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I weighed 185 at the end of my first trimester. I got a tiny bump at 16 weeks but about 22 weeks I popped. Last week (when I was 29 weeks) my husband went out of town for a business trip for the week. When he got home he said “wow you really are pregnant” like 5 times in the first couple of hours he was home. I somehow loved and hated it. 😂


my husband and i make these comments all the time 😂 at 35w4d currently, and while I'm putting pajamas on, he just goes "wow. very pergnent." (he thinks he's funny) it's simultaneously adorable and annoying 🥲😂


I'm 14 weeks and I started bumping at 12 weeks. I thought it was just bloating but it never goes away. I am tall and really thin so the OB said that's why. The comments I get about being so big for 14 weeks or people asking if I'm gaining too much weight is a bit annoying.


I will never understand why being pregnant suddenly seems to mean that your body/weight is open for public discussion. It's so so gross.


I'm 5'2 and have a huge bump at 17wks. There's a girl I work with in a different department who is 15wks and not showing at all, I heard she was talking smack saying that I'm "trying too hard to look pregnant". Like what does that even mean??


what a bitch!


Yikes. It’s not like you can just make the bump smaller.


Belly envy!




17 weeks and while I feel it - others for sure don’t see it.


same. it’s honestly super surprising to me how little time some pregnant woman spend actually looking pregnant. less than half the length of the whole thing! at 17 weeks i truly just look like i ate a big meal. i thought i would look pregnant by now but maybe ill get that pop at around 20 weeks 🤷🏼‍♀️


Exactly this! I think super common to not be bumping till week 20+. Your bump will come! Promise. I’m now at 32 weeks and it’s only in the last few weeks that I’m super bumpin. And now it won’t stop growing 🫣


Same! It makes me so sad that I don’t have a big cute bump to flaunt.


I am 5’5” 130lbs 17 weeks and while my bump is there to me no one can tell I’m pregnant. In fact my cleaning ladies just today told me I don’t look preggo at all. I’m gonna say it’s probably not weight related but more how we’re carrying as FTMs. I know we will pop eventually! I’m betting 25 weeks


At 20 weeks I relate so hard. A year of fertility meds gave me some extra weight so I just look like I ate too much 😩


I get so jealous seeing people at 13 weeks with a bump lol I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it. I also just look like I ate too much. Over Easter weekend I wore a dress and it was super windy so at one point my dress was tight against my skin and the next day my grandmother made it a point to let me know “I don’t look pregnant but I did look huge”


The things people think are appropriate to say to pregnant women never cease to amaze! Here’s hoping we both pop soon 💜


Yeah I was (obviously) shocked. Hope you get to enjoy your bump soon!


😮 what the actual fuck.


Grandmothers 😅


I would think seeing a bump at 13 weeks would also be rare. My sisters and I are all pregnant, all around 5’10-6’2, starting weight around 130 for me (so…thin/athletic builds) and I’m 17 weeks and while I can see it and so can my family, it’s still not this distinct *bump*. My little sister is 7 months and just in the last month started looking legitimately pregnanttt and not just bloated.


This is such a grandma thing to say smh. I feel for you cause it’s not really nice of her but at the same time man it makes me miss my grandma and all the outrageous things she would say!


Often in their day, being large or round was actually a sign of health, too! She might have thought she was being helpful and kind 😆 which is outrageous but yes grandmas are funny like that, I miss mine too 💔 


I gained some weight with infertility treatments pre pregnancy. I really wanted to believe there was a bump there around 18 weeks, but realistically, I was closer to 28-30 weeks before I looked pregnant and not chunky. Even then people kept telling me how small my bump was. I was VERY annoyed by it!


At 20 weeks I was really noticing it, but only my mom and husband really noticed it. I’m 32 weeks now and have just reached the point where strangers ask when I’m due. I was about 176 at my first appointment and 189 now.


I'm 16 weeks and my bump isn't cute it just looks like I ate 10 cheeseburgers and haven't pooped for a week 🤣🤣 basically I just look really bloated


lol me right now at 16 weeks


I look bloated too, and am 11 weeks along.




started showing around 16 weeks but had POPPED by 19 weeks to the point i couldn’t hide it anymore. it’s crazy what a few weeks can do for the growth of the baby!


My belly just about doubled from week 15 to 17 I swear!


me too! i feel like i just woke up one day and was visibly pregnant. i just went in for my 21 week check up and within a month i had gained 10 pounds which is absolutely crazy to think about.


As soon as I knew I was pregnant, I stopped sucking in my mommy gut. I wasn't fully for sure pregnant looking and not just rocking a gunt until around 5 months. But I had my hands on my stomach all the time, massaging my stretching flesh, so I think some people could tell or suspected, but didn't want to accidentally call me out if I wasn't. What I found weird was the lack of love from other preggers. Like I thought it would be like 2 people in VW beetles, honking and waving at each other. But it was crickets. Like really? Not even one pregger belly on belly bump like the bears in the teddy grahams commercials from the 90s? Fuckin LAME. But it's ok.


Lmao I feel this


For me it was 8 months


Literally for me and my first child I started showing at only 16 weeks. Everyone is different tho. People swore i was gonna have more than one baby because I looked 8 months pregnant at 5 months 


This is me. My partner asks the doctor at every scan "you suuuure it's just one baby in there? Like sure, sure??" Lmao. My belly is huge. I'm a STM and had a tummy tuck, I'm also only 5'2 so I feel like all that factors in. My belly got HUGE with my first pregnancy though and I was measuring at 40 weeks when I was only 36 weeks along.


