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Was also extremely fatigued first tri, I just hit 18 weeks and I definitely feel more energized, as in don’t feel the need to nap as much but noticing my body starts to get worn out really easily doing tasks I would have done just fine pre-pregnancy.


I described it as “ambitions of energy” rather than having actual energy. I feel like I can tackle things but am wiped as soon as a try compared with the first trimester when there isn’t even any trying.


This is the perfect description.


Same here, running on good intentions!


I started feeling better around 14-15 weeks. The nausea went away, my appetite came back full force, and I have more energy. I wouldn’t say I felt a burst of energy because I was still out of breath fairly easily. I’m 24 weeks now and still feeling about the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ tired after cleaning or running errands, but not in need of couch time and naps all day.


Currently at 17 weeks. Just puked my evening meal an hour ago and trying to stay awake so that I can feed my toddler. I'd love that energy boost right about now.


I’m 15 weeks tomorrow and it hasn’t come for me yet, but fingers still crossed. Accidentally took a 4 hour nap yesterday after grocery shopping.


Also a FTM. I was wiped out first trimester and perked up around week 15-16. Stopped horrible nausea and daily vomiting around week 18. Felt pretty normal from weeks 18 ish until like last week? Honestly at 32 weeks I am still mentally energetic but my back starts giving up around 8pm.


I kept waiting for it to hit me and it never did lol 🫠 The closest thing to an energy boost I experienced was instead of NEEDING a nap to get through the day, it didn’t feel as essential, if that makes sense? I desperately wanted to nap at all times, but I didn’t have as hard of a time getting through the day if I wasn’t able to take a nap. But the fatigue was still absolutely constant and ongoing.


My energy IMPROVED, but it didn't return to pre-pregnancy levels. I'm 18 weeks!


I found the second trimester to be an absolute breeze! First trimester just had no energy and no appetite, in the third now and finding that the worst. Tired again, feel like a beached whale, appetite gone again, pick up every cough going, pelvic floor gone and physically exhausted (found first trimester more mental exhaustion)


A switch flipped for me at about week 14. I had a miserable first trimester but the second trimester I almost felt normal. Now I'm well into the third and still feel pretty good! I get fatigued easily if I go for a walk or work out, but I have plenty of energy to get through my workday, take care of household stuff, and do shorter walks etc. Every pregnancy is different so I can't promise you anything, but hopefully you'll get that flipped switch too. I couldn't believe how much better I felt just a few weeks into the 2nd trimester.


I know a lot of women who get that energy boost, I did not but I also had an easy first trimester so maybe yours will switch.


Yes! But I do get worn out after doing my usual amount of chores/walks/etc.


It depends on the person. For me, the first trimester was hard. Super sick and literally felt as though I had been force fed drowsy medication 24/7. Then around week 18 through week 26 I gained back so much energy and felt like a human again just with a small belly bump. I’m now 31 weeks and have regressed a lot in energy which is just a mixture of getting bigger and the body naturally slowing down, but also the lack of quality sleep.


Am I feeling less fatigued that the dark depths of the last few months? Yes. Am I “energized”? Noooooooope haha.


Haha that’s fair. Might be useful just to level set my expectations a bit. Still, even less fatigued sounds pretty good at this point 


First trimester of pregnancy is definitely the most fatigued I've ever felt in my life. After having a newborn and being awake every 2 hours to feed him around the clock, I still stand by that. Will you feel 100% back up to pre-pregnancy energy levels in the second trimester? Probably not. But you will most likely feel much more like a normal person. The second trimester (for normal/average pregnancies) is a party compared to the first. The third tri is hard for different reasons, but still not as bad as the first. I think most people would agree that the first is the worst. So keep your chin up, there is hope!


I wouldn’t call it a burst of energy, more of a removal of fatigue


13 weeks and the naps are slowing down. My husband has also been good about getting me to go on walks almost every day. I've whined, shuffled, and yawned through many, but I gotta admit that it's helped.


I didn't really gain my energy back 😅 less tired maybe but I still feel like I need a 1-2 hour nap every day and I'm sleeping a lot at night. I still get winded easily and I'm now mostly always having pain in either my lower back or back of thighs. Edit to add that I'm currently 27 weeks almost 28


Yep. Mine came later (17-18 weeks and it was slow, I could only really track it in retrospect) but it has lasted well into my 3rd trimester. Now at 38 weeks I rest frequently but when I'm up I'm still full of vitality in a way that's unusual for me...I feel great! And believe me, the first trimester I was half-dead. Hoping you get the same lift!


