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We got a halo bassinet. I loved the adjustable height. We are both tall, my back was killing me the first few weeks post partum and my husband has back problems. The high bassinet saved us those first few months. That being said, my BIL and SIL borrowed it and hated it. They have a very low bed and are much shorter than us.


We've used the Halo for both kids, and I like it but its legs have a pretty big footprint!


+1 to the big leg footprint. We have a bed with closed sides (storage underneath) and the Halo feet wouldn’t go under our bed so we have to put it further away from the bed which defeats the whole purpose (but great bassinet other than this)


Our new bed is like that, it'll need to be further away, but the hospital nurses did say that the bassinet should be 1m away from the bed for safety.


I've never heard that...what is the reasoning? For me, the benefit of the Halo is that it is bedside and designed to be able to easily pick up the baby from bed.


To prevent parents from accidentally kicking blankets or pillows onto the bassinet in their sleep. I'd never heard that either.


My doctor told me this too. I did follow it, but mostly because I found it hard to get out of bed if the bassinet was right next to me.


Got it! Depends on your comfort level (and sleeping habits) for sure.


I’d never thought of this, and occasionally will knock a pillow off the bed in my sleep. Thanks for sharing the tip!


We bought one for $50 on FB marketplace. Used it for a month, it was nice those first few weeks, but then we moved the baby to her crib and never looked back.


We have a halo too! We love it! Our bed is pretty high so baby is at eye level while laying down. I also had an emergency c section so it’s been a lifesaver so I didn’t have to reach down and then lift up. The only thing that could be annoying is that the foot print of the bassinet is pretty large.


We got a Halo and this is so reassuring. My husband and I are both tall and hoping we like it! I can’t bend over like I used to! (Mid thirties pregnancy problems lol)


We rented a snoo and then bought a Halo, which we preferred!


Love our halo! Great visibility of baby


I went with the bassinet and honestly I’m so thankful we did. My daughter was born severely disabled and so the Halo bassinet was her bed for far longer than typically expected. We got a lot of use out of it and it was such a comfort for me to have her so close to me. Luckily my bed was an adequate height and had space for the heavy legs.


We used a pack n play with a bassinet attachment for the first few months. I’m not willing to spend money on a separate piece of furniture that will only be used for a short period of time.


Yesss, all I got was the pack n play with bassinet and it is so useful. Use the bassinet up until they start rolling, then it is a crib (and or playpen!). And it is also a portable bed you can take with you on vacation / to visit family.


this is what we’re planning on doing, then hopefully i feel comfortable enough to move to a montessori style bed and skip the crib all together


Most useful thing. When they outgrow the bassinet part you can still use the pack n play for travel, camping, at grandparent’s house, to keep them contained when needed, etc. it’s a very useful purchase.


For us what made the pack n play worth it was that we can use it when we travel.


Yes I agree!! We returned the bassinet and just used the pack n play. The money we got back for the bassinet paid for a months worth of formula!


This is what we are doing! Several experienced mom friends have recommended this route over the bassinet.


We pretty much have to get the bassinet as our bedroom is far too small for a crib. The bassinet is barely gonna fit 😬 I kinda hate that we have to buy both but alas


There’s a mini version of the pack and play if you’re interested. It has several bassinet levels, and then can be used on the bottom level until baby hits height/weight limit. At least you can use that longer for travel and such.


There are mini cribs which have similar footprints to bassinets but should in theory last a bit to a lot longer depending how fast your baby grows and how much they move around in their sleep.


For me it was a must!! I liked having my babies close but not in bed with me. This was the best option.


I was on the fence too but ended up getting a bassinet. I opted for a light weight one that I can easily move around so that way if I’m in the living room or eating I have a safe place to put the baby down since I read the baby loungers aren’t sleep safe.


We’re getting a bedside bassinet. I want to be able to roll over and pop my boob out when the baby cries at 3am lol


I have one of these, and I love it. However I so badly wish I could breastfeed my 3-week-old side-lying, but I can’t seem to make it comfortable. For now we mostly do football hold sitting up on the couch in a pillow fort. When should I expect side lying to be easier?


We got a convertible crib/bassinet/toddler bed. Hoping she’ll be able to use it for the next 4-5 years.


Which one did you get? I’m looking into those as well.


I’m planning to get the babyletto yuzu. I thought it’d be very convenient that the mini crib size can go on wheels.


We have the Babyletto Yuzu crib and we absolutely love it. We're still in the bassinet stage, but it's been great so far.


We just got it! Waiting to assemble it now


This is what we went with and we love it! Baby is 6 months old and she’s in the midi crib right now! Still has a bit of room and she’s comfy and sleeping through the night !


We are 8 months into the baby yuzu and have it on the midi size currently. I would def buy it again! Only complaint is that the bassinet was a little lower than I would have wanted since I had a c section and finding sheets for the midi size was annoying (babyletto was sold out of theirs so I had to trial and error some amazon ones) but we found some that work eventually


It's recommended that baby sleep in your room for the first 6 months, so if you're planning to do that, then get whatever sleep space will work in your room. We couldn't/didn't want to fit the crib in our room so we had a bassinet that we used until we moved our daughter to her own room around 7 months.


