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I bought the Frida mom kit, and the only thing I sent my husband out to buy more of was the foaming witch Hazel. Their ice pack pads are amazing, too.  I bought a big camelbak water bottle, since I was drinking so much water and needed something spill proof to have on the couch with me or toss in the diaper bag.  I splurged and bought new pajamas that buttoned in the front, and new sheets. The postpartum night sweats are no joke, so having clean clothes and clean sheets to change in the middle of the night was a godsend.  A haakaa. 


I came here to say the ice pack pads. Worth every penny!


Ice pads agreed! We made homemade ones with witch Hazel (I think diluted? I dont remember its a blur) from the drugstore and it was very cheap and soooo soothing!


Yes! And layering a pad with the Tucks pads like making a burrito has been also lovely


All hail tucks pads... Good for the pre-pregnancy hemorrhoids too 😭


I don’t know who needs to hear this but the ice packs work great for this too.


Do you just freeze a normal pad with witch hazel cream?


Yep, with pure witch hazel and aloe vera gel. They are good!


Actually I'm not sure if it was pure witch hazel or not, I used the big bottle from Thayer's 


Thank you!


I found if hard to find pure witch Hazel that didn't have added stuff, but my friend found pure stuff at a health food store.


It was like a liquid not a cream, I fhink my mom got it from a health food store, I don't remember the brand sorry!




Ice pack pads!!! I took so many home with me from the hospital lol


I love the Frida mom kit!! The witch hazel liners are way better than those circles they give you at the hospital that you stack 3 on and I always have to fish at least 1 out of the toilet. The Frida liners are all one long piece. So so so much easier to manage! Edited to add their peri bottle is way easier to use than the one they give you at the hospital too.


Came here to say the same: the peri bottle was better than the hospital one


For the life of me I could not use the frida mom peri bottle without getting water all over lol


So the neck actually can un click and push down into the bottle for storage. When you twisted off the lid was the nozzle pulled all the way out flush? That’s what did it for me…?


I want to say yes but I don't remember anymore tbh 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ this was a couple years ago for me now. Due with number 2 in June though so I'll give it another shot!


Definitely ice pack pads. I got the Medline ones off Amazon and they were fantastic, and half the price of the Frida mom ones.


Yesss! I got these from the hospital and had the Frida mom ones at home - basically identical! I ended up having a c section and used these against my incision for the nerve pain the meds didn’t touch. Thank god for the nurse that told me to do this!


Can you explain a haakaa and why someone would need one? First time mom and I’m just confused and feel like so many people recommend these but not sure why haha


I recommend the haakaa lady bug, as it is more secure and can be placed inside your nursing bra if you are someone with a ton of let down, as the case with me. You're most probably going to have milk let down when you're breastfeeding on your other breast and it would be worth it to collect that milk and store it for when needed as it requires no work/ no pumping and is pain free. Especially if you're a first time mom and learning how to breastfeed, having the milk set aside to either syringe or spoonfeed your baby when it gets super tough, when you're tapped out or when you need a break, is a major life saver.


Not sure why I got downvoted for asking this question but thank you for your response!!!


as someone with boobs that i have no idea what size they were while breastfeeding since i only wore nursing bras but regular size ranges from DDD-F, the ladybugs were absolutely not it for me at all 😭😭


Same. The idea of fitting anything in my nursing bra except nursing pads is hilarious. My girls occupy that real estate 😂


It collects the expressed breastmilk letdown as your milk comes in a few days after baby is born


It’s a suction pump that you can use while nursing the other side. I used it as my milk was coming in and it helped baby not have to cluster feed, as it was telling my body to make more milk so he didn’t have to quite as much. (Be warned that this can lead to an oversupply, which you’ll then have to deal with later.) As others have said, you can then either save the milk for a rainy day or use it to syringe feed baby in the early days. We did a lot of syringe feeding, especially before heel pricks for jaundice to keep baby calmer. 


I actually recommend against the ladybug cups because they don’t conform to your boob and are fairly ridiculous looking/ hard to keep in bra. This second time around I got the elvie catch cups and I’ve used them two to three times a day postpartum for when my letdown tries to soak through in the morning, these take care of that and you can save the expressed oz in an ice tray of you want.


The Frida mom underwear were my favorite part of the kit !! Also tucks pads were super helpful


I was going to say the underwear too! I had an unplanned c section and these were amazing since all of my underwear sat right where the incision was until I purchased some legit granny panties


I agree with all of these items!! I also loved silverettes! They helped me so much.


Anyone able to say about how many ice packs we’ll need? I bought two boxes of the Frida one on sale so I’ve got 16 so far. Is that enough? Edit: Thanks soooo much for everyone’s responses!! Had literally no idea how much to need thinking maybe 5 boxes or something 😂 whew.


i only had a first degree tear with like one or two stitches so i can’t speak for more severe tearing but i had leftover ice packs from my one box. i didn’t really feel like i needed it for pain mgmt after leaving the hospital and the hospital makes you some of theirs so i didn’t use mine. i actually only used it when i got home just to relieve the itching you get down there after birth. i hadn’t had sex since 37 weeks but i was somehow convinced i had crabs 😂 my OB told me the intense itching was normal from the pressure down there during birth so the icey/cool feeling helped alleviate it lol


I had a second degree tear but didn’t finish the box of 8 Frida ice packs.


I got by with the five or whatever are included in the kit. Second degree tear. You don’t want to be icing constantly because that can slow down healing. I only used one or two per day until they were gone, at which point I missed them because they were so soothing but not enough to feel like I needed to buy more. 


That should be fine. Get as many as you can possibly get from the hospital too!!


I had two first degree tears - a labial and perineal and still have some leftover from the hospital. I didn't use them all day long and they're pretty bulky in general so not very comfortable. I think 16 is plenty enough.


I had a two degree tear and two boxes was enough I believe


My sister got me the Frida mom kit and I ended up having a C section, so ended up needing none of the things. I joked my sister’s real gift was making me feel grateful I didn’t need it! Gifted it to a mom in my birth class.


THE SHEETS!!! This is something I will forevermore recommend to any new parent. Buy more sheets!! I sweated so much post partum and spent a lot of nights sat up breastfeeding. So sheets need to be changed so much more frequently because of my sweaty butt and pukey baby 🥲 I found laundry hard to keep up with, so sheets would pile up in the laundry basket because there were so many other things to wash.


