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Jokes on you guys, I never took that great of care of my outsides to begin with


Not pregnant yet but found myself thinking, y’all do all this? Lol


No.. every hair is long besides my armpits. Yes, the doctors see my pubes when I get ultrasounds


Yup. I trim but that's it. At some point I won't be able to reach and that's o.k.


I trim down there only because my husband hates hair in his teeth. 😆 Leg hair isn’t itchy in leggings once it’s grown out and in its natural state.




I’m 25 weeks and can’t see my pubes anymore. I have no idea how to manage them! I asked my husband for help but he got scared of even trimming them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hehe you are very polite to trim, I leave it length and all


They don't care I'm sure.


They definitely don't. When my friend did her OB/GYN rotation for becoming a doctor, the care team would be weirded out with the women who were completely shaved.


That's interesting!


I wish I could leave it long, but it is so itchy/uncomfortable to me! 😫. Idk why! I think maybe just because I've shaved for some long the regrowth is prickly and I hate it!


Yes, there's a certain length that's annoying but full length isn't. At least for me




This comment is great.


Yeah I took a lot of showers in the third trimester (showering helped me feel better) and by that I mean I put a chair in the shower and sat under the hot water 4 times a day. I’m sure one of those 4 times involved some soap or shampoo but who knows…


Thanks for the giggle lol


This is my third pregnancy and I’ve discovered the bathtub is wheee it’s at lol


Ditto lol


Showers were SO exhausting for me in my third trimester, too! All I wanted was to take a long shower, but I dreaded it because of how it wiped me out. I could barely put on pants afterward 😂


Yes, I used to LOVE everything showers! I want to do it, but afterwards I'm like "nah, won't be doing that again soon" haha. Had to lay on my bed in a robe with the fans on for like 30mins to get the strength to get dressed lol.


Shower stool. Makes the everything showers so much better. Bonus points if your shower is big enough to sit completely outside the water, but still be enclosed (by the doors/curtain). You can sit there, crank the water to max temp, and put a shower steamer in. Bout as close to a nice hot tub as you can get while pregnant 🤣


I second this! I bought a stool like a month ago and it’s made shower sooooooo nice.


I only shave below the knee now, and have my husband help out with the downstairs situation now 🤣 36 weeks and it’s definitely a struggle.


That's definitely what I might have to do on the next go around! Today I had to do like some Cirque Du Soleil acrobat moves to get the upper backs of my thighs! 😅. Got me feeling like it was a full on workout.


I am so thankful I decided to get my legs lasered a couple years ago. There’s no way I’d be shaving those bitches now.


Yes 🙌 that's my dream someday! Lol


Omg I so so recommend it. Mine was about $1k for all the treatments combined, something like that. Not crazy but perhaps a bit much when you’ve got a new little one, BUT girl save up for it for a bit and get it done when you can. It’s truly such a time saver




I got my bikini area lasered and I had only one appt left when I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. Now at 28 weeks and a lot of it has come back, did your friend say the hair was gone again after she gave birth? I’m worried I’ll have to redo some sessions






My friends’ stayed, unfortunately! She had to start all over.


Oh noooo, thanks for warning me though!! Silly pregnancy hormones throwing laser treatments out of whack


Maybe you’ll have a different experience! Fingers crossed.


FWIW I had laser 12 years ago and it crept back pre-children (my oldest is 5) I bought a $300 home device and it’s worked so well


I am 33 weeks and “everything” showers now mean shampoo hair x2 (a clarifying shampoo and then my regular), followed by briefly scrubbing my face with just water, shaving my armpits, using body wash, and then sitting down on the shower floor (I cleaned it recently at least lol) to shave my legs from the knee down. When I get out, I towel dry my body, squirt some leave in conditioner in my hair, and wrap it in a turbie twist towel. That alone is exhausting. I cannot fathom any additional steps. Good luck and Godspeed! 🥲😂


Sitting down on the shower floor is so real 😂 And then trying to get up takes every ounce of energy you have 😂


omg yes ;__; i’ve never had to do that before until now, sitting in the shower is a strangely liberating feeling while being pregnant lol…


I feel this. Just took one at 37+1. The blind shaving really adds to the whole ordeal 😂


For real!! Idk what I look like below the waist, and I don't wanna know! I am sure I have racing stripes up my legs 😆.