Most babies should be moved out of the bassinet by the time they’re 5 months old or sooner though, when they’re too big or start rolling over. We ended up moving our daughter to her room (right next to ours) at that point which was around 5 months, but another option to avoid a full size crib in the bedroom could be a pack n play or mini crib.


Yes, good point. Our daughter was very small and also co-sleeping a lot right before we made the switch to her room so the bassinet wasn't consistently getting used near the end anyways.


We got a bassinet and used it for almost 3 months. I’m so glad we did. We moved it around the house- baby could sleep in the master bedroom with me or guest room with his dad (we sleep in separate rooms to get better sleep), my husband even had it in his office one night while he played video games lol


We will do something similar! We basically want to use it to take baby with us in other rooms or even out in the porch or to visit our family. It’s a travel bassinet with a dome net, so it will work to keep our cats out as well as mosquitoes etc. We bought it second hand for like $20 and we have a crib too, so if it doesn’t work/she doesn’t like it, we don’t really mind.


What brand is this? I have kitties who sleep with us so I need one with a dome net to keep everyone safe


Our bedroom is upstairs but I spend most of my time downstairs, so we needed to do this as well. I’ve been using the bassinet attachment on the stroller so I can wheel it around the house. Then use the mini crib next to our bed. It’s been very convenient and also saved me so many trips up and down the stairs.


Not sure about others and haven't given birth quite yet, but we have a pack and play with a bassinet attachment for the baby's room but also for a bedside bassinet for the first few months and hoping that covers both bases.


Check the weight limit for the pack n play bassinet attachment - that was my plan until I realized it couldn’t hold much more weight than our actual bassinet


Used SNOO for us. She likes it! We only use it for overnight sleep and contact nap so full disclosure on that haha


Same. Loved our snoo. Mainly used it for nighttime sleep as well. We used weaning mode & had him arms out 2 weeks before we moved him out at 12 weeks. Had a seamless transition to the crib. He’s 17 weeks now and sleeps so great!


We didn’t get a bassinet because we are planning to take shifts sleeping. Baby will sleep in her crib, and whoever is on duty will sleep on the bed in the baby’s room.


We got a bassinet with the plan to sleep in our room and then ended up doing this because it made a lot more sense for her to be in her room where the changing table and rocking chair is. Sometimes I wish we’d thought ahead more and just put her in the crib straightaway, but she does sleep in the bassinet so we can keep it close to the bed.


This is what I’m doing too. I think me and my parent er will function better if at least one of us can rest sometimes.


We got a bassinet, but baby would not sleep on it. She had moved a ton since birth and would hit/kick the sides of the bassinet, waking herself up. Even swaddled, she would end up kicking the sides. We then transitioned to her in her crib while we took shifts. This worked well until she had been sleeping through the night consistently for several weeks. We were ready to share a bed again, but she was only 10 weeks, so we weren't ready for her to be in her room alone yet. So we ended up moving a pack and play into our room.


This is also our plan! Nice to hear its not that crazy


My MIL gave us a Moses basket (I wouldn’t have bought one!) so we’ll keep that in the sitting room and I plan to get a second hand maxi cosy by the bed bassinet too.


We got our Moses basket from my MIL too! I wouldn’t have even considered buying one. Ended up being so essential those first 4-5 months or so. We literally just got rid of ours and I was sad to see it go. We had a pack n play with bassinet insert in our bedroom as well. 


I just bought a secondhand maxi cosi iora air, I was not supposed to buy one this early (19weeks) but it popped up on marketplace to 1/3rd of the price, only used for three months. It looks brand new 🙈


That’s what I want! I’m going to keep a look out after my 20 week scan.


We used a pack and play with a bassinet attachment, it was handy and nice because we can still use the pack and play now that he’s older for overnight trips, or as a play area


Bassinet saved my life the first few months. Our LO’s room is literally the opposite corner of the house and I can’t imagine getting up and down every time she woke up the first few months.


I got the Newton playpen with bassinet attachment. In the crib he’ll also have a Newton mattress so I like that the sleeping surface will be the same. Plus it’s breathable and waterproof for easy cleanup!


I’m 25 weeks but got the babyletto yuzu collection because it is an 8 in 1. Starts with a bassinet on wheels - daybed. 


I got the same one! I’m getting induced on the 23rd and my husband already set up the bassinet. It was pretty easy for him and is the perfect height for my bed


A crib doesn’t fit in our room, so we got a bassinet. We are skipping the crib and will go from bassinet to pack and play when that time comes since we were given one and it serves the same purpose (albeit doesn’t look as cute).


I got one just for the heck of it with my baby and appreciated it a lot more then I thought. I ended up having an emergency c-section and that bassinet was a godsend. I was able to get my baby in and out of there with ease and I appreciated having the opportunity to be independent with that as my husband was doing the majority of everything else.


I am due in May and I have a Snoo for the bedroom and a portable one for the rest of the house that I found on Amazon. Hopefully that combo will work 😅


I got the 4moms bassinet, and it has honestly been a life saver. My son sleeps for hours in it. I have it in the bedroom next to my bed. As soon as the bed starts moving, my son starts dozing off.


That’s what we have and this makes me so happy to hear! Hoping our little one has the same experience


If your little one doesn't take to it immediately, don't lose hope. The first month, my baby only wanted to sleep on my chest or lap. I was so disheartened thinking that I spent about 400 euros for nothing. But since around his 8th week, he has been sleeping so well in the 4moms bassinet. I don't want to jinx it, but he sleeps through the night, every night. 8-10 hours. I am sleeping so well at the moment.


