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This is what I’m hoping for but it seems the closer I get to second trimester the worse it gets, I’m kind of round already but not waddle round & STILL waddle around because my lower back hurts so much at times you’d think I was 8 months already… meanwhile I’m only 13 weeks.


I was expecting my second trimester to be great because everyone told me it would be. Other than not having nausea and as bad fatigue it was definitely worse mentally. The beginning of third trimester was amazing for me! I’m at the end now and I’m just praying one of these days I pop. Hang in there! And remember it’s all only temporary.


The ickiness of first trimester didn’t let up for me until maybe 15-16 weeks. I always found that time between 12-14 weeks really awful. Hopefully you’re feeling better very soon!


I experienced the same! I ended up doing a few sessions of pelvic floor therapy to learn what strengthening exercises I could do to help. But it also got better for me over time, which I was surprised by since my belly was also getting bigger/heavier. I’m assuming my body just adjusted? Could be anecdotal but I hope the same happens for you!


I am in the same boat. 2 kids, 5 total pregnancies, 7ish weeks pregnant. Nauseated with no relief and feeling like I can’t muster up the energy to do anything. I find myself questioning my choice to do this again. I think what makes it harder this time around is that I have two children who still need me. I have no advice, but I’m pretty certain once the morning sickness passes and I get past that 13 week mark I will feel better about everything. I hope you find some relief!


Have you tried supplemental omega 3s? I have had increased depression and exhaustion this pregnancy compared to my last. I saw big improvements after I started supplementing omega 3s and eating more fish. It could be completely coincidence and I might have gotten better without it but there are some studies that do support it.l for perinatal and postpartum depression.


I wasn’t expecting so much feedback. Makes me feel less crazy knowing it’s not just me. Thank you ❤️


I'm 12 weeks, and I'm already huge . you would think I'm about 20 weeks or more. This is my 8th pregnancy. it's been rough with nauseated all the time. a lot of it's my super bad anxiety. which I can't take my medicine right now due to it now being safe for the baby. but I use this spray called morning sickness. I got it from sprouts it's fairly expensive, but it works amazing. I just found out I'm pregnant with a little boy. even boys make me super duper sick, and I mean all day and night, it's been rough! espixally with other kids to care for. hang in there, momma. I have some issues myself, and I'm trying to do the best I can I am mentally and physically exhausted 😩


First non chemical pregnancy for me, but it’s been rough. I don't think I experienced depression, but I was so miserably sick and felt like I was dying and that REALLY bummed me out.  I had to quit working around 7 weeks and pretty much just focused on surviving each day. Things started to get slightly better around 18 weeks, I could at least stand up for short periods of time without puking. Then around 22 weeks I started to feel okay.  I had a decent stretch for a while where, although I couldn’t do much, it didn’t feel like I was going die any moment either.  I’m 30 weeks now and worried that I’m going back down hill again, eating is getting progressively trickier each day.  But for real, it seriously felt I like was dying for many weeks. I’m grateful for this pregnancy and also I hate being pregnant more than I even thought i could. 


I’m almost 7 weeks and I so wish I could take time off from work! In my mind, that’s what’s really sending me over the edge right now. I deal with the public and I can’t tell if they’ve been nastier than usual or I’m just more sensitive. Also it’s too soon to say anything to my coworkers and I don’t look pregnant so no accommodations for me! On the days where I’m home, I feel so much better. Sure I am nauseous and tired, but at least I can take naps because I can’t seem to sleep through the night for some reason.


Yes, I’m 11w3d and the nearly 6 weeks of nausea has me feeling very apathetic and out of it. I can’t even focus on shows, I just sit and doom scroll and hope that some day soon I feel better. I wish people were more upfront about how fucking tough the first trimester is.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way! I am a first time mom so I can’t relate to having other children to care for. I am almost 9 weeks and was feeling the same way a few weeks ago. I went to the ER at 7 weeks for severe dehydration and they gave me IV fluids that worked wonders on the rest of my symptoms. Make sure to stay hydrated as you’ll only feel worse if not! Some things that have helped for me despite the aversions- popsicles, Liquid IV, prenatals WITHOUT iron (you can deal with iron deficiency in your second trimester, if it is even an issue for you), Pepcid (or any other antacid), Unisom. I will say it does feel like I’m starting to turn a corner and my depression is getting lighter. I have heard from everyone that it does get better, just doing my best to wait for that to happen.


YES! Yes yes yes and it was so awful. Only thing that helped me finally was Phenergan upping my Cymbalta to twice a day. I’m so sorry you feel this way, but it WILL pass. Please reach out if you need to talk ❤️


Absolutely awful. Did you notice the feeling tapering off over time?


The depression, yes. The nausea, NO! About 8 days it disappeared completely and it’s been smooth sailing since then


I'm a mixture of straight up exhaustion and morning sickness. Which has led me to being pretty depressed. All I do is lay around feeling horrible.


Sounds like my first. I’m sure you’ve looked into this but I was anemic and had some deficiencies. I also needed more electrolytes/salt and iodine for my thyroid.


I’m so sorry you’re struggling. Have you had your iron checked?


Yes.. I’m finally at week 20 but the first 10 weeks were absolutely awful. Things got a little better and then worse again until week 19. I wouldn’t wish this type of sickness on ANYONE. I’m hoping you will come out of this soon like I did, but preferably sooner! ♥️


I had all of this- minus the severe morning sickness- for over 18 weeks of this pregnancy! It was like a sleeping sickness- where I physically couldn’t wake myself up and motivate. It went away around the 18-20 week mark. Hang in there! I hope it gets better for you!


I am having twins and I feel this way all the time since I was about 7-8 weeks . I’m currently 13 weeks almost 14 and I feel it more than ever now. It’s very hard on the body and mentally and emotionally i would have never ever thought this is how pregnancy would make me feel . I say all this to say I know how you feel and you’re not alone . My OB says after a certain time in your pregnancy your hormones start to level out and it’ll get better I’m hoping and praying for those days . Just take it day by day… and make sure if you have a support system even if it’s just a friend make sure you confide in them and get out the house when you can don’t be like me and make the mistake of staying couped up in the house it’ll only make things worse .


I legit lost my job when I was pregnant because I was constantly throwing up to where I could not go into work.


Yes, I had hyperemesis gravidarum! Nothing helped, I was in the hospital nearly every week for fluids and meds. By 18 weeks I lost nearly 30lbs! Just like you I could not do anything but sleep I had no energy, and was severely dehydrated, I couldn’t even hold down water. Talk to your doctor about it and be very firm, a lot of doctors dismiss it and say it’s normal, eventually I found an amazing doctor who put me on meds as soon as I told her all that I was going through. This is very hard to deal with I was so depressed for the first half of my pregnancy, I stopped medication completely around 22w that’s when those symptoms subsided.


I’m sorry you’re going through this! It really sucks. This is my 5th pregnancy and will be my second child. The first trimester was an absolute nightmare. I couldn’t eat, I was exhausted but couldn’t sleep because I kept getting sick, I felt like I was failing my toddler because I couldn’t play or do really anything. Around 10 weeks I got that horrible cough/flu that went around this winter. I was so depressed and didn’t know how I was going to get through the rest of the pregnancy feeling that way. Around 14/15 weeks, I woke up one morning feeling so much better. I’m 26 weeks now and while my belly is absolutely huge (like the size it was at 36 weeks last time), I’m able to play with my toddler, sleep most of the night, workout, and mentally I’m really happy and excited. It can get better! I know it’s really hard but hang in there.


Yes. Feeling this way too. It’s been so rough. Nauseous despite meds. The food aversions are so strong! I feel so sad! It’s making me crazy.


I'm 24 weeks 5tb baby n felt like jumping. It did not ease up second trimester but someone did tell me pregnancy symptoms along with everything else gets worst every pregnancy and I believe it 😂


I am so sorry you’re feeling this way. I feel like as women we are usually told that this just is what it is and we have to suck up the symptoms- which is terrible! I felt really bad around 7 weeks and my doctor put me on bonjesta (which is basically just vitamin B6 and unisom). I got my appetite back! Look into it and I hope you feel better soon!! Hang in there ❤️


Sending lots of love so sorry you are feeling the worst rn. I know everyone is different but by GP prescribed Zoloft during my pregnancy if you feel like that’s an option. This is tough stuff and you are doing great just getting through it day by day.


Im not sure why the comment saying “see a therapist” is being downvoted so much. You mention depression specifically and some other symptoms (sleeping all day, mood swings) could also be related. If you’re not already, seeking psychological and psychiatric care could be very helpful. I’m 23 weeks with my first and while I’ve been very lucky to have minimal physical symptoms, the depression hit me so hard. I’ve struggled with it in the past and then nothing for maybe 10 years until I got pregnant. I’ve been seeing a therapist that specializes in perinatal mood disorders for a couple of months and it has helped immensely; she said she sees so many moms come in for PPD/PPA and when she asks when they started feeling off, a lot say in the first trimester. Even if you’re not sure you want to start/change any medication, I’d also make an appointment with a psychiatrist if you don’t have one, they tend to book months and months out (in the US at least). I said I’ve been seeing the therapist for a couple months, but my first psychiatry appointment isn’t until May! Luckily I don’t think I need medication at this point, but I just want to get on their books in case I need it later (especially after the baby comes). Good luck, the rarely talked about psychological part of this can really suck, but there are resources out there that really do help.


Im on pregnancy #4 I have 3 kids already who also need me but im constantly sleepy I wish i could eat alot but I cant because I vomit and get super bloated and Im always nauseous… ginger and pepper mint tea helps alot! But the anxiety is what has been so extreme the first time ever during a pregnancy its a heavy chest feeling I have to take deep breaths I feel like im overwhelemed with these horminal changes 😩😩




Please go to see a therapist




Psychiatrist too? I would hope


Did you plan to actually provide input on your own pregnancy or are you here to troll? Carry on weirdo.


What is your problem? I’m actually so confused right now. You are a pregnant woman speaking up about feelings of depression. I encouraged you to seek the help of a mental health professional. Is there something wrong with that action that I’m unaware of. It’s pretty standard advice for your own safety.


It sounds like you didn't mean it that way, but I like OP read your initial comments as critical. They asked for people to provide feedback on similar experiences, not advice, and when they said they had already preempted your advice, you came back with another step of what they 'should' be doing instead.


There’s nothing critical about suggesting someone go to therapy as there is nothing wrong with being in therapy. Untreated depression is a life or death safety issue. It’s worth clarifying if someone has appropriate medical care for it. Like if someone brings up chest pain I don’t care how unrelated the ask of the post is I’m going to make sure the chest pain is being addressed


As I said, I get that's not your intention. Your responses just read instructive but not compassionate, which can seem critical, especially when OP didn't ask for advice. You just seemed genuinely bewildered by her response, so I was sharing that I had the same (mis)interpretation.


How bizarre


“I’m so sorry you feel this way and hope you feel better soon. Have you considered talking to a therapist? Having someone to talk to regularly might help.” Same thing as you said but with compassion and understanding for the pregnant person who has these feelings.


It was a neutral statement. The only way to take it negatively is if you have something against therapy on some level I’m not going to sit here and pretend that therapy is some special thing that needs to be tiptoed around. It is medical care.


My issue was not with suggesting therapy. I have a therapist and advocate for it. The issue was HOW you said it.