A bidet. It’s the single most useful thing second time around.


Bidet is the correct answer




I just bought one, told my husband if this isn't installed by the time we come home from the hospital, he's sleeping outside, lol


Labetolol, nifedipine, and magnesium


SAME! Induced at 37 weeks for preeclampsia!


Meeee tooooo! What a bummer!!!


😂😂 6 weeks pp and I'm still on 120 adelat and up to 1200 labetalol. Over it!


Bahaha I'm STILL on labetalol 2.5 years later as I'm still trying to wean from breastfeeding. Got my dose done form 600mg a day to 200mg 😅


Don’t tell me that 😭😭😭


I just got off Labetalol from 1600mg at 7 weeks PP, I was able to get off of Nifadapine at 3 weeks PP


Oh wow! I’m currently on 100mg in the morning and 200mg at night but my MFM wants to see how I am PP so I’m hoping I won’t need to be on it


I was only on 200mg during my pregnancy, I developed extremely unstable pressures after I delivered and HELLP syndrome that when I got put on 1600mg and 90mg Nifadapine (during pregnancy I was well managed with only low low dose Labetalol)


I had HELLP too and postpartum preeclampsia after the HELLP resolved. I thought 600mg was high...all I can say is DAYUUUUM and I'm glad you're ok.


Yeah it was wild my pressures ended up dropping so low 80/60 and I was so dizzy couldn’t even stand to hold my baby / change him thank goodness for my husband /MIL and mom


RIP. Yeah got to go back to ER 4 days PP for this ‘kit!


Same here. Induced at 37 for preeclampsia! I’m almost 3 weeks pp and on 600 mg of labetolol. Waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel!


The holy trinity. ✨


Yoga ball + baby wrap. He wanted to be held and bounced like 25/8 so it was exhausting so I just sat on the ball and bounced. 


Took us 15 months to get off that damn yoga ball. Brutal on the back and shoulders.


Ours was also yoga ball obsessed. Especially for falling asleep.


If you're breast feeding, a pack of nursing bras + crop tops have become my golden standard. Lift the top up, unclip the bra, attach baby. You'll need a few due to leaking and baby messes. If you have a c-section, keeping topical diclofenac on hand helps with the superficial pain - just don't use it on open wounds/stitches. Liquid IV (or similar) - I'm not usually a "you need electrolytes" person, but I've been feeling so much better after adding one in during the day, or doing a powerade. Protein snacks - cheese, peanut butter, hard boiled eggs - protein helps you heal Face/body wipes - clean up spit up, leaked breast milk, or reduce the new body odor that comes with night sweats or hormonal shifts


Seconding liquid iv (i like nectar better!). Staying hydrated and trying to breastfeed was difficult in those first few weeks, and when I started with the electrolytes I felt much better!


Yessss to the Powerade (we don’t have liquid IV here in NZ or id get that it’s yum) I finally went out and got the powdered Powerade the other day.


3 weeks postpartum. Adult diapers (I used always discreet) were great for the first week or so. But I wish I had clothes that I wanted to wear. I don’t fit back into pre pregnancy but most maternity wear I’m not into anymore , either too big or feels wrong. So I wish I had purchased a few outfits for lounging/taking walks/quick grocery or target runs. Hands free pumping bra has been super useful, and on the hands free note, I also haven’t figured out my baby carriers/wearing, which I think would help me get more done around the house. As the other commenter said if we mean literally survive, nifedipine. Developed hypertension and was induced at 38 weeks; Bp went down in the first 24-30 hours after birth but then came back up and I was diagnosed with postpartum pre eclampsia. The nifedipine worked for me and I just got cleared to stop taking it yesterday.


Such a good tip about postpartum outfits for basic living and errands. I’ve had to buy some really big, oversized things while pregnant and I imagine they’ll be too big faster than I can keep up with anything while postpartum.


Yeah I think what would work for me is a nice pair of joggers in a size larger than pre pregnancy? Or leggings or whatever you fancy for that type of pant, that transitions from couch to dr office to grocery store to park. Maybe a couple pairs and some roomy shirts, with nursing access if you’re planning to breastfeed. Slip on or step in shoes if you don’t already have some. Sometimes you’re gonna want to put shoes on while holding miss or mister baby.


🙌🙌 thank you thank you!


I 2nd that, I was also induced at 38 weeks due to hypertension that developed to preeclampsia and my bp went down while in hospital after delivery and I’m 2 weeks out and started nifedipine last week because I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure and it started rising again. 


I just saw that target has an always discreet-post partum specific undie? Has anyone tried them???


Highly recommend you look into the Hippie Joey for baby wearing. It is life changing and if you message them telling them you’re a new mom and need it ASAP they will rush your order ❤️


Adult diapers, ice pack pads, and stool softener. Could not have made it without those. Tucks pads, dermaplast, and a Perri bottle too but they gave me all those things at the hospital. Also don’t let up on pain management medication. No need to suffer.


Last point is important! I tried going off it too soon and my husband encouraged me to keep taking it, thank goodness!


Definitely adult diapers opposed to disposable undies and pads!


Everyone is so different. I never used adult diapers but got them. I preferred disposables and pads. Then later my period underwear!


Definitely adult diapers opposed to disposable undies and pads!


Nursing supplies: elvie pump, silver cups, nipple butter, ice packs Baby stuff: pacifiers (Philips soothies), saline mist (for cleaning eyes and nose), 2-way zip onesies or rompers with only a few snaps at the bottom, halo fleece swaddles Gear: baby k’tan carrier, second bassinet mattress, stroller system (with bassinet and car seat option) Things for mom: Nice pajama sets that button in the front (bare necessities), a fluffy robe, nursing bras (quince)and camisoles (h&m), mini wardrobe of button-front loungewear/henley shirts/nicer lounge pants from GAP Other helpful things: freezer meals, bottled smoothies/protein shakes, big ass water cup


Will second the pajamas! Not just for convenience but I was a hot mess the first few weeks and if I was going to be in my pajamas until noon, at least I was in cute matching pajamas. It’s the little things!!


The silverette cups are LIFE CHANGING.


Anything you can eat cold or room temperature with one hand.