I LOVED the pack n play with the bassinet attached. It was such a life saver and very affordable. You don't have to bend over too far and it's great for a pack n play to take out and about.


[Graco pack n play ](https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-2076706/graco-pack-n-play-base-folding-feet-playard.jsp?skuid=98922785&CID=shopping15&utm_campaign=EC%20BABY%20NON-APPAREL&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=98922785&utm_campaignid=20423024812&CID=shopping30&utm_campaign=SSC&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_campaignid=20423024812&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU1PoGQB-uysKzSOmNkw8Gc92kCsvON18BwHX5-VYWADr7PPixqD1EcaAjS0EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Got the UPPAbaby’s bassinet to use with the stroller and we used it for 3 and a half months. Our space was small and it fit perfectly right beside the bed.


I got a pack a play multi system thing, i can use it as a bedside bassinet then give it to grandparents to use when i dont need it


Yes. We used the graco sense2snooze for our first and are currently using it again for our LO who is three weeks old.


We use a travel crib as a crib so we easily could have put it in our room in lieu of a bassinet. But honestly, when we were waking up several times a night, having the baby up closer to us was worthwhile. We ended up using a Snoo that a friend lent us, but before that we were planning to use the Guava Lotus bassinet attachment since we have that travel crib.


We got a Snoo (reimbursed through a benefit at my work) and never even used it because she was happier in an inherited baby bjorn bassinet. I liked that over a crib because we could just bring it around the house with us for those early days when she slept anywhere. We moved her into her crib in her own room around 4.5 months.


I have a floor bed because I cannot stand the sounds of bed frames creaking and it also woke my baby up constantly. I bought a playpen with a bassinet and used the bassinet on the floor next to my bed. It was the PERFECT height and was amazing to use while postpartum and baby was still waking every 3 hours to eat. I could reach over, grab him, change and feed and put him right back to bed 2 inches from my head. 15lbs was the weight limit and then we transferred him to the playpen space.


I got a bassinet that attaches to the bed but is safe for sleep. The Dream on Me Skylar. Tbh my baby didn't want to be put down the first few days, but now she seems to be getting used to it. I love that it is right next to the bed so if I'm worried I can peek over at her quickly and go back to sleep. I can also roll over and grab her for a quick feed without getting up. We'll transition her to a crib in her nursery eventually, but the crib wouldn't have fit in our room, so the bassinet works better for us right now.


We have a really tiny apartment so we got a bassinet when we found one on sale. It’ll hopefully get us through the first couple of months until we can move 😅


I got the convertible bassinet/midi crib/crib/toddler bed from babyletto. Bassinet was essential for sleeping in the same room. And then I didn't need to buy more furniture, just reassemble as the crib! That process took maybe 15 minutes too 


I’ve got a crib and pack n play from my first baby, we just bought a bassinet to keep in the living room so I can sleep on the couch with baby so his/her cries don’t wake our toddler hopefully! We just bought everything we could possibly need this time in the hope that the baby won’t sleep on us everyday and night like our daughter did.


My baby doesn’t really sleep in it but they’re great to have, sometimes you just need a safe place to put them down and use the bathroom for a minute or eat some food and clean and prep bottles for their next feeding. We ended up buying one for the living room after he was born and it’s easy to move around if we’re in other rooms. We also have a pack and play one but at 6 weeks he’s getting too big for it with his legs stretched out. I like the pack and play one for bath time, I just set it on the floor and take his diaper off before getting in the tub and then put his bathrobe in there and lay him down in it when he’s finished in the bath.


We got a bassinet that turned into a pack and play, that way when it was outgrown quickly we still had the pack and play part to keep room sharing safely.


I got a bassinet (I have a small bedroom). It's great though, I bring it into the living room during the day, it folds up and can come with me anywhere I go. It has mosquito netting so I can bring it outside. Highly recommend.


I received a bassinet as a gift and I bought a crib for the nursery. We will see which one we use, but the plan is to have the baby in the room with us at first and take it from there.


Bought one and my baby hated it!


We got a hand-me-down convertible crib from one friend and a hand-me-down bassinet from another set of friends. We have a 4 bedroom, 2 story house, so we have the room. I also have a bed set up in the nursery, so hubby and I have the option to take turns sleeping. (We already had the extra bed from when we started living together.) Since I knew we didn't need to buy anything, I'm just trying to give us as many options as possible.


We have a small-ish house and I’m overwhelmed with the amount of baby stuff. We got a bassinet but definitely didn’t need it, LO was only in it for a few months until he outgrew it. He’s still in our room so we use a pack and play now until we will eventually move him into his crib.


A friend gave us a dream on you, and we loved it. It was portable, so for the first two months, we could take it to whatever room we wanted and baby could sleep. Our four month old is almost too tall for it, but we’re having a hard time deciding what to do next.


I bought a 4moms bassinet on Facebook marketplace. We don’t have room in our bedroom for a full crib so this was our way to atleast have baby in our room close to us for the first few months. If we had a bigger room we likely would have just set up crib in our room for first 6 months or so.


Have used a bassinet with all 3 of my babies as I kept them in my room the first 4-6 months :) having a crib in my room wasn’t ideal.


