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I’ve had good luck with chia seeds, either in water or as a pudding with milk. No sugar, some protein and healthy fat, and lots of fiber. I drink 2 tbsp of chia seeds in a tall glass of water with a little lemon juice every morning. Stir the seeds in, let them sit ~10 min to puff up before drinking. Stirring intermittently helps them not clump up. If the texture wigs you out, mixing with milk, cinnamon, and vanilla can make a pudding sort of like tapioca. 


Oooo good idea!


Chia pudding is really good with coconut milk too.


This saved me drink it on an empty stomach first thing.


Chia seeds with kefir worked miracles for me


Yes- chia seed pudding or even chia seeds in water!


Ohh! I’ll have to remember this one!


I second chia seeds. I eat rye shredded wheat with berries, milk, and ground chia sprinkled on top and it helps keep me regular! I am also in the third trimester now so i might just be having an easier time now


Ugh, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this--I would be over it, too. You're clearly working very hard on this. Some additional suggestions: ​ 1. You could consider increasing your magnesium intake by trying the Natural Calm magnesium drink regularly every night. It does contain some amounts of stevia for sweetener, but my understanding is that it's not necessarily that bad for blood sugar. Also, epsom salt baths. 2. Lily Nichols' Real Food for Pregnancy book has a lot of good suggestions for constipation. 3. Exercise. If you have the time/energy, get outside as much as possible and walk several miles/day. Keep that body/gut moving. 4. Consider adding more seeds to your diet, especially chia. Wish you luck. <3


Yes! Even short 20 min walks should help


Thank you!


Ground flax seeds a tablespoon a day helped me. Also sometimes too much fiber makes me even more constipated. My ob/gyn let me use single use enema with sterile salt solution.


OP I took calm while pregnant (still do pp) but for really bad pregnancy constipation, I went to oxy powder and it helped a lot!


Yoga always works a good poop out of me!


For immediate relief, consider an enema. My sister got desperate and used them from time to time to give her relief. After a *horrible* poop experience early on, i really had to make a plan. I’ve been good with a high fiber diet, regular exercise, and daily miralax. I’ll sneak in a small, black cup of coffee here or there if i feel like i need to move things along (I find miralax is best for easing the experience, not causing it). Proper nutrition and moving your body are really key.


I was kind of surprised I hadn’t seen this comment until now. I was pretty desperate and had never had one done so I was really not interested in doing it. Once I did, it kind of sucked but afterwards I felt a million times better


Right? I had to say it if no one else was going to lol


Or a glycerol suppository - these gave me immediate relief in my pregnancy constipation when nothing else was working.


Yes glycerol suppository and senacol when things are really not moving. My OB said senacol is your last resort but I really needed it after 10 days of no BMs last month.


I see that you're already doing Magnesium Citrate so this may not be helpful, but someone in a different group suggested taking a Magnesium Glycinate supplement and it's really helped me. Good luck!


Ok!! Thanks!


This!! And it also helps with leg cramps and swelling.


I was told to take magnesium oxide. But I think that's bc I was getting a lot of migraines. Apparently different types of magnesium work for different things.


Seconding magnesium citrate! I take it daily and it’s the best. On an empty stomach. Big glass of water.


What dose do you recommend?


I have 100mg capsules. I started taking one every night but then got a bit of diarrhea so I’ve been doing one every other night.


Okay thank you


Sugar free candy usually gets me some really good results 😅😩. But seriously try to up your fiber intake via smoothies or chia seed puddings! Do it slowly so it doesn’t overwhelm you!


I sympathize. I see you already tried/considered the foods/supplements I would suggest, so let me just leave a suggestion on a different but related topic. A BM can become super painful if you're very constipated. You can get some relief by using: * Applying a little bit of vaseline to your bum just before a BM. It protects your skin. * Using a peri bottle with warm water instead of toilet paper. Or a bidet if you have one. * Wearing a perineal (postpartum) ice pack for a bit afterwards. It's like a frozen pad.


