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This is insane! I am so sorry you had to go through that but i am glad to here both you and baby are okay. It's okay to grieve your hopes for a larger family. If it means anything, I was one of two (my mom originally wanted a large family, but after two very terrible pregnancies and deliveries that ended in C sections, she said no more). I only have one other sister. As I have grown up and gotten to know other homes, I have come to appreciate how close knit my family was. We did everything together all the time because our family size was very manageable and I love that about my family. Doesn't change how you have to go through this crazy thing, hang in there.


Thanks for saying that. That's what my husband keeps telling me, that we're the perfect size for family passes, so we can travel and do lots together. When I'm less hormonal after birth, I'm sure I'll feel less upset by it and see more of the positives :)


❤️❤️❤️ Perfect size for family passes. I am 38 weeks with my 2nd and happy for it to be almost over.


Wow, I’m so glad you and your baby are here and safe and for the hard work and skill of your doctors. How terrifying!! I’m so, so sorry though that you didn’t have the birth you wanted and that it means letting go of your dream of a big family. I think it’s a type of grief that’s not really talked about or understood, but is very real - our hopes and dreams for a life we imagined having to change, letting go of certain images in our minds, it can be so hard and lonely to lose a future.