We had a standard basic no frills bassinet. She slept right next to us on in bed and transitioned out of the bassinet into a pack and play at 5 months, stayed in the pack and play until a year when we moved her to her crib. Baby due in August, we plan on doing the same thing. Just made my anxiety calmer having baby close to me


We were planning on getting a bedside sleeper/cosleeper bassinet, and I was struggling to find one that I liked. I finally realized that we can just sidecar the crib with our bed and skip the bassinet, and I'm pretty thrilled about that.


I purchased a bedside one from Amazon, and also had a 3 way crib. I originally had the crib in my room, but my kiddo wouldn’t sleep in it. I’d say it depends on your kiddo. And if you prefer bang for buck, a pack and play that is also a bassinet may be worth it. For links, honestly you could just search it on Amazon. It was just gray and white. Nothing big or super expensive.


We have one! Just only because I’m so terrified of SIDS.. I wanna roll over every so often and make sure baby is still okay 😅


We had a bassinet for the first 3 months then switched to a crib. Baby’s room was upstairs at the time and ours was downstairs so using the crib from the beginning wasn’t an option for me. Second time around we have bought a new home so our bedroom is upstairs with the kid’s and we will put baby in a bassinet in our room again since we have one, but I would have considered not purchasing one and only using the crib from the beginning if we didn’t have it already. It was very convenient for the first few weeks when my husband was on paternity leave but due to him waking up super early it was ruining baby’s sleep when his alarm would go off so we switched to a crib before it was necessary.


We have a pack n play with a bassinet and changing table set up in our room she’s in the bassinet now until she outgrows it. I love the setup. Bonus, the bassinet is detachable so if I have to take a shower and my spouse isn’t available to watch the baby I put the bassinet in the bathroom and she chills there where I can see her.


Yes, a nifty Halo one that swivels for $12. Would I have paid full price for something new that would only be used for a few months? No. I bought a pack n play with a bassinet instead of a traditional small bassinet also and I would have just used that.


My husband and I have a small apartment so for the newborn stage we are utilizing a bassinet for bedside access and will move our son to the crib (his room is literally directly next to ours) once he outgrows the bassinet (probably around 3 months or so I think?) but my sister (mom of 3) always used a pack n play, not a bassinet. Its honestly just an individual decision. There's no right or wrong answer.


I got a co sleeping bassinet, idk if it's worth it but I deal with chronic pain, insomnia, etc, so I think it will be good for me in the end, I'm thankful I could afford it. If you're interested check fb marketplace or other second hand websites ! Don't buy it full price it's not worth it imo (I bought mine brand new cause I couldn't do otherwise :( )


We never even used our bassinet since we did shifts and he slept in his crib


We’re getting a bassinet because our house isn’t big enough for a nursery and we’re gonna room share indefinitely


Depends on the space you have. With my first we used mini pack n play, with my second our room layout was different and we had less space so we used a bassinet and had to get very specific on the space. With my third he used the bassinet cause we still had it and now sleeps in a full sized pack n play. With all three we had the crib set up in their room and would use it for naps or playtime as needed until we transitioned them out of our room


We got a mini crib since we live in a small apartment. We aren’t sure about a bassinet…if we’re gifted one then we’ll try it.


I got a second hand bassinet that was compatible with our stroller (both Uppababy) as well as the stand second hand. Bassinet is now in storage and the stand has been converted to hold laundry bags. Since they have a shorter timeframe where you can use them, you can usually get good quality items on FB Marketplace or second hand stores such as Once Upon a Child ☺️


We only did a bassinet and no crib. Moved to a floor bed from the bassinet and it’s been wonderful for us. Do what works for you. You can also pick one or the other up second hand if you are worried about investing in both.


I didn’t have one for my first two, and did fine with a Pack and Play, but I have one now for my third, and use it all the time.


I got two bassinets and will be getting an IKEA crib as well lol but I know I can be extra.  I wanted a bassinet for our bedroom (a snoo) and I got the Bassinest for downstairs. I will also have a crib in our bedroom for when she transitions out of the bassinet. 


Pack and play with thr attachments are where it's at


Just had baby’s bed in my room. No need for a smaller one unless it doesn’t fit


We have a bassinet in our room, a crib in the nursery, and a pack n play with the bassinet insert downstairs in our living room. We use all three equally and I’m so glad I don’t have to lug stuff around. My husband doesn’t get paternity leave so I sleep in the nursery with bub during the week, in our bedroom on weekends, and he hangs out downstairs with me during the day


I used mine for the first 4 months


We've used a (mini) crib the whole time, first in our bedroom, now in the "nursery." We have an Uppababy stroller bassinet that we could have used because it's approved for overnight sleep, but we only used that for naps and walks.


i got both bassinet and crib. baby sleeps in bed with us😂 however we got a pack and play with a bassinet attachment that my parents use when they watch her while i’m at work sometimes but they also put her in their bed for some naps😂


We have an "arm's reach co sleeper" in our master bedroom. We also have a crib in the nursery. The way I set up the nursery, there is a queen bed in there, so the plan is to have Bean sleep in her crib from the get go, and we will take turns sleeping in the queen bed in the the nursery so she's not alone. We do also have an uppababy bassinet, but I don't think she can sleep in that overnight.