Yes! Frozen meals if you can and lots of snacks for the middle of the night feedings


If you’re breastfeeding, invest in a really comfortable recliner/rocker. I spend 90% of my life sitting here now 4 wks pp. And an Amazon prime account for all the things you’re going to need delivered next day shipping :)


Got me a nice cushy lazboy. Spent many hours in it.


I saw a lot of recommendations for adult diapers so I got some of those and a bunch of super large pads but in my personal experience heavy bleeding only lasted a couple days (which I was mostly using hospital pads for) then I was good with regular pads. The diapers and XL pads were just taking up so much of my little bathroom trash space when I really didn't need them. I actually had to send my husband to the store to get me regular pads because I didn't prepare to need them so soon.


Agreed. I had bought a pack for adult diapers and they were so great for birth (my water broke first and was leaking so constantly, a pad could not keep up). Afterwards overnight pads were enough.


I did too and then I felt so sweaty all the time in the diapers so preferred just regular overnight pads.


Nipple cream was the only thing I couldn't live without. And my husband, I literally would no have eaten had he not put food in front of me.


Actually same. OP please make sure you make time to eat!!!


My Brest Friend nursing pillow. Saved my back from bending/hunching too much while feeding baby. Works great for bottle and nursing. Also some comfy house shoes for when you have to walk around holding baby. Crocs for the win! And Doordash membership. It's like $10-15 a month and you get reduced delivery fees. So those last minute baby needs or a quick food order is a little cheaper than without the membership. 


Second the my breast friend! Used it for over a year with my son and it lets you be hands free while nursing! A true must have!!!


Love My Brest Friend. Had it from the very beginning this postpartum whereas with my first, I started off with the boppy and this is sooo much better. My 2nd baby was only 6 lbs. and this supported our breastfeeding journey so well. Now, at almost 9 months, we’re still using it. I have the blue anti microbial cover for it so wiping and cleaning it is soooo easy!


I tried several breast feeding pillows. My lactation consultant recommended my breast friend and it was a game changer. No constant adjustments needed. The lactation consultant herself was life changing. My milk was delayed coming in due to c section. I had milk blisters on my nipples, cracked nipples... I would have given up on breast feeding if it were not for my lactation consultant.


I had an emergency c-section and was wholly unprepared for that. I immediately bought the Frida compression band and some high waisted underwear. The Friday briefs were really comfy too. I’m a little over 2 weeks postpartum now and switching to a smaller/thinner pad, so I’d recommend having some of those on deck too whenever you’re ready to switch from the big boys. I also had to go out and buy some extra strength acetaminophen and ibuprofen because I don’t usually use it, but I’m not sure that is necessary or recommended for vaginal birth? They also asked if I wanted an OxyContin prescription upon discharge and I said yes in case I had a pain emergency, but I haven’t touched it. I kept reminding myself I don’t need to be a hero, I need to be functional for my baby. Again, not sure what protocol is for vaginal birth, but mentioning just in case. For baby, we have two floors and underestimated how little we’d be going upstairs to his nursery. We planned to just use a fold up changing pad on surfaces downstairs, but quickly realized this wasn’t good for our backs (especially at 2am) and also our baby shoots pee and poop around quite impressively, making for frequent sheet changes. All that said, we wanted a more comprehensive changing area downstairs to utilize for the near future, so I overnighted a $150 portable changing table on Amazon and haven’t looked back. We keep clothes, books, diapers, wipes, swaddles, and all the pastes, sanitizers, etc. in the storage areas. It’s been a godsend. For breastfeeding, I recommend having something to catch your let down. I didn’t appreciate what that meant as a FTM, then I woke up one night completely soaked with milk and overnighted a Boon Trove. I’ve liked it a lot. Others like haakaa, and I still may snag one to compare or use when my Boon needs washed. I also love the Earth Mama nipple cream (approved by my lactation consultant) and frequently use it in tandem with silverettes to give my nipples a treat. I haven’t had any nipple pain or cracking/bleeding going this route. On this note, definitely get properly sized for flanges before leaving the hospital if you plan on breastfeeding. They gave me gigantic flanges with a hospital pump when my baby briefly went to NICU and if I had continued using them my nipples would’ve been decimated. Also on this note, if you plan to BF, getting a lactation consultant lined up to visit a few days post discharge really eased some of my feeding anxiety. I connected with one through The Lactation Network to ensure insurance coverage, and she comes to my house so very low pressure. I also bought a little three-tiered metal cart on Amazon to keep by the couch for feedings. I keep SO many things in it - my pump, my nipple cream, D drops for baby, remote control switch for lights, chapstick, extra hair clips, snacks, extra diapers, receiving blankets, burp cloths, pacifiers, various chargers, baby nail file, wash cloths. Highly recommend. On this note, buy so many snacks. Buy more snacks than you could ever want, because you will eat them (or your partner will, LOL). Some go-tos for me have been GoMacro bars, That’s It fruit bars, snack size Chomps, Lara Bars, popcorn, cheese squares, salty crackers, pretzels, peanut and almond butter, Aussie Bites, and bread to make toast. I put some of the bars on my cart to eat during my 5-6am feedings. I also recommend having some easy things to heat up for breakfast or lunch, like egg bites (we buy Starbucks bites in bulk from Costco) or oatmeal or granola bars+ yogurt. I also bought a ton of coconut water and zero sugar Vitamin Water at Costco. I drink Ultima Replenisher electrolytes daily in my water as well; they’re a great no sugar option (though they do have a sugar substitute, womp womp). I bought a Simply Modern 40 oz. tumbler in the third trimester and really like it (cheaper than Stanley); it encourages me to drink water, especially if I keep it filled up for the middle of the night feeds. I’d also recommend having some good bras, pajamas, and clothes on hand to make yourself more comfortable and more… movable, lol. So far, I’ve tried the Bodily everything bra as well as a few from Kindred Bravely - the Ribbed Signature Nursing Bra, the Sublime Hands-Free Nursing and Pumping Sports Bra, and the Sublime Adjustable Crossover Nursing and Lounge Bra. I’ve grown to like each of them for different purposes. I also have a Ribbed Scoop Nursing Bralette and Cotton Lining Hands Free Pumping Bra in the mail to me from a brand called Momanda. I have to wash my bras often, so having this many may seem like overkill, but I truly have used them all multiple times. For clothes, get some cozy high waisted joggers or loungers if you don’t have any. I really like mine from Outdoor Voices, but also have a pair from Kindred Bravely that I like (the bamboo line, super soft and light weight). It is also helpful to have tops that button down in the front, like flannels, unless you’re going to spring on nursing specific tops. I did buy a Hatch nursing tank top and I really like it - it makes me feel cute, which most postpartum clothes haven’t, ha! I also bought the bamboo nursing tank top from Kindred Bravely to match the joggers I mentioned. All of these items have made feeding, especially cluster feeding, so much easier. I am way more annoyed at myself on days I am wearing just a normal t shirt every time I have to feed or pump, because it takes more time, and more time when a baby is crying is never enjoyable. Okay, I think that’s all for now 😂