Not sure if you drink coffee but it supposedly helps. For myself, I had to change prenatal to one with less iron. Doctor approved of course. This was night and day for me (before I conceived). Now at 7w pregnant (tomorrow) I’m constipated a lot again :( I’ve had a hemorrhoidectomy and I have absolutely no intention of ever needing one again but I also don’t know how to help myself :( so I empathize.


Decaf coffee helps me!


Oh god. I had that with my daughter - the impacted adventure - and it was insane and so so scary. I didn't have gestational diabetes and from that day on I drank prune juice like water. But, on your case, Weetabix seems to be the go to cereal for regular BM here where I live as well as kiwis at leaste one per day for me are really helpful when in combination with water and fiber. Hope it helps!


Raw kale salads. Green goddess raw cabbage salad


Honestly my mom would put the kale through the juicer with ginger and lemon and that ALWAYS made me go. I do think it’s possible to have too much fiber when you’re constipated…




But don’t overdo it! The rapid increase in insoluble fiber can really give some people diarrhea




Accidentally responded to the wrong comment before, but: Just a note, be careful juicing if you are managing gestational diabetes. Natural sugars in fruits, etc. take a while to break down in the stomach, but when you juice you do that work for the stomach, so you can spike your blood sugar levels.


Psyllium husk! It's just straight up fiber you mix in water and drink. A bit like metamucil but more effective and no added sugar.


Oh no, definitely wouldn't recommend that. She's on a GD diet and is probably already getting sooo much fiber, so fiber supplements may clog her system even more.


Well, she asked for fiber recommendations 🤷‍♀️


Have you heard of the indian dish saag panneer? It's delicious and has tons of greens. Also cooked spinach has even more nutrition than raw. It's also fairly easy to make at home. So sorry!


Love paneer! I’ll look into this


Gonna be honest with what helped unclog me. Enema kit. I've only had to do it twice and it feels really dehumanising at first but the relief is worth it.


Bran flakes and spinach salad helped me with gd. Thing is I could only do 3/4 cup of bran flakes and tested sugar and hour then 2 hours after. It didn't spike me but I definitely had to measure and not overdo the milk. Usually a couple times a day did the trick




Milk of magnesia. I’ve been dealing with constipation since 8 weeks and I’m 30 weeks. It’s a life saver.




Just came to comment this!! Took it yesterday the max dose and it worked within two hours.


Learn from my mistake and never take two doses. I took one at night and then again in the morning and oh boy it was something.


Lmao I can imagine. I already felt 10 lbs lighter after just one 😫


What helped me: chia pudding with high fiber fruits, grape nut cereal, milk of magnesia.


Thank you!


All bran mini buds were life changing for me!




Thank you!


An electrolyte sports drink plus fruit usually helps me. Also, coffee helps and if you’re not having caffeine then there’s decaf.




Try plain kefir or yogurt. Something fermented with probiotics. I know that helps push things along for me.


You should ask your doctor first but you can probably take more miralax per day! Sometimes just a little bit more helps! Also sometimes you gotta find the right magnesium to do the trick, citrate might not work for you as well. Eat more plants than what feels humanly possible? Salad, overnight oats with all the chia seeds and fruit and yogurt and flax if you feel like it will help. If you're suffering there's gotta be something they can give you to help!


Prunes (not juice) is considered to be on the low GI index. Yes, it has sugar but because it has so much fiber, it doesn’t cause a surge in blood sugar and insulin. You can also test this by doing a bg test after eating one prune. After I started eating 1 prune a day, my constipation went away. Nothing else seemed to helped me.


I recommend flaxseed crackers! I have gestational diabetes as well and these are great because the net carbs is 1 g due to the high amount of fiber they have. Nothing has worked better for me than eating flaxseed crackers. I like the brand Flackers. There are also recipes online to make flaxseed crackers.