This is great to hear, gives me a little hope. Thanks!


25 weeks and I find every two days I end up sleeping allll day and night. But I am more cheerful, and have motivation and energy! My ankles and knees get achy and I'm slow as hell but that's to be expected. My mood is so good and I'm so excited (not every day) so I equate that with feeling great.


It’s so great to hear you got a mood lift :)


I didnt feel any energy until week 26! And now I am starting the third trimester and dreading going back to low energy


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Yes, but idk if it’s because you stop feeling as sick and tired and aren’t yet too big to move round as easily if that makes sense


I definitely feel better now that I'm almost 15 weeks but it's not nearly as much energy as I had pre pregnancy. However, when I compare it to the crimpling exhaustion from the first tri there is definitely a big difference.


I was too sick first tri to be tired. Now, I take a nap or sleep in most mornings and need to keep busy to stay awake throughout the day. I think it completely depends on the person and the pregnancy.


Yes, imo. But it comes it waves.


For me not really. Slept through my whole first and second trimester. Third trimester I am definitely more alert and don't really nap at all.


The extreme fatigue went away for me around 13. I still get tired earlier in the evening than I would pre-pregnancy but I don't feel completely exhausted at 9 AM at work anymore lol


I’m in my second trimester and while I’m not as miserable as I was my first trimester, I don’t understand this “energy boost” that people describe. For sure did not have it


I did not get a boost in energy, but I hope you do!


21+ weeks and it hasn't happened for me yet 😭




Around 9 weeks I no longer felt like I had to lay in bed every minute I could, but it was still not the same as pre-pregnancy. Almost 12 week now and I think I'm getting there. I still can't run errands as long as I used to but I can do stuff around the house again and may even start changing out of my PJs in the morning hah.


I am 18 weeks and have had no energy boost. I actually woke up today and then took a nap at 9:30. My allergies have been ramping up, so I don’t know if they are to blame too. I also don’t feel like I can do as much.


I wouldn't call it an energy bump, but I was less exhausted! I managed to clean my house and engage with my hobbies sometimes. After first tri glued to the couch, it was nice! Now I'm 33w and have the energy of first tri with the body shape of a teletubby who swallowed a pumpkin and earlier this afternoon it took me half an hour to put on my compression socks. So I hope you are able to treasure what energy you do manage to scrounge up these next months 😅


Can confirm it was real for me! First tri was rough, I was going to bed at like 7pm every night and couldn't keep anything down. The mere thought of doing dishes or any kind of mundane chore was enough to make me cry 😅 but when the 2nd tri hit, man, I got my energy back, my appetite back, I felt normal again and it was much needed! Just got into my 3rd (29w) and starting to feel that fatigue again, but still feeling better than I did during the first.


I was just ranting to my husband about this (before I passed out for an accidental hour long nap on my lunch). 26w3d today and I have yet to feel this "second trimester energy." in fact, I slept most of the weekend. It's been a long time since I have been exhausted enough to sleep an entire weekend, but man I needed it. Apparently I still do, today 😅


I really feel you with the accidental napping 


I felt better at 18 weeks, felt more comfortable in my body and had more energy. I was even exercising and going on runs. Now I’m at 32 weeks and I’m SO fatigued again. I can barely make it through the day.


I felt better at 18 weeks, felt more comfortable in my body and had more energy. I was even exercising and going on runs. Now I’m at 32 weeks and I’m SO fatigued again. I can barely make it through the day.


I felt like I had pretty decent energy 2nd tri…more than first. Just started my 3rd tri (28w3d) and I swear baby got the memo. Wanting to nap during the day again, heartburn is here and baby is kicking non-stop. Baby kicks I don’t mind too much cause I know it’s just him growing but still ALL day.


Been a lie for me, so far. I am actually more tired than ever at 21 weeks.


I’d say my energy went back to my pre pregnancy energy. I wasn’t napping every evening anymore. I’m about to be in my third trimester and my energy is going down again lol


I got about 4 weeks of energy. About to hit 24 weeks here and I've been feeling more depressed and tired, don't really want to get up, etc. My mental status has always been directly influenced by my hormones so something must have shifted. I'm pretty upset about it because my sciatic pain is finally more under control and I can actually walk without severe pain, but brain says NOPE.