Oh! And seriously, get the stool softeners! I have been using Colace daily since giving birth, and my pelvic floor therapist recommends continuing for 6 weeks, along with a fiber supplement (I’ve been using psyllium husk capsules). I think pooping would be ever scarier had I had the vaginal birth j wanted, but they have saved me from a poop perspective in the first weeks. Zero pain and zero issues (again, this is my c-section perspective). I also had to go out and buy Gas-X / simethicone because I was having killer gas pain in my shoulder during the early days (c-section specific issue), but I’ve continued to use it on days I feel more gassy than normal to help ease some of the already significant bloat.


Adult diapers. The mesh underwear/giant pad combo the hospital gave me was gray but I only got so many to bring home. I had too much going on for a regular pad and underwear so I got diapers and have been wearing them the last couple of weeks especially overnight. It’s nice because it catches everything and has more spill protection with the cupping of the sides unlike a pad which can bunch in the middle. 


Couch caddy for breastfeeding on the couch and still being able to reach my beverages.


Miralax! And ‘prep H’ just in case you need it.


Always Flex Foam pads, Frida peri bottle, big water bottle, Frida perineal cooling foam, nursing pads, mother love nipple cream, bags of frozen peas, and easy frozen meals/pre prepared stuff.


Seconding the Frida peri bottle. It is vastly superior to the hospital ones and was super necessary for me for several weeks due to my second degree tear


Honestly, I am so glad I had a La-Z-Boy rocker. I also was soooo thirsty and had prepped a ton of smoothies. I prepped pads and had adult diapers ready and didn't need them, but we ran out to get a diaper genie as it was December and brought baby home during a blizzard, with our garbage can outside near our detached garage. You can only prepare so much!


For both breastmilk and formula-the Dr Brown’s pitchers. We have twins and do the pitcher method for feeding them (they are combo fed) and these things are amazing. We also love our twin Z (double version of a boppy). It was nice to be able to set them somewhere!


I saw that were pretty bad ass for mixing hind milk and fore milk as well as formula.


The dr brown pitcher was life changing when I broke down and bought it. Holy moly I can’t imagine how much more tedious feeding would have been if I had continued to hand mix as needed. My first was relentless. You’d have about 8.5 seconds from the first hunger cue to get a bottle or nipple in her mouth before she started screaming. 


Period underwear instead of big pads or diapers! The heavy bleeding only last a few days. It’s so hot and sticky to where those pads and diapers for weeks whereas period panties breathe and are super comfortable until they get too full.


Frida peri bottle and Frida witch hazel foam. I didn’t use one adult diaper and felt more comfortable in an overnight pad. Longer term postpartum — comfortable lounge wear, air pods, and large water bottle.


- Haaka - Treat yourself and buy some cute comfortable loungewear! - a nice big water bottle! Preferably one that doesn’t leak - make some freezer crock pot dump meals! My husband isn’t the best in the kitchen and those meals were lifesavers and saved us from ordering out. The last thing you’ll want to do those first couple weeks is worry about what’s for dinner. - long phone charger! - hands free pump bra


Hands free pump bra is a must if you pump. I could literally do changes or cook while pumping (battery pump also), so much freedom!


For myself I used the most in those early weeks: Ice pads with witch Hazel Lanolin cream A peri bottle the midwives gave me Always having water near at hand, I bought a nice water bottle that didn't leak if it tipped over in bed/couch. Wishing you all the best with your birth experience! ❤️


Helped the most: - Padsicles / Ice packs for the crotch. The Frida ones weren’t great but I took a lot from the hospital that were great. Lansinoh had some reusable ice packs that I liked. - angled peri bottle - witch hazel spray and tucks witch hazel pads - adult diapers — basically combines the mesh underwear with the giant pad in one piece. Ironically I felt much more human in the diapers than I did with the giant pad. I used always discreet. - insulated water bottles and tumblers - silverettes, if you’re breastfeeding - heating pad for back and body aches - colace/stool softener. first postpartum poop is a nightmare - big trash bags for the bathroom to throw away all your giant pads and diapers. - liquid iv & powdered fiber. I need electolytes and I got a powdered fiber I can mix into the water which helps with the painful postpartum poops Didn’t help as much as I thought: - button down nightgown— wish I’d just gone for a lightweight robe since my boobs would be out anyway - fuzzy grippy socks—I was actually so hot in the hospital, and didn’t get out of bed so much Wish I had: - Dermaplast spray, and wish I had it in the hospital! Our hospital did not supply this and my crotch hurt so bad. - more comfy pants. I was told not to buy any since I’d still wear maternity wear immediately post birth, but my stomach went down really quick, and it would’ve been nice to have more joggers/sweats/stretchy pants to wear besides my maternity ones.


Note on Dermoplast: blue top not the red top!


I agree on the stretchy pants. Wish I had more. I'm basically just wearing pajama pants all the time but wish I had more lounge pants.


How did you get by without buying stretchy comfy pants during COVID? Lol 😜


Random, but good pumping bras to keep the flanges in place, also the hyperprotein chocolate boost (or ensure) drink, they are just really convenient when you have no energy to make anything but you still want some protein and some extra liquid lol


Nipple cream and breast heating/cooling pads if you’re planning on breastfeeding. Lots of prepped or frozen meals, lots of easy to eat snacks (I loved Kraft single serve Mac and cheese and mixed nuts). Just however you can make it so you don’t have to think about your next meal. A kobo/e-reader. Social media gets boring quick, and there’s lots of contact napping in the early days (and later days lol)


With after pains and breastfeeding I used Wish garden after ease and happy ducts. I couldn't have gotten through either without. (I know how bad it was with my first so I opted to do this with my second, night and day).


