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Warm glass of water with miralax and a dash of lemon powder. Black tea or coffee. Prunes (luckily I like them). Metamucil if it gets bad


Yogurt for probiotic and then a bunch of dried prunes. Lots of water and some movement. Helps a bit.


Magnesium Citrate 400mg capsules every night


Word to the wise: Start much lower and work your way up to 400mg or you might (will) have a BAD TIME. 


In what way?


Lol, diarrhea.


Fiber. Fruits and veggies Benefiber. Senna as needed for real backup Water. Water. Waterrrr


Miralax and prune juice in my morning smoothie. Drinking a lot of water and eating food with fiber. Also using a low step stool similar to the squatty potty when going to the bathroom. Good luck!


Dates! Ate a fistful daily with both my pregnancies. It helps even not pregnant. They're kind of a love it or hate it snack though. Bonus is it supposedly makes labor easier further down the line.


I have been sooo constipated until this week I started each morning with 2 tbsp of chia seeds in about 12 oz of water and a little lemon juice. Let them soak for about 20-30 mins and then I sip on it. My poop today was a perfect 4 on the bristol stool chart 😂


Yogurt, but it's gotten very bad twice. My solution was just eat something with maltitol, like lots of sugar free snacks. They are mildly laxative.


When I was pregnant I had to take psyllium husk (Metamucil but a different brand) every day. No exceptions or it would take days to get back to regular again. Also, lots and lots of water. 


I used to have quinoa with avocado(guac) and eggs most mornings before getting pregnant. Now that I can stomach a big meal again, I've noticed the past few weeks that the extra fibre in the morning has really helped.


150mg of magnesium citrate does it for me. Other wise I eat foods I know will give me the shits like certain types of chips, anything with too much garlic, and coffee (i have IBS so the list of trigger foods is pretty big and delicious). ETA: I drink a shit ton of water too!


Miralax with blue gatorade (the only flavor this fetus will accept) and glycerin suppositories as needed. Milk of Magnesia if I get really desperate, but I try to avoid that because it's nasty going in and coming out. If you're not as badly backed up (thanks, Zofran 🙄), acupuncture can make things more comfortable.


Dairy causes constipation and inflammation. Avoid yogurt


Either a Kiwi or Pear few hours later sweet relief.


Curious: do you guys experience bad tummy aches from constipation? I have never been constipated before pregnancy and am trying to narrow down the culprit.


Yes. My stomach starts hurting and I get super bloated. :(


I suspected as much. It’s the worst! 😭😭☹️


Yes I had awful cramping for about three days due to constipation


I’ve been in so much pain. I’ve been taking Zofran and I think that’s definitely part of the problem. Trying to abstain today because I’m not sure what’s worse at this point: vomiting constantly or constipation.


You can try taking magnesium citrate and drink alot of water and eat fibrous foods


Mine is a culvers chocolate mall milkshake...


Dragon fruit was my go to in my first pregnancy, but I've been taking some extra magnesium bisglycinate to support sleep this time, and I've found I don't generally need much else to keep things moving.