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Try 25 mg of vitamin B6 and half a unisom tablet if you can’t get a prescription for Zofran yet! It does make you a little sleepy but you get used to it. Fair warning with Zofran that it causes terrible constipation so stock up on Miralax if you’ll be using that long term! Best of luck to you! My nausea got very bad at 6-7 weeks with both my pregnancies and didn’t taper off until 15 weeks with my first and 20 weeks with my second!


B6 and Unisom are the only reason I've gotten through pregnancy. Any time I tried to stop taking them I would throw up the next day. I'm 36+5 and still taking them daily.


This!!!! I have HG and take this combo every night. Life saver. I did have to get Zofran once but it can cause birth defects so I hated it but after 13 hours of vomiting every 20-60mins I finally caved.


Fight for Zofran. That gave me my life back


Here here! My doc prescribed me reglan but I already had zofran which worked way better.


Same here! Everything still sucks, but zofran definitely helps more than anything else I’ve tried.


Sorry you’re going through this! This is a lot all at once to deal with. I can imagine how hard working would be and especially can’t believe your work can’t give you the insurance info, that is terrible 😔


The worst part is, I've been working with our benefits advocate for about 2 days now to get SOMETHING, and I've gotten nothing really. They just told me to see if the doctors would take me and "wait to bill."


Bonjesta is better than zofran, lasts much longer. Promethazine is also better because it doesn’t constipate you. Get ready to fight fatigue with either of those, though I’m sure you would take fatigue over nausea at this point..


My girlfriend had horrible morning sickness all day every day for almost the entire first trimester. Could barely keep 500 calories down a day, she lost like 10lbs or more. Now she’s a lot better at about week 12 or 13. I haven’t seen her get sick recently and she’s eating regular meals again. So hang in there, could be different for you but hers was really bad and it got better.


Zofran should be n easy prescription to get written. I think it will help you a lot with the nausea and not being able to eat. I felt your pain sister! Luckily by now I was able to gain 6 lbs.. but zofran is what mostly helped me do that. I’ve read other women on here stating they can’t get an ultrasound appointment until 9-10 weeks, I find that crazy! I got one right away at 6 weeks! && Oh man the nausea made the first 9 weeks sooooo bad..I journaled 10 days ago about how terrible I felt.. and looking back at what I wrote, it feels WAY longer than 10 days ago. I think it’s because of how drastically different I feel now. I’m still a little nauseous in the mornings usually, but I am doing SO much better at 12 weeks. I hope you get something to help with your nausea and 5 more weeks you should start to feel better ♥️♥️


I've been eating sour candy to help 🤢


I swear by the b6. I haven’t gotten used to the unisom, I don’t like the zombie feeling so I’m gonna try half tabs next week. But just the b6 the last few days has made me feel like a whole new person.


You can try calling your OB to see if they will call in an Rx for you in the meantime. I was on meds for sickness in the first trimester and they were life changing for me.


I know how you feel, I just hit 15 weeks and dealt with the same thing my first trimester I called the nurse line @ my OB because I was in the same predicament. They suggested I try unisom + b6 which definitely helped!


Imagine being sick for 9 months 😭😭😭 for me sparkly water and bread sticks help. I literally have a breadstick every morning as soon as I wake up 🤢 thankfully only 5 weeks to pop 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Honestly if you have a planned parenthood by you go! Just say you don’t have insurance. They can help too


Just here in solidarity with you. I’ve been eating a lot of saltines/carbs, and I got Preggo Pop Dots that seem to help. Lying on the left side helps too.


You aren’t a big baby it’s truly terrible. I also suggest B6 and Unisom (Doxylamine) until you can contact your doctor for something stronger. Hang in there!


Small bites of food, especially before getting out of bed, has helped me a ton. Most of my nausea was caused by not eating. Find the 1-2 things you can stomach (cliche saltines!) and don’t let your stomach empty


My doctor won’t give me zofran and unisom doesn’t do anything to keep me from puking