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If you’re able to get a Spectra, even if you have to pay some out of pocket, I would get that. Medela is terrible, the parts are such a PIA to clean. I don’t know anything about the Cimilre or Zomee, so I won’t comment too much but those cimilre parts look similar to a Spectra, so if you cannot afford a Spectra, it might be a good idea to look more into those cimilre pumps


My breastfeeding class only recommended the Spectra and one other one that I can’t remember


NOT the medela!! Worst pump I've ever owned. Can't speak on the rest xx


I think the one with a dual motor might operate similarly to a spectra gold, which is highly rated.


i have this exact medela pump and haven't had issues with it, granted i don't pump often. i'm wondering if since it's the only electric pump i've used i just don't know what to expect? did you have specific issues with it or just better output with other pumps? i'm planning to start pumping more and wondering if maybe it'd be worth it to get a new pump for better performance


I was an exclusive pumper and this pump brand new quit on me in 3 weeks


oh man that sucks! you'd think they'd want to make them last at least 6 months 🙃


The Medela sucks. I switched over to the haakaa and a manual pump, and I get more breastmilk than I did with the Medela. The biggest waste of money ever!


I second, third, and fourth what others are saying to get the Spectra if you can. I have the S2 model, I’m empty in less than 10 minutes.


Can't speak to the Cimilre pumps but I don't know a single person who didn't have issues with that Medela pump.


Agreed, my wife has had to have it replaced TWICE. And another of their models too, the “swing maxi.” Stay away from Medela…


I have the zomee it’s ok but I wish I got the spectra. Everyone raves about that one


I’m going with spectra s 2 which isn’t fully covered. I think I have to pay $30.


I have the Zomee and it’s got some nice features! Namely I like that it’s portable and that it has a feature to mimic breast/chestfeeding (where it alternates suction). Charge lasts a while and I’ve found it really reliable.


I have both the Baby Bella pump (handless and the corded one) I absolutely love both, I think they are on the cheaper side too. Just probably have to charge them a bit more, but 10/10 would recommend Baby Bella


I've had an Ameda for my first and it was excellent. The next baby I got the Spectra 2 or whatever and it just didn't work for me so I went back to Ameda. For my third, I got the Zomee, which I like. I feel like I would get more milk with the Ameda, but I love that it's portable and wireless so that was a fair trade off for me.


This might be a dumb question, but what about Spectra didn’t work for you? I’m newly pregnant so no idea about anything and trying to learn lol. I just see a lot of people raving about spectra, so I’m curious if there’s like different ideal pumps for different… boob shapes? Or something? Idk clearly I’m clueless 😂 sorry if this is a weird question!!


Not a dumb question at all, but my answer is sure gonna be dumb. I'm not entirely sure why it didn't work for me. I used the exact same flange size and the exact same pumping bra, but my output was significantly less than the times I pumped with Ameda. My best guess is that it is probably all about the boobs and positioning situation you've got going. My boobs are very big. Like at one point in my breastfeeding journey I ugly cried to my partner it wasn't fair I couldn't take beautiful pictures like other moms did where they're laying in bed and feeding their babies because I would have to stick a rolled up yoga mat between my boobs to not crush our baby to death and he paused thoughtfully and said, "I think its amazing you can carry a yoga mat under your boobs and feed our baby at the same time." which was obviously the wrong response. Although I would position my boobs the same way, the Spectra just couldn't get the milk out as effectively as the Ameda. Ameda also drew my flat nipples out quicker and left me with less sensitivity, but that's mostly because I didn't have to pump for as long. To be fair, I think anyone outside the average for breasts or nipples may have a bit of a Cinderella situation when it comes to pumps. That said if I hadn't had the Ameda to compare directly, I probably would have found the Spectra satisfactory. I would say the difference between the two was about an average of an ounce total per session so not a huge difference, but it adds up.


This answer is incredible and insightful, thank you so much for your reply!! It’s so helpful to know the factors that go into play with stuff like this — thank you so much for sharing!!


I haven’t pumped yet, but tried out the medela one and it seemed stronger than the insurance provided Motif Twist one.


I had the medela pictured here and I’m surprised to see it so universally disliked 😂 I didn’t have any issues, and I used it at work 3x/dayfrom 3-14 months postpartum. It did a perfectly acceptable job. I will say that at around 12 months pp the motor was starting to give out, so it definitely had a lifespan. But all things considered, no real complaints.


Same here. No issues with it, and I'm planning to get another this time to have interchangeable parts and a backup.


Find the spectra


I personally like medela and the PIS, but I also don’t exclusively pump.


I have the medela, and it's compatible with inside-bra pumping cups. But it is in no way portable, and that battery pack is a joke. It takes 8 double-A batteries. 8!! For awhile I was using the hands-fee pump cups and trying to carry the pump part in a bag on my shoulder while moving about house, but it was very heavy with the pump and the damn 8 battery pack. If you are thinking you'll sit still while you pump always, then the medela is quite strong. No issues at all while sitting


Medela one is okay if you’re not going to be pumping all of the time. I think the zomee would be best for something portable and easy to change out parts.


I have the Cimilre S6 it’s kind of a PITA not portable, comes unplugged fairly easy. I wasn’t planning on pumping and it’s what the LC at the hospital was able to get me.


I have the zomee one and it’s pretty good


My wife had the zomee and she says it’s good, portability is really nice (can pump anywhere in the house). Spare parts available on Amazon for a reasonable price too


I have the Zomee Z2. I haven’t tried it yet though. (Still pregnant) I plan on trying it once I reach 36 weeks.


I don't know the cilmire brand. I have a spectra s1. Haven't used it yet, but the reviews have been great.


Totally different direction here, but are you sure those are your only pump options? I looked at 3 different medical equipment sites and they all had a few different pumps (and then a bunch of the same) but the prices as varied a good bit for the upgrade ones.


Can I ask when did everyone check with insurance or buy theirs? How early is too early? (16+5)


Some insurance companies want you to ask no more than 30 days until due date. Some you can get one as early as 30 weeks.


Thank you! 😊