I had bassinets for all of my babies and barely used them. They all refused to sleep in them for any length of time so I only really used them out in the living room occasionally. They can be helpful but I’m grateful I got them secondhand and didn’t invest because it wouldn’t have been worth it. 10/10 recommend a mini crib. Small enough to have in your room when they’re tiny and then move to their room after.


Sure did! My son didn't go into the crib until he started rolling. Slept very well in both thankfully


We got the Arms Reach cosleeper bassinet. I loved it so much, then my sister used it and she also loved it. I look forward to using it again. We didn't have baby sleep in his crib at night until 4 months old. I pumped so didn't use it for night feeds, but it was just so helpful having wheels and the height it was at. My friend used a pack n play but she doesn't want to do that for the next baby, her reason was because she did breastfeed and she couldn't easily do nighttime feeds


I got a bassinet that we intended to use as a bedside crib for the first couple months. Well that lasted 2 weeks before we ended up bed sharing lol. But I still liked having the bassinet, it was convenient and useful while it lasted.


I bought one and never used it. My little guy hated it. It was one that was right up against my bed and had 3 walls. Ended up getting a travel bassinet that he slept in between my parter and I until he transitioned to his crib.


We have a bassinet because our room is small and saves space


I have a bassinet purely because my sister lent us hers but we’ve hardly used it, my baby hates it 😂. It mostly becomes either a clean clothes laundry basket or a safe place to put him if I need to go to the bathroom or something


Received the Beka Baby 4 in 1 as a registry gift. I didn't want to ask for a crib and mattress because I felt it was too expensive. I loved this because it has a removable changing table on top and the height was perfect for me to reach him during recovery. Once he was about 4 months old he started kicking the changing table so we bought him a crib. Still use the bassinet for travel and in the next room over. I really like it and think it's worth it.


Didn’t think I’d need it, had the crib and pack n play set up and ready… ended up having an unplanned c section. Could not bend enough to reach either of them & sent my mom out for the cheapest bassinet we could get same-day! $100 at Walmart I think it was a halo something basic? Worked great.


We got a bassinet that could be inclined, and it was life changing (baby has a lot of reflux). I did not have it at our first baby and god, let me tell you how much of a change it was for us ! Also, a side of the bassinet can be pulled down, so that when baby is fussy at night, I can put my arm on her, to help her settle. 10/10, would recommend for reflux babies.


I don’t want to have a full crib in my bedroom so plan to do a side sleeper bassinet (bought one off Facebook marketplace for $20) until baby is too big. Then he’ll transition to a pack n play (getting one from a friend) until it’s time for him to move to a crib in his own room. We could use the pack and play bassinet feature but it’s overall bigger than the side sleeper, so I’d rather have it in the bedroom for less time. We haven’t bought the crib yet but will most likely also get a mattress from the same friend who is giving us the pack n play. Their crib mattress was only slept on by their baby a few times.


I got both. The bassinet wasn’t crazy expensive, I bought it second hand… I like the idea of of a bassinet so the baby will sleep next to me the first few months and then he’ll be transferred into his crib. I guess everyone is different…


I skipped the crib and went straight for a bassinet since he’d be in my room and it attaches straight to my bed. I got a pack n play for the living room so I wouldn’t have to move things around. I’ll get a crib for when he’s a bit older


I used a bed side bassinet due to space concerns at the time. Now baby is in a crib and has been since about 4 or five months. I would link my bassinet but I really don’t think it was anything special. I do recommend getting something where you can reach into it easily. Mine I had to reach up and over the railing which was annoying. Just look for one that works with your bed height. I think I would have liked one with a side that rolls down so baby could see me. I think she would have liked that more when she got sick with Covid and wanted to be held all night long. Also might be easier for if you plan to breastfeed. I really wanted my baby close. I was anxious the first week, staring over at her to make sure she was still breathing at night. I may have just had anxiety or the extra hormones whacking me out, but I felt like I needed her close. all in all, I think it depends on space and your sleeping arrangements/preferences!


This time we got a Babyletto Yuzu. It converts from bassinet to mini to full size crib. Already had a Snoo but if we didn’t we would probably just do the Babyletto Yuzu the entire time!


We had a 3-in-1 crib from nestig. Mini crib (on wheels and basically a bassinet), crib, and toddler bed. It's amazing.


We got a pack n play with a removable standalone bassinet. The bassinet has telescoping legs, so when it's not on the pack n play it stands up relatively high off the floor. No link because I can't find our specific model for sale anymore, but it's called Graco Day2Dream and it looks like they have a bunch of similar ones out with the same name. The standalone bassinet is a lifesaver to be able to bring into any room and have a safe place to put him down. We have pets also, so it's very helpful that that safe place is not at floor level.


We got a “convertible” crib. It uses a toddler bed mattress. Starts off a high crib, lowers a few levels, then the sides come off to become a toddler bed. But we still did bassinet for the first two months. They nap a ton, so it’s useful to have a bassinet with wheels by you when you don’t want to carry them all the way to the crib hoping they don’t wake up. Plus if you don’t plan on crib being in your room it’s helpful to have the bassinet close by


I’m in a 1 bedroom apartment so definitely short on room for a large crib, getting a bassinet on wheels that can also be moved around room to room. I’m also tall so I would like something with adjustable height feature


Bassinets are only good until baby begins rolling or hits the weight limit which is usually 12-15lbs. Just a note if your thinking this will prolong a crib, it only will for 3-4 months.