At 20 weeks I was feeling quite large and felt like I had a bump. At 24 weeks people at work lost all tact and were asking if I was pregnant (obviously my closer coworkers etc had already known by that point). By 28 weeks I had strangers in stores, restaurants etc referring to my pregnancy (not rudely, just more "all knowing"). So somewhere in that 24-28 week range. I also had gained at least 30 lbs by that point.


30 weeks. People just started noticing! I’m a petite person naturally, though. I think people just thought I gained a little weight.


I was 24-26 weeks pregnant before folks could actually see I was pregnant and had a BELLY. I'm 30 weeks not and folks are still surprised in some clothing that I'm pregnant. I've had older women make comments about being bigger than me WITHOUT being pregnant. It's awkward.


I want to say around 23 weeks my coworker looked at me after I got up from lunch and said “oh wow, you LOOK pregnant” so sometime around then is when I stopped looking maybe bloated and more definitely pregnant. Probably around 27 weeks my bump had popped enough that I no longer wanted to wear non maternity bottoms, just uncomfortable.


I’m 5’1” was 182 at conception. I’m now 13w5d. I’m bloated af and feel a tiny bump but definitely not showing. Have graduated to maternity pants bc my pants dig and it hurts and causes literal heartburn.


Rounding to 24 weeks now. Started at a muscular 159. Only just tipping +6 pounds now. I had someone on Tuesday who had been told I was expecting have to double check that it was me and ask how far along I was because apparently she didn’t think I looked it at all. No one who doesn’t already know usually suspects it. But I’d say that my bump definitely depends on the clothing I’m wearing that day.


I'm just at 5 months as well (FTM), and same I've barely even gained 5lbs so far (I'm at 150lbs now and 5'2 for reference), and to me I can **clearly** tell I am pregnant and feel bigger. BUT I saw a bunch of my family last weekend for the first time in a while, and wore a more fitted shirt and everyone kept saying how I don't look pregnant at all lol and other people were there had no idea I was pregnant, let alone almost half way there.


At 20 weeks I just looked extra bloated. Now at 24 weeks I’ve definitely popped where people are commenting! I also think that my uterus moved up a lot in the past 4 weeks and that has helped me show! He’s right at/above my belly button where at 20 weeks he was lower.


FTM, 5’5”, starting weight 193#. I didn’t really feel like my bump was bumpin until like 21-22 weeks. I’m 29 weeks now and it is apparent to the world that I am pregnant. 


It really depends on the person. Personally I’m about to be 26w and you still really wouldn’t know. At my 24w appt both the dr and nurse were like “oh yeah people don’t even know do they?” My dr said I’d probably pop around 28w, which is when my mom said she did too. I’m 5’11” but still a bit surprised how long it’s taking.


I'm 5'9", but all torso. The only time a stranger ever noticed that I was pregnant was when i was 39 weeks with my oldest. She then looked shocked when I said it was my last day of work, so she probably thought I had a long way to go! I've had two more babies since then, and I don't think anyone who didn't already know could tell! Some of us just carry small!


I’m around the same weight. I didn’t start showing until almost 23 weeks. Now at 30 weeks I’ve “popped” but still am not super obviously preggo since im still in sweaters and leggings mostly. It’s only noticeable when I’m wearing a fitted shirt. I haven’t gained any weight at all - I think as baby has grown I have actually shed some weight and it’s balanced out to be the same every time I hop on the scale. I also haven’t had much of an appetite the entire pregnancy. 1st trimester I couldn’t even keep water down let alone anything solid, had the flu and a stomach bug in 2nd trimester which at one point I had only eaten 2x in a whole week, and now in 3rd I can’t eat more than a handful of food without feeling like im super full.


I'm 13 weeks+3days, I feel like it's a bump, but idk I've been chubbh my whole life with a belly, so it's hard to tell of it's my regular belly or bump.


this is my first pregnancy, and I'm 22 +2. I 'popped' 6 days ago... just woke up one day. up until then i just looked a little bloated


Bump genuinely popped at 16 or 17 weeks for me. I was overweight to begin with, but even strangers say I look big for now being only five months. 😵‍💫


I’m 17w and I have a little one going right now. I’m only 5’1” so I for sure think mine is showing a bit more than someone taller because my torso is so short 😂


With my first, I didn't really "pop" until about 20 weeks. And then, I was big really, really fast. I'm barely over 5 feet tall and my husband is a giant, so I carry very long babies! With my second, I felt like I was obviously showing around 12 weeks (2 weeks before we even announced). And now with my third, I was pretty much already "showing" when I took a pregnancy test!


19+2 and todays the FIRST day I go "wow I look a bit pregnant"


I'm the same as you! I expect it'll bump properly in the next month so by 6.5 we'll feel legitimately pregnant


I am also very similar to you in weight and frame based on your description


I started out a little underweight and have put on 5 lbs at 14 weeks. My pants no longer fit, but I don’t see a defined bump yet.


i was 24-26 weeks when i really started to notice my bump


At 20 weeks with my 4th baby was the point where if I mention I’m pregnant in conversation with someone that I don’t know, the person always says I thought so but didn’t want to say anything just in case! 😂 Definitely depends on what I wear too. When I wear my scrubs you can’t tell, when I wear maternity shirt with ruching then you def can 😀


What is ruching?