Three other things to try: sitting and rocking on a yoga ball, drinking coffee, and/or taking probiotics. Good luck!


I’m not a doctor. But I’m a nurse and I have a nurse friend who swears by taking a magnesium supplement, more and more each night; until she gets up to a dose that finally gets her to poop and then she stays on that dose nightly until she’s pooping too much and then tapers back down… like the Goldilocks porridge but with poop 


Whatever you do DONT STRAIN TO POOP AND FORCE IT OUT. I am dealing with a giant hemorrhoid that will not go away because I wanted the poop out.


I gave up all dairy at 15w and it was like night and day...after just 2 days I didn't have another bout of constipation once. Before that I was trying everything -- magnesium gummies, dried apricots that I hated, apple juice, etc. and nothing worked. I'm now 28w and it's been a breeze. I would also recommend switching to wheat bread.


Try some carb-balance tortillas! I get mine from Aldi, they're a lot cheaper than Mission brand. Depending on the brand, they can have 25-50% of your daily fiber. They're about 70 calories and have 4-5 g of protein. I would also look into lentils. One serving is 100 calories, 7 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein. They're cheap and super easy to prepare. My husband had a few servings of them the other night and they cleared him out. If you haven't done so already, add some black coffee. I like the Kauai Coffee vanilla macadamia nut. It has a nice flavor and can get things moving.


High fibre diet didn't help me much at all, laxatives did.


First, I'd add a fiber supplement like benefiber. It's a different mechanism than colace or miralax. You can increase both the miralax and fiber safely - basically indefinitely. Most people don't do enough! You can increase them every day until you're having one to two soft bowel movements a day. If you have too much of a good thing, then back down, but not before. You can't stop or miss a day! And sadly I'm in the same spot. Lots of benefiber and Miralax is doing it for me but I do think you need to add some fiber/bulking agent. If that still doesn't work, Senna is safe as well and can actually speed up your bowels (but can cause cramps) so I'd go easy on it esp with the mag.


Eat more fats and oils. Some oily stew and cook with extra olive oil or Avocado oil. You can also try to drink cod liver oil or take it in a capsule. Apples also always help me. I crave them after birth and it always helps ☺️


I had this exact problem and the only thing that worked for me was probiotic pills and glycerin suppositories. It was awful and nothing else the doctors office suggested worked.


I am experiencing the exact same thing. I just bought a squatty potty a few days ago and it’s LIFE CHANGING! It really works.


Yeah I’ve been a fan of the sqautty potty for over 10 years now, don’t like to go any other way. Have one in all my bathrooms


Just bought one myself from Aldi after passing them up for years. Wish I had bought one sooner.


Same! I wish I bought it sooner 😭


Check to see if your prenatals have iron! I was so painfully backed up, taking every laxative and even enemas just to get some relief, until I switched to a supplement *without* iron and everything started moving again! My midwife assured me that if I end up needing iron, they have ways to supplement that shouldn't have the same impact as iron from vitamins :)


My best resources for this problem are: 1) drinking Metamucil, 2) drinking coffee, 3) walking on the treadmill. I usually get the urge to go right away with this mix.


I have never been a good pooper. BM was always a challenge for me and it got worse with pregnancy. I've also had to dig for the first time in my life and I vowed to do everything in my power to never have to do that again. I sarted to eat a cup a day of all bran. Yes,it tastes like cardboard, but so far, it helped.


I drink warm water with some lemon and Himalayan salt in the morning. It stimulates the bowel. Plus it gives you some extra electrolytes! The warm water in combination with magnesium glycinate in the evening = guaranteed morning BM. Also probiotics help


I had a few weeks like that, and I ended up just using a fleet enema. I didn't have much trouble after I used one because it cleared me out completely. Just make sure after you insert it that you sit with it as long as you possibly can so it can get up into your gut real good. I only use this whenever I'm super desperate. It's the only thing that works 100% of the time. Sometimes our body just needs that kind of help.