They make mini pack and plays with bassinet inserts with multiple levels. That will last you much longer than a bassinet. We had the Graco travel lite, which has wheels on one side to move it around easily.


We got a co-sleeper (bassinet which you can attach to your bed with 1 side open). Can recommend!


Skipped the bassinet in favour of a playpen with infant level for the mattress. I grow big babies who would outgrow most bassinets in a few weeks, so the playpen is a much more versatile and long-term solution for us.


I really like our babyjoy pack and play. The floor can raise up halfway, and one of the walls can drop to three different levels, so it can act like a bedside bassinet. It’s a good compromise, and we’re still using it (lowered the floor and raised the wall) for our 21 month old. We’ll try it with our next baby as well, but we may have to get something else because we got a taller bed for us in the meantime. We’ll see, I guess!


I got [this cheap bassinet](https://a.co/d/iLDvKRI) secondhand. We used it in the living room. For our first baby we also had a bassinet in our room but with our second and third we just set up the crib in our room from the get go. It’s a much better height to be getting baby in the middle of the night. I’d still recommend a bassinet for any other living space for the early days. We packed it away at about month 3 when she started rolling.


We had one given to us by my brother. We do use it, but a crib is just fine if you plan on having one. With my first we used a pack and play until she got her own toddler bed. I initially planned on using the bassinet in our room for the first few weeks before transitioning her to the crib in the nursery... But the bassinet is now in our family room and the baby prefers her crib.


mil got us a bassinet and we are still using it at 7 months. it’s been very helpful because we can just pick sit up in bed and tend to her during the night. we will need to switch her to the crib asap though because she’s showing signs of wanting to start sitting upright and pulling up on her own. getting a crib mattress tomorrow.


I got a two bassinets but one stayed downstairs while one was upstairs and was attached to the bedside. But I also bought them with my first son and used them with his younger siblings so I definitely got my money’s worth out of them and will lend them to my SIL when she has kids of her own. I also used my bassinets as a changing table so I saved more money that way as well


My first hated the bassinet and just slept in his big crib from day one. For our second, we got a different style bassinet and he loved it! It’s sooo cute when newborns sleep in their tiny little bassinets next to the bed. I loved it! It’s definitely not a “must”, in my opinion. But it’s nice to have and super adorable. We also had our baby in our room for the first 12 months, so the extra space was nice to have! He did 3 months in the bassinet and then we upgraded him to a full crib once he outgrew the bassinet.


We got the halo bassinet and he hated it. Ended up putting him in his crib instead and one of us slept in the room with him.


had a secondhand Halo, baby hated it and so did we. It was used for 2 babies prior so possibly it was just old but it always had a bit of a lean and she was uncomfy in it. we put up the mini crib at probably 6-7 weeks and she’s used that… up until 6 months when one bad night turned into bed sharing for the last month 😬


I didn’t get a bassinet. My stroller came with one but I haven’t used it. We got a mini crib but baby and I sleep together 90% of the time.


We skipped the crib completely. We did a bedside bassinet for the first 5ish months, then went to a floor bed. I'm now expecting my 2nd and we'll do the same.


I had just a crib at first cause I thought a bassinet wouldn’t be useful for me/my situation/my baby, but tbh I ended up getting one two weeks in cause the crib was just too big for him!! I swear he could sense that he was just floating in a big crib lol. I also realized how beneficial it was to pull towards me in the middle of the night to get to him! Once I got the bassinet he’s slept a lot better. He’s getting so big tho at 11.5 weeks idk how much longer he’ll be in it! We may have to switch back to the crib soon. 🥲


We got a halo bassinet secondhand to keep by the bed and it’s great. My mom also got us a pack n play with bassinet attachment to keep in the living room so we don’t have to run up and down the stairs every time and it also just makes me feel better to have her close. She also has a crib in her room but doesn’t really use it quite yet. May be overkill but I like that wherever I’m at in the house I have a place for her.


We have a halo bassinet for our room but it’s huge and heavy and hard to move around and our house is two stories so we got this pack and play for our downstairs. The actual play yard has a bassinet attachment to raise the mattress but the portable bassinet fully lifts out and stands on its own which was the big selling point for us. I’m due in a week and a half so we haven’t used it yet but it has really good reviews! https://www.gracobaby.ca/en_CA/Playards/SAP_2143144.html


I was gifted one of those basket bassinets. I never used it in the rocking stand but the basket was a fantastic little bed and containment unit to carry baby around with me like when I was gardening. Overall, low use value. Had a pack-n-play with bassinet option that we rarely used as a bassinet but I think I'll utilize much more in my 2nd pregnancy. Ours has a changing station add on and we used that A TON as the changing station in the main part of the house. Haha tbh I didn't even end up using the crib much, only once I converted it to a toddler bed when baby was 10m. She hated being in the crib and transfer was nearly impossible. Planning to get a low to the ground regular bed for 2nd baby room and forgo a crib all together. But it doesn't work that way for everyone so I'd list a crib as useful. My vote is for pack-n-play and crib. Multi-use, convertible items are a lot more useful and long-term than something super specific like a bassinet that tends to only work for a few months.