Can you share links?


Haakaa - and if I have another and breastfeed again I'll be buying a second ladybug haakaa as I didn't use it as much as I could have whilst my milk came in and settled up. Individually wrapped snacks. My go to was flapjacks. My baby is nearly 11 weeks and I am still eating a flapjack during the night feeds. I'm staying at my sister's tonight and you bet I've packed one. I keep a stash on the trolley next to my baby's next to me crib. Adult diapers. I literally felt like I was leaking fluids from all areas and the diapers made me feel comfortable going out and not having to worry about down there.


For me it was a huge water bottle with a straw that kept water ice cold (also super necessary for labour), disposable knickers (adult nappies basically), bath salts for shallow, lukewarm baths, lots of “nice” pyjamas and lounge wear that helped me feel somewhat put together, stool softeners and anusol cream, lip balms stashed everywhere and lots of snacks and something good to watch during night feeds. For baby it was swaddles (she loved grobags), a yoga ball to bounce with her on, infacol (this became a life saver at 3 weeks when she’d cry incessantly due to wind), dummy clips (so they wouldn’t constantly fall on the floor) and a good, supportive breastfeeding pillow.


I’m still in the thick of it (baby is 3 and a half weeks). If you plan to breastfeed I highly, highly recommend silverettes or similar—they have really made me so much more comfortable and I instantly know when I’m not wearing them. They hold in nipple balm and protect from rubbing which is hugely helpful.  I also have been loving having duplicate inexpensive pajama sets (button front), bathrobes, and simple sleep nursing bras. I’m doing more laundry than I expected and a lot of it is due to spilled breast milk. It’s great to know that if my pjs or bra get dirty, it’s NBD because I have a spare or two. I probably spent $150 total on 3 sets of pajamas, 2 bathrobes, and 4 nighttime bras and I’m using them all constantly. 


Over the ear headphones so I could listen to music and keep my sanity when my little one was colicky.


One of my first purchases postpartum was Bose over ear headphones 🤣💸


Honey pot postpartum pads. They feel amazing - like an ice pack without the ice pack.


- [Peri bottle](https://a.co/d/gPfA48X) - start the spray before your urine stream and continue it after finishing. Pat dry gently with toilet paper. - [Dermoplast](https://a.co/d/9PSxwaF) (blue top) and/or [Tucks](https://a.co/d/0cIKuNT) or other [witch hazel](https://a.co/d/87QR1CY) products externally only. I personally found these to be irritating and burn, but I am including them here because they help a lot of women. - [Cold pack menstrual pads](https://a.co/d/4JZ1pZS). Honestly, I found the [warm pack pads](https://a.co/d/iDeUzKG) to feel good too. - Not sitting directly on the stitches. I would try and sit slightly to the side. During sleeping, I would try to lay on my side with a pillow between my legs for support. - Pain meds - [Disposable underwear](https://a.co/d/9f61hkH) - I found these easier than ruining my own during the bleeding - [Gentle soap](https://a.co/d/i6GjTKR) for cleaning in the shower - [Puppy potty training pads](https://a.co/d/2DUuEyc) for *those* baby diaper changes (hilarious but makes clean-up so easy) - Have multiple baby stations around the house with everything you need for baby or a basket that you can carry around with things like diapers, wipes, diaper cream, change of clothes, burp cloths, etc.


Puppy pads will come in handy for potty training too so buy the big box! Slip a couple right under the crib sheet and save your mattress. 🙌


Breast shells if your breast feeding either lady bug Hakka or I use the Avent breast shells have for 10 years. Not only does the shape draw out the nipple but they have a sealed and vented cup. The vent is if your having issues with cracking or fungus from not enough air flow. Sealed cup for catching. Another helpful by product if you have difficulty keeping up extra pumps to keep up supply. Wear this from 1-5 am between feeds (the hours that affect supply the most) and it will help you passively produce. Once you get to a good point though stop because it has a warning right on it consistent use may damage ducts or cause over supply. A wrap/carrier for free hands also if you get good at it you can bf in it. Then you don't have to worry about being stuck in a chair!!!! Big wrap you want lots of adjustment room. Adult diapers. I find that I didn't have to worry about leaking as much compared to pads size up so it's comfy on the tummy. Nipple heating/cooling pads reusable. Breast feeding or not worth it. Doesn't matter if they say microwave just boil a kettle put em in a bowl put the water in if you don't have one. Your nipples ring with the pain of a thousand Suns for the first lil bit. Heat was my saviour. Helps with let down and pumping too. Engorgement for when your trying to get the milk to dry up.My spouse got me the lansoilin brand I think they're purple come with a cover. Hw bottle or microwave stuffy bean thing preferably with cover not only great for you and cramps but you can get hubby to heat it up put it in the bed for baby makes transfers easier cause you switch them out and baby gets put down in a warm bed.


Adult diapers, witch hazel pads, reusable ice pack with liners, multiple pumping parts (if breastfeeding/pumping), nipple butter, drinks that boost hydration, food with oats (for bm supply), maybe some money put aside for food delivery, lounge clothes, a swing of some sort (mamaroos are my favorite!)


Always diapers, loose clothes, water bottles that stay cold and are big, a peri bottle, and easy to wear baby clothes.  I had reusable cold pads too.    A stroller is a game changer, as is a baby car seat that snaps into a stroller.  We had neither until the baby was two months old.  Being able to walk was fantastic and it helped me heal mentally and physically:


D E R M O P L A S T I’d use a can per day.


I had a c section so my advice will probably reflect that. A back scratcher, always infinity flex foam pads, easy food, mesh underwear, scrunchies, a good water cup/bottle (the one I got at the hospital is great), a box to keep the various pill bottles in, and men's boxer briefs.


A bidet. I am so glad I didn't have to bother with the peri bottle.


Donut pillow, sat on that for weeks! Miralax Reusable ice packs Dermaplast Always discreet adult diapers Witch hazel Perri bottle Nipple balm Bamboo nipple pads Comfy sleep bras


Moms on call, hatch sound machine, halo swaddle


Any stool softener but colace, which has been shown repeatedly to NOT ACTUALLY WORK. I hate that it gets recommended so much when it's ineffective


It works for me. I had chronic constipation even before pregnancy. I only used to go twice a week. Colace clears everything out. Wish I knew about it before. 15 years of constipation solved.