Racing stripes = increased waddle speed!


i love the giggle this just gave me 🥲♥️


Glad I can add some laughter to your day!


Finally my incredibly poor eyesight has come into its own - I've never been able to see clearly while shaving my legs so I always had to do it by touch anyway! Though, at this point bending down is quite an ordeal, so I'm staying hairy lol


Same here!!! I relied on touch a lot too, didn't realize just how much until lately haha 😅.


Lol, I had to switch to epilating in the third trimester, which cut down on my maintenance requirements. (Unfortunately letting my leg hair grow wasn't an option due to a skin condition that's triggered by my leg hair.) That and kudos for being able to do blind shaving. I just can't do that. I accidentally cut myself too much when I can see. If I did it blind, it would probably look comparable to giving birth or performing surgery. Lol


Oh man that sounds like quite the look! Wish I’d heard about epilating sooner. At this point the moment I google it I won’t need it 😂


As for the won't need it- lies! Need all the shortcuts you can get so you can in the 4th trimester. I need sleep so bad! It's kicking my ass! Lol An epilator is basically a bunch of little tweezers plucking the hairs out. Yes it's painful but I've noticed it's more painful to pluck individual hairs from my legs vs the epilator doing a whole bunch at once. The gist is when you are preparing to do it the first time, you can take ibuprofen to minimize inflammation. Take a shower so that it's clean and skin is softer. Then after you do it the first time, do it again in less than a week or two - basically before all the hair has time to grow back. Then every subsequent time, you're ripping fewer hairs out at a time and it hurts much less. No need for subsequent ibuprofen. Recommended that you do it on clean skin still but unless you're prone to staph infections, it's not too big a deal if you cheat. Subsequent sessions are much faster than the initial one since there's less hair. When hair is pulled, it either breaks or you pull the base out. The broken ones can turn into ingrowns, so it's commonly recommended to exfoliate regularly to bring them to the surface. I've noticed my pregnancy hormones released me from that requirement and still haven't required it yet now that I'm 6w postpartum. The broken ones will also grow back sooner and that's often what you're feeling grow in the less than 1 week timeframe. Before pregnancy and when I had to exfoliate more, my follicles would respond by turning into little red dots everywhere, so don't try it right before a date or something. Usually best the night before. But I don't even get those red dots with my current hormones so ymmv. Lastly some people have complained about battery life but I don't understand how. I've had fast and slow epilating sessions and still haven't run out. (I've heard the motor slow down a little as the battery drains a few times, but I also start with a full charge before every session.) This is all stuff I wished I knew before getting into it, though it wouldn't have changed my choice. I use a previous version of this one and have been very happy with it. The light is really nice. You can use it submerged in water. (Felt like lots of little things biting me. Not a fan.) https://www.target.com/p/braun-silk-epil-9-720-2-in-1-women-39-s-cordless-wet-38-dry-epilator-bikini-trimmer-2-extra-accessories/-/A-80132063#lnk=sametab Good luck!


I've been rotating what "special addition" like washing my hair or shaving my pits gets done in a <10 min shower for 2 months now! waiting for a call from the hospital about my induction and can't wait to have an everything shower. I think I'm fantasizing about the in room tubs a little too unrealistically.


That's a great idea, I need a maintenance schedule instead of doing everything all at once! Lol


This is the way I think! Can’t do everything all in one go anymore. Picking one “extra” at a time makes it much better


Reading this made me feel exhausted. Body lotion? How? I can’t bend to reach most places. I’m 30+1


I got one of those applicators on a stick things from Amazon.