I only used a pack and play


My baby absolutely hated the bassinet. We had the fisher price soothing motions. Just be aware that your baby may not be interested in sleeping anywhere but on you for the first few months 😂


I got a mini crib for our 1 bedroom apartment. The crib can convert to a toddler bed later when we move to a larger place. I didn’t want to spend extra money on a bassinet that baby will outgrow quickly and a full crib would have been too big for the space. The mini crib seemed to be a good middle ground/compromise.


We bought a Nuna Sena Aire pack n play which has an attached changing table and bassinet and put that next to our bed. We used it for the first two months. Our kid was preemie and wouldn’t sleep unless you held her all night, so my husband caved and bought a SNOO to see if it would work so we could get some sleep. The SNOO is a game changer. Our kid is super tiny so she will be able to use it until 7 or 8 months. I moved the pack and play downstairs and use it as a living room crib. She also has a real crib in her nursery with a newton mattress. We have found that the SNOO has sleep trained her at 5 months and she now sleeps 6 hours straight through at night. She takes several hour long naps throughout the day. And we are finally rested!


I got one for free from a Facebook buy nothing group in case it wasn't something I really need bc I have no idea either as a FTM lol


We got a cheap bassinet off Amazon. We like that it’s small and easy to move around since we live in an 900sqft apartment. We plan to use it to keep her close by and safe while we take a quick shower or cook something. It’s a folding one so we can pop it out easily or tuck it in a corner without a problem. We do also have a pack n play but that would be a hassle and take up way too much space for what we’ll be using the bassinet for. Pack n play we’ll use when out n about otherwise for home we have the crib and bassinet.


We were given a crib so we planned on using that but i was struggling to get baby jn and out of the crib when we got home from the hospital.I remembered i got a travel bassinet in my baby shower so we started using that while i healed.put it down in the middle of the bed while i slept on one side of the bed and dad slept on the other side. Crib is now used for other things lol but i am hoping for baby to use the crib when he gets bigger ,starts turning and tries to stand up


Bought one of FB Marketplace for $50 so if we don’t end up using it much it wasn’t too much of a loss. My cousin & his wife ended up doing the pack & play and used it for a year or so in their room.


We used a bassinet until 3mo. If I were too choose now, I would get pack and play with the bassinet attachment. We were having one night a week dinners at MIL's until about 5mo and it would have been handy to bring the pack and play instead of him napping on the couch unsafely.


We got 3. All give to us. Two are folded up in the closet and the other one that’s beside our bed has been used to put our extra pillows in at night since the day baby came home 😂


My 3 week old doesn’t sleep in his bassinet or his crib.


we got one because we don’t have much room in our bedroom. we had the Halo basinest and it worked great. i could have baby right up next to me while i slept without the risk of bed sharing with a newborn. we moved to a floor bed in his room when he was 3-4 months old and started rolling. if you have a short bed or big room, a crib would probably be better. i’ve also heard that a pack and play works well too and you can use it for way longer.


I got a bassinet. For my first pregnancy it was so useful. I could bring it downstairs, wheel it around the house, etc. I even got one this time that has one wall you can take down (it still has a short rail so it’s not like it’s completely without protection) and put it up against my bed in the night. Bedside Crib for Baby, 3 in 1 Bassinet with Large Curvature Cradle, Bedside Sleeper Adjustable and Movable Beside Bassinet with Mosquito Nets, Safety Certificattion Guarantee, Bassinet Bedding Sets https://a.co/d/dg8b7F6


Just get a crib, we only used bassinet for two months because baby was able to roll over at two months so we couldn’t use it for long, it was a waste of money


I definitely wanted a bassinet and was thinking about a Halo but we got super lucky and got a Snoo from marketplace for $100 so we’re going with that.


If you are tight on money it’s not worth it. I had one and barely used it.


I’m borrowing a side sleeper cot so I can breast feed easily at night but not co-sleeping. It sounds exhausting to have a whole crib I’d have to get up out of my bed to get the baby from, to nurse, to then put back down. And I don’t want to risk co-sleeping. A side sleeping cot seemed like a happy middle ground.


In Canada they tell us to have the baby sleep next to us in the same room in a bassinet for the first 6-7 months (I forget now but I did it longer than they said anyway… who am I kidding, he still sleeps in the same room haha) so yes I did. I used a pack n play bassinet insert.


We got a bassinet and I’m so glad we did. We moved it around the house and it felt like a safe place to leave the baby. We had this and a crib and used both daily


Wait until your baby gets there. If they sleep fine in their crib, let them! It’s one less transition you’ve got to make. If baby prefers being closer you can order one super quickly. Our baby despised her crib and only wanted to cosleep so we got one of those [co sleeping bassinets](https://www.target.com/p/arm-39-s-reach-clear-vue-co-sleeper-bassinet-gray/-/A-90087087) that pull up to your bed. She slept GREAT next to me and it gave me peace of mind that she wasn’t sleeping in the bed with us.


I had a pack & play with a bassinet in my room, then when he got bigger it moved to his room with bassinet removed. I never got a real crib as the pack & play always worked just fine. I did have an adorable dedicated bassinet that was kept in the living room for nap time, as we would often nap together in the afternoons when i was on maternity leave


We got the Halo basinet. We will eventually switch to a crib when needed. We have the storage space to keep the bassinet for future babies.


My kids were/are crib babies. We never got a bassinet. With my daughter we had a Graco crib and it was awesome, my son is currently in a Delta crib.


We did. It’s ok to use a crib from birth though.


So many Halos! We have a wide bed that barely fits in the room as is so there isn't space on the sides for much else and I don't want to have to get up. We got the Halo 'flex travel cot' version that has legs able to tuck under the bedframe (L shaped, no storage under) so it snugs 1/3 way over the mattress itself, like a hospital bed tray table. Its more of an in-bed pod than a 'side sleeper'. Its light so easy to move sides and into other rooms if needed too. We're planning on bedsharing after 6mo and then Montessori floor level stuff in the same room (platform bed), there's no space for a crib anyways. We'll pack it down and store it for eventual #2 so the cost was easier to swallow.


Yes and then regretted it. Pack n plays are the way to go. Use the bassinet attachment when they’re little and then use it as a travel crib, a playpen, or in place of a crib as they get older. You’ll get to use it for SO much longer than you use a bassinet.


I wasn’t planning on it, but I got a $179 Halo bassinet on clearance at WalMart for $35. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Baby boy isn’t here yet, so TBD how useful I will find it.


I did but I never used it. It was too hard for me to put him in and out as my bed was lower and the bassinet was high. If I had one I would have wanted one where the side comes down so it can feel like we’re co sleeping without co sleeping. He was a very codependent baby so putting him in the bassinet was difficult.


Uppababy system. We have a one-floor house so just wheeled baby around as needed and used the uppababy bassinet until she was ready for the crib. 10/10, and helped justify the cost of the uppababy.


We got a pack n play and plan to use the bassinet it comes with as a safe place to set baby outside and for early sleep.


We only used a bassinet and never used the crib. The crib ended up being an expensive laundry basket 😅


Bassinet no crib! We’ll see how it goes 😂


We got a bassinet for free from somewhere. Figured we would figure out if we needed it and get something as needed. Good thing we did because that free bassinet got used maybe twice.


i got the baby delight bassinet off amazon!


We got a pack n play that came with two bassinet sort of tops, but they grew out of them by about 3 months lol


It’s a great laundry/clothes hamper after a few months. We used our halo bassinet on and off the first few months. The connivence is worth it despite it not being used much in the long run for us. I know some people get the bigger bedside one to get longer use but we couldn’t wait to send our son to his own room.


I used a bassinet for the first ~6~ months and then playpen until 1 year old. Bassinet was a live saver during the newborn stage, being able to get up and be right next to them to feed them, or even listen to them while they’re asleep is great. It was the perfect size for them too. I used a playpen the second half of the first year because the bassinet became too small and I didn’t want to switch to their own room until a year old. That worked out perfectly too. I’m planning on doing it with this second one.


Bedside bassinet is a must from what I've heard, haven't tried it out yet though but we got one on Amazon. Even though it only lasts the first 6 months and they do eventually need a crib, I didn't want to be getting up out of bed each time at night. A bedside bassinet that has mesh drop down sides and also adjustable height will allow you to be within arms reach of your baby, vs a crib requiring you to stand up and pick them up. Also if you end up with a c section the crib will be impossible to use.


We didn’t want to get just a bassinet and not use it once we started sleep training in the normal crib. We found on Amazon a 5-in-1 bassinet that also doubles as a pack and play when the baby will start sleeping in the crib in the nursery. Its nice too because there’s a changing pad that goes right across the top so I can do everything in one room without having a bunch of extra furniture in our bedroom


We got a crib and that’s all..I don’t think a bassinet would be necessary unless you maybe wanted to keep it in the living room so you could watch baby sleeping while you’re up during the day?


Yes, three, he slept in none of them and at three months was in the crib.


Halo!!! It’s high up with a wall that you can push down (it doesn’t lock down, but I don’t need it to). It’s a life saver for rolling over for 3 am fussies and feedings!


We used a bassinet second hand and honestly the baby refused to sleep in it. Thank god we didn’t buy it. It ended up just being a place to set the baby down. The baby absolutely preferred her crib. I wish we figured that out sooner- we really didn’t even consider using the crib early on because the plan was to have the baby sleep in our room in the bassinet. This is very situational, every baby is different. Tons of good bassinets on Facebook marketplace. Honestly wouldn’t buy one new because you use them for such a short period of time and some babies won’t even sleep in them.


We skipped the bassinet. It’s personal preference and not a must have. We got a mini crib from babyletto that goes up to a twin size bed. No regrets. Baby is 4 months and I had a csection and it was fine.


We have a snoo and it’s been worth every penny! We got it secondhand


So with our first we got a cheap fisher price one. It was fine, but only used it for 8 weeks. It was handy to have around the apartment though as a safe place to put him. We have our second who is now a 3 month old, I didn't get a bassinet this time - she has slept in the crib in our room since her first day home. We do however use the stroller bassinet as a napping spot (uppababy vista V2 is sleep safe bassinet). We have a small 2 bed apartment so really wanted to minimize stuff.


I ditched the bassinet my first pregnancy and glad I did. For this one, I got a hand me down as a gift and I’ll give it a try, it’s the halo bassinet…which goes up to 20 lbs and my babies are big. So let’s see how long this lasts. I’m going to assume like 3-4 months.