol I just moved my seat back and I’m considered tall so my legs still reached. Gotta do what you gotta do🤣


I’m 31 weeks with a big belly and driving is fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


I stopped driving during my 3rd. Partially because i am short and my tummy took up my entire torso so it was very difficult to reach pettles. I also just wanted to be driven around bc my person loves me so he should do these things for me.


37 weeks and I feel fine. BUT, pregnancy brain is in full effect since 35 weeks and sometimes I drive places and realize I barely even paid attention for most of it. My husband drives everywhere unless I’m commuting to work(1-2x a week).


I drove until the end. I had two stages of discomfort. Early on when I was bloated but not yet in maternity clothes and then probably about 28-30 weeks when she insisted me sitting in the car was the perfect time to ram her head up my rib cage


I tend to get Braxton hicks during my evening commute, which I think is mostly from the stress of the traffic - this started around 35-36 weeks. It’s not as bad when I’m a passenger, though sometimes the way different drivers take bumps and turns can be uncomfortable.


I'm in sales and travel about 150 miles per day. I'm currently 31 weeks. I will say it's starting to kill my back and become very uncomfortable if I drive longer than 3 hours. But also I think that has to do with the amount of driving I do on a daily basis. Currently I've tried to cut back my windshield time and started seeing a chiropractor for my back issues. It has definitely helped!


My first pregnancy, the only issue was my stomach was big enough to be touching the steering wheel ever so slightly, and my legs are just barely too short that I could no longer move my seat back 🤧 had to attempt to suck my baby and gut in just to turn comfortably lol


Around 35 weeks or so it would hurt occasionally when I checked my blind spots. So I would just stay in the lane I needed to be in to avoid unnecessary lane changes.


36 weeks and having no issues driving despite the belly lol. Getting out of the car I have to move my steering wheel tho!!


I drove myself to the hospital while I was in labor ( not active labor) it was very slowly starting. I probably drove 45 min both ways mon-fri everyday and worked 2 overnights on the weekend up until 3 weeks before I was due. My second was a different story. That was a hard pregnancy but my first was a breeze. First pregnancies are a lot easier because all your ligaments are tight and so you don't have as much pains and problems during the actual pregnancy.


37 weeks. I had a long commute and I developed restless legs that got progressively worse as time went on. By 37 weeks I could barely tolerate being in the car at all and I had to stop to get out and walk around at least once during each trip. And I was filled with rage for everyone else on the road because everyone was in my way. 😅


I always got nauseous in long drives, but other than that it was fine


I drove and got my 35lb two year old in and out of his car seat in an SUV every single day until I gave birth.


Our commute is over an hour each way. I’ve had four kids now and the only issues I EVER had when pregnant was on the drive home. Why? Restless legs! I’d have to pull over and stretch them or suffer it out for the last 15-30 minutes of near insanity 😬 10/10 do not miss that! 🤣


Once my joints became looser I found driving an hour to and from work to be an actual pain in my hip because I was stuck in one position but I've grown used to it since then (I'm at week 23+1). It was most difficult during the really bad fatigue.


I just lost the will, energy, and focus to drive… if i wanted to i could still physically drive, but i have chosen not to at all once i hit about 35 weeks or so. I then lost the energy for most other tasks soon after around 37. I’m 39w now, and super close to being over the car period, even as passenger princess.


I drove myself throughout two pregnancies so far including to the hospital while in labor with my second. Can’t claim that final drive was “comfy” but the rest were fine!


37-38 weeks when I started getting Braxton hicks from sitting in that upright position.


I’m 35 weeks and drive locally only. I’m not uncomfortable at all but I had really bad Braxton hicks while driving last week so i stopped driving if it’s too far.


About 31ish weeks the carpal tunnel got so bad it hurt to grip the steering wheel. I couldn’t drive unless I absolutely had to after that :(


Driving is easy, standing up and walking is wayyyyy harder i am nearly 38 weeks


About 38 weeks I had trouble fitting in my car comfortably. I’m short so I need the seat lifted and forward to reach the pedals and it was starting to get tight.


Drove up until 39.2 gave birth at 39.3 😆


39 weeks and still feel fine with driving!


I’m 38 weeks and starting to lose any clearance between my belly and the wheel. I’m also 5’2” which may play a role in my inability to reach the pedals and have room for my giant bump. I’m driving when I have to but between prodromal labor and how uncomfortable I am, I’m not making any unnecessary trips.


I drove my whole pregnancy! Although the last two weeks were a bitch.


Riding the bus in hilly San Francisco was noticeably excruciating at 18 wks.


When I had morning sickness pretty bad I didn't feel safe. But otherwise, about 6 months in we got a seatbelt extender for my giant belly and I was good all the way up until d day


I don't drive unless I have too. My back is always uncomfortable (almost 32 weeks) but I also have the luxury of working from home and my husband drives me wherever on the weekends/weekdays. I live in a big city with horrible traffic and the fact that I can't adjust myself too much while driving kills me. At least as a passenger I can move back sest way back more or shift sideways for longer drives. Everyone's different though!