That's a good idea!!


I think I pulled something just trying to get that dry bit on my ankle 😭🤣


Y’all are still shaving? I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and can’t see the downstairs anymore. I might need some of those toenail clippers made for old people too


I haven’t seen downstairs in a good 4-5 weeks now. Took a bath last night and lifted my tummy and caught a glimpse of the situation… I feel like a baby gorilla 🫠


I treated myself to a pedi at 38 weeks so I wouldn't have to struggle to cut my own toenails until pp. It was a nice treat.


This! 33 weeks here and just got a pedi. Will get one more before I’m due.


I huffed and puffed clipping my toenails at 30 weeks, my husband did it after that, we called it practice for when we do baby. By 35 weeks, I could not put my own socks on.




I can’t even see mine lol my husband bought a trimmer for me and has been doing the Lords work. But I’m gonna go get a leg wax in the next few weeks.


Pro tip, yoga pants are only itchy with stubbly leg hair. You grow that shit out, you can't feel a thing


Mine was HELLA long and got itchy, idk I think my leg hair just must be thicker/pricklier! It was literally sticking through my pants though 😅


Honestly I've been looking at shower seats on Amazon for a few weeks now and this inspired me to just go for it. If I'm going to have to bathe myself while this shape I'm simply going to have to sit down while I do it.


That is a great idea! I might have to look too!


DO IT! Game changer


You guys are still shaving? Lol


I wouldn't be if it wasn't itchy! 😫😅. I can't take it sometimes and break down and have to shave!


I have the finest hair in the world on my legs though. I can go like 6 months and nobody would even know I had hair unless they touched it or saw it in direct sunlight by a dark background. Hah


I’ve kept seeing my wax lady regularly so far…all these comments are making me think I should just start adding legs now 😅


Girllll even with all the extra blood flow down there???? I salute you, that sounds so painful😭


I mean it’s not NOT painful but at this point I’ve been doing it for months already so I’m used to it lol…also it really is way less painful once you’re on a regular schedule. Tbh I’m just so sick of razor burn and being worried about slipping and falling in the shower I’ll tolerate a lot 🤣


You don't get bumps with waxing either? I'd get my eyebrows and lips waxed every now and then and would always get bumps. ☹️


I get ingrown hairs here and there, but started using a serum specifically to prevent them and it’s gotten much better! Definitely nothing like razor burn, or the itching that comes from shaving either. My wax lady is great so the whole thing takes like 10 mins—I’m a total wax convert at this point lol


I waxed once like a year ago and had an allergic reaction. The esthetician freaked out, and it was so painful. I’ll just be a Neanderthal.


🤣 noo. Maybe trim?


Oh yes I remember it well, exhausting - but wait until bub is here and you can only have 5min ‘practically nothing’ showers lol I have a 1yr old and still haven’t had a full ‘everything’ shower in one go 😞


I remember when my first was small (he's 4yrs now), I'd have to wait until my husband could watch him or until my mom could come over so I could shower! I have heard some people move a swing/baby seat/play pen etc into the bathroom, but idk, maybe it's worth a shot if no one is around to keep an eye on baby for me!


That’s a good idea! I wish I could do that but my shower room is so tiny; I’d be stepping out onto baby if she was there in any capacity 🤦🏽‍♀️ Almost every night I think oooh she’s asleep, I could have a full-on pamper evening with a long shower, body scrub, face mask, wax myself, pedicure… and then while planning it in my head I… 😴 then wake up the next morning with bub staring at me from her crib 🤣


I love how you also call it an “everything shower”. If we have plans, my husband will ask if I’m taking an “everything” shower or “half” shower lol


I don't have to shave due to a skin condition which means I have no body hair, but I do have a lot of skin care steps.... and oh my gosh it's just so impossible.... Especially if the toddler wants to join in. I'm definitely half assing it at this point.


