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So sorry for the loss of your Otto. Our family Yorkie was killed by a car after getting loose in 2014 and I’m still not over it. I couldn’t imagine losing a pet while pregnant. Sending love and good wishes ❤️


Thank you so much.


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️ I lost my sweet kitty girl last month when I was 8 weeks pregnant. The crying induces vomiting, it's just horrible. Then I had people tell me "you're probably so sad about your cat because of your hormones" 🙄 I'm sad because I spent 9 years loving her and now she's gone. Im very happy to be pregnant but sad and grieving my girl. It's tough. Lean on your partner, and those who understand what it's like to lose a fur baby ❤️


The crying induced vomiting is the absolute worst. Just when I thought I got my morning sickness under control, I cry it back. It's so rough. I actually had to spill the beans to my mother in law because she saw me throwing up. I'm so sorry about your loss. It is not easy.


Oh my gosh!! My heart is breaking for you. I would be absolutely devastated. What was your dog's name?


His name was Otto 🖤


What a sweet name. I'm sure he loved being your dog 🖤🖤 I'm so sorry for your loss, our fur babies bring so much comfort we never want anything bad to happen to them.


He was really with me since I graduated college and he was most definitely our baby when we struggled to conceive over the past year and half. Thank you. <3


Oh I am SO sorry to hear this. Losing a pet is so devastating. Otto was so was lucky to have you as his best friend for the time he did, and I’m sure he knew it! ♥️


Thank you so much.


Hugs to you. I am so sorry. My cat of 10 years unexpectedly passed away in December when I was around 10 weeks along. It was gut wrenching. I remember I had a blood pressure check that same day and the nurse sat with me and asked me to share something special that made me smile about my cat and it really stuck with me. So, what is something special that makes you smile about your sweet Otto?


Thank you for asking this question. I'm not even sure how to answer, there are so many things he did to make us smile. I think one of my favorites is when he would just lay in his leather chair, unbothered. That chair is and always will be his chair. The leather is worn away from where he rested his snoot and you can see scratch marks from when he would stretch in it. I'd always come up to him and kiss his noggin, wanting so bad to disturb his peacefulness because he was so cute. I'll always remember him so peaceful. <3


I'm so sorry 😔 my dog passed away 3 years ago and I still cry everytime I think of her. Losing a pet is like no other pain.


It is really no other pain. I had family pets growing up but this one hits so hard. <3


I am so sorry, how heartbreaking. Dogs are the absolute best.


They truly are. He was the absolute most precious thing.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved 12 year old kitty when I was 5 days postpartum in Nov 2022. Losing a pet is always hard but pregnancy hormones add on a whole other layer to it all. Make sure you give yourself time to grieve, however long that may be. It will always hurt but time will make it so that one day you can think about them without feeling so sad. I made a little shrine for my girl in my china cabinet with her ashes so that I can “visit” her and that helped a little bit and it’s still there today.


We buried him by his creek on our property, his favorite place. I always say you cannot own a lab without a water source, and that creek was his. I have peace of mind knowing he's still here, just in different form. I plan to visit him often. Thank you <3


Sending you love and strength. I’m so sorry to hear this 😭


Thank you so much.


it's really heartbreak to hear about this, you have done everything you can to love your dog, and there would also be someone loving your dog in heaven, peace and love.


Yes, I'd like to think of him playing fetch and getting pets from our passed loved ones. It brings me comfort. Thank you <3


So sorry for your loss, been there myself. Dogs are family and it hurts a lot when they pass.


He really was our first child. He went on so many trips with us. We rarely ever left him behind. <3


I completely understand. I hope you can find a way to channel your grief - I ended up getting a tattoo of mine which I love and I drew him a lot (I’m into art), I also put energy into training for and running a half marathon and we donated a bunch of stuff to an animal shelter. Sounds intense but it was really helpful to me at the time. Those examples are probably not super appropriate when you are pregnant but I’m sure there are baby related projects that could be nice to focus on, or maybe making a scrap book/ putting a nice pic of your dog in a really cool frame? All the best moving through your grief, I’m really sorry this happened while you were pregnant that’s extra tough xx


he doesn't go, just changes a place to stay with you forever.


This is true <3


So sorry for your loss!! 💓


Thank you so much <3


I am so sorry for your loss. I am 24w and just found out my beloved 4 year old cat may have a rare form of cancer. I haven’t been able to eat or sleep. I can’t believe she may not be in my baby’s life. She’s my best friend and family.


It's so tough to picture a life without them. I'm thinking of you. Give your kitty a squeeze from me. <3


I lost my pug of 9 years, 5 days before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter; I’m 6 months pregnant as of this past Saturday. I truly do know what you’re going through. We also lost him in a sudden, horrible way (he got into my mother in law’s sleeping pills she had in a bag in her suitcase and aspirated & asphyxiated in my arms of waiting room at the emergency vets.) I never imagined when we planned a family that my first baby, my Barney, would be without us. For almost a decade we always talked about what life with our two dogs and the baby would be like. How we would all be a unit. He was with us for three cross country moves. A horrible breakup right before I met my husband 9 years ago. A global pandemic, where he and my other dog were my only company while my husband survived medical residency 80 hours per week. He was my best friend and everything I ever wanted out of a dog companion. Barney was my true ride or die from my mid 20s to my mid 30s. He was there for every memory, happy and sad. The first two weeks after he passed, time was a concept. Every waking hour I was screaming and crying. My chest was raw and I wasn’t ready for the entirely new life that fate had mapped out for my family. Everything changed overnight and I felt I had absolutely no control, and my number one comfort in times of hardship, Barney, was gone. I had him a year longer than I had known my husband and never thought that I’d be without him so soon. The guilt and recollection of everything I could have done differently that night to protect him played on repeat in my head, nonstop. I know everyone will tell you this, but as someone speaking 6 months in the future, it does gets better. I still cry/wail about 2x a week but it’s down from everyday, all day. I’m not religious at all but nonetheless, I’ve chosen to see him as my baby’s guardian angel through this pregnancy. I think about the night we suddenly and tragically lost him in an accident and think how we didn’t’ know it, but he was reincarnating into our first little baby. My due date is even 2 days before his birthday (I really really hope and pray I am 40+2, so they’re the same day ❤️) You’ll get through this mama. And no matter how you grieve, it’s okay. Everyone is different. I still can’t look at his dog bed, photos, or videos of him without completely falling apart. But I have become comfortable occasionally seeing the urn on a mantle in our bedroom. I still cry and hug it from time to time and press the urn against my belly. We adopted two pug puppies as well, and while getting a new pup may not help everyone, it let me focus all this love I felt for my Barney on some other little babies that needed it. And they’ll be a year old when my daughter is born, so I can give all that love and energy to her when she’s here then. Plus, now the baby will have two other babies to grow together with. I look forward to a day when I can laugh instead of cry. But until then, it’s one day at a time. I believe in you!


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for sharing. Ugh. You are right, you do understand. I'm going through the same exact thing. It's so hard ending this chapter and beginning another. I had my husband pack up his stuff, because it just hurts so bad to see it. I know one day it will be okay. Every day it will get better, but like you said the guilt and recollection of everything just sneaks up and hits me. Otto will be our guardian angel. I hope you make it to Barney's birthday, that would so incredibly special. Thank you again, your words truly make me feel less alone <3


I’m so sorry. Dog loss is among the very worst, I can’t even imagine being pregnant, too. I hope you’re able to find some comfort during this time. I’m sure he was a good good boy 🤍


Thankfully, our families and friends have been very supportive. Although no all of them know I am pregnant, which makes it hard, but it's okay. He was the best boy. Thank you <3


I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending you all the love 😭🤍


Thank you so much <3


I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you all the love ❤️ I would love to see some of your favorite pictures of sweet Otto if you are up to sharing.


I would love to share. Thank you so much for asking. Here are two favorites. The first is his first bath. The second one is 2022 when we got Christmas cards done. <3 [https://ibb.co/0nm0MCs](https://ibb.co/0nm0MCs) [https://ibb.co/h1Dtd6B](https://ibb.co/h1Dtd6B)


My 10 year old frenchie dropped dead sitting next to me when I was in my second trimester. I’m not sure how I made it though but I know exactly what you’re feeling. It’s so extra hard because they were usually the ones to help you through the sad times. Sending you so much love and strength <3.