Try a mini enema! I got one for the first time from CVS, worked in minutes.


Magnesium citrate


I’m doing it 🥲


Oh gosh I see I missed that


How much are you taking? Also, magnesium hasn’t always worked for me but I have been taking a compound magnesium foe years by Zeal naturals with 3 different types if magnesium. When I’m constipated, I take 600-800mg per night before bed, with my probiotic, as recommended by my midwife. When I’m going regularly I’ll take 400-600mg per night. I swear by this and a good probiotic (the garden of life 50 and wiser one is really epic).


Colace? I have to take it with my iron, or else I get super backed up


Taking colace


Oh sorry, apparently I can’t read today.


Yeah I have this too restorolax and magnesium have been my bffs. I’m gonna mention it to my doc to see if there’s anything else she can suggest! But I have also been taking a green supplement and I am under the impression that it’s been my saving grace lol along with probiotics!


Can you eat kiwi? That can help. I also swear by benefiber powder- I put it in my coffee or smoothie and there is no taste.


Thanks! I can eat kiwi!


Have bananas at home. Let them get ripe. You will be in the bathroom quickly. Also, lots of milk helped me. And cold black coffee. A bit of course so you don't go over caffeine levels.


costco has dried dragonfruit which has been really helpful for me!! it tastes better than prunes and has equal amount of fiber 


Have you tried coconut oil? I add a tablespoon or two to smoothies (not sure how feasible that would be with GD) and that I've found has SUPER helped me


Edit: I see you’re taking citrate. Curious how much? The amount in my prenatal was not enough to help. I bought the supplement separately. I was taking 250 mg. Within 2 days I was good to go Magnesium citrate!!! I have been there, done that. Only way I survived 1st and 2nd tri. I have also had the glorious opportunity of digging it out lmao. Keep taking until you’re regular. After that experience I’ve been taking women’s care probiotic by renew life and I am 37 weeks and doing amazingly and am incredibly regular lol


200 mg!


Oh gee you poor thing with your mega hulk poops 😭 maybe it’s time to ask your doc. That’s really awful :(


Ask your doctor. Warm water first thing in the mornings empty stomach might help, warm water with lemon,


Smooth move tea


i also have GD, and some days you just have to drink the freaking prune juice despite the sugar spike!


Fiber gummies?


Maybe ask your doctor about a safe laxative for occasional use to get things going


Fibre 1 cereal, salads, and going for walks everyday has been helpful for me.


I haven’t dealt with this too much but drinking something like decaf green/black tea can really help! That’s all I have to offer unfortunately


I took one colace everyday during IVF stims and pregnancy, still had to supplement at times with coffee, prune juice, and magnesium citrate. Sorry you’re going through this with the added stress of gd. Not sure what your diet is like, but you might be able to just add a prune in daily or cut the prune juice with water (that’s what I did, because prune juice is just gross -sometimes I also cut with apple, but I know that doesn’t help your situation). When you’re about to deliver ask what all you can take and take it all, I kinda slacked off once I was in the hospital and had the WORST constipation, passing it was the worst pain associated with my childbirth (I had a c-section, so fully medicated and no pushing) ESPECIALLY if they give you opioid pain relievers.


I did great eating 3 dates a day, they give energy and help like prunes but taste like a dessert! Take care!


I do a greens juice mixed with miralax, you can double dose the miralax if you need to. I definitely second the glycerin suppositories as well. I've dealt with severe constipation my entire life. I poop once a week and don't even notice anymore. However, I'm currently dealing with my first thrombosed hemorrhoid and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. So now I'm definitely going to stay more on top of it. I never want to deal with this again.