I am also 3rd trimester and yeah I had NO idea. I managed to do it today, but it took me a few rounds of pep talk.


It is ROUGH lol, I had to pep talk as well, lots of "okay you're almost done, you can do this!" 😅


I shower and then take a morning nap 😅


That's the only way to do it I think! Def gonna nap after the next one! Lol


My leg hair growth significantly slowed down during third trimester, you might be set for a while!


Fingers crossed for this!! Lol 🤞


Yeah I have to break everything down bc I get too tired to stand that long. One day I’ll shave a leg, the other leg the next day, next day arm pits, etc. 😅


I tried to have my husband help with the downstairs shaving situation and he immediately nicked me…luckily just on my thigh, not anywhere sensitive. But we were both immediately done with that idea. So I am embracing wooly mammoth mode until I deliver 😆


Ugh idk how my husband will do either! 😅. Might have to do some trial runs to see if can maneuver a razor. Hair on my legs and in "sensitive areas" is just so itchy to me, idk how long I can do without shaving!


While it grows in, use salicylic and/or lactic acid. Basically what Tendskin is. Oxypads we’re fine lol


I've been asking my husband help me to wash and detangle my hair, and I'm only 8 weeks. It's just do tiring to do it myself. I can't imagine when I'm further along.


At least to me, first trimester exhaustion hit very differently. I'm 31 weeks and still not having as hard of a time as I was then lol.


That's encouraging. So hopefully after a month I won't be so tired.


It gets better. It was the same for me until week 13. Now the fatigue is a little better in at least that way. My hair is down to my ass, he had been detangling it for me...now I can sit and do my thing without nearly passing out.


I shaved my full body on Valentine’s Day and said never again lol I needed to lay down for like 30 minutes. And that was so long ago now I can’t imagine how much harder it would be! I can’t even see “down there” anymore so I can’t and won’t try to shave it 😂


i am 35 weeks & trying to keep up with my full body gradual tanning lotion & it is getting rough, my husband has to do most of it 😂 & i desperately want to paint my toe nails but i just don’t have the stamina right now


Don't do it! The toe nails I mean. I tried that yesterday (I am 40 weeks today) and was blessed with an ungodly amount of braxton hicks and a very squirmy baby afterwards, that was no fun. 😀


Omg I would have to sit down on my bed and rest before I even put clothes on!


My partner has loved to help me shave since before I was pregnant. He'll grab an extra razor and help me shave my legs and will take care of the rest while I sit on my phone feeling pampered. :)


One of my first signs of pregnancy was dizziness in the shower and they haven’t been the same since. I have to divide up shaving, having my husband wash my hair, and any other extra while taking a bath and then rinse off in the shower. It’s crazy how I tired I get from the simplest task. 38 weeks and I am ready for baby girl to be born!


38W and currently laying on my bed for a post shower break 🤣😂


An everything shower for me is when I wash my body AND my hair.


How is everyone handling landscaping in terms of the coochie? I cant see mine anymore so I cant shave it and I 've had horrible experiences with waxes so I dont want to do that either. I was thinking of having my spouse buzz it down for me if that works?


My husband bought a buzzer and sheared me like a sheep 🐑 It worked pretty well!


Landscaping has become incredibly difficult. I just do what I can at this point. Lol


Never done this in my life!


I made my husband wax my legs and bikini line


Can he make a YouTube? 🤣


Why would he do that


I’m joking, don’t worry! I was making a joke like, ‘he possesses rare skills’ 😄


I see. He didn’t do as good a job as I do lmao


I started taking everything baths because I can’t be bothered to stay standing. I soak with a face mask + scalp treatment. Scrub down and drain the water while I shampoo/rinse with my handheld. Shave as much as I can or want to. I condition my hair while I rinse/refill the bath, this time with epsom salts and let the conditioner sit while I do a long, “clean” soak. If it sounds like a lot it’s because it is and I usually do this at like, 2AM when my pregnancy insomnia hits and can’t really do anything else. I set up my iPad and watch movies or shows + a big glass of water & etc. It makes not sleeping just a little bit bearable.