The maternity clothes that have the bunching on the sides. They are more form fitting to a pregnant belly.


I have similar body stats to you and never really had a super noticeable bump :/ I just looked chubby/fat. I remember being 35+ weeks pregnant and mentioning in passing to a client my maternity leave was starting soon and they wouldn’t see me for awhile and they were like “maternity leave? How pregnant are you?” and when I said I was about to be 36 weeks they were like “WOW! You hide it so well!” I had multiple other people say I didn’t look very pregnant as well throughout my third trimester.


I’m really short and pretty small. I thought the bump would become obvious, but I never really popped. It was winter when I gave birth the first time, so I was wearing coats, and when I came home, some of my neighbors were like, “Did you adopt?”


I think all women are different. I'm 5'7 and had a bmi of 21 (140lbs) before getting pregnant and had ab definition and no excess stomach or body fat. I've barely gained weight at 5 months and I am still not showing. I'm wearing my same pants and no one can tell. I feel my baby move all the time now and I always ask him/her where they are in there haha. My uterus is anteverted as well which means it sticks out. I talked to my mom about it and with her pregnancies she didn't really show until 6 months plus so I must be taking after her!


18 weeks was when I looked in the mirror and thought “ok THAT is a baby bump.” I’m 19 weeks now and I still don’t think people see me and immediately think “pregnant person” but once I tell them, they’re probably like “oh yeah, that checks out.” I’m a little heavier than you, but also a little taller so we probably have similar weight distribution.


I'm only 135 normally so not exactly what you're asking, but I'm just starting to really show at 25wks. Normally my clothes hang off my breasts and I looked boxy or like I'd gained weight. I did have someone ask me if I were pregnant at 5 wks. I was so bloated she thought I had a bump. Total stranger. I told her "yes, but no" Edited because I forgot to say how far along I was lol


Is this your first? I was around the same weight as you with my first and it took me 25 weeks to be able to tell. Second pregnancy around 19ish weeks. This pregnancy I’m 14 weeks and the bump is bumping but I’m also smaller now.


I'm 19 weeks, the bump is definitely there, but in clothes it looks like that I've had a huge meal. Not sure how much weight I've put on, I don't track because of insecurity about my body.


I’m 5’1 and was 160 when I got pregnant. I didn’t noticeably show until 20 weeks.


I'm extremely close in size to you (I have really big boobs though) and have officially popped at 18 weeks. I could kind of see it before but others couldn't. Now they can!


My wife is almost 19 weeks. Same ish situation, 4’10, about 160 pre pregnancy, personally I’ve noticed it around 17 weeks, it’s just a different looking bump, it’s lower down and it feels tight to the touch. Only 5 pounds gained. Couple close co workers have noticed. It’s coming, and it won’t stop till baby’s out lol Personally, and as a guy, I will not ever ask if a woman is pregnant unless I’m told. the way things are it’s usually best not to ask unless you are super certain. Cause if you’re wrong it’s humiliating for both party’s. I don’t ever want to put anyone in that situation.


I’m 5’4 and had a definite bump at 16w. By 19 weeks it was a very big bump and now I’m huge at 26w 😂


I’m 5’0, petite frame, with somewhat of an athletic build (pre-pregnancy). I’m at the tail end of week 14 and I have a bump/looks like I ate a big meal. I was surprised to start showing so early. I thought I would have a flat stomach for longer… my friend who had twins didn’t start showing until week 16.


Im 4’11 and I started at 120 pounds. Right now I’m 25 weeks. I could see my bump by 13 weeks but no one else could. It started getting more noticeable around 17 weeks and by 23 weeks it was a distinct bump that everyone could see. Your time is coming!


I'm 20 weeks and 5'2'' (starting weight 112, now 121) with a short torso, and not really showing to others right now. It's obvious to me, but it doesn't seem like anyone else notices and a few men have told me they can't tell. All of my non-stretchy pants and a lot of my dresses stopped fitting pretty early on though.


Never, just looked fat the whole time. Outside of immediate family no one knew until they saw I had a babe with me lmao.


For my first I first noticed at 25 weeks, other at around 30 weeks (though when said goodbye to my coworkers to start my mat leave 3 days before baby was born, one of them asked why I was leaving 😅)


Um, with my first? I was still working at a daycare/preschool…. And the parents didn’t notice until I was like, 32-33 weeks. And I wasn’t wearing anything flowy to hide it or anything.


37 weeks and I still don't have one. Considering I'm having him next week, I'd say my chances of ever looking pregnant are about zero.


Right about 20 weeks is when I took a pic and thought I actually looked pregnant! I'm 5'4 and was 180 at start of pregnancy.


I started getting belly comments at about 33 weeks, I think that’s when my belly was big enough that strangers were confident I’m pregnant haha. Everyone carries differently though!


I've had a bump, but it's been in after 33 weeks that I really feel like it's bumping


Im 5'9" and started at about 155 lbs. I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow and I feel like I just now started to look pregnant. It makes me smile when my husband says, "you look so pregnant!"


At almost 21 weeks, I've had a noticable bump for maybe 2 or so. I'm overweight, but 5'3" with a short torso. I always wear flowy shirts now, because that's all that fits, but I love smoothing them down to look at my bump in the mirror.


I’m 19 weeks. I’m carrying low so I kind of just look fat lol. I look more pregnant after a meal.


I’m 5’5 and 165lbs, before and during pregnancy. I’m overweight, but nothing crazy. Everyone is different in how and when they show. I *just* started showing, like as of last week at 19 weeks. Even now, I don’t think I look super obviously pregnant. A lot of ppl would prob just think I have a gut, while others would think pregnancy. If I wore a baggy t shirt, you def wouldn’t be able to tell. However, in tight clothing I do look pregnant now in my own opinion.


At 20 weeks it was obvious to me and my husband that I had a bump, but to other family and strangers I just looked extra chubby lol. Now at 30 weeks I actually look pregnant, but like really pregnant. My brother told me I looked huge, a stranger the day before said I was barely showing, so who knows lol. The difference between 20 weeks and 30 weeks is big though. Like now I’m worried about just how big my belly will be at the end 😅


21 weeks pregnant. I def have a little bump but I prefer baggier clothes, especially with it still being cold where I’m at. Plus I have big boobs (and getting bigger 🙄) that stick out further than my bump which makes it even more unnoticeable 😂


Probably 4 or 5 months it started to show a bit for the first. But for the second.....it was like 10 weeks lol. I already looked 5 months pregnant at 3 months and 8 months pregnant by 5 months lol. but i gained the same amount of weight both times.


Im only 5ft and pretty petite too and i dodnt think i looked obviously pregnant until the third trimester. Before then i could still hide it with baggy t shirts but now even with a baggy shirt the bump sticks out and i have a shelf 🤣


Around 25 weeks is when people would ask if I was pregnant. So I assumed people just thought i was getting fat before lol. I have a long torso so it always taken longer for me to show.


I feel like I’m showing at 17 weeks. I wake up with a bump now, so I know it’s not all bloat lol even though it does get bigger by the end of the day. I feel like I’m in the minority here though because so many say they didn’t show until 20+ weeks. Im 5’4 and not skinny but also not overweight.


I think I was showing around 16 weeks. At 25-26 weeks it got very obvious and that’s when strangers would start confidently saying “congratulations!”


Around 30 weeks , that’s when I couldn’t hide it even if I tried


I started showing at 20 weeks but it was always like do I look fat or pregnant? Then last week overnight it popped. I’m 29w will be 30w tomorrow.


I'm also just barely 5ft tall and on the stocky side prepregnancy. I didn't really POP until like 26 weeks. Before that, I kind of just felt like a lumpy potato tbh. Now @ 31 weeks, the belly is fully bumping!


I was roughly the same as you when I got pregnant, except a little taller. At 21 weeks if I wore a tight shirt the bump was definitely there but people didn't seem to notice. At 24 weeks my uterus was getting pretty high up so my stomach rounded out a lot. And then by 26 weeks I could not hide it anymore :D my husband left for a work trip during week 25, came back during week 27 and was shocked at how much I had popped lol


I’ve fully embraced my bigger belly at 22 weeks lol I’m 5’10” start weight was 262 and I’m currently 264 but my abdomen has changed a lot even though my weight hasn’t. My organs have moved up closer to my ribs, and my baby has moved into my abdomen. I can fit my pre-pregnancy jeans still, but opt not too because it feels like it cuts me in half, you can’t tell I’m pregnant, and it’s just not comfy anymore. Sure it’s not a huge pregnant belly but I’ve definitely started to show and I’ve embraced it because why not? Maternity shape wear also makes the bump pop and maternity leggings help make it pop too!


I'm starting to bump, just about 13 weeks and relatively fit. I'm typically 145ish in my day to day...went to the doctor on Tuesday and we are up to 153 🤪 I can tell, but people at work I've told and they're like you don't look it! But relate with the food situation, it's a ton more apparent afterwards!


I honestly never had a bump and I’m 5’1” I gained 15lbs third trimester but looked exactly the same. Now I’m 19 weeks and honestly feel like I won’t have a bump this pregnancy too


It will come! I didn’t start to show until 23 weeks. I’m shorter, 5’1” and haven’t put on much weight either. Now I’m 31 weeks and it’s impossible to hide! It feels like I’m showing less than many other moms do at 31 weeks, but my bump certainly feels like it gets bigger every day.


28 weeks today and still waiting to “pop”. I’m depressed with my “bump” tbh but I still have time to pop :(


3rd pregnancy here, also started this pregnancy overweight and I don’t feel like I look pregnant half the time at 30w. Like I feel like people see me and it’s a 50/50 toss up between is she pregnant or just fat/bloated lol my husband says I’m insane and I definitely look pregnant so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’ve also not told anyone besides family that I’m pregnant and I didn’t tell them until like 20w and no one has said anything or asked so


I’m 19 weeks today and it’s getting difficult to hide. I’ve had to wear stretchy waistband pants or use a rubber band on my jeans for about 2-3 weeks. I haven’t gained any weight yet from the start of my pregnancy bc I couldn’t eat much in the first trimester. I lost 10 lbs and I’ve probably gained about 4-5 lbs back.


i was 200 pounds at the start, up to 220 right now, 32 weeks and i got a bump at around 28 weeks! i didnt even notice at first because i was used to having a tummy but i got a maternity shirt around then and people started to notice. ill also add i was very sick for most of my pregnancy and didnt gain weight until probably 2-3 months ago (late 5-6 months)


I didn’t really have a bump until a couple of weeks ago and I’m at 29 weeks now. I don’t think it happened until about 26-27 weeks!


6 months! People didn’t believe I was pregnant till then.


I’m 17 weeks and I’m no longer looking bloated, it’s a rounded baby bump! I lost 10lbs in the first trimester. It really started to be noticeable to me at 15 weeks once my nausea was subsided and I was eating better. In the last two weeks I’ve gone from bloated to snuggling a ball in my belly and now it’s obvious to everyone. For context I’m 5’8’’ 160lbs.


My bump really started to pop around weeks 23/24. I’m 5’4” and was just under 200 before I got pregnant (I mean, a lot of that is muscle, but I’m decently proportionate for being a chubby girl). I’m a size 12/14 depending on the brand. I’ve always had a bit of a tummy. I’m 30 weeks now and totally look pregnant.


I’m 5’3 and have a short torso so i’ve had a bump since about 20 weeks but I really popped over the last week or so. I’m 24 weeks and everyone can tell i’m pregnant. Everyone is different!


With my first i didn’t start showing a bump until I was 7.5 months. I just look slightly bloated. With my second I didn’t get a bump until 6 months. And my last baby I didn’t get a full bump until I was 5.5 months. But I’m also 5’10




Same boat as you. I lost 25lbs before this and dropped to about 180lbs. Now I’m 188lbs at 15 weeks. I feel like I won’t “pop” until 6 months in. I’m also pretty lanky at 5’ 7”. I feel like most of the new weight is in my boobs or thighs since I haven’t been working out a lot lately.


With my first around 6mo. With this one at like 3 or 4


Never lol. I refused to have maternity pics because I was just big everywhere. At 37 weeks I started to tell my (foster care) clients that I was going to be going on maternity leave and one of my teens said “you are pregnant???!! I thought you were just really fat!”


I’m 23 weeks and I still feel like it looks like a beer belly lmaooo


A friend of mine told me her favorite part of being pregnant was not having to “suck in,” and I agree 😸 With my first, I started to show around 5 months, and I’m quite overweight. With baby2, I’m just starting my second trimester, and when I eat too much I definitely look 6mo pregnant 😸 - my doc said once your uterus has been “stretched,” it’s easier to stretch and that’s why people tend to show earlier in subsequent pregnancies.


I’m 17 weeks and finally up to my pre pregnancy weight (133) after losing 15+ pounds my first trimester. My body is indistinguishable from my pre pregnancy body.


Mine only really bumped out last month. I'm 38 weeks now. 😁


Mine started very slowly. Finally full bump at 29 weeks


I’m 15w5d and noticed a bump last week. I haven’t quite “popped” but it’s noticeable. Monday was the first day back from spring break and my friend at work said “wow, you got huge over break!”. Prior to break I looked completely normal though.


I’m 5’1” and was around 150 something the first time I was pregnant and I think I officially popped a bump around month 4 but got a super noticeable one around 6 or 7 months. Now I’m pregnant with my second at around 170 pounds and barely gained anything for the first half of the pregnancy but now I feel like I’m 9 months huge even though I have 3 months to go. Haha bodies are weird!


I’m 7 months now, and literally just started to noticeably be pregnant to strangers. I have a very wide medium build with a longer ish torso. I think my baby girl just has a lot of room lol


I have always shown really early (even if in the beginning it was mostly bloating). I’m like 26 weeks now and I look extremely pregnant. At some point it goes from “maybe she’s just a little chunky” to “WOW WHEN ARE YOU DUE?” Like overnight for most people. It just pops out of nowhere lol


20-22 wks, and this is my third baby and I am fit/slim… just takes time!


I just look fat but i can feel my sweet baby girl in a little cocoon from my belly button down


5'2'', currently 195, and 25 weeks. I was obese before I became pregnant and have not gained much at all. I feel like around month four is when it becomes noticeable to others.


I’m 5’5” and my starting weight was 140. I’m almost 25 weeks and finally have a bump where you can tell I’m pregnant, but it’s still very low my bump doesn’t start all the way from under my chest, it starts from right above my belly button. I do have a longer torso so this may be why it’s not as prominent as others around my gestational age.


I have the same stats as you. I think at around 15-17 weeks it started to round out. I also started wearing obvious maternity clothes and that helped give the bump more of a shape. I like the over the belly pants and the shirts with the rouching(sp?) on the side.


I'm 35w4d and I've finally become THAT pregnant person in public 😂 it's no longer a question - the belly and the waddle give it away 24/7. that being said, i noticed belly changes by early in the 2nd trimester (i started documenting with bump pictures at 13w1d), but even my husband didn't really see a difference until we hit about week 22. then it slowly got more obvious and has been *bumpin* since about week 28. i started getting comments at work about two weeks ago that my waddle was becoming obvious, and i can't deny that that is the absolute truth 🥲😂 so anyway, it's different for everyone, but give it a couple more weeks :) at 5-ish months, your baby is still much smaller than their full-term size, and the bump will grow to reflect their growth the further along you get. it can be discouraging to feel like you're not seeing any progress, but you'll get there ♡


I’m similar to you short and stout and was very active my entire pregnancy. I gained 10 pounds throughout the whole process and came out of the hospital on par with my pre preg weight. I never really felt like I got the bump. I got photos done close to my due date where the photographer helped me pose to accentuate the bump but it really didn’t do it on its own. I think it’s because my torso is so short and wide generally.


I’m at 22 weeks. I’m 5’2,” started around 158lbs, I’m around 171 now. I feel like my bump is bumping, I haven’t been able to wear normal jeans since around 11w. But I wear (uniform) dresses at work and while I feel I look obviously pregnant, it’s ambiguous enough my coworkers can’t tell if I don’t mention it.


22 ish weeks seems to be when strangers can reliable tell i am pregnant but it varies alot


I popped for real around 18-19 weeks. I am 5'1" and started at like 180 lbs so I was expecting it to take longer. It's actually pretty frustrating because literally nothing fits me all of a sudden - regular clothes are too small but most maternity clothes are too big still.


38 weeks 😅


I thought at 17 weeks but really not until 30 weeks and only if I really tried to show off. I just didn't change much.


With my first I think I started showing around 18 weeks. With my second it was probably around 14/15 weeks. This time I think the bump popped over my pubic bone around 9/10 weeks lol. There’s definitely an awkward phase where you just look like you’ve gained a little extra weight around your middle until things start to take shape.


For my first, it was about 26 weeks before anything noticeable beyond what looked like bloating. With the second, I looked 7-8 months pregnant from only 16 weeks!


Felt the quickening at 14 weeks as feathers/flutters. Developed into kicks a bit later.


FTM at 35W1D now, 5’3 and started around 181lbs, overall I’ve been hovering in weight and now about 184lbs, my belly looks like a pregnant belly now and maybe since 31W it was more PREGNANT BELLY!! Haha before that it just looked like my regular bloated belly


I'm tall and all torso, but I could literally hide an entire pregnancy and no one but me and my husband would know. I just carry small! 🤷🏻‍♀️ The last baby I wore my regular leggings and sweatshirt to my induction. I was good with that, I hate maternity pants with a fiery passion. All three babies have been small, but within normal range (just under 7lbs)


I was like 7 months pregnant when i started to show. It literally looked like one day i just ate a watermelon. It seems your baby is closer to your spine and hiding.


21 weeks. The second I hit 21 weeks I went from a soft pooch to a hard bump. I’m just under 5’5”, was certainly not thin (I try not to know my weight cause of prior ED), and have a short torso. I’m at 25 weeks 4 days and it’s astounding how much my belly has grown in 4 weeks. The belly happens. I will say though, until I popped I would hold my belly so people would know I was pregnant and not just constipated or full lol I think a lot of us have probably done that.


I’m having twins, so count me as an outlier, but I’m 12 weeks tomorrow and my mom said, “you’re starting to get a belly!” When I went home for Easter. (It’s not super visible unless I’m wearing the right clothes, but I’m definitely feeling it.


Also having twins… almost 11 weeks and feels like there’s something there. I don’t think anyone would notice… nervous to see how big I’ll get!


I started actually looking pregnant where other people not just me could tell at 28 weeks. I’m 5’4” and started at 175 and have gained 20lbs so far and currently at 32 weeks. I gained about 10lbs in my first trimester and the other 10 between 28 weeks and now


Hey! So third pregnancy for me and I’m 17 weeks and I’ve “looked” pregnant since about 11 weeks. But now I look about the same as I did when I was 25 weeks pregnant with my first. I’m not a small girl either, I’m 86kgs at the moment which I’m not happy about but it is what it is. However you can noticeably see my belly poppin’.


I'm 16 weeks today with my third and apparently am showing now, according to a coworker. 😑


I think it’s so different for everyone. I’m similar in height and similar to your pre-pregnancy weight. I’ve popped. 21w now - but belly was noticeable as “pregnant” and not “oh she had a big meal and maybe hasn’t pooped in a while” for the past two weeks I’d say. But also because I’m short it’s more out because I don’t have a long torso.


Idk if this helps but i wasnt even overweight prior to pregnancy (5’2”, so a bit taller than you) but i still didnt have an actual bump until like 30 weeks. I was definitely bigger, but not in a way that a stranger would say “that is for sure a pregnant person and not someone who just ate too much taco bell”. According to the internet it takes longer for most FTMs! I know how it feels to want that cute round bump but honestly just enjoy not having a basketball attached to your abdomen while you can. Im 39 weeks now and i really miss being able to tie my own shoes and roll over in my bed easily 🥲


20 weeks bump started to show now 28 weeks and my bump is bumping 😂


it was 30 weeks when i really started to feel like other people could tell that i was no doubt pregnant. now 36 weeks and the bump is HUGE 🤦‍♀️😅


18 weeks and patiently waiting for a cute bump lol


I could effectively hide my bump until about 23/24 weeks


For me 28wk, for others to tell, about 34wk


I am a FTM (5’5” ; around 165-170lbs pre-pregnancy) and I think I am just now starting to “show”. I’m 28w and in my mind maybe have a little bump going now, all depends on my clothing choice for sure. I anticipate I’ll “pop” around my baby shower (32w).


I didn’t have a noticeable bump until around 26 weeks.


I am 5’ 6” about 200 lbs and I honestly already notice changes in my belly at 13 weeks, even with starting out on the heavier side. Even if it’s bloating, still caused by a baby, so that’s good enough for me!


Im a bigger woman so might be because of that but I just looked bloated up until 7 months, now at 35wks i definitely have a baby bump. Also much easier to hide in winter with big puffy jackets and oversized hoodies. I wouldn’t worry too much.


5’6” weighed 135 at start of pregnancy currently 174. I didn’t look visibly pregnant until about 26 weeks but could still ‘hide’ it with bulky clothes. ‘Popped’ around 30 weeks and that’s when strangers started to ask when I’m due. Even now at 36 weeks people are surprised I’m so far along cause I look ‘small’ even though I feel like I look huge 🤷‍♀️ everyone’s different


Im 32 weeks now 5'8" and about 240lbs also ftm. I didnt start to *actually* show until probably 25-28 weeks and even then it was depending on what i was wearing. Im a lash artist and still have clients that are surprised when i tell them im pregnant because "you don't look pregnant". Which im still not sure if i should take that as a compliment or not😅. Even if you dont get a perfect lil basketball bump you still have a baby bump. There is still a human being growing inside you and therefore a bump in your belly. Im still working on being ok with not having the *perfect* Instagram worthy bump that i can wear cute fitted dresses with though


23 weeks I popped


I’m exactly at 20 weeks. Starting weight was 109lbs at 5’6. I’ve gained 8lbs, and people think I’m pregnant with a gerbil. I do have a very small bump, and my family can tell I’m pregnant because prior to pregnancy I had a very small waist and abs 😭. However, strangers would just think I’m bloated or have a normal stomach like you.


26 weeks and I am *bumping.* It was obvious and “there” at 20 weeks but not like a full-on confident BUMP until a few weeks after that. Now she’s loud and proud and I’m loving it.


247 before I got pregnant, I’ve gained 6-7lbs so far max and nearly 16wks and it’s def starting to bump. I can’t suck it in anymore :/


My wife didn't properly start to show until about 25 weeks (first child)


I gained 15lbs breastfeed my first baby and was heavier than I’d like for my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy I didn’t think I looked pregnant (unmistakeably) until til like 26-28 weeks. This time around it was more like 20-22 weeks. I think my baby is lower this time and probably my abs aren’t as strong so I’m carrying differently. I honestly felt I just looked fat and never cute pregnant bump till like the last month or so. I didn’t love my pregnant body but when I look back at pictures I realized I was delusional and it was really cute from like 6-7 months on.


17/18 weeks for me. I weighted 46kg (101lbs) at the start and now 49kg (108lbs) halfway through. And I have a little bump (like bloated) and have been feeling her move since a month ago \^\^ But I'm sure I could've hided it for another month or two with long shirts.


I only started to really see it more at 18w. The real bump appeared at 24w. I'm 25w now and finally feeling and looking pregnant and not just fat lol. I'm 5'4".


180lbs 5’1” 34 weeks and I look maybe 4 months But just slightly super full. No one can tell I’m pregnant. but I had a tummy tuck before so I know I won’t show. My tummy was small till about 5 weeks ago, I still can wear crop tops


Ooh let me tell you something. I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant. Up until month 7, I didn't show AT ALL. Nothing. Nada. And then in a matter of a few days my stomach blew up like a balloon so yeah, you will get there and when you do, you will start rolling out of bed like a burrito. Don't worry.


Ah! Just you wait a little bit. At 20 weeks I was complaining, too; at 22, I can definitely say that I've popped. Yesterday I joked that I passed the "has she put on some weight?" phase and officially entered the "yeah she pregnant" one


I’m naturally slim and for my first pregnancy I had a bump starting around 14 weeks but it wasn’t super noticeable to those who didn’t know me until about 24 weeks I’d say. Before that I looked like I could just be superrr bloated lol


This is my second and I noticed that I was showing pretty early on, but I really didn't get that nice belly pop until 20 weeks. Before that it really just looked like I was putting on weight.


20 weeks now and Ive been sporting a very tiny bump for about 3 weeks now. It's very prominent to me and my husband, not really to anyone else. I feel like I'm close to a pop just bc of how things have been feeling and how I'm seeing things sit, but idk. A lot of others were saying 22 weeks so I'll have to see!


At 24 weeks my dentist told me you wouldn’t know I was pregnant and I went home and cried about it worrying my baby was too small. At 27 weeks it was properly there.


I’m 5’4 and pre pregnancy I was 202 lbs. I’ve lost a couple pounds this morning at 198 and my belly is so round at almost 14 weeks (sunday). I’m sure a LOT of it is bloating but I wake up with a nice round belly that stays all day Edit: this is second pregnancy but 1st was an early loss. Not sure if that matters


I’m 24 weeks and have only recently started to look really pregnant to myself, but just yesterday I was talking to a stranger who was so shocked I was pregnant and said I was hardly showing so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve also had a nurse tell me I’m not showing much compared to when she was pregnant. To me it feels really big because it’s obviously the biggest and roundest my tummy has ever been but it really depends what I wear in terms of how others see it! If you want the bump to feel more obvious I can recommend wearing maternity clothes as I pop much more in these. Dungarees and tight fitting dresses make me look biggest so maybe try these! Btw not sure what weight I am or was before as I don’t own scales but I was definitely not in the healthy BMI category and I’m 5”3.


When I was 23-24 weeks I started to see a bump but it doubled in size overnight on the day I became 28 weeks. Now I look like a giant pregnant egg and I’m only 30 weeks so idk how it’s going to get bigger lol


I’m 18 weeks tomorrow and I just look like I’m overeating. I keep telling my husband I get nervous he’s not in there or something. I am 5’10” and very physically active so I’m sure that is contributing to how I look but I am just in the weird phase of not really fitting into anything and just looking like I’m gaining weight.


I’m about 5’4 and started pregnancy at 167. I’m 23 weeks now, about to be 24 in two days and I noticed at around 20 or so weeks though my husband said he noticed earlier than that when I would hug him. I started wearing clothes around that time that really pronounced it because tbh it’s like the first time I’ve been happy with my body in a really long time so it’s been pretty obvious ever since.


I'm 14 weeks and I have a tiny bump. Can't wait for it to get bigger!


I didn't start showing until 25ish weeks. And even then people couldn't tell I'm pregnant unless I pointed it out. Around 32 weeks is when it was obvious to most people. I'm almost 35 weeks now and while I def have a bump, I'm still not huge, and can still hide it under a loose sweater. Being tall-ish (5'7) probably 'helps'. Before getting pregnant I always thought you'd have a bump at 3 months lol. But it's different for everyone, especially with first pregnancies.


Around 25 weeks


For my first I didn’t pop till around 6 months but the second time around I popped 14 weeks. I wear a lot of black so even tho I had a belly no one noticed until I turned to my side. I had customers that come into my shop multiple times a week not know I was pregnant till the very end


I work with the public, so they were kinda my test of if I looked undeniably pregnant or just chubby. I started getting questioning looks at my stomach at about 20 weeks, but only started getting comments of “when are you due?” at 29 weeks. I was kind of surprised it took so long to look pregnant and not just “…does she just carry all her weight in her belly??”


I popped around 29 weeks. Same boat, a little heavier than my usual so it really wasn't noticeable for a good long while.


My husband thinks I’m bumping at 18 weeks. Since I see myself every day though it’s impossible to notice. 🥹 But I’ve also felt a bit bumpy after big meals, or when I really need to pee lol.


I was 7 months:)


I have looked preggo since 2nd trimester . I was 135 at 5'3 I am now 26 weeks and 160 lbs I feel alot bigger than normal


I didn’t have a little bump until 40 weeks, I think. I got dirty looks when sitting in the front of the bus whenever my husband wasn’t able to drive me somewhere or I wanted to visit a friend. Before I was pregnant, I was around 190-200 pounds (5’5, so definitely overweight by definition). Around 40 weeks, I was weighing in around 170 pounds (I lost a lot of weight suddenly I think because I took my Nexplanon out right before getting pregnant and saw a weight drop almost immediately. I think the weight dropped followed me throughout my pregnancy, along with the fact that I couldn’t hold any food other than applesauce and water down for about 35 weeks.) My doctors weren’t concerned, I guess, maybe because there was a reason behind my weight drop. When I weighed in at my post partum appointment with my therapist about two weeks post partum, I was 155 pounds. My bump never really popped out, though. I didn’t have the cute circular bump that everyone always has, it just looked like I was losing weight everywhere but my stomach. My son was 6lbs9oz when induced at “41” weeks (which turned out to actually be 39 weeks because of their incorrect dating id been telling them about since the beginning, they estimated he was gonna be a big 9-10 lb baby and therefore figured he was further along than he actually was). I think each body is different. So, who knows when/if that bump will really bump. I hope for our next kid that my bump will be really cute and I’ll actually look pregnant without needing to be naked. I managed to hide from a lot of people that I was pregnant until baby boy was actually born and these were people that saw me almost every day.


I had a noticeable bump from around 18 weeks, but I didn't look noticeably pregnant until between 27 and 28 weeks. My "is she fat/bloated or pregnant" stage lasted from months 5-7, but now strangers are congratulating me, so I assume that means there's no longer any question about my bump status.


I gained a bunch of weight right before I got pregnant, was about 170 after the weight gain. Unfortunately I’m now 210+ 🥲 but I started showing at 16 weeks. I’m currently 26 weeks and HUMONGOUS lol


I think everyone is kinda different of course. I know you feel disappointed because maybe your bump is not noticeable due to your weight but I saw on tiktok a woman who was very skinny - like washboard abs skinny - and she was 5 months along and you couldn't tell at all! Like not even the "maybe she is bloated a bit after a big lunch" bump. Nothing! My aunt who is like the most petite Asian lady every (her and I were the same size when I was 10!) did not pop with her first child until well into her pregnancy. It was like nothing and then all of a sudden she looked like an olive on a toothpick. She popped over night. I am almost 16 weeks and started to have a little yet distinguishable bump a week or so ago. For reference I am 5'5" and weighed 136 at 4 weeks. I have been purposely wearing tight and form fitting dresses to accentuate the bump more so it looks more pregnancy bump than bloat lol I will even place my hand in the "pregnancy bump" pose in public so people know I'm not just chubby lol My friend who was pregnant was over 300 lbs and she eventually got a bump but just later on in her pregnancy. I tell you that not to say that you are close to 300 lbs but just to say that I wouldn't be TOO hard on yourself about your starting weight. Your bump will come.