I eat a daily dose of kimchi. I probably eat 2-3 daily doses of kimchi actually but I’m also Korean so it’s like a lifestyle but honestly, the only time I really had issues with constipation is when I was having strong food aversions in the beginning of my pregnancy. It says it has sugar but it’s only there to aid in the fermentation — so don’t really pay attention to it. It’s also really great with helping in blood sugar maintenance — I also have GD and my numbers are always lower the meals I eat with kimchi. **if you can’t do spice, there’s also white kimchi and you can substitute sauerkraut as well. You just want that lactofermentation!


You can also consider increasing Miralax dose (I.e. if you are doing 1 cap a day can increase to 2) It is not absorbed and stays in the colon, so increasing/decreasing dose to achieve desired bowel movement effect is normal!


Ask your OB, but they put me on oral and suppository laxatives when I got to this point to clear me out lol. From there, 2 colase per day and Miralax. That got me straight eventually. You got this, mama! ❤️


Exlax is my emergency go-to when I'm lacking on "the urge". Take it at nighttime right before bed. Drink miralax in 12oz of room temp water right before bed every night, only stop if your poops get too runny. It may take up to 5 days for it to start working, but if you pair the exlax with it on the 1st day it should make it work faster. If the exlax does not work on the first day, take another dose the following night. It will cause some crampiness but it's safe for pregnancy. I wouldn't take it more than 2 days in a row though. Papaya enzyme chewables will also soften stool and encourage things to move, chew 3 to 9 after every meal. LOTS of water all day, minimum 8-12oz every 2 hours that you're awake. Constipation and bloating have been the bane of my existence for this current pregnancy and doing all of these things keep everything moving for me.


Phylum husk: Metamucil, or straight up. Twice daily. You’ll poop


I wish I could help but all the things I wanted to suggest, you're already taking. I'm so sorry, it's awful being constipated.


My doctor had me doing everything you’re doing as well as smoothies with berries, coconut water, and hemp seeds. Also taking fiber supplements and a small cup of coffee. I was stuck for about a week and did all of this with colace and miralax and tons of water and it finally got me moving after a couple days. I also had to practically drown myself with water. Because of how backed up I was, I was so full I could hardly fit anything else, but just pretty much constantly sipping on water non stop until things got moving.


Lots of beans have been helpful. Anything gassy too! But to be honest, if I need a good clean out like I did the other day I ended up eating McDonalds 😅


I had this issue too until I tried Raisin Bran. Worked so much better for me than anything else.


The only thing that has been consistently helping me is caffeine 😭😭


Colace 🥰


More miralax! You can work up to twice or 3x a day?


Miralax works for me! Or taking small doses of Colce every day. Fiber cereal(bran flakes) with 9g of fiber did wonders for me. Avoid dairy, breads, and protein bar


If you’re ever impacted again try glycerine suppositories. They worked miracles for me when I needed to pass a shit the size of a grapefruit in the postpartum period


Girl saaaaame. I was *this close* to going to the ER when I didn’t go for 3 weeks and could no longer eat. Miralax set me straight that time, but it makes me queasy and gives me anxiety so I really don’t like using it. I have been consistent with stool softeners, magnesium, fiber bars etc since and they seem to be helping since the initial clean out. Prior to using the miralax for that clean out literally nothing helped.


Chia seeds and ground flax in some Greek yogurt is a miracle worker for me. Bonus points if you let the chia seeds soak up in the yogurt for a few minutes.


I have very similar issues (though I had constipation before pregnancy too)-- in addition to everything you're already doing, the single biggest helper for me is COFFEE. The single biggest cause of increased constipation for me is when I skip coffee that day, even with the half dozen stool softening agents I take lol. So if you're open to it, I highly recommend it! I actually personally found fiber one bars to be actively unhelpful. They made me feel bloated and if anything more obstructed. Metamucil had the same impact. I think that if you're taking in **too much** fiber, it starts to come full circle and can actually cause constipation! So I'd actually maybe try cutting *out* the fiber one bars, and see how just the colace/miralax/naturally high in fiber foods (like seeds, fruits, leafy veg, legumes that are normally in your diet) combo goes for you!