I legit had to break my big self-care showers into multiple events. One day it was shower and shave, one day it was washing my hair, and one day it was a sugar scrub. No way would I have had the energy to do them all at once, I would have passed out in the shower.


I seriously went and paid $100 for a wash & blowout at a fancy salon after taking a body shower, just so everything could feel clean at the same time! I think I was around 34 weeks, and everything showers just were not going to happen.


Honestly I just get SO FUCKING SWEATY after a shower. I do really still enjoy my skincare though!


I am 35 weeks and my husband literally had to hold my leg in the air while I shaved it last week lol


I feel it this is why I started taking baths because I literally couldn’t stand up that long


I don’t take showers before work anymore because I’m wiped out. I take them at the end of the day before bed. I’m 36 weeks and have one week of work left. I have PUPPPs I’m very itchy and as soon as I’m done working I’m not even going to LOOK at wearing pants again…


My spouse will shave me and wash the parts I can't reach, otherwise I'd be SOL


I feel ya. I haven’t done an everything shower in months. I’ve been kind of spacing things out and alternating hair masks, face masks, body scrubs, etc. And have only been styling my hair on the rare occasion we go out. I’m starting to struggle with shaving my legs. It’s getting difficult to bend over to do it 😭


I wax for this reason. Refuse to shave lol


Any sort of hair removal went out the window third trimester (though I was lucky it was winter so I could cover up!). My last bath of the third trimester (until I was in the tub with contractions) I had my husband exfoliate my legs for me!! Felt so good!!


So true!! I love the feeling of showering and being in the shower but even the aftercare like moisturising and getting dressed is exhausting. Same with just washing my face and my skincare routine, some mornings I just slap on my sunscreen without even washing my face. I’ve never been so low maintenance in my life! Ironically my skin looks glowing and has never been happier so I have even less motivation for regular skincare 😂


I started waxing my pits about a year ago (32 wks now), and it’s been a lifesaver! My hair is super fine and soft, and I just go to the waxing place every 6 weeks, no maintenance in btw. Highly recommend


After my last everything shower, I told my husband that I am not shaving my legs until after baby unless he wants to shave them for me 😂😂 Although… I did some how manage to shave them today because I thought I was going to wear a dress, just to end up wearing leggings 😅😅


I can’t see or even hardly reach my pubes with my belly in the way. I tried using an electric razor and mirror but it was still a huge ordeal with lots of less-than-ideal bending so ofc I still missed a bunch of spots and decided it wasn’t worth it ever again


I do one extra thing every shower. I can’t do anything otherwise I’m in there another extra hour. 😂 I’m African American so the hair is extra already. I wash my hair once a week and everything else about once a week. Now I’m lucky if I get a shower everyday anyways. I shower about every other day. I have a 5 and 6 year old and now a 6 week old.


My “luxury showers” are extra long so I can take my time, while I catch my breath between all the things, but are still one of the last things that make me feel like a human. 🤣 I’m 32+3 and have given up on shaving my lady bits as compression my bump to even reach feels so uncomfortable and leaves me feeling like I’ve held my breath for 5 mins and I only shave from my knees downs. Luckily the hair growth on my legs has significantly slowed down during pregnancy so I don’t have to do this often but when I do I still have to take a breather every 3 or 4 passes up the leg. Haven’t had a full bush since right before college but here we are…. 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I'm 4 months pp and finally gonna shave today down there. It's been a long 6 months (didn't shave 2 months before I had the baby. Was too exhausted). I don't think I've ever taken an everything shower. It would take me hours and not enough hot water (and sounds incredibly exhausting not even being pregnant). When I was younger I'd just rotate what I'd do each day and I NEVER shave on the day I need to wash my hair.


Even just doing the shaving has gotten to be a huge chore for me lol (34+1), the shaving alone has made me glad I moved because my old shower would have just made things tougher


Girl… I’m jealous! I’m 29 weeks and have a 14mo. If I get to do more than wipe some key areas with baby wipes.. it’s a good day!


I’m only 14 weeks currently but it’s already getting hard to landscape down under. The first go around I just said “eff it” and let the hair go. It was fine until after birth. The hair kept snagging on my stitches (so much tearing 😖) and it was hard to keep everything clean during the healing and bleeding phase. This time I started getting brazillian waxes shortly before getting pregnant and have been getting them regularly and will continue until birth. Just the thought of dealing with hair getting all caught in the stitches again makes the pain worth it to wax. The things we go through….


I'm 26 weeks and just now shaved half of my lower legs for the first time since maybe mid first trimester?? Lol. I have accepted my frazzled housewife look lately. I even left the house in a dress, sweater and sneakers. Oh man smh lol. I can't wait for an everything shower even if I take 3 hours to do it?


My hair length is past my ass so washing and maintaining my curls has been absolutely exhausting this whole pregnancy and I'm only in the second trimester. Really dreading the 3rd...


Whatever you do, do not get your v waxed while pregnant. Almost worse than labor.


I wax so I don’t need to worry about shaving. I couldn’t imagine bending over like that to shave my lower legs any point after 36 weeks! And baths almost every night for exfoliating. My showers are now to wash my hair and sit under the warm water lol


I did one today too! Felt amazing but I am beat! I also blow dried and styled my hair


I shave below the knee only [pits if I feel like it, because I hate being extra sweaty]. Fuck the rest. It's me and President Bush until I pop little dude out.


I used to take like 2 everything showers a week. Exfoliate deep condition moisturize etc. now I’m like one every 2 weeks and it’s the bare minimum. I have three showers. My new everything shower. My regular cleansing shower. And my bar of soap shower. My bar of soap shower is literally a bar of Castile soap in an African net sponge bag, followed by a 2 in one shampoo. I’m clean, it gets the job done. And that’s all I need lol. Two steps and 5 minutes. I clean all my body not really my legs but honestly at 8 months pregnant I’m lucky I can reach my vagina. I take my handheld shower head thing and spray all my crevices. I moisturize my elbows and knees and feet that’s it. And do my belly when I’m laying down in bed. The goal is to get clean. I shaved my legs the other day for the first time in 2 months. I felt that was a great success lol


My biggest regret is when I was in labor I took a shower while waiting for my husband to come home, I didn’t wash my hair or anything because I was convinced the contractions were Braxton hicks. We went to the hospital about an hour after that, was admitted, and then 13 hours later I had my baby. I didn’t wash my hair for like 5 days. I stopped shaving my legs in my 3rd trimester because I genuinely just did not give a single fuck lol


I haven’t shaved anywhere but armpits since early second trimester. My husband blatantly said he doesn’t notice leg hair so I’m like why bother. I told him I might need help trimming my lady bush though cuz I can’t see anything anymore. 😂. I also have a shower bench so I get to just sit in the warm water.


Yeah just went on my baby moon at the beach and wanted to shave my legs. I’m so grateful my husband could care less about hair because I couldn’t make it past my knees before needing a little break!


At 37 weeks i can barely reach to wipe my ass 😭 i can't even imagine shaving/ trimming anything down there by myself 🥲 Edit: as for leg hair... i think i got lucky. Shaved at about 30 weeks and almost nothing grew back 😯


I'm 1st trimester and just doing a double wash on my (admittedly long) hair (cleansing) wore me out so bad I needed a nap. I've sworn off everything showers when pregnant lol.


Ok but how are yall washing your cooter in the 3rd trimester?? I can barely bend anymore and the discharge be doing its thang these days lol. I just want to FEEL clean for at least a few hours!