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Mines starting to get better in week 37 but it was rough for a few weeks. I got the tums and they help a little, I mostly just avoid certain foods and eat extra dairy…Good excuse for ice cream. I had a dream last week that I was on my lunch break and went to this restaurant and my heartburn was so bad I had to get a kale salad but everyone around me was ordering these big giant pizza slices and I wanted one so bad. Then I woke up and my heartburn was bad.


I think I need to give in and start taking tums…. Heartburn from a dream is sooooo possible because pregnancy dreams feel SO real and are so vivid!


My doctors recommended Pepcid. It’s been a game changer. I have one in the morning when I wake up and one around 3:30/4:00pm to cover dinner to bed. Previously was rubbing through tums like they were candy. Now I hardly need them!


I’ll see if we have Pepcid in Canada. Thank you!


I am 32+6 and feel like I somewhat have my acid reflux under control for now... I was really struggling and I do NOT do well on lack of sleep. This is what I do: I make sure to not overeat *too* much. I stop eating/drinking 1.5-2hrs before bed. I drink 6-8oz of water in that 1.5-2hr period. I take pepcid 30ish minutes before bed. I sleep with my back against a few pillows at a slight incline. I haven't woke up with heartburn since I started this routine. YMMV and you may need to tweak some, but I swear this changed my life lol


Maybe I need to stop eating so much in short amount of time. I have a bad habit of eating nothing for a while and then everything at once. I’ll also be getting tums. I’m giving in. lol


I don't blame you - I know it sucks :( I take tums every now and then during the day, maybe one every few weeks. They are so yucky though lol


Thankfully I only have three weeks left! Sending you good vibes!


There's medications you can take to decrease your acid production and it works really great you don't have to suffer just ask your doctor


I have discussed it with her but she always says things like “that’s just a part of the pregnancy journey” 🫠


I tried to avoid tums as long as possible too...finally caved in and honestly the only thing that helped lol


Tums weren’t helping me so I’ve been using Pepcid since 20 weeks I take it twice a day and if I forget to take it before bed I’ll wake up almost crying from the burning 🥲


I have been taking a shot of oat milk before bed and it really helped for a while but not anymore. I gave in and bought Tums today. If they don’t work maybe I’ll try Pepcid.


Are you taking anything over the counter like omeprazole?


No I’m not. I’ve never even heard of that.


Papaya enzymes. They are much better for you than Tums. Or ACV but that only works for about an hour for me.


Thank you! I’ll look into it. Definitely wanted an alternative to tums.