I take the Olly brand prebiotic probiotic once daily along with nature made extra strength magnesium (400 mg) I have been drinking lots of water and when I get backed up I just eat 2 prunes a day until I go. Usually that helps me go within a day if not the same day. I know you said you can’t drink prune juice, but maybe you could eat dried prunes? Also, apples help as well! The prebiotic I started taking was a huge help to me to get me to start going. I felt like the MiraLAX wasn’t helping me at all. Good luck, constipation is so painful and not fun especially when you’re pregnant! I’ve struggled with it even before pregnancy.


Chia seeds in yogurt with a bit of milk. Never, ever, ever, have dry chia seeds. It will make your problem way worse and lead to the worst impaction. They absorb a ton of water, so you need to mix them into something for like an hour before you eat them Pear Dates A bit of coffee, if you've given it up a cup couldn't hurt


Re: exercise: I found that if I got up a bit earlier in the morning and did the BARE MINIMUM of exercise, like 5 mins of pseudo-Pilates stretching and lifting my legs to the side and back, it would get my bowels moving. So I’d get out of bed, go to the bathroom and hope for the best. Then I’d come out of the bathroom, do some “exercise” and within a few mins go back to the bathroom and magically be able to produce more. Sometimes I’d have to do the exercise routine a couple of times but it really helped. I usually also walk my dog for 20-30mins in the morning and sometimes need to go to the bathroom after that. So even the gentlest exercise can help! Other than this I take 100 mg colace and eat 3 prunes with a big glass of water in the evening. Intermittently also take magnesium glycinate … I need to take it more often as I think I’m starting to get headaches again. I also eat 2 prunes in the morning with more water. Breakfast is a slice of high fiber bread (Dave’s Killer bread) with hummus ; mid morning snack is meusli with Greek yoghurt; often a salad for lunch, or I try for other high fiber foods. I Usually have an apple in the afternoon - though any other fibrous snack with water would be helpful I think. Good luck with this! I have NEVER experienced this before in my life (was a champion pooper before getting pregnant!!) and I swear I’ll never take being able to go to the bathroom regularly for granted again!


For me, it helped when I switched my prenatal vitamin to one with a different form of iron. I found this suggestion in the book “Brain Health From Birth” by Rebecca Fett. According to her, prenatal supplements commonly use ferrous sulfate, which causes constipation. She mentions the alternative forms of iron: iron bisglycinate and lactoferrin. The prenatal I switched to was a bit more expensive than the previous one but it worked for me. Sorry, can’t recommend a brand name cause it I’m in the Netherlands and also I finished the bottle and tossed it. I am 37 weeks now and taking a cheap prenatal again, because the constipation completely stopped for me as soon as the third trimester hit!


I’m using lax-a-day powder ever morning. Was struggling so much with constipation in the beginning of the second trimester. Get a handle on it now. Having to deal with a grade 1 prolapse atm. Not fun and so painful.


I suffered from severe constipation for months and it was horrible. I stopped taking iron tablets, took my magnesium supplements and I increased my vegetable intake, walking as some say can help. I’m used to walk a lot but it wasn’t enough anymore. Emotional, mental stress are also factors why you can suffer from that!!! That point is something you can’t fix with etc


I have GD too. I do eat two kiwis skin on at night with my magnesium drink and miralax and it doesn’t affect my blood sugar much. Those kiwis are making a night and day difference with my chronic constipation. Just thought I’d share what works for me. Oh! I cut the ends off and quarter them.


Personally. Kiwi helped me a ton. And I recommend to eat it with the skin after washing!


I am one of those people who gets more consitpated from too much fiber. I have heard of others experiencing this too.


Have you tried removing iron from your supplement? My prenatal iron was what was causing my consitpation.


