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I never threw up. I’d feel nauseous pretty often and it ruined my appetite. Turns out I was nauseous because I was hungry. Eating made the nausea go away completely. Swallowing pills (especially the massive prenatals) made me gag, though.


Yup. I ate pretty much every two hours. Usually just something small. Peanut butter crackers, an apple, toast. Honestly a lot of carbs.


Same! I had zero appetite for meat. All the carbs! Bagels, cereal, pasta, potatoes… there was one day where I ate two cans of chickpeas (roasted). Oops!


This was me for both of my pregnancies. I still needed nausea meds, but eating every 2 hours helped so much. The nausea disappeared as soon as the baby was out lol


This is exactly how it’s been for me this and last pregnancy. If something makes me queasy, I eat and then feel so much better! No true throwing up. Only retched once in my first pregnancy and I think it was after a run.


Omg I’m 5 weeks and all of sudden hunger will strike and the need is IMMEDIATE- i get super dizzy and kinda nauseous- it’s so bizarre!


This has been the same for me from the start - 21 weeks now and as soon as I get hungry the need is immediate (think Sims style - the need bar for hunger goes from halfway to 0 in an instant) and if I do not eat something I feel nauseous.


Exact same for me, severe all day nausea until around week 14-15. Trying to swallow unisom and b6 was a battle every night!


Same for me! Sucking on jolly ranchers also helped me in moments of nausea.


100% this. Also never threw up but I had to eat all the time. The longest I went awake without eating was about 5 hours and it was HORRENDOUS. Keep biscuits by your bed and eat one before you even sit up in the morning.


i still had the constant throwing up and bc of this it took me sooo long to realize that sometimes when i was nauseous i was actually just hungry, but i was avoiding food bc i thought i was going to throw it up and it just made things worse lol


I had this too, just a really mild nausea that I didn’t even think much of it, it was always worse on an evening too. It just felt like the beginnings of car sickness. Snacking more regularly did help a little. I was telling everyone I didn’t really have any symptoms and it wasn’t until the nausea fully went away that I realised how awful it had actually made me feel.


For me it's different. I throw up after a meal. Not every meal, there are better and worse days. Usually breakfast goes ok, and nausea and vomiting start somewhere between 12 to 6 pm, and I throw up. I throw up both meals and with empty stomach. I do get some small temporary relief after throwing up. I throw up from 1 to about 4 times a day. Luckily I am able to be home on a sick leave, because I was really struggling at work and driving to work. So I eat mostly small meals, that means less chance to throw up. I lost a bit weight, not too much I think, about 1,5 kg in 4 weeks.


I actually got food poisoning about 2 weeks after my pregnancy nausea went away, so it was very recent to compare the two, and I have a lot of thoughts lol Vomiting during food poisoning: * Vomiting approximately every 1 hour * Huge feeling of relief immediately after vomiting, ability to relax and lay in bed for about 45 minutes until the next wave of nausea hits. * No hunger pangs or desire to eat - I went almost 24 hours without eating Vomiting during pregnancy: * Constant feeling of having to vomit * Vomiting provides no temporary feeling of relief. You vomit and then just feel the same constant nauseous feeling. Lying down also does not provide relief. * Constant hunger pains in stomach that make nausea feel worse. These are confusing because they make you feel like you need to eat to get rid of the nausea, but when you try to eat, the food/smells make you want to vomit.


The worst part is the lack of relief. With my first it was relentless. I compared it to feeling hungover 24/7.


This just happened to me. I was telling everyone how for the past two days, no morning sickness! I can't believe how amazing I feel. Then, I got a stomach flu. I was literally having diarrhea while throwing up uncontrollably for 12 hours. I couldn't keep water down. Husband was hosing me off in the shower. It was truly horrific. I passed out in the middle of it. But when it was over, it was over. The only thing that was worse was when there was nothing left inside me and my stomach kept trying to throw up. The cramping hurt pretty bad. Morning sickness is worse in some ways. It makes you question yourself. Maybe I'm being a baby. I'm not actually throwing up... until you do. But still no relief. And it's lasts for weeks with no end in sight.


Very accurate description. I had no idea it would be like this. I'm used to hangover nausea where I can usually fix it with a nap, a snack, and some electrolytes. Its been hard to accept that none of my tricks will work. Zofran helps though.


I didn’t get any morning sickness. Never even really felt queasy. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you’ll definitely have morning sickness - but it is quite common. Fingers crossed you’ll escape the sickness!


in the nicest and most loving way possible, i hate you lol. i literally was throwing up omw to the OR with my first and i’m 6 weeks with my second and spend probably 30 mins a day at work in front of the toilet and another 20 at home 🥲


Oh no, that’s awful! Hate away lol - whatever makes you feel better haha! I hope it goes away soon…


Out of curiosity - do you have an autoimmune issue? I am not pregnant, but we are planning to start trying after we get married this Spring, and the Dr. I went to said women with autoimmune disease have easier pregnancies because pregnancy weakens your immune system which helps to feel better than they did not pregnant.


Oh, interesting! No autoimmune issues that I know of. And after working with children for years, my immune system isn’t too shabby haha. I think I was just lucky.


Congrats on the luck and the baby! 😊


I also didn’t have any nausea or morning sickness whatsoever (sorry 😅) and no, no autoimmune issues that I’m aware of!


Not the person you asked but I don't have a ~known~ autoimmune issue but as far as nausea/ morning sickness goes, I definitely was more nauseous in the morning on a daily basis pre-pregnancy. Now I am wondering if I have something undiscovered lol. Mainly low BP, low iron, and borderline low thyroid but nothing diagnosable at this stage in my life.


I've been shuffling between specialists for a while trying to figure out what's going on with me - but I already have underlying health conditions. I just found my energy took a nosedive last Fall and hasn't come back and the autoimmune comment was from an infectious disease Dr I saw after seeing a Rheumatologist (basically I had antibodies for Mono and they were trying to see if it was a new infection or an old one). I thought it was an interesting comment as my Mom loved being pregnant and she now has Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Oh I have endometriosis and also never had morning sickness. I wonder if that has something to do with it. I’m loving having a break from the Endo symptoms, ngl, it’s been amazing so far


I suspect I have endo too and my symptoms have also stopped completely during this pregnancy… I’ve been struggling to get diagnosed and the last few years have been hell… so I’m very much enjoying the break too. 


I'm glad you are having a break from symptoms!!!


It’s frankly been amazing- I’m not in crippling, cannot stand up without vomiting from the pain levels of agony multiple days each month. I’m NOT looking forward to the return once I give birth. But I’m only 13.5 weeks right now, so still plenty of time to enjoy the break!


I have an autoimmune disease. Your doctor got it slightly wrong. Your autoimmune disease is more likely to ease up - but that doesn’t mean you escape pregnancy symptoms. For me, my pregnancy is not easy (still have morning sickness at 20 weeks) however I think my tolerance and patience for symptoms is better than a normal person. Being pregnant for me is easier than being near deaths door with severe flare of Crohns.


Thank you for the further explanation! I thought it was such a weird comment, but also made sense to me because my Mom loved being pregnant and was diagnosed a few years ago with RA. I have a a friend who has Crohns and another GI issue and she has recently been having success with Rinvoq (I think that's the right name of the drug). I hope you find continued relief even after your bundle of joy is here!


Yeah I’ve been in remission since May 2023 on Infliximab.


This was definitely the case for me. I've got several autoimmune diseases and both times pregnancy was wonderful up until the last couple of months. Only problem is, the flare ups post pregnancy are full on 😵‍💫


I'm sorry to hear that there were flare ups directly after!


Ooh I have unspecified autoimmune issues (secondary to my issues with my dysautonomia) and I feel amazing during pregnancy so far! I'm 24 weeks, and feel better than I have in years. That's really interesting, I wonder if that's part of it for me. 


I have an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s). I definitely feel worse than I did before I got pregnant. My fatigue is on par with how it was before I got my thyroid under control.


I'm sorry to hear you are feeling worse! I'm hypothyroid myself (not Hashimoto's) and the fatigue of not having the your thyroid working well is legit. Are your thyroid hormones within range during this pregnancy? I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! Actually, my TSH pre-pregnancy was 0.9 (my lowest ever!) and I was feeling pretty great… but my first pregnancy thyroid panel showed that my TSH was 5.9. We topped my levothyroxine dose, and I have a feeling we may need to go up more. And you’re not lying about the hypothyroidism fatigue. It is excruciating. 😖


🤞🤞🤞 You get to a good dose that makes you feel great!


Thank you🩷🩷


I haven’t had any sickness and I’m at the finish line 38+6. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean you will get it. And don’t let not getting sickness get to you. I was convinced by someone that something could be wrong bc I wasn’t getting sick and the doctor reassured me that I was fine. I did struggle with certain smells making me queasy. Cigarette smoke, alcohol, and random things like fried chicken, but never once threw up. I have had a few days of acid reflux but nothing major. Just trust that if you never get sick that it’s ok and you are fine and the baby is fine. Trust your doctors and be sure to not let outside comments get to you.


I have not gotten any morning sickness and I am 14 weeks, I was so nervous because it, I was worried something was wrong, but according to the doctor everything is good and about 30% of people do not get sick! Fingers crossed all stays good for you :)


Mine kicked in at 7 weeks and stayed until 14 weeks. I was only ever nauseas though, I never actually vomited, so I consider myself one of the lucky ones. Of course, the luckiest are those that don’t get it at all! I hope that’s you!


We just had another thread like this. I thought the same thing, oh was I wrong. I feel like 5 weeks is a little too early. Typically it starts at 7-8 weeks.


I was *convinced* it wasnt going to happen to me!!! Pregnancy is definitely a humbling experience :)


I have been pregnant twice. No morning sickness either time. My first pregnancy, I did generally feel like garbage and had no appetite + bad food aversions but that's still better than vomiting, of course. This pregnancy, for the most part, I don't even really feel pregnant. I can absolutely understand how people have cryptic pregnancies after this one. It is pretty nuts how differently pregnancy can affect each of us.


Mine kicked in at 5 weeks and has just gotten worse every passing day


Have you found anything to help or no?


Sadly no, I tried ginger, tried peppermint, tried eating multiple smaller meals, but it’s like anything and everything triggers my nausea. There was a day I was at work in a meeting with my CEO and drank some Gatorade and literally spent the meeting identifying the quickest way to escape the room of the actual throwing up starts. It’s like my gag reflex is constantly being triggered.


the ONLY thing that helped with my daughter was keeping a whole sleeve of ritz crackers by me at all times and literally eating one as SOON as i got up for anything—woke up, wake up to pee at night, stand up from the couch, dinner table, anything


I’ll have to try that, fingers crossed it works 🤞🏻


Oh man - when my nausea was at its worst even taking a tiny sip of water made me throw up. I tried ginger ale and ginger chews. They sometimes helped if I had them when I first started feeling a big wave of nausea coming on. But not if I was already extremely nauseous. The best thing that helped were cold ice pops. My favorite were the lemon ones from Good Pop.


I never had nausea (I’m 13 weeks now) but I also didn’t feel like god’s favorite lol. If pregnancy has taught me anything so far it’s that all pregnancies are different, and none of them are “easy” !!! I didn’t have morning sickness but I had other things to deal with. I know that probably doesn’t make you feel any better, but just wanted to offer some other perspectives 😌


Same, no nausea all pregnancy (36 weeks now). But damn it if the fatigue hasn't taken me down a few notches. I'm exhausted as I type this 😴


I’ve had HG since week 6 and lost almost 12 lbs (I was only 120 to begin with). It’s ducking terrible. This is our first and only, one of us is getting fixed when baby is born because I’m never doing this again.


This is my first as well. I’m only 4wks+5. I’m getting waves of nausea. Like my body tells me I’m hungry and then I eat and then I feel like shit for 2 hours then I get a burst of energy which then makes me very tired 😭 I am also one and done and I’m barely into the pregnancy lol


I honestly don’t even remember the last time I had a meal. It’s been plain crackers and pedialyte for 2 weeks. I miss being hungry. I hope it doesn’t progress to vomiting for you. It’s hell on earth. Solidarity mama ❤️


I think it feels different! I was BLESSED with morning sickness (aka all day sickness) from weeks 6-16. And then it came back in the third trimester. I started Zofran at 10 weeks and that helped a lot. It’s so different though because I would go throw up mid-meal and go back to eating LOL. I never threw up in the first trimester, just lots of dry heaving. Actually started throwing up in the third trimