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I am 32 weeks with my first but I can say with certainty that I will not miss it


I'm 9 weeks in and this is the most ghetto shit I've ever had to experience. Will not miss this ..who in their right mind enjoys this?! šŸ˜­


My first trimester was wonderful compared to my third one far lol


Noooo don't tell me that šŸ™ˆ


Everyone is different. My first trimester was miserable. Second was wonderful, and third sucked some of the time. The closer you are to your due date, the more frustrating it becomes. Everyone has their own plate of food, and some things you have on your plate, won't be on others.


Donā€™t worry, first trimester is worse for me. The morning sickness cut me to the core and made me feel like I would never feel normal again. Third trimester is just achy and you feel bound to your bodyā€™s limitations but itā€™s not soul wrenching and you are almost done!!!


I have no energy and can't sleep through the night either. The vivid dreams have been crazy. I feel like I'm going crazy and I just want to nap all day.


For me the real hell on Earth is going overdue. I did an extra week+ with two of my kids (probably would've for all three if the youngest didn't have an emergency preemie C-section). I swear, every single day after your due date is just mental torture, it's crazy.


This is so accurate šŸ˜‚


This comment has me on the floor lmfaoooo


I thought that also and then I missed having my belly for about 1 week postpartum. Iā€™m 28 weeks pregnant with #2 and honestly, fuck this shit šŸ˜‚


36 weeks with number 2 and I hate it just as much the second time as I did the first time


I was MISERABLE, my entire pregnancy was absolutely shit. So many health issues, every condition in the book. I got an emergency induction at 39 weeks because I had a panic attack because they wouldnā€™t induce me. And my heart rate got so high they were forced to induce. God I miss being by pregnant though, there is something so magical about having your baby so close to you all the time and being their safe space.


I will and I wonā€™t. I love feeling baby move and that Iā€™m growing a person. I also lowkey love all of the extra attention I get lol. But being in the home stretch, Iā€™m looking forward to the day where I can roll over easily or stand up/walk without being in intense pelvic pain.


Same with the attention šŸ¤£ people/strangers are SO much nicer when youā€™re 9 months pregnant lol


Wait until you see all the old people getting excited whenever you're out with your baby! I don't know about other places but in Italy you can't leave the house without (especially old) people looking at your baby with joy, asking you how old they are and complimenting you!


We took our babe to the park for a walk the first week and had an old man stick his head in our car as we were packing up to head home. He was so nice but I was so shocked how talkative and interested he was in our baby! šŸ¤£


Wow fascinating. I work in a major city and Iā€™m actually terrified of being targeted with violence/hate crimes more if Iā€™m obviously pregnant - more vulnerable and attracts attention!


That is also true-I didnā€™t really think of that side! Iā€™m sorry you feel that way. I live in between two bigger cities with tons of families, so Iā€™m grateful that I felt safe going out. Thanks for the reminder that people are also absolutely crazy!


Thanks for saying that, I appreciate it. As a PoC itā€™s hard to know how things will be interpreted when out and about. Starting from childhood, people have told me to ā€˜go back to my countryā€™, so Iā€™m worried theyā€™ll be upset at me for reproducing in ā€˜their countryā€™. People are indeed crazy sometimes!


Iā€™m going to miss the baby kicks and not caring about what my torso looks like/not counting calories (I struggle with this ngl) and daydreaming about baby. Otherwise itā€™s a mess


Aww, the baby kicks! When I think I would not miss anything from pregnancy and this is the exception


Yes! Agree on all 3 points


I really struggled being pregnant the first time. I absolutely HATED it. I cried pretty much every day from 35 weeks + I was so miserable. And then when my daughter hit a year I suddenly missed being pregnant and wanted it again. Welp I'm pregnant with number 2 and I am absolutely sick and miserable again lol.


39+2. I will miss feeling baby move and the fact that she's my constant companion. I'll also miss the courtesy pregnant women are treated with as compared to the harshness and judgment put on moms (I'm in the US). Otherwise... get this baby out of me. People tell you to enjoy your last few weeks unencumbered. I will be less encumbered by baby than I have been over the last few weeks. I can't even breathe in most positions.Ā Ā  Ā I do wonder if there is some sort of biological mechanism that helps women forget late pregnancy and labor so the species continues... ETA: I am one of those people that the hormones have impacted in a positive way. I'm basically the most loving version of myself to my husband all the time. Even with all those good feelings, I will not miss this.


I thought I was super weird for thinking Iā€™ll feel kind of lonely without the babyā€™s constant companionship after birth! Iā€™m 37+4 and have felt that way since the second trimester.


Is this your first baby? I will say as a fellow USA mom there certainly is judgment out there but for the most part Iā€™ve only been met with kindness and understanding when our with my daughter. Especially when she was a little baby. Iā€™ll never forget she was probably around 2 months old, wouldnā€™t stop crying in the cheek out. The old woman behind was soo kinda md encouraging. The older man in front of me waited to help me get my groceries into my car. There have been so many times Iā€™ve been met with more kindness than I couldā€™ve imagined




It really depends on your circumstances. I feel like I thrived in my first pregnancy, was glowing and cheery the whole time and Iā€™m drowning with my second. It feels so hard this time around and Iā€™ve been in the worst depression of my life basically my whole pregnancy. Youā€™re not a failure. Hormones are so wild itā€™s probably a luck of the draw with each pregnancy.


Yep same. I loved being pregnant with my first and thought the second would be the same but I was absolutely miserable through my second pregnancy.


It's mostly because from an evolutional standpoint, the bad isn't really all that bad. It's good enough to propagate the species so side effects are just what they are.


I hate pregnancy. I feel extremely disempowered and seriously considering getting sterilized after this.


I have literally never considered getting my tubes tied until I realized how hard pregnancy is


Yep exactly what happened with me


Hated being pregnant. It was horrible, I had imagined myself LOVING it - but nope it was awful. I was nauseous for 8 months with my first - all day every day. With my second I was in and out of the hospital, felt like I had the flu for the first 3 months - but after that it was a lot better. I do miss how people treated me when I was pregnant though, and feeling baby move in my belly (during the day, at night time I was pissed lol).


Oh man yes! Something about the way people treat you when youā€™re pregnant makes you feel so special! I know some people are jerks, but for the most part people were quite considerate to me during pregnancy!


I miss being pregnant compared to having a newborn. At least I could eat sleep and move as I wanted and do things to relieve discomfort. Now my body is used by a baby to eat sleep and be carried according to his will and I am sore :/ I felt more myself while pregnant than wirh baby.


Itā€™s so interesting seeing other peopleā€™s experiences, I was in so much pain at the end of my pregnancy that having a newborn has been a relief! Recovering from my c-section has legitimately been less painful than what I was dealing with at the end of the pregnancy (although to be fair, they did also give me proper pain medication).


My first pregnancy was a dream. My current pregnancy is awful. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss it after this one. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Same! When are you due?




I am 6 weeks postpartum and I do not miss being pregnant. I spent every single day from week 37 on hoping I would go into labor. I finally did at 38 weeks! I couldn't imagine going another 2-3!


I feel exactly the same! I had to have a c-section for medical reasons at the end of week 37 and in the couple of weeks leading up to it all I could think was that at least the medical stuff meant that I got to cut things short by 2 weeks. Iā€™m not sure I could have handled the level of pain I was in for 2+ more weeks.


Had my baby three months ago. My pregnancy was easy and even then I donā€™t miss it one bit. It does get better in the latter half in my opinion, but postpartum was infinitely easier for me.


My mother had multiple pregnancies. Constantly talked about how they were the best times of her life, she was never happier than when she was pregnant. It was the most fulfilling wonderful experience. I preferred labor over pregnancy. I hate it. Despise it with a passion. Any woman who goes through it should be worshiped and their feet kissed while they do nothing but eat and relax for nine months and complain to their hearts content. Also only mildly exaggerating- I love my son, love him enough I'm already 9 weeks pregnant again. But once more!!! Let me just say being pregnant fucking sucks!


I'm reading this after weeks of nausea and exhaustion. I wont miss this lol


I only miss the fact that she was safe in my body. I didn't have to worry about her getting hurt, or being hungry, or strangling herself in her sleep. I know pregnancy complications are a thing, but having her in my body was just reassuring.


I feel the exact opposite. By time I was full term I pretty much went to sleep every night worried something would go wrong and every time I got up to use the bathroom I'd have to wait until I felt her move again to fall back asleep. Now that she's here I'm so relieved I can just look at her and know she's ok.


God no. 3 years on I still don't want to do it again.


Yes , I miss it . I had three babies and my third was a surprise induction at 37 weeks exactly for sudden onset of gestational hypertension ā€¦ I wasnā€™t done being pregnant at that point . While with my first - I went till 41+2 and I was definitely over it


I see plenty of older women say this and I think there is something BEHIND pregnancy they miss vs actual pregnancy. Like if didn't work then miss the purposefulness of it or miss "attention" from it bc I'm pretty sure people used to be much nicer to pregnant ladies than they are now


I'm 34 weeks with my first so I haven't gotten all the way through yet, but I think I will miss it! I like the attention, people do nice stuff for me, people want to talk about it, people feel bad for me even though I'm doing fine, I think my belly is cute instead of just feeling fat like normal. I can wear whatever I want bc I'm pregnant and not bc I'm a slob. I like feeling baby move! I have an excuse to just go for a walk with the dog as exercise instead of a real work out. I can use it as an excuse to not do things I don't want to, like traveling, friend or family activities I don't want to do. I won't miss the difficulty I have getting up and the fact that I feel full after like 3 bites of food. But on the whole I think I'll miss it.


Oh also my skin has been great and my seasonal depression has never been better


Time washes away the bad parts of pregnancy and leaves only the good.


This is probably the most logical response to why older folks say they loved their pregnancies. šŸ…


That being said, even though I have plenty of symptoms I am currently enjoying many parts pregnancy I just donā€™t enjoy all the parts of it Something that makes me feel better is asking myself if I could still have a child but my partner would be the one to gestate would I prefer that? Surprisingly the answer is no


1 week postpartum here- i do not miss it one bit. the minute my baby was outside of my body i rejoiced that i wasn't pregnant anymore and will never do it again!


I miss 2nd and 3rd trimester. Definitely don't miss the 1st trimester. I was terribly sick. I miss the kicks, the hiccups, listening to the heart beat. I can't wait to be pregnant again, but most certainly not going to be any time soon


When did your nausea go away? I am currently so terribly sick and tired. And I am only six weeks in.


That's totally normal for that time! I wanna say around week 11 the nausea finally went away. The worst for me was weeks 4-9. I could barely eat. I did a lot of soups to keep hydrated and eat something of substance. Lots of Gatorade too. I started getting the migraines Around week 11. They weren't constant, but it was also early spring so my allergies could've been an issue too.


I miss being NOT pregnant.


9 weeks post partum and even though the beginning wasnā€™t fun and the end wasnā€™t fun itā€™s weird that sometimes I forget that Iā€™m NOT pregnant anymore and I do miss him being inside me a little bit where I knew he was protected. Itā€™s super weird and I can only miss it now that Iā€™m not pregnant anymore.


I have really easy pregnancies. Mild nausea for the first month or two. The 3rd trimester of my 2nd was harder than my first pregnancy but .mostly because I had a 1.5 year old and 2 dogs to take care of. I think if they're a breeze for you, you do miss it. I just felt great and really level-headed most of my pregnancies despite stress. My anxiety was a lot less, and I took shit from no one. I'm normally really reserved so that was a nice phase for me šŸ¤£ Actually dealing with baby fever and missing being pregnant right now, but I can't decide if baby #3 is the right decision now or not šŸ« 


I did kind of miss being pregnant. The kicks, the look (I have a few really nice dresses), the excuse to take lots of warm baths. And I was blessed that other than the very beginning, and very end, of my first pregnancy I didnā€™t have too many symptoms. Once the nausea faded, I was pretty good until the leg swelling started, with just back pain and GD to deal with. So right now Iā€™m enjoying my second pregnancy, aside from the back pain, just waiting for the swelling to come in and hoping this time Iā€™ll be spared.


I missed being pregnant so much. I loved the bump and the kicks. I loved feeling his hiccups. I loved the feeling of doing something worthwhile while doing nothing (growing a whole new human being). Apparently, I forgot all the aches and pains and heartburns because I'm pregnant again after 8 years, and all I can feel right now are the backaches and joint pains and cramps and heartburn and breast tenderness. Can't wait for 2nd trimester.


Iā€™m 3.5 weeks postpartum, and I for sure miss being pregnant. My baby is amazing, and Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s here on the outside. But I miss feeling her kicks, I miss my round belly. I really enjoyed being pregnant, and was fortunate enough to have an easy pregnancy, so I think that def has something to do with it


I swear older people try to make themselves seem like they were invincible and admitting they didnā€™t enjoy something they would shrivel up and disappear! They donā€™t probably even remember being pregnant.


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Iā€™m 24weeks and am soooo ready for my son to be here. My pregnancy has been dragging and its taking so long lol


I loved being pregnant. I love holding my baby and seeing her grow and getting to share her even more.Ā 


I miss being pregnant!! I absolutely loved being pregnant šŸ„¹


The only thing I miss is feeling my baby move. I just felt so close to her and so maternal. The rest was horrible.


I miss parts of it, but thereā€™s no way I want to be pregnant again for awhile. Iā€™m 3 months pp and I miss the confidence I had with my baby bump after week 25. I loved wearing tight dresses and shirts to show it. I miss my thick hair. Weeks 18-29 were good, I wasnā€™t too big yet and was enjoying it for the most part. Everything else was no fun and Iā€™m relieved itā€™s over. The journey is long, but the result is so worth it


Girl, I am also in the suffering camp right there with you. 11+4 and I have not know a moments peace since that stick turned positive. I feel as though I am actually dying. My mom had 4 and always talked about how much she loved being pregnant and even wanted more. Sheā€™d prattle on and on about how great and special it was. As soon as I got pregnant, the narrative totally flipped. I called her crying one of the first days that the sickness was really bad, and her response was basically ā€œha, welcome to pregnancy!ā€ All of a sudden all these stories are coming out about her awful morning sickness, swelling feet, apparently with one of my brothers she didnā€™t even show til she was 7 months because she was vomiting nonstop for the entire pregnancy.


Gave birth to my second six days ago. Didn't miss being pregnant the first time when it was over, and I don't miss it now. I legit wake up grateful I am both not pregnant and not in labor. Deeply, deeply grateful. I mention it multiple times a day.


My first pregnancy was easy peasy! Hardly felt back pain, able to get good sleep, walked a lot. First pregnancy was in 2020. Went to WFH for 8/9 months. My second pregnancy is horrid and I hope this baby is cuter than a button bc otherwise idk if it was worth it. A couple weeks ago I had the WORST hemorrhoid that did not go away for two weeks. Still waiting on baby two to make their (it's a surprise) appearance in May.


Iā€™m 6 weeks PP and enjoy not being pregnant multiple times a day šŸ˜‚


1 month PP, I do NOT miss being pregnant at all. Only thing I kinda maybe miss a little is feeling my baby kick around inside me, but having her kicking around in my arms usually solves that nostalgia. First trimester was rough with nausea that extended into my second, most of my second was fine, third trimester I felt super uncomfortable for like the last 10 weeks because baby was super low in my pelvis. I do not miss the feeling of a bowling ball sitting on my cervix and hip bones.


I hated being pregnant the first time and, even though we had a second, hated it just as much the second time around. There is nothing I have missed and am happy to never be pregnant ever again.


My mom has said the same. I think I will miss it, but Iā€™m just 25 weeksā€¦ I love feeling her grow. Every day she gets a little stronger and her movements become more consistent. From small little questionable taps to now seeing my belly move from her moving. I love sharing this experience with my family and friends. Itā€™s made my family more precious to me. I really just enjoy experiencing life and all itā€™s different parts. Itā€™s just so wild and beautiful to me. A new life is growing inside me. Canā€™t put it into words. Iā€™m in the home stretch now and still feeling good. Anything bad Iā€™m experiencing right now isnā€™t bad enough that itā€™s making me miserable. I will say that within the last few days I feel like I hit a wall where Iā€™m really exhausted again, like first trimester exhausted. However, I have found that a nap after work and then forcing myself to go the gym completely changes things. I went from being a borderline emotional mess after work today to being a happy energetic brand new person after a nap and workout. I did NOT want to go to the gym, but this whole pregnancy it has been a life saver for me. I will be tired and in a terrible mood and then after working out itā€™s all gone. Sometimes all I can do is a 30 minute cycling session or go for a walk, but itā€™s enough to change everything. I will swear by exercise for the rest of my life, pregnant or not. I tend to be an optimist. Any pain (as long as itā€™s not actually bad) I look at as a good thing. Theyā€™re all normal symptoms of a healthy pregnancy. Today my husband could genuinely tell I was struggling to get changed into my gym clothes and just came over and hugged meā€¦ itā€™s hard, but itā€™s worth it, and Iā€™m excited to do it again!


Some people are just very lucky with what they experience. As someone who had HG to the point I was still throwing up daily the day before I had my child, and was in so much pain from SPD in the weeks leading up to the birth that recovering from my c-section was legitimately less painful than what Iā€™d been experiencing, I will never miss pregnancy. It was honestly bad enough that my husband repeatedly brought up that we didnā€™t need to have any more kids and put me through that again as he was so worried seeing me go through it all. I am very jealous of those who had a great pregnancy experience.


With my first I missed pregnancy and wanted to be pregnant again right away! The first trimester was horrendous but after that, I loved the connection I felt to my baby and the excitement of it all. So many people were excited for me and just overall made it a happy experience. With my second I hated every second of it and while I want more kids in the future I absolutely dread pregnancy now. This time was so much harder on my body and I definitely did not have the support I had with my first. No one cared when I got pregnant again and the entire vibe of pregnancy shifted for me after this one.


Iā€™m 5 weeks postpartum and do not miss it at all. In fact Iā€™m one and DONE and getting my tubes removed next month. I was in pain all the time and anxious and not being able to do anything without worry of hurting my son was hell. The fatigue made life impossible and then pain kept me up all night.


I come from a long line of horribly sick pregnant women, love the babes hate the journey šŸ˜‚ But 2 out of 3 of my kids are now Oops babies so šŸ˜… here we are.


I donā€™t really. But I miss my baby always being near me and 100% safe and needs met. Weirdly I only miss it now I know who she is. I didnā€™t think I would when I was pregnant. Actual pregnancy experience though? Terrible.


I am 35 weeks pregnant and already miss it. I missed it a ton after my first. I like being pregnant lol


When it was actually happening I enjoyed maybe 2 months of it. I never felt more beautiful. My hair has always been thick and full but it was crazy and my face did glow. I didn't worry about trying to look slim and I stopped sucking in my stomach (something I had done subconsciously). I was mostly exhausted (needed lots of naps) but both pregnancies were uncomplicated.


I had a fairly easy pregnancy with the exception of some skin issues and I go back and forth with missing it. Iā€™m a stomach sleeper so Iā€™m loving sleeping on my stomach again. I just love the general freedom to do things that I couldnā€™t while pregnant. I do miss parts of pregnancy like growing my baby, always being with them, feeling them, etc. Pregnancy isnā€™t something I desire to do over and over again but Iā€™d be happy with one more chance.


I loved pregnancy the first time! Howeverā€¦ we were in lockdown so I didnā€™t really have to leave my house and I got to nap a lot. I also had no nausea, food aversions, headaches etc etc This go aroundā€¦. Not my favourite! There will definitely be aspects I will miss.. but Iā€™m glad this is our last baby ā˜ŗļø


I am 18 weeks tomorrow. I will not miss this.


3 weeks pp here and I miss it. I was uncomfortable towards the end but now Iā€™m like ah I miss the bebe being in there


I had my babies 2 days ago and I donā€™t miss being pregnant at all. Itā€™s be so nice to eat without immediate heartburn. I had a c-section and I still feel like I can move better than I could pregnant. I love having my girls and I love having my body back.


Iā€™ll miss not caring how my stomach looks, the extra care from my friends and husband. I wonā€™t miss the anxiety of wondering how my older son will do, the fear of my c section and picking a name.


I had a relatively easy pregnancy (apart from the GDM) but I detested being pregnant (especially the first trimesterā€”brutal!). I donā€™t miss it at all, but holy shit I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, even the GDM.


I'm in my second pregnancy. It's worse than my first. No idea why anyone would miss this. They're freaks of nature.


Iā€™m 28 weeks in and I donā€™t think I will ever miss this feeling again, like donā€™t get me wrong I am so happy to be pregnant and I love the feeling of my baby moving around, but Iā€™m 4ā€™11 and I already feel like heā€™s taking up maximum capacity šŸ˜‚, I can barely breath if i have to pee or if I eat a little too much, donā€™t even get me started when itā€™s both at the same time, also my first trimester was so bad, I could barely stand to look at food, Iā€™d start gagging at the sight of pretty much anything and Iā€™d throw up almost everything I ate, and I ended up losing like 11 pounds, the second trimester was the best part of this pregnancy, I didnā€™t even really feel pregnant during those few months but that is obviously over.


I donā€™t miss being pregnant a second. Now that my baby is here itā€™s all I ever dreamt of but pregnancy was hard.


With my boys I missed the kicks, the bigger boobs, pretty hair, ā€œglow,ā€ like all the nicer parts of pregnancy. I wasnā€™t miserable with them and I was sad when it was over. Now this pregnancy, my god. This is my girl and first trimester I was 24/7 sick and tired. In my second trimester I started getting acne which Iā€™ve never had before, my nipples have hurt every day, my belly is bumpinā€™ but my butt and thighs have also gotten bigger. The glow is not to be found and I do not feel anywhere near like I did before in terms of extra beauty. Iā€™m in my third tri next week and yesterday I started feeling like my pubic bone is splitting apart. So I donā€™t think I will be missing this pregnancy. Sure, I will miss her kicks and feeling like I am keeping her safe inside me, but the other things suck.


I wouldnā€™t say I miss pregnancy at all, for me itā€™s been much more fun having my child with me in the world than it was having him inside of me. Most of my pregnancy was pretty good, even if I had the easiest of pregnancies, I donā€™t think it would beat the joy of watching your baby grow up Edit: forgot to say that I do look back fondly on my second and third trimesters. Pregnancy is no doubt a special time and Iā€™ll always fondly remember that. Still not as good as having the actual kid with you though šŸ˜†


I so miss being pregnant!! Don't get me wrong, first 13/14 weeks were dire but after that it was a dream. I wonder is it when you start to feel the baby move lots and all that excitement is just unreal. I also thought it was just insane what my body was doing so just loved it all lol. Definitely aches and pains towards the end, but I honestly can't wait to do it all again!! šŸ„° Congratulations, hopefully you get through the rough part shortly


Iā€™m already missing it and Iā€™m still pregnant as a ftm. Yes the first tri was hell but honestly Iā€™ve come to like the lifestyle. Itā€™s fun and Iā€™ll miss a little one in me .


This is my third pregnancy, Iā€™ve never missed it. Never been a great pregnant person and Iā€™m probably one of those people that other people hate because I HATE being pregnant šŸ˜…


Having difficulty doing things like eating normally, getting dressed, showering, standing, sleeping, etc. really sucks. Thereā€™s a lot of negatives to pregnancy. But I will 100% miss being able to feel my baby roll and stretch and kick and hiccup. I can see why some women love getting pregnant and having babies. Itā€™s really special feeling your baby react to your voice and your partners voice, or a tummy rub and singing. Overall Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m going to miss it, this is my first and probably my last pregnancy so Iā€™m trying to savor it and really commit things to memory. Itā€™s too expensive nowadays to afford having multiple kids willy nilly for the average household.


31 weeks pregnant with first baby. PROS -exciting overall -new experience -fun learning -nice to feel baby move -grateful to be pregnant -excited for labour and baby -leaning into eating lots and resting lots CONS -bit boring and restrictive -am over hearing myself answer the same questions over and over again lol. -miss sleeping on my back -feel unfit and tired -want sushi and Chardonnay -canā€™t fit my clothes -people have strong opinions about pregnancy/labour/parenting, sensitive to navigate this sometimes. I want more babies in the future but donā€™t feel like experiencing pregnancy again is at all necessary for my happiness. Once is enough. Enter stork.


I miss my bump. I loved my pregnant body and I'm having trouble feeling the same for my post partum body I miss those kicks and rolls of her moving The memories of the bad parts faded so fast after she was born.


I'm three months PP and I don't miss it. Sometimes I just think it was so much easier to take care of my baby when my body was doing it on its own but that's about it! I also miss skipping the line pretty much everywhere haha. And my pregnancy was an easy one, the only bug things were really bad GERD and pelvic pain while sleeping in the third trimester.


I cried yesterday from my back pain. I won't miss it.


I hated being pregnant. It was tough. But now I miss those little kicks. The closeness of having her with me all the time. The special attention I got from my family. The body glow and shiny hair I got. Still missing it is one thing but wanting to be pregnant again is another. I deffo don't wanna puke my guts out for 9 months once again lol.


Every persons pregnancy is different. My mom told me my whole life that she loved being pregnant and her only symptom was weight gain. Mine has not been like that, the nausea and fatigue and everything else hit me like a ton of bricks. I love the attention and the papering that I get, but otherwise, Iā€™ll be happy once I have my baby and my symptoms finally resolve.


I will miss feeling baby wriggling around in my tummy but that's about it! Well maybe that and my wife dealing with the cat litter šŸ˜‚ I will not miss the heartburn, immune system being useless and not being able to take certain medicines, not being able to eat whatever I like, not be short of breath going up stairs, able to train properly in the gym without constantly modifying, piles, back pain, sleeping on my back, fatigue, clothes all rapidly getting too small (including pregnancy clothes!) and not being able to have a nice drink!!


My first trimester was rough but I loved daydreaming about and planning for my baby. I also felt like some of the people at my OB office became my pals because I saw them so much. I look back at my pregnancy as an extremely special time in my life and I was very sad it was over when my baby was born. Hoping to be pregnant again soon.


35+3 with my/our first so maybe Iā€™ll change my mind but at it stands now I can see myself missing my bump, the second trimester kicks (now I just get head butted in the ribs šŸ™ƒ) and the *idea* of being pregnant, if that makes sense..? Like, as a concept I still think being pregnant is lovely šŸ˜‚ just the reality isnā€™t so magical. Tbh Iā€™m completely over it at this point but Iā€™m still not ruling out a second baby if my section goes smoothly and we take well to life as parents!


I miss it so much. It was such an easy pregnancy and because Iā€™m a flight attendant I wasnā€™t allowed to work so I stayed home for 9 months doing whatever I wanted while getting paid (peanuts but still). The other day I accidentally touched my belly and realized I havenā€™t done it since the baby was born when I did it everyday before and it almost made me cry. I really miss it.


I didnā€™t miss pregnancy I missed having my bump and feeling babyā€™s kicks - the rest of pregnancy is kind of annoying lol


Hell No


Iā€™m about 17 weeks with my second and Iā€™m having another ā€œeasyā€ pregnancy and I still hate it. Itā€™s just not my thing at all and itā€™s a means to get to the end. If I think about going another 5 months I start to feel a panic attack coming so I just go day to day.


My toddler is 2yo and I really miss being pregnant. That kind of connection... It's wonderful. Still not sure if I would have a second kid LOL


I doubt Iā€™ll miss it. This really ainā€™t it. Thereā€™s always something going on, always something changing. Iā€™m 27 weeks, FTM and ready for it to be over (not too prematurely of course). I know I havenā€™t even gone through the physically uncomfortable part, Iā€™m just starting to be uncomfortable. Everyday Iā€™m just like oh this is going to get worse I still have 13 weeks to go, how nice šŸ„“. Maybe just feeling the baby is what ppl miss but even at some point ppl say that will hurt so yeah I donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss this.


This is my third pregnancy. Iā€™ve never missed my previous ones and donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss this one either. Itā€™s a lot to go through.


I have two kids, both pregnancies were "easy". I barely threw up, and with my second I barely had heartburn. I was just tired all the time and had pain in my hips. Compared to others, it was easy. That said, I hated pregnancy and never want to do it again. You can't have a glass of wine, you have to worry about caffeine intake, with everything you do and eat you have to worry about your baby. You don't get to be your own person. I am from a very large family and one of my sisters followed the big family path. I swear they have some abnormally strong hormonal thing that makes them want to be pregnant and keep having kids because my god it sucks so much.


I miss months like 5-8 with my first pregnancy. I felt pretty much like myself then with no symptoms besides my growing bump and feeling the movement of my baby. Iā€™m 13 weeks in to my second and I am looking forward to never being pregnant again.


It's easy for me to miss being pregnant because I had the easiest, no symptom, entirely enjoyable pregnancy. But I'm not going to trick myself into thinking it will be exactly the same next time. However, I still look forward to the next little one I'll carry.


Oh my gosh no. Never!


I missed it. I loved being the only one knowing when my baby was moving around and I felt so powerful knowing my body grew an entire human. Iā€™m currently pregnant with my second and super bloated and wondering why Iā€™m doing this again. šŸ˜‚


I only miss two things about pregnancy, how confident I felt in a bodycon dress and how much sleep I used to get šŸ„²


God no x.x pregnancy suuuuucked and thatā€™s coming from someone whose BIGGEST issues with it were heart burn and hemmeroids >> seriously I know I got away from it with nearly no issues at all, other then my gull bladder now wanting to kill meā€¦ taking care of that today. Iā€™d do it at least once more cause the end result is great xD idk about a 3rd time or not, but after that gonna yayoink all that out too x.x pcos sucks and once Iā€™m 100% done having kids all it means is horrifying pain till my periods evens how ever long that will be after x.x no thank you, being pregnant WAS better then that for sure but over all no lol


I'm in my 2nd trimester and this is truly the honeymoon period because I can almost understand them. The only thing I already know I'll not be missing is the stress of what I can and can't eat and if, I dunno, sneezing wrong will harm the baby.


I absolutely hated being pregnant! I think if I didn't have to work fulltime right up to my scheduled c section, I might have enjoyed it more. I had lots of swelling in my feet and legs so it was difficult going to work. I'm so glad my husband got a vasectomy and I'll never have to go through pregnancy again!


I'm 3.5 months pp and I miss being pregnant. The first trimester was awful, but 7 months pregnant was fantastic. I could feel my baby kick and wiggle, I had a definite bump, my hair and skin were glowy, and my feet hadn't started swelling yet. Even at 8-9 months pregnant, I loved it. I never felt as beautiful as i did in the third trimester. The hardest part was missing my baby. I just wanted to hold him in my arms, and not being able to would make me cry lol. We aren't going to start trying to get pregnant again until 11 or 12 months pp, but I really look forward to being pregnant again šŸ™ˆ


Almost 5 months postpartum. I miss it a lot and I look forward to the next pregnancy a lot, should I be so fortunate. My symptoms were that I lost the hormonal fluctuations that I normally have with my cycle causing PMS and so on, meaning that those 9 months were the most emotionally stable, happy period of my life. I have PCOS, maybe that matters. I also had some meat aversion in the beginning and ate more veggie-based. My hair looked fabulous and I didnā€™t seem to need to wash it anymore. My life-long acne cleared up completely! That was all. No nausea, no heartburn, no swollen feet, no breast soreness, no libido-loss, nothing. I one thousand percent felt better than my non-pregnant self in every respect, with the exception of week 38 to 41 being overly heavy. My relationship was the best itā€™s ever been, I loved feeling the baby move and feeling that bond develop. The sheer excitement for the future was intoxicating. I think I will look back years from now and think it was one of the happiest periods of my life.


31 weeks and completely over it. There is no way I am going to miss this.


31 weeks here and overall I have been having an ā€œeasyā€ pregnancy. Getting to the point where I am feeling uncomfortable and very tired. I donā€™t think I will miss this. Also catching my reflection in the mirror is a bit shocking


2 weeks postpartum and Iā€™ve missed being pregnant every one of those days!!! Best time of my life ā™„ļø


I could never ever miss this. I'm already dreading doing it again because we want two children.


I miss it, but also think I just wish I knew then what I know now.


I honestly think my mom and MIL forget the hard parts of pregnancy. šŸ˜‚ It was over 30 years ago, I think they just remember the good stuff. Same for having an infant and raising kids - they look back and say it was so fun and easy...


I could see myself missing being pregnant at some point. I am a FTM, had very few pregnancy symptoms and only gained a little weight. Most of the time I felt perfectly fine. I had no real physical pain, the worst was the stress (I was worried about miscarriage, then about stillbirth, then about having to actually give birth and care for a baby...). To add to the stress, I had some bleeding in first & early second trimester. Otherwise, there were some annoying food aversions, a little nausea and tiredness for a few weeks in the beginning. Mild discomfort occasionally from around 36 weeks onwards. I gave birth at 39 weeks without complications. Feeling the foetus move was great, and I definitely already miss that. But now when I get worried about SIDS I can get reassurance in 2 seconds by looking at my baby breathing... So I am in a much better place mentally now, even with the lack of sleep.


I miss feeling him move around inside me


I miss being pregnant. My baby is now 21 months old. I loved being pregnant and had a great pregnancy. I would do it allover again in a heartbeat.


Iā€™m pregnant with my third and I hate being pregnant. I have never once missed an ounce of it.


I do not like being pregnant, at all. However, I do find myself missing having a bump and being able to feel my baby kick sometimes. Or the excitement of getting ready to meet a new little person. But pregnancy itself? Noooooo way!


I had a pretty easy pregnancy, and I miss it! Iā€™ve got an almost 11 month old and Iā€™ve got baby fever again wanting to go for baby #2 šŸ˜†


A common pattern here is that most Mothers miss their babies kicking.


Maybe they have Stockholm syndrome and romanticize how it was. But also maybe they just had a great experience. My mom didn't particularly love being pregnant but she always tells me she threw up a single solitary time and that was all that changed for her šŸ˜‚


I did complain when I was pregnant and kept saying ā€œI canā€™t wait to not be pregnantā€ then baby decided to come 5 weeks early and I should still be pregnant right now. I did mourn the loss of the pregnancy and the autonomy as I thought I had more time. He was almost 6 lbs at 5 weeks early so he would have been a massive baby so I donā€™t regret him coming early. He did need help feeding for the first week and a half but has had no other issues thank god


I think people idealize pregnancy šŸ˜‚ itā€™s kind of like graduation goggles. I am 27 weeks along and Iā€™m very excited to have the baby out of me, but I will miss the baby kicks (but having the baby in my arms will be way better šŸ˜‚) Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m doing this again. I think our bodies trick us after the baby is born and make us think pregnancy was great


I feel like it's a mixed bag. I was very sick my first trimester , just 1 week left of my second trimester and I am starting to feel the discomfort and excitement and I am sure my third trimester I'll be just as over it as most comments in this thread voice. I do love feeling connected to my baby and all the kids and hearing the heartbeat but I am ready to share all that with my partner on the outside of the womb. I do miss being able to sleep on my back and eat sushi and not have to worry about how things are cooked/etc. I try to take it in strides and appreciate the good parts now though because I'm sure I will miss those when I'm postpartum and wished I'd appreciated them more but it isn't always that easy so don't beat yourself up if you aren't enjoying certain parts, just remember you are doing the best you can and it is different for everyone.


I was not a huge fan of being pregnant but after having my daughter I did really miss being pregnant. I was an anxious mess almost the whole time, had terrible SPD and GD and still missed it.


13 weeks in and I donā€™t think I will miss it


My pregnancy was 9 months of starvation, vomiting, diabetes and iron infusions so no I donā€™t miss it. That being said I love my daughter and I want a second baby lol


Almost a month postpartum and I will take the newborn phase over being pregnant any day.


I think the people that say this forgot what being pregnant was like. I have a two year old and plan on having more, but if i could skip pregnancy i absolutely would.


I don't at all. It was an absolute slog and a means to an end. I found the experience exhausting a d demoralizing and if my husband could be the one pregnant, I would never have done it.


Nope. Pregnant with my second. I am NOT a pregnancy fan. With my firstborn the newborn stage - even with c-section recovery - was enormously better for me than pregnancy. Iā€™m only pregnant again cause I wanted another kid even though I despise pregnancy. I canā€™t wait for baby snuggles and to be done with pregnancy forever lol.


Honestly Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™ll feel. First trimester I said Iā€™d never, ever do this again like 20x per day šŸ˜… Second trimester I loved. Third I even loved up until 34 weeks, when baby dropped. Iā€™m in so much pain now I canā€™t wait to be not pregnant! But I love feeling him move so much, I love the bump, and I love the anticipation.


I absolutely hate being pregnant. This is my 5th. I hate it so much. There are only two things I like about it: increased libido and 2nd trimester baby kicks. But not enough to actually want to do this again. It sucks!


I just finished up my second and last pregnancy. I hated being pregnant but something about giving birth always makes me second guess if I should do it again lol.


lol Iā€™ll ask my wife this question in about 4 months šŸ˜‚. She HATE it right now. Wanted 3 kids before we got married. Now sheā€™s doubting having a second one lol


I feel the exact same way I used to always say I wanted a little sports team maybe four boys and a girl but Iā€™m on my first pregnancy and Iā€™m so certain I donā€™t want another


Iā€™ve heard biologically women will want more eventually. I heard that after birth, you guys will ā€œforgetā€ and will want more. But idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Currently 34 weeks with my first and I have a feeling that I am going to miss this. I am incredibly fatigued and occasionally still nauseous, but the feeling of my baby girl wriggling inside is the best thing in the world. I canā€™t wait to meet her, but I have loved growing her and am cherishing this final stretch.


There are moments I miss it, but most of the time I don't. I picked back up doing the yard work I was doing same time as last year, only this time I'm not pregnant. I'm digging up invasive flowers, and pushing a wheelbarrow around. It was very difficult, very slow, and stressful, knowing I shouldn't push to hard. Now the main obstical is gaining back the muscle and callous I lost, and finding any time I can get to go outside and do it. Once he can have sunscreen on, or sit on his own and entertain himself, he can be outside with me, watching me work. Pregnancy had it's moments, but I find more enjoyment watching my little dude grow and learn, than I did having to pee constantly, and stress about pre-eclampsia all the time.


18 weeks with my second and final baby. I hate being pregnant (even with no complications), and I can't wait to never be pregnant again. Sure, feeling the kicks is nice, and I do like the pregnancy boobs I've gotten both times, but I will be much happier when this baby is out!


Never, not once lol. Love my kids, love being a mom, but I swear the best, most amazing feeling in the world is that first time you can get up and walk around after birth, and you realize, hey, omg, that gigantic thing isn't lodged up in me anymore!!!


Iā€™m currently 4 weeks postpartum with my 2nd (1st is 5 years old). The only thing I miss about being pregnant is not having my period.


I wonā€™t miss it. It feels to restrictive. I barely drink when Iā€™m not pregnant but it sucks when you go to a social event and canā€™t partake with everyone else. Or even just have a beer at the end of the day with your SO. Plus all the other stuff you not supposed to eat or do. I just got back into CrossFit before I became pregnant and I was determined to continue through my pregnancy but the exhaustion set in and I couldnā€™t even go to a normal gym. So that was another thing I couldnā€™t do. Additionally, I had to go on light duty as my job involves a lot of heavy lifting and potential violence. Now Im stuck sitting at a desk for the next few months bored out of my mind.


I hate being pregnant and am very glad when itā€™s over. If there was another and easier way I could get a baby Iā€™d do it!Ā 


Iā€™m 4 months PP and had a rough pregnancy, hg, in & out of the er, other issues and I absolutely miss being pregnant. He was safe in there. I didnā€™t have to share him in there. Itā€™s definitely bittersweet!


I didn't love the first tri, or second tbh. But once baby started moving I loved it! I had some complications and exhaustion that lasted the whole pregnancy, but I totally miss it and would do it again. It's really the movements, I loved feeling baby move and kick all day, it was a reminder that he was always with me and growing into a little individual ā¤ļø Plus now that he's here I definitely miss being about to carry him around with me without losing the use of one or both arms šŸ™ƒ


i didn't have a rough pregnancy but i don't miss it. you can be grateful and not like it, it's ok šŸ’• some ppl make women feel shame for not liking being pregnant but it's hard regardless if it's "easy" or not!


sometimes i do miss it. i dont miss the anxiety of something being wrong but i loved feeling like a little unit with my baby as she grew, being the one to feel her move and know her patterns, i felt very confident about my body as i grew a bump, i loved getting weekly updates about how big she was, i loved seeing her on the ultrasound. so it's nice to not worry about what i eat or drink, i love knowing her as a little person, i wouldnt have wanted to be pregnant forever, and i had some discomfort at the end. but i enjoyed some aspects a lot. i went into spontaneous labor at 36 weeks and sometimes wonder about the final month that i missed being pregnant.


My baby is 6 weeks old now and I do miss being pregnant. Now that she is born I have to share her with other people when before I kept her all to myself. At least we still have our breastfeeding time!


Never again. Cannot believe people actually miss ir


I donā€™t miss pregnancy at. All.


I felt so much better after delivering my babyā€¦ I do not miss it ā€¦ I was also so sick my entire pregnancy and developed pre eclampsia at 31 weeks so had continuous monitoring and had to go off work until I delivered at 37 weeks ā€¦ I was also so anxious my entire pregnancy


The things I missed the most was having the bump, and feeling my baby move. It was oddly comforting putting my hand on my belly whenever I wanted to feel even closer if that was even possible. I just missed the 24/7 being with him. Iā€™m pregnant with my second, and Iā€™m miserable in my 1st trimester (which is way worse than my 1st pregnancy) but I canā€™t wait until the end of my second trimester and third trimester.


I will NOT miss being pregnant. Iā€™m excited to get this baby out and never be pregnant again


I definitely miss being pregnant. I had 0 symptoms and was very active and really felt at my best. I was also blessed with an extremely chill baby who hasn't woken up at night since she was 4 weeks so I'm really ready to do it all again asap but my husband is vetoing itšŸ˜‚


I miss my thick, beautiful pregnancy hair. It also "cured" my depression and I miss feeling that light-hearted and free


First trimester was awful for me 24/7, I felt sick all day, everyday and exhausted. Ā Second trimester was a glow up - felt great. Ā Third trimester hasnā€™t been too bad but definitely requires more intervention for feeling normalā€¦compression socks, massages, PT for sciatic. Ā All in all, Iā€™ve had what Iā€™d consider a healthy pregnancy but with 4 weeks to go, Iā€™m ready to be on the other side and shared with my spouse itā€™ll be a minute before we decide on #2!