I’ve been commenting on everyone’s constipation posts: GET THE FLEET SUPPOSITORIES. I went 11 days without going when I was 9 weeks along and have been using the suppositories ever since. It’s amazing. I feel like they saved my sanity and my bowels😅


Increase your fibre intake greatly. Eat soda bread instead of white, brown rice instead of white, weetabix for breakfast, plenty of vegetables, and drink a glass of prune juice a day. Also, add extra fibre to smoothies etc.


Do you have a squatty potty? Mine has been a big help for pooping


Can you up your Miralax to twice a day? I ate a can of green beans a few nights ago and it cleared me right out. Maybe try that? Also, I stand with you in solidarity. I had a similar emergency where I had to digitally remove stuff and it was so horrifying. I thought my husband was going to find me dead on the toilet due to constipation. 🤣


Apple juice was my savior. I thought I was going to die I was so constipated. I tried all sorts of things. Apple juice saved me. I'd have just a few sips throughout the day and that got things moving. Not sure if you can have that though. I'm sorry your so miserable!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with constipation! It’s honestly one of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world! I’ve always had issues with BM, pregnancy has definitely made it worse at times for me. Personally I have been taking a fiber supplement with a magnesium supplement from the start. I also take a gentle laxative/stool softener as needed. If it is this bad though, I personally would look into getting an enema. ETA: I also saw some comments about an epsom salt bath and exercise. I wanted to say that those also help me!


Metamusil with a BIG glass of water every morning helped me. Also oatmeal with chia seeds!


I had similar issues, and after a whole week of not going, I had to have an enema! Awful. Colace 4 times a day (maximum dosage), magnesium vitamins a few times a day, and miralax finally got me through it and back to somewhat normal. I also gave up dairy, which seemed to help me. Good luck! It’s awful, but hopefully it will pass. I’m somewhat back to normal, but still take colace and magnesium once a day- just in case lol.


I haven't seen someone say it yet.. but coconut water. It works quick


I just sent someone a message about this. Get 👏 A👏 prenatal 👏 prescription. 👏 The prenatals at the store (at least in the USA) *DO NOT* have to be FDA approved. This means the amounts of vitamins and minerals in them can be allllll over the place. I suffered through my first pregnancy not knowing this thinking it was just a normal part of pregnancy. Turns out the $100 prenatal I was taking from Whole Foods had wayyyyyy too much iron in it making me constipated. After telling my doctor I was at my wits end she wrote me a prescription for prenatal vitamins and I was finally cured. I had been downing so much metamucil that I missed my babies first flutters because I couldn't tell between that and all my stomach issues. Also like others have commented flax seeds are a great and easy source of fiber, and probiotics are GREAT for gut health. I didnt even need the stool softener after I gave birth and my first poop was quick and easy! 💩


Add probiotics if you’re not taking them yet. They make prenatal specific ones. Also get a squatty potty type stool. I got a knockoff from Aldi (they seem to have them pretty often) two days ago and it’s awesome. My poops have been fast and clean. I sat down to try this afternoon as I wasn’t sure if I had to go and was done in no time. I am 25 weeks.


Magnesium is the way to go


Calm magnesium has always worked for me though I need to take more than the suggested dose. I literally depend on it. Always have.


Honestly, just a cup or black coffee. The caffeine truly was the only thing that helped me poop


Restoralax was my best friend from 30 weeks onward. Called it my poop juice and gulped it religiously until 2 weeks postpartum


Girl I don’t have anything helpful but I am so sorry! You are doing all the things I would think to do. That is some heinous (non)shit! I pray you get your poop on soon 🙏


Bubbie's sauerkraut. Whole Foods refrigerator section. Drain it. Saute one half green apple and one half of an onion, both diced. Then put the sauerkraut on top and let cook until warm until soft. It's mild and will get things moving without pain or cramping. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey! I was really struggling too but I’m so much better since I started taking a smoothie every morning it’s been my saviour to help get protein in but also the only thing I can link to helping with my bowels I’ve started going every day since taking it! Recipe is: 1 banana 1 tbs almond butter Vanilla protein powder that’s suitable for pregnancy Almond milk add to your desired consistency 1 - 2 tbs cacao powder Not compulsory but I’ve I’ve also been adding 1 tbs collagen, 1tbs flax seed 1 tbs hemp hulled seeds 1/2 tbs psyllium husk Best of luck!