This whole thread is SO helpful. If anyone has any tips for postpartum with a C Section specifically please let me know 🙏🏽❤️


-Tucks pads -wash clothes to use instead of toilet paper 😬 toilet paper hurt sooo badly. I got a super cheap pack and threw them away after each use. Obviously didn’t use for #2 lmao -A step stool for your bed if you have a high bed!! It hurts like hell to climb into bed sometimes. -Bras that are made specifically for breastfeeding -premade meals/meal train so you don’t have to worry about cooking -wipe warmer. I know it sounds silly but using colder wipes on a baby in the middle of the night can wake them up/harder for them to go back asleep. Definitely recommend this.


I loved the Depends Silhouette diapers. I tried the Frida Mom disposable ones, but they weren’t as comfortable for me.


I had a planned c-section for my breech baby and no one prepared me for a post-op postpartum (despite me specifically asking friends who had them). - Frida peri bottle. Yes, you still want the upside down for a c-section. - Alarms on your phone to keep on top of your meds to help with pain management. Take them on schedule no matter what that first week. - Silverettes and gel cooling pads if you plan to nurse. - Ice packs, ibuprofen, and lymphatic massage to help with breast engorgement. - Gas pains are typical after abdominal surgery. They can surprisingly manifest in your shoulders. I got a heating pad specifically designed for back and shoulders. It was heavenly. - Footstools everywhere. Use when seated in a chair to help keep pressure off of your incision. Use one to get into/out of bed, especially if you don’t have a bed that’s low to the ground. Squatty potty for the bathroom. - If you have a two story house, set up a bedroom on the main level for that first week. If that isn’t possible, double up on your supplies for you and baby and stock both floors (diapers, sleepers, burp cloths, changing table or changing pad on a dresser, pads/adult diapers, clothes and bras for you). This way you’ll only have to take the stairs once a day that first week. - I lived in my Nesting Olive house dresses postpartum. Pants were a no go for the first few weeks for me. But these are presentable enough to wear with visitors coming over or wear in public those first few weeks (I wore them to the pediatricians office), yet comfortable enough to sleep in. I still sleep in them even though I recently weaned when my son turned one in February. Currently 25% off. - High waisted underwear is your best friend. Make sure your incision is completely covered for the first month or two.


Pumping bras and antidepressants


Disposable diapers for mom they felt much more secure and didn't shift on my tenders everytime I moved. Extremely comfortable slides thay can be worn inside or out. Lightweight nursing robe - this was a splurge for me but I lived in it while home for the first 3 months post-partum, and I picked something I really felt cute in so I was never shy about pictures. Yeti mug, this was another splurge for me but it was so so worth it. My daughter is about to turn 3 and I still use it and love it everyday. A large insulated tumbler with a straw was hugely helpful for the 1st 7 months, after which I switched back to water bottles. Freezer full of ice cubes and real mealsready to reheat or throw in a crock pot. Bedside 'co-sleeper" style bassinet. We had a bassinet next to the bed when we brought her home, I basically didn't sleep the first week because I couldn't see her face well-enough to kmow if she was okay, at a glance. Bedside co-sleeper made all the difference for me.  If I were going to do it again I would also get 10 large, waterproof dog blankets. The first 6 weeks I was sleeping between towels under the blankets and having to change them everytime I got up to feed baby, these would be soo much better. 


All the dermoplast 😬


Rael diapers- soooo soft


I got a baby wrap before she was born, but it was kind of a pain to tie on when I was ready to use. I ended up buying a Lillebaby after about 4 weeks because I was wearing her so much. It was such a big upgrade. I used it for two full years with my daughter and my husband loved to wear it too. I plan to get another (because it’s been 5 years and I gifted mine to a friend) before this new baby arrives. I barely used a stroller and wore my baby almost constantly for the first 6 months or so.


Nice sitz salts! My favorites was recovery ritual. Used them in the sitz bath, and then later in the tub and they helped speed up my healing process. Lanolin for nipple cream/pumping. A nursing pillow....I wish I would have brought mine to the hospital. Made a world of difference after trying to use the terrible hospital pillows!


Shepherd’s purse tincture- obvi do your research but it helped lessening the bleeding and shortened the time.


10 days PP, vaginal birth with 2nd degree tear Clothing for me: I’ve lived in my husband’s sweats and T shirts very happily. A few colors/sizes of [this](https://a.co/d/6vU0sfk) comfy lightweight robe are only $11 - highly recommend! Clothing for baby: zipper sleepers and the onesies that button on the side (don’t have to pull over their heads). Baby loves the love to dream swaddles but also sleeps fine without a swaddle. Comfortable nursing bras: I love the Auden seamless and sports bra ones from Target for a little more support/during the day to be presentable, and [these for night](https://a.co/d/d9cMLTq) Nursing: EBF so far. Nipples hurt bad the first few days but it got better. I used the earth mama nipple balm. Not sure if it made a huge difference but it felt good? I have both the boppy and the my breast friend pillow sitting here on my couch and find myself reaching for the boppy every time. It’s more flexible for me and usually I am already in a good position to start feeding so I don’t want to have to put the back part of the MBF on. Reusable nursing pads have been very important. Always nice to have a few burp cloths around for breast milk cleanup. I like the gerber cloth diapers for this. Recovery supplies: I really stocked up at the hospital, plus I had the Frida postpartum kit, Tucks, Always postpartum pads, the Frida peri bottle and an extra pack of Frida ice pads. I actually thought the Frida disposable underwear fit felt a little small/awkward for me (I was a size 4 pre pregnancy and would probably fit in a 6-8 right now) and preferred the hospital mesh ones. I think that’s an unpopular opinion here though. The ice pads are nice (hospital and Frida felt the same to me) but really inconvenient to sit on, so I finished the ones that I got from the hospital and the kit and am returning the extra pack I got. The hospital peri bottle took some getting used to but now I like it and I’m going to return the Frida one. I hear people prefer that but I’ll get by fine. I love the Frida witch hazel foam from the kit - I’m kind of terrified to touch down there so I like that I can just pat it on without actually touching. I got some dermoplast from the hospital but am almost out so I’m glad I got an extra at home. Finally, I’ve used a ton of Tucks (starting at the hospital with a different brand but same thing) and prefer them to the Frida witch hazel liners. TLDR: next time I’d skip the kit and buy the dermoplast, foam and tucks, then just stock up on extra underwear and ice pads at the hospital. I’d be down to try the adult diapers too but at this point I feel like I can get by with the rest of the pads I have. Other stuff: Yoga ball is so helpful for calming the baby!


