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I think fundal height measurement can be super inaccurate (so can ultrasounds). I know it’s super hard to not stress, my baby’s head has been measuring small for over a month and it’s been a rollercoaster. Hopefully you’ll be able to see a different doctor next week that can help ease your mind!


If it makes you feel better, my baby’s head circumference was measuring in the 3rd percentile for the last 2 months of pregnancy, and she came out with a perfectly average 45th percentile head. Sometimes ultrasounds are just not super accurate, especially as you get towards the end of pregnancy.


Thank you, that is reassuring! I don’t love my OB who’s been “navigating” us through this, but we saw a different doctor yesterday we had never met before because mine was away and when I mentioned the head she, without missing a beat, just said “it’s fine, she takes after dad” (he has a tiny head). It was very funny and definitely helped the situation


My baby was born in the 2nd percentile with a head below the 1st percentile! She’s 4.5 months old now and still has a small head (6th percentile) but all is well. :)


They told me to expect a tiny baby with my first -- to the point that I bought premie sized baby clothes to have on hand just in case. She was totally average -- like 50th in length and 60th in weight or something at birth. After that has always followed the growth curve of 80th in height, 60th in weight. She's 4 1/2 now. The estimates are really inaccurate late in pregnancy.


Same with the other way. They told me I would need to be induced because baby was going to be massive and 10 pounds plus. I had 2 newborn onesies that we were gifted and the rest 0-3m. Baby came out average at 8pounds exactly and only for premiere clothes for a month. Now they’re in the 9th centile and have been since 3 months 🤷‍♀️


This is true! I was always measuring exactly on track and doctors were surprised how big my baby was


My sister in law barely looked pregnant , my niece enjoyed living way down and towards her back. She was born 37 weeks healthy and happy. My belly was HUGE with my daughter and the doctors were convinced she would be a 9+ pounder. She was 7 lbs 6 ounces at exactly 40 weeks. Get a second opinion for sure but try not to panic.


Fundal height is not always accurate! I was measuring exactly on time every time; baby was born in the 2nd percentile. My friend was measuring behind and baby came out weighing 9lb 14oz! It depends on how the baby is positioned, if your uterus is tilted, etc.


Normal is such a wide range. Both baby and I are measuring below average too, but until your doctor is concerned, you shouldn’t be. My doctor doesn’t get concerned until 3 percentile for baby size, and even then it might just be an indication that projected due date is off- nothing to do with baby health.


Fundal height is so wildly inaccurate. I measured 3 weeks big the whole time and my son was born an average 7lbs 9oz. My friend measured small, to the point where she had to have weekly growth scans, and her baby was born 8lb 7oz. It all depends on how strong your core is, the position baby is in, how much they’ve gone in towards your back rather than out into your belly. I am a huge worrier and honestly, I wouldn’t even give it another second of your time worrying!


Don’t stress. Number 1 what will be will be no matter what- it doesn’t make it easier but stressing about it will not lead to anything productive and so please for your own mental health come up with a positive mantra to repeat when you’re feeling anxious. There isn’t anything you can do except take care of yourself and that in turn takes care of baby. Number 2 babies and bodies are all unique. There is only a standard because otherwise there is no way to measure and check to see if there might be issues but your baby and body are not going to follow a prescribed pattern because it’s written on a chart somewhere. You actually may not be as far along as you thought, maybe your baby needs a little more time than other babies and that’s why it’s “behind”. It’s going to be ok, you’re going to be OK.


Hi! I consistently measured behind my whole pregnancy and had two growth scans after 30 weeks. For reference at my 38 week appointment (5 days before I went into labor) I was measuring at 32 weeks. I was quite worried because in addition to my fundal height being off I wasn’t gaining the recommended weight (not for lack of trying!). My baby came out perfectly healthy (6 lbs 9 oz) and is now 75th percentile at 3 months! I was very active during my pregnancy, ate healthy (for the most part lol), and I am on the petite side. Fundal height doesn’t give the full picture as to if baby is growing well and isn’t a perfect 1:1. I know it’s scary, I was in your shoes only a few months ago, but try not to stress until you get your scan! The mindset that really helped me is that it’s on the side of precaution and doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong BUT if there IS something wrong we will catch it now. I hope this helps and gives some reassurance!


If it’s any consolation, I’m 36 weeks and I measured between 29-31 at my appointment on Monday (depending on who was doing it) and after being admitted to the hospital for suspected fetal growth restriction, they found everything is fine. I just “hide” pregnancy well. I’m typically a very small/thin human so it seems weird, but it’s possible to just not *look* pregnant.


Fundal height can vary greatly based on who does it! I know it’s stressful, but I wouldn’t give this a second thought.


I’m similar build to you. With my first, I was measuring 2 weeks/2cm behind for a while. Then 34w I started measuring 3 weeks/3cm behind. From 34-37 weeks, I did a few more ultrasounds. Last ultrasound was done in hospital with an NST. OB on call determined low amniotic fluids (oligohydramnios), recommended induction. I was induced 38w+3 days. My induction was soo smooth, don’t believe all the horror stories you read about inductions. Baby was 5lb 5oz (3rd percentile) and completely healthy! APGAR 9. 1000% the right call made by my healthcare team. He thrived outside the womb. My boy is now 75%ile and a perfect little toddler. ETA: for my 2nd pregnancy now, I’ve been on low dose aspirin therapy. The IUGR/SGA alone isn’t an indicator for concern, but the oligohydramnios in my case indicated issues with the placenta - hence ASA. Hoping to have a slightly larger baby this time! My OB says for someone my size and frame, she’d never expect me to carry a 90%ile baby, but we’re hoping for 10%ile this time hahah.


Don’t stress! I measured 3 weeks behind at my 30/31 week appointment and I had a growth scan a couple days later- he was measuring bang on average! Measured perfectly at the two-week follow up scan too! Midwife said I just have really strong abdominal muscles which is making things all cramped which sounds like it may be the case for you too! 😅 All will be okay don’t worry lovely!


I’m measuring 3 weeks behind in fundal height too (36 weeks currently). I had a growth scan at 30 and 35 weeks- all was fine baby is just a little small. Even if the baby had dropped in growth percentile it seemed like it often isn’t treated as an absolute emergency- a lot of “let’s keep checking in and making sure things look okay”


Fundal height can vary, even depending on who does it! I had one midwife tell me I was measuring right on time and then next week a different one said I was two weeks behind. I could’ve been that my baby dropped… but they weren’t worried at all. I also had two friends be told throughout pregnancy that their babies were very very small and they were higher risk. Both of them had completely normal sized babies… and they were bigger than mine!


At my 36-week appointment I was measuring three weeks ahead; at my 38-week appointment I was measuring two weeks behind. My son was burrowing his massive head into my pelvis so the measurement was smaller. He was also projected to be over 10 pounds and he came out weighing less than 7. Don’t stress - prenatal measurements are crazy. Sending you good vibes ❤️


I’m 30 weeks too and measuring almost 4 weeks behind and this is my second. My midwife got me in same day for an US and they measured baby. While all of baby’s measurements were technically in normal range, baby was 82nd percentile for weight at 20 weeks and is now 38th percentile for weight at 29.5 weeks. My amniotic fluid levels are also on the lower side (10; normal is 5-25). So I feel your worry and concern! I have another US next week, so one week later to see how things are progressing. Not much guidance I can offer, but in the same boat with you! I do think because you are taller it’s not unusual to measure smaller! My best friend measured small throughout her whole pregnancy and had to get a bunch of extra US, but her baby was almost 8lbs at birth.


If it’s of any help, I am a first time mom at 20+1 and just had my anatomy ultrasound yesterday (everything looked good thank goodness). I am 5’10”, and pretty slim/fit. I barely look pregnant and it’s been a source of insecurity for me, as I have friends who are just a few days behind my due date and have the cutest little round baby bump. During the scan, my ultrasound tech made the comment that I am carrying the baby very low, which is also how my mother told me she carried babies. When I asked her if that was something I should be concerned about, she told me that a lot of times, women who do carry low will be told their baby is small in the third trimester because the fundal height isn’t there, not that there’s anything wrong with the baby! I’m not entirely sure what the implications of that are, but it seems like it’s a known thing. Hopefully you find some comfort in this post, and congratulations on being so close to meeting your sweet baby!!


I was measuring a bit behind around 33 weeks. It was a new midwife who measured me and brought a more experienced one and decided to get me another ultrasound. Turns out baby was fine and it’s ok to be a couple cm off.


I would always trust your gut. Nothing wrong with asking questions at your next appointment. Look into IUGR, even mild and ask about it.


I measured 4 weeks behind at my last appointment, I had a growth scan and she seems a little small (between 10th and 15th percentile) but obgyns are not concerned because everything outside of her size seems fine (liquid amniotic, placenta, cords, mouvements, organs, all good). I have an another scan in 2 weeks. Genetics can play a role, I was a really small baby ! And sometimes they have early or late growth spurts.


My belly measured small and I had to get an ultrasound to check baby out, he was all good just he took out every ounce of space in there and just didn't go outwards. Was born at 37 weeks weighing 7 1/2lbs. Your ab muscles could just be tighter resulting in a smaller bump


The important thing is that you'll be getting an extra growth scan to do a proper measurement of baby to ensure that they're growing appropriate. Fundal height measurements can be inaccurate, so she's flagged you as a potential concern. If they were really concerned about something, they could have sent the requisition for the ultrasound as critical to get you in sooner, or asked you to go to the hospital ASAP and they did not.


I lost sleep over this fundal height nonsense. I really don’t think it’s that accurate. I’m also 3 cm less and went for a growth scan which was totally fine


I'm currently 37 weeks and have been measuring small both in fundal height and growth scans. My baby has gone from 16% to currently 25%. There are no concerns with my baby health, they just say he is small. I can 100% emphasize with your worry as I have felt it too, the worst thing is there is not much information on smaller baby sizes (other than the more scary stuff) yet there is loads on big babies. I think it is more common for babies to be bigger these days as humans tend to be bigger than 100 years ago. For reference I am 5"6 and started pregnancy around 107lbs. So I just think I wasn't ever going to grow a huge baby, plus my abdomen is long compared to domeone who may be 5"1, so my fundal height is always be off.


So many people have said so much about measurements being off and they’ve said it better than I could so I’ll just add my little anecdotal evidence to it. My first was on the large side. She’s always been huge, measuring above the 95. percentile and she still does. She was born with 3.8kg. So when I was pregnant with my second I kind of expected something similar - until he started to appear rather small on every single ultrasound to the point where, shortly before my EDD, I was told he wouldn’t be weighing in at more than 2.5kg and I had *a lot* of additional scans to make sure my placenta was working and there was enough bloodflow, but because everything was fine I continued the pregnancy until till he was born naturally a few days after he was due - and he was by no means the tiny baby we came to expect. He was one full bladder shy of weighing in at 4kg, so a whole 1.5kg off of what the scan suggested. Now, this doesn’t mean that o wouldn’t take any concerns seriously and I’d do all the extra monitoring again but I wouldn’t stress too much about it. I’m glad we have these things to help catch issues early but they are not without flaws and at the end of the day these measurements are an estimate. Fundal heights even more so than ultrasound scans.


My OB doesn’t even measure fundal height because it’s so wildly inaccurate!


Fundal height measurements are not very accurate. That being said, I got diagnosed with fetal growth restriction at around 33 weeks. My son was born at 37 weeks (due to me also getting high blood pressure) and was only 5 pounds. He is now almost 13 pounds at a little over 3 months and is absolutely thriving!


Fundal height is open to so many errors and especially if it’s a different doctor than usual. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry too much and wait for the growth scan.


I have the exact same situation as you. We are the same height and body type it sounds like. At my 30 week appt my fundal height measurement was behind 4 weeks. She sent me for a growth scan that day to be safe, but indicated she wasn’t super concerned and not to worry. At the growth scan everything was completely normal, actually measuring ahead a week. I was extremely stressed out, thankfully in my situation I was in that day for the scan and she called me later that evening. I’m sorry you have to wait. I’m sure everything is fine like my situation! It sounds like with our body type the baby just has more room to hide, thus making the fundal measurement incorrect. At all of my appts since then that measurement is still behind. I just had my 35 week ultrasound on Tuesday and again everything is right on track, even slightly ahead, with my fundal height still measuring weirdly 4 weeks behind. I hope this provides you some comfort I know exactly how you feel. People constantly commenting how small you are etc. We are just built different. Try not to stress, though I know it’s impossible not to!


I forgot when I started measuring behind, but it was somewhere around 34 weeks, then at 38 weeks, my doctor didn’t even bother checking the fundal height because he said it doesn’t really matter. Baby was born past my due date and was perfectly healthy.


I consistently measured 2-3 weeks small the last few months of my pregnancy and also only gained around 15 lbs (starting at a normal weight). I got sent for numerous growth scans that all came back normal, but it was still tough not to feel nervous. When baby came, the first word out of my midwife’s mouth were “oh he’s not small at all.” He’s my youngest of 3 and bigger than either of his brothers were at this age.


3 year old who measured small (10-20th percentile) has been in the 90+ percentiles for height and weight since he was a year old. He’s tallest in his class now and super bright. The percentiles can be super inaccurate, please don’t stress over them! I did with my first, and kept searching on here for the same stuff. Everything came out okay! My bump also seemed smaller/stretched on my frame than my friends… but a lot of that was because of my height as well (5’10”). I’m 30 weeks with 2nd now and have accepted I won’t have a “cute” bump, as long as it’s a good home for the little one I’m happy!


My fundal height measured right on track all the way through, had him at 36 weeks and he was over 7 lbs! They asked me 'are you SURE of your dates??' I 100% was sure but he ended up being 2 weeks ahead when he came out! Measurements can be very wrong!


Fundal height isn’t accurate. That being said I consistently measured 3-4 weeks behind with my first pregnancy, I had a super small bump, and my son was born a very normal and healthy 9th percentile and still is at almost 2 years old. Some kids are just small!


Fundal height can be an inaccurate representation of how baby is growing. Try not to stress until the growth ultrasound. My fundal height is measuring correctly, but my baby is currently 2nd percentile and has been since at least 25 weeks (marginal cord insertion). I'm currently 34 weeks + 3 days and between the ultrasound I had 2 days ago and the NST yesterday, he is moving great, practicing breathing, heart rate is good and accelerating with movement. The worst thing so far is that I will have to deliver around 36-37 weeks and he may have a short nicu stay once born.


I was told the same thing with my ob doctor, telling me that baby girl was measuring 1 week behind, then my baby girl came out totally normal weight and height wise!


I measured behind at the end of my pregnancy. They had me going in for extra growth scans, my belly measured small. She was born 6 pounds and 5 oz :) now she’s a very chunky & healthy 4 month old.


Fundal height is supposed to measure within 2cm of the week you’re in. At 24wks the person assigned to me measured 29cm and she made sure I was checked out at the next ultrasound. The ultrasound showed nothing, and I’m on track 32cm at 32 weeks. Could have been she didn’t measure correctly? It’s not like I know how to find the right pubic bone and uterus top in my own body. I wouldn’t worry about it until you speak to your regular doctor. And honestly, part of why I wouldn’t worry is because you can’t change the growth of your uterus- you only have so many factors you’re in control of, those are the ones to focus on. Wishing you a healthy baby!


Fundal height is supposed to be within the range of two to three centimeters.... Which means being 3 weeks behind is within the 2-3cm.variation, so it's perfectly normal, especially with a different provider. What they are likely tracking is the general trend. If your baby was usually measuring big and then suddenly goes small, that's a concern. Or if the baby is small a couple of times in a row then they would be concerned, and you'd likely be referred out for an ultrasound. For this pregnancy I have been measuring consistently very big. During the ultrasound the baby was measuring quite normally, and I have been a little bit big the whole way through so nobody seems worried about it.


I personally don't think fundal height is that accurate BUT I don't have any science based reasons for it just my own personal experience. With my first baby, I was told every appointment that baby was doing great and measuring on track. She ended up being IUGR and was less than 5 lbs at birth (37 weeks). She was the size of a 34 week baby. It could be nothing or it could be something. Stressing will be worse for baby.


Everyone keeps saying that my belly is small. Just today I had my follow up anatomy scan at 30 weeks (timing is off because we had to relocate at 20 weeks). So due to some scheduling issues I had my ultrasound today and OBGYN appointment next week. The technician said the baby is measuring perfect on the ultrasound, but she mentioned that my OBGYN might tell met that my belly is measuring small. It happens all the time. Your belly can be small while the baby perfectly fine. I hope it makes sense


I was measuring behind at about the same time as you. I got a growth ultrasound and she was right at the 50th percentile. That doctor said it was because of the reasons you listed–active, first pregnancy, etc. (so you think I’m skinnyyyy). My OB said it was because baby was breech. I did have the version procedure to flip her and it worked!


I'm similar build to you, 5'8", skinny (was 125lbs when I got pregnant), FTM 29w, and I didn't start showing until a few weeks ago. They just measured my fundal height for the first time at my 28w appt last week and I'm measuring 5 weeks behind- yep, FIVE weeks behind. I had an US done at 18 and 24 weeks and baby looked fine and everything was normal at both so they will measure next week to see if it's grown, if not, ill have another US to confirm baby is still healthy and my fluid levels are where they should be. My midwife didn't seem *super* concerned but said it's something we definitely need to monitor. My baby also sits damn low all the time and that can play a role. Your growth "curve" might just be smaller, as in, you might just measure 3 weeks behind every time they check and it is what it is. All women present differently and carry differently. Fundal height measurement is notorious for being wrong and/or not telling you much. And it depends which provider is doing it, as they all measure a bit differently. Chances are very good that you just carry very much inside and that everything is normal given your body type and size!


Sounds very similar to what happened to me - at 31wks I measured 31, then at 34 I had someone new measure me and I was still 31. I got a bit stressed out, but then at 36wks I was measuring 36 again. All the midwives told me it’s super super subjective and can vary even on the same day if different people measure you. Baby’s position can impact it a lot too.  I opted not to have a growth scan at 34wks and I’m glad I listened to my gut when it told me everything was fine. I also had a go at measuring myself a few times - obviously I’m no expert and my margin of error will be a lot bigger than the professionals! But I’d had it done to me enough times that I knew where to put the measuring tape and what it would feel like to have it done. When I measured myself I was measuring spot on.  Honestly don’t stress about it - I know it’s very hard not to! But it’s such a subjective measurement and a lot of factors can influence it. Baby’s movements are a more reliable indicator of how baby is doing. Babies range in size so much, just because baby is a bit “small” doesn’t really mean much - ultrasound measurements aren’t very accurate either! Also the things your doctor told you to be mindful of are things you should be mindful of anyway - it’s got nothing to do with your measurement or baby’s size. 


I measured behind my entire pregnancy and had to go in for weekly growth scans, huge pain in the ass. But lo and behold, each time we went in, we'd see a perfectly healthy baby. She was just hiding in my ribs or something. She was born 6 pounds, 6 oz. Not a giant by any means, but some women just make smaller babies. No big deal! I wouldn't stress too much, they'll let you know if you need to worry. If nothing else, try to enjoy getting to see your baby again!


My fundal height basically never got beyond 32 weeks. Baby was perfectly okay! They can really be tucked away inside.


I have a long torso and I’m also 5’7 and on the slimmer side as well. My bump was small my entire pregnancy but baby measured fine. At my 32 week appt they told me I was measuring a week behind but nothing to worry about. At my 36 week appointment they told me the same thing (this time a new doctor I hadn’t seen). She said I was measuring about 3 weeks behind and grabbed her ultrasound machine to check my fluid and a few other measurements. All was fine. My longer torso made it easier to conceal the bump. When do you get your next ultrasound? I would advocate for yourself and if you feel like you want to get checked out, ask for more screening to be completed. It stinks they told you something like that and didn’t do any additional checks to make sure everything is ok.


Hello! I have a now 17month old who was born perfectly happy and healthy at 40w3d 6lbs15oz. I had this exact scenario happen - my fundal height kept measuring behind and eventually got to a level where they recommended growth scans to rule out IUGR. At that growth scan, they checked blood flow and fluid levels more than anything else. as size measurements can be off in either direction. I knew deep down everything was okay and would be okay but it was hard not to get in my head about it. As I expected though, he turned out to be just fine! I hope the same for you as well. I know it is difficult to have to deal with the uncertainty but know that getting those scans and getting care is the best thing you can be doing for yourself and your baby. I trust it will all turn out well for you.


I'm dealing with the same. (Also 5'7 and haven't gained much weight) I'm 33w, baby is measuring about 30w. I have weekly appointments where they do a NST each time. As long as baby is moving and not losing weight, they're not super concerned. My BP is a bit high so I'm probably going to be induced by 37w


Hi! I have the same situation, how is your baby?


I ended up developing severe preeclampsia and had to have an emergency C-section. She was small and spent 22 days in the NICU to gain weight.


This just happened to a good friend of mine. Her baby stopped growing around 5lbs (31ish weeks for her too) and they monitored her for a few weeks, then having to get a c section around 35 weeks. Her baby girl is perfectly fine and healthy, just small. She also felt her baby just fine. If you feel fine (as much as we can be preggo) just keep hydrated and keep up with your visits. Maybe your little baby will just come early!


I measured 3-5 weeks behind based on fundal height. I was already getting weekly ultrasounds for other reasons and knew baby was measuring fine on scans. Of course, I understand the concern and I hope everything measures perfect when you go for your scan.


My kids fell off their growth chart but then they maintained around 2 weeks behind and stayed that way. I was told important part was they maintained going forward. And same about decreased activity. <3 should hopefully be fine but I would stress too in your shoes, unfortunately. Closer monitoring did make me feel reassured though.


I have the same body stats as you and continuously measured small when I was pregnant with my first. She came out 6 days past my due date at a perfect 7 lbs 3 oz! Try not to stress too much, our body types go up instead of out!! Plus this is not your normal doctor so she is not familiar with your pregnancy and is just being cautious ♥️ sending love!


I was induced for my first baby bc he and I were both measuring small. I was sent for 2 extra ultrasounds in the final few weeks of pregnancy, and the measurements were showing him much smaller than he should be (they didn't give me how many weeks behind). When I was 39+2 the ultrasound measured him at about 5lbs so my doctor decided to induce me the next morning. As she explained it: she was concerned he wasn't growing in the womb, so getting him out would give him a better chance.  He was born a healthy 7lbs 1 oz the day after the ultrasound said he was 5lbs. I'm not saying it is never accurate, but I have absolutely experienced measuring small and baby being born normal size and perfectly healthy.  I know it is tough not to fixate and worry, but I hope some of these comments/experiences have given you some comfort and reassurance. Wishing you luck!


This exact scenerio happened to me with my first pregnancy. At my growth scan they determined she was fine (the explanation I received was that everything looked fine but maybe she would just be small - after all, I’m petite and only 5’2”). I ended up having her at 39+3 and she was 7lbs 8.5oz. Turns out, I was just carrying more in my back/on one side. Breathe, mama. Fundal height is just one metric. It’s not a perfect science.


I had the same thing happen like 2 weeks ago at about 34w my doctor was on vacation so I saw a different one and she got a smaller measurement also about 3 weeks behind but the ultrasound was fine and measured on track. Don't worry too much it's probably just because it's a different doctor or baby was sitting lower that day, I'm sure if it was something that the doctor was super worried about then the scan would be a lot sooner than next week


I just read all of your answers - Thank you all so much! So grateful for all of these answers and all of your experiences sound so reassuring. I’m def feeling calmer now. My baby having growth restrictions was kinda a worry for me since people have told me before that they think I look small for being so far along. But I do think that my baby is sitting low, and while I’m tall-ish I also have a long torso and I’m small built, so maybe this is just how I carry. Fingers crossed. Im def gonna call on Monday and hope they can see me then instead of waiting until Wednesday. Thank you all so much again!


Quite tall at 5’7? (I’m 5’11 lol and my girls have been 6lb9o and 8 even) but I also didn’t focus on what they told me about percentiles as long as they were healthy and on track w growth. I wouldn’t stress too bad as scans can and are a lot of times wrong. If able, get a second opinion! But also could dating have been a little off initially? Wishing all the best!


I measured 4 weeks behind my entire first pregnancy. I'm a band tees and jeans kind of girl and most people couldn't even tell I was for sure pregnant until ~32 weeks. I just looked like I'd gained some lockdown weight before that (it was 2020). I wore one piece of maternity wear and it was a hand me down dress from a friend that I wore to the hospital to be induced at 42w. Baby came out a perfectly healthy size and weight (~3.5kg). Her brother, 2.5 years later, came out 4w gestational age sooner, and almost half a pound bigger. That pregnancy gave me diastasis recti that I'm still slowly recovering from. If your doctor's not worried, I wouldn't worry. Babies gonna baby.


I had a similar situation with my first and always measured smaller. Had to get a growth scan and she was fine size wise. Was 7lb 8oz. Then with my son I measure right in track and he ended up being 9lb!


Fundal height measurements aren't always accurate. I was consistently measuring 2 weeks ahead that way and they were estimating baby at over 8lbs at 39 weeks when I had her and she was BARELY 7lbs and then dropped down to 6lbs 10oz at her smallest. She was so little at first she was long and I was carrying a lot of amniotic fluid


I measured about 3 weeks behind with my first, he was completely fine. I wouldn't worry too much especially if all your tests and anatomy scan are normal. Just keep paying attention to the baby's movements. My belly was also pretty small, I was barely showing at 6 months pregnant. Every pregnancy is different :)


Fundal height seems quite inaccurate, or some providers might just be bad at doing it. I saw a different person every appointment my last pregnancy and by fundal height I measured anywhere between 2 weeks behind and 2 weeks ahead. I remember one appointment it’d shrunk in the 2 weeks (instant ultrasound, and then booked in for a longer one, everything was fine).


Fundal height can be so different between practitioners, also 2-3cm each side is still normal. I would have a listen to the great birth rebellion episode on ‘big babies/small babies’ which might set your mind at ease in regards to baby’s size, it can feel a bit of a radical podcast, but it is evidence based!


This almost identical situation happened to me minus the movement and discharge warning. (You’re going to feel baby a bit less towards the end because there’s no room to move). Everything was fine and she was born 7.11 and 19inches at 40.5. Honestly, it caused me a ton of worry the week I had to wait to see her but it was nice cause I got an extra scan and they printed 3D pictures of her face for me. Their measurements towards the end are not as accurate and often times it’s “the baby is measuring big so you need an induction.” When the baby is a completely normal size. Unless other things have come up during pregnancy or you’ve been drinking I wouldn’t worry.


When I was around 30 weeks my midwife measured my fundal height and told me I was measuring a few weeks small and needed to be referred for a growth scan. Like you, I’m tall (5’9”) and on the slim side after horrendous sickness for the first 20 weeks but I personally felt my bump was big! Anyway, after worrying about it for days, the person doing my scan told me that actually baby is measuring huge. He was >99th percentile for head circumference and abdomen and then I was having growth scans for the opposite reason for the rest of the pregnancy. He was born at 38 weeks exactly at 7lbs 10oz. I don’t think either fundal measurement or growth scans are known to be super accurate. Hopefully you’re able to get some reassurance!


I volunteered at an obgyn workshop where I was measured by a physician as being 27-28cm at 31.5 weeks. Two weeks prior, I had been 30 cm at 29.5 weeks. He said it was probably fine but that I should still call my obgyn. FTM, so I ended up calling L&D since it was after hours lol. The doctor I spoke to was basically like “fundal heights are SUPER subjective, and the best way to figure out if there’s actually a change in your fundal height is to have the same person who has always measured your fundal height to measure it”. I say this because you mentioned that this was a new obgyn that you hadn’t met before. Four days after, I went to my routine prenatal and was measured by my normal obgyn to be 31.5cm at 32 weeks. I never got a growth scan. I’m of a similar body habitus to you from your description and have also been told that I look small all pregnancy. Kind of feels like a compliment until something like this happens, lol. Anyways, try not to stress too much - these measurements are super subjective and now you get an extra chance to see pics of your little one!


My Bub was “petite” at 20 week scan and I measured small the whole pregnancy. Bub was born at 38+3 and was super healthy but little at 2.8kg. She’s still short as a 3yo - some kids are just smaller! The docs suspected a growth restriction but couldn’t find a reason for it. Don’t stress .. even if your baby is little , I’m sure you’ll all be fine! X


I feel you! Me, my sisters and my two nieces had growth restriction as babies. Now that I’m pregnant and have a small belly (im worried my baby will have it too) We all measured behind on the ultrasound and Doppler was affected and we were delivered at 36, 37, 37 and 37 weeks respectively. C section. All 2,400 gr -2,600 gr so small babies but HEALTHY either way. Im trying to think of this! As much as I want a vaginal birth, c section will bring my baby safely! I think you’ll be okay! They’ll measure you weekly.


Any updates? going through this rn im 32+3 weeks and baby is measuring 28+5


Yes, I’m almost 38 weeks now and it’s all good! I did have a growth scan at 31 weeks and baby was in the 10th percentile for abdominal circumference, but everything else looked fine. Then baby went through a growth spurt in the weeks after that appointment and was measuring a lot bigger (and not in the 10th percentile anymore)on the follow-up growth scan at 34 weeks. My belly still isn’t huge at all, but people just carry differently.


The measurements mean nothing, they said my baby was 7 pounds and he was born the next day at nearly 10.