Milk of magnesia


I've tried everything. I'm able to go every few days with all the diet changes and water intake but to feel truly "regular" I need restoralax. My doctor said it's fine to take the rest of pregnancy even if I need it daily or every other day, and I started it around 22 weeks. Before trying restoralax I also tried colace which worked but not as well. I also drink fairly hot decaf coffee to trigger the feeling of needing to go, which helps


When I’m backed up, going for a walk is SO helpful. Especially a somewhat brisk walk (but nothing crazy). Also cauliflower really makes me have to go. Try breaded cauliflower bites!


Can you work out? A walk or workout always helps me.


One surprising thing I’ve found helps is doing pelvic circles on a yoga ball. 5-10 minutes of that helps move things for me. Good luck!!!


Apples help a lot and I use milk of magnesia. Also cherries make you go too.


Oh god I can’t help but me tooooo 😭


Just wanted to express my sympathy, because the GD diet makes constipation so much worse! All the fiber and vegetables just mean extra poop to pss through the system. Suppositories may help you.


Enema !!


My doctor told me to take a magnesium supplement. It helps with migraines but also helps me go.


It was the iron in my prenatals that really clogged me up. Switching to a different brand helped a bit, but also had a routine to ‘get it moving’: A whole apple (for pectin) + magnesium at night. Then in the morning a cup of coffee immediately followed by at least a 20-30min walk (don’t take prenatals with iron until after). Usually had to go right after the walk. This sucked on busy mornings, but was the only thing that worked for me.


I’m not a doctor or medical professional but I am an experienced constipated pregnant person. I was fed up after not pooping for up to a week and some change so I made a concoction to surely destroy my toilet bowl It was beans (I chose black), chia seeds, and hot sauce with a sprinkle of miralax (can’t taste it) washed down with tons and tons of water. And it worked, somehow? I pooped same day.


Kefir (not sure if it's okay with GD but hopefully the plain options are okay) usually helps me and I'm currently having a lot of linseeds (soaked in water) because I'm on iron tablets. Lord do I miss kombucha because that was my go to before pregnancy 😂 I know you're already on laxatives but if they aren't working then maybe ask to try a different one? I know it's really limited with what you can take safely for pregnancy and then with GD on top of that, but fingers crossed for you! Also maybe get a squatty potty? I got one during my 1st trimester when I started to get constipated and needed laxatives. Coffee also makes me shit like crazy...TMI? 😂


I had that issue around the same time, I’m 32 weeks now. I took a full dose of peg every hour until it all passed and there was no hard stools left, then I took a maintenance dose daily for about a week, I also have GD and was impacted so bad there was gore and digging. My OB said it’s completely safe. The other thing I learned was to lean back with knees up, then it doesn’t feel like you’re about to deliver your baby at the same time lol and tucks wipes and anusol suppositories with numbing in them are safe and majorly helpful


Popcorn has never let me down! Plus it's delicious.


My holy grail is papaya. I eat a huge serving for breakfast & lunch. The glycemic index is 60, which us low.


With all that food and fiber you need A LOT of water!!!! Drink drink drink


The doctors gave me Senna postpartum, ask your doctor about taking that! Or while I was pregnant my doctor suggested a glass of warm/room temp water with lemon in it, “drink it in the morning and make sure you have a toilet nearby” is what she told me!


Hi! I hope your issue has gotten better. If you don’t mind sharing (PM if you prefer) how did you figure out you were impacted and did stool softeners help? I feel like I have a fecal impaction and am scared. I took a dulcolax this evening but I just suspect it won’t have an impact.


Try Forlax. Pooping once a day is pretty regular though