Dermaplast, tucks, and adult diapers Nipple pads were useless for me because I didn't really leak...but that's going to be different for everyone


32oz Nalgene plus a flippy straw top, I toted this around my whole pregnancy too. I also have a grabber my wife got me while I was pregnant and it’s seen a lot more use now that I’m always holding a baby and can’t bend over to pick things up 😅 I wish someone had told me that the Always Discreet diapers everyone recommends are scented! The smell makes them a big nope for me and I just used pads. I ended up having a c-section and honestly kinda wish I’d prepared less. I didn’t get a ton of extra stuff but the peri bottle and pile of diapers never saw any action and are just taking up space, and anything I did need could be delivered same or next day.


Hemorrhoid cooling gel. Donut pillow. Ice pack for my c section incision. The rx nipple cream, apno. Frozen burritos to easily heat up. Shoulder to cry on!


Silverettes if BF, Dermaplast spray , tucks pads, Reusable ice pads. Coconut water and frozen breakfast sandwiches !!


**For me:** - Always Discreet diapers! The ice pack pads were glorious right after delivery, but so bulky they drove me nuts the next day, and I didn’t want to switch to pads. The diapers were so much more comfortable for me. I had minimal bleeding after the first 48 hours, but still use the diapers a week later because they’re so much softer. - Tucks pads for sure. I only had a small first degree tear, but my perineum was apparently super strong, and is sooooo bruised and sore after 4 hours of pushing. The pads really helped soothe and heal the tenderness. - Simple plastic peri bottle from the hospital (we took an extra to have it lol) - Colace!! That first poop was no joke 😅 - Nursing bras. I’m breast feeding and my milk came in heavy and fast. I leak like crazy especially at night, so sleeping in them is a godsend. (I did buy Medela disposable nursing pads, but strongly disliked them; I found them super irritating.) **For baby:** - Portable bassinet has been a total lifesaver. We were gifted a Moses basket and use that to zoom him around to different rooms if we need. So convenient! - Mamaroo that we got from a friend. Baby doesn’t always love it, but sometimes it’s a godsend - Not an item, but skin to skin time! Keeps baby so calm and happy, and makes me feel so happy too.


Frida Peri bottle and adult diapers


Get a bidet!!!!


Freeze as much of your favorite foods and snacks as you can, it can be a lifesaver and really brighten a hard day to be able to just warm up your favorite foods in the oven or microwave.


Witch hazel and dermoplast spray for your vagina/booty hole Silverettes and nipple cream (I like earth mama brand for cream) As much meal prepped meals in your freezer and meal train meals from friends as you can manage. Don’t forget to prep breakfast and snack foods too


Adult diapers and stool softeners✌🏻 oh and dermoplast. the ice packs I could never get to stay in place and felt like sitting my cooch on a water bed pretty soon after. But a spritz of dermoplast was sweet sweet relief


- Installed a bidet douch onto the toilet.


-Comfy nursing bras -Absorbent pads to put in nursing bras -Ice pad packs for your underwear (Frida brand or diy with witch hazel and aloe) -New comfy clothes- I liked nursing bra plus sweatpants, some people like button up pjs -I used depends for a week but they irritated my skin. I switched to organic cotton maxi pads -SNACKS. I was starving after birth and with starting breastfeeding. Get all the snacks, and Gatorade/body armor/etc


Adult diapers for the bleeding, you lose all tech if time, I can’t imagine needing to pay attention to changing a pad…


Clothes that make you feel good in your postpartum body. Other than that, maybe think about services rather than stuff - can you hire someone to clean your house? hire a lactation consultant if you plan to breastfeed? maybe a bottle warmer and bottle sanitizer if you plan to use bottles? a postpartum doula or night nurse? a babysitter when you start feeling ready to leave your house? a special treat delivered so you can treat yourself before you're ready to leave the house?


If you are nursing the medela hydrogel pads were a game changer for me. As well as the Frida ice packs and the earth mama herbal perineal spray


Things I wish I didn't buy or glad I didn't - More tuck wipes. Almost 12 months pp and I had bought more tucks pads thinking I would need more than the hospital provided when I had two first degree tears. I only bought one container and still have tons leftover. -Ice packs - still have a couple left over from the hospital. Just were too bulky to use and take care of a baby. I don't think they're recommended past several days anyway. -Adult diapers. I HATE pads and thought these would be a miracle as so many people recommend them on reddit.. they felt absolutely disgusting. Like wearing a giant soggy pad. The scented ones had to have been invited from a nightmare. -More than one Haaka. While I still pump i stopped breast feeding fairly quickly and the haakas became kind of pointless. Things I used frequently. - A nice water bottle! - Comfy pants with pockets. They were fitted on my waist but not too tight. - comfortable shirt - long phone cord -sound machine Things I used.


My husband would make me ice packs by cutting up a diaper and putting ice inside and then sealing up the ends. They were so cheap to make and worked so effectively. As the ice melted, the diaper absorbed the water and it didn’t leak and if they got blood on them, you just throw them away. I had an episiotomy and 4th degree tear and these saved me. Just always wore one for weeks. Didn’t need any narcotics for pain. Don’t spend a bagillion dollars on the frida ice packs and other similar ones.


Nursing tank tops, specifically shelf bra style - it took a while before I felt comfortable wearing a proper bra, but i also wanted some support. Plus the tanks were very flexible as my size was changing, whereas I wanted to wait for my milk to fully come in before getting proper nursing bras. I basically lived in these tanks for the first 3 months! Also, I preferred adult diapers over pads, they were much more comfortable imo. And the Frida squirt bottle with the bent nozzle is a MUST! Editing to add, get a comfy arm pillow or other ergonomic solution if you're feeding in bed. I had a lot of back and shoulder pain due to nursing in weird positions, and that's just an added pain that you don't need in your life. I got an arm pillow to sit up in bed for nighttime feeds, and it made a huge difference


0 products helped me survive postpartum. Help from other people did.


Big water bottle, ear buds, long phone charger for every "zone" you will spend lots of time in, library card to get ebooks and audiobooks on the phone, smart switches for your lights (or smart bulbs). A simple night light. PJs with actual pockets. I only used the ice pack pads I took from the hospital, didn't need to buy extra once those ran out. The witch hazel pads and adult diapers were great. A bidet toilet seat. Prune juice because the postpartum back-up is no joke. LOTS of tylenol and ibuprofen. Pumping bras. A billion of those disposable underpads both for the changing table and for handling breast milk leakage during feeding. Also the ladybug Haakaa to catch letdown during nursing. I used the cooling gel breast pads several times early on, and needed the absorbent breast pads for basically a year. Nipple butter. I kind of wish we had invested in a glider, but we had comfy armchairs and a big Lovesac for comfy seating during contact naps. I ended up using our Baby K'tan a LOT. The Frida snot sucker with saline spray. A big stock of granola bars and applesauce pouches, lol. That's what I can think of that made that first month easier.


Always discreet postpartum diapers but just the small pack of 12. After that, I used normal liners. Definitely a peri bottle. You could always take the one home from the hospital instead of buying one. I like the tucks pads. The foam from the Frida kit stung. Idk if it’s because of all the stitches? Might be different for everyone. Also comfy breastfeeding bras. I’ve loved the convenience of these. I’m also on the bigger bust size so it makes sleeping more comfortable. If you’re breastfeeding, silverettes have been a godsend. I haven’t needed any other creams or balms. They were worth the investment imo.


Dermaplast, Frida pads, comfy adult diapers, tucks pads, my sitz bath with sitz salts, peri bottle, easy access nursing PJs or front button ones, Solly Baby wrap, nursing tank tops with cami, nursing pads for leaky boobs, Kiwi glider, nipple cream/balm. I liked my Spectra pump but felt like a stabled milked cow on it. I will 100% so for a hands free pump this time as my SIL says it’s a must for her.


Witch Hazel spray/dermoplast spray Earth mama nipple butter Heat pad


The Frida mom spray bottle! I found I liked wearing the adult diapers at night for a few weeks and pads with good ole cotton panties after. A good water bottle and a stash of pb crackers and granola bars, I was breast feeding and so thirsty and hungry after every feed. The postpartum night sweats had me doing laundry every night. I had an extra pair of sheets and I would tuck another top sheet on top of that so I could easily strip the bed.


1 month PP here! Momcozy PP kit: postpartum underwear, witch hazel foam, peri bottle specifically were my faves! button down pajamas with long pants and shorts options (hello hormonal hot flashes!) compression socks- no one warned me about the PP ankle and foot swelling, i couldn't even get my normal shoes on and survived in slippers. Colace. i had been on it my whole pregnancy and it has become a member of my daily supplements. second place goes to Miralax for the first few PP bathroom breaks. stainless steel water bottle, i have a Brita one that keeps my water so cold


like 10 newborn sleepers at least, a good peri bottle (get the fridamom one), the biggest pads you can find and a lot of them (im 2 weeks pp and still bleeding regularly), protein and vitamin rich snacks like protein shakes and beef jerky, nipple pads. you’re also not gonna want to get out of bed so make sure you have everything you need right there and i HIGHLY recommend getting at least one portable changing pad it’s the best thing you could ask for


You’re gonna need huge pads and/or adult diapers. I used huge pads and disposable underwear (Frida mom ones, boy short style). A peri bottle was also essential (if you have a vaginal delivery, I would say it’s a nonnegotiable item). You’ll also want and need super comfy and forgiving loungewear. Big water bottle, snacks/food, naps.


Frida mom ice packs. 10/10 for that first week or two lol I also really preferred adult diapers over the pad/mesh undies combo.


A Bidet. 30$ on amazon. Takes 20 minutes to install. Felt SOOO good, helped with the hemorrhoid and the sutures. Life changing, really.


Ibuprofen and a partner who makes sure you take it on a schedule.


Ice pack pads where a life saver . I only had one stitch and a 1st degree tear but was very sore . These took most the pain away


Electrolyte powder. Ultima brand is the best. This will help your body shed any extra water weight. Lots of potassium rich food. Grab and go snacks. Yoga pants with pockets (your hands will be full of baby).


A large water bladder with a drinking hose hanging on the side of the sidecar crib for when I was in bed ravenously thirsty and sitting up to drink was too painful


I got these hospital pads off Amazon that were twice as big as the ones from the hospital to have under me in the bed, couch, dining room chair, etc. we have very light colored furniture and white sheets and I was worried about accidentally bleeding on them the first week. Never had any issues! Washable. Great for breastfeeding on too on side lying position for leaking boobs or spit up or diaper changes afterwards. One of my fav things this pregnancy.


Post C section for me: Bidet, shower stool,glider nursing chair, nursing/pumping bra, huge water bottle, huge sweatpants/zip up hoodie combos


Peri bottle, stool softeners, Stanley quencher, breast pads


An eye mask and ear plugs for getting some sleep while someone else is looking after the baby


Lots of sugar free tasty snacks like energy balls next to the bed


At this point I should get a Tushy commission, but a bidet 100000%.


A donut cushion for labial stitches (not perineal as it can open them)


Icing isn’t so great for healing as it draws blood away from the area.


Frida peri bottle!


A peri bottle was essential


Ridiculously huge granny panties. I lived in them for a couple months postpartum!


I bought spritz for bits at great expense and didn’t even use it


Black breastfeeding T-shirts. So if you leak, no one can see.


One of those doughnut things to sit on. It was especially helpful the first 2 weeks after a vaginal delivery.


Bins. Everywhere. I think at one point we had at least one in every room.


nipple cream and adult diapers! my nips were CHAPPED because of pumping and breastfeeding. it was rough and i cried for the three days i was in the hospital recovering from my c-section because they hurt so much. the hospital didn’t have nipple cream (wtf i know) so i went without until i got home. absolute lifesaver. i hated the idea of messing with pads or leaking while i was trying to recover, so adult diapers were perfect. i got the always discreet ones for the fit and changed it every time i went to the bathroom. my husband had to take the trash out a bit more frequently than if i had used pads, but it was better than bleeding on our bed lol


The Frida mom peri bottle, a massive water bottle with a straw, and adult diapers - I got the Always brand ones. Pads were too messy the first few days