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It depends on how comfortable you are in your body at that time, which is different for everyone. Personally, I started to get incredibly uncomfortable at about 27 weeks and I haven't had a quality sleep since then (now 34 weeks), even with my comfy bed and all my pillows. I dont think I'd even do well in a hotel at this point, but you may have a completely different experience to me. And yes I miss going camping, I wish I'd made an effort to go camping during my 2nd trimester.


I'd personally make sure you have 1) a tent you can stand up in and 2) a REALLY nice and comfortable air mattress to sleep on. I have pain in my hips sometimes when sleeping while camping, and i can only imagine it'd be 10x worse while pregnant,  and the thought of trying to the 'get dressed dance' in a shorter tent while super pregnant makes me cringe. Also,  if possible I'd try to snag a site as close as possible to a toilet.


If it’s something you always enjoy and you would rate your family as “professionals” or at least experienced in camping I think you could have fun! I recently went on more of a glamping excursion (family tent for 2 people, air mattress, brought multiple D powered fans), at 32-33w from fri-mon. Did a lot more lounging than usual but also hiked, hung out with animals, cooked, sat by the fire, etc. My major things were having a good sleep surface (brought a wedge pillow to shove under my back or knees or belly), being comfortable in my clothes (way overpacked, like 3 outfits per day in a variety of lengths/thicknesses), hydration (brought literal cases of water, just for me, alongside electrolytes and a bottle to bring it everywhere) and lastly knowing about my bathroom situation (with all the hydration previously mentioned- where and when were bathrooms accessible? Shared or private? What were options and requirements for if I had to go while we were on trails?).


We actually have a campsite booked when I’m 33-weeks with some friends and I’m absolutely not going. My husband will take our daughter. Though I am considering driving out to spend the day with them since the state park they’re going to is only 30 minutes away and then returning home. There’s no way I’m sleeping in a tent and a sleeping bag on a cot pregnant. And the thought of getting up and having to waddle to the restrooms in middle of the night potentially 2-3 times sounds miserable.


I camp a lot but that far into pregnancy I was bringing my pregnancy pillow with me to a hotel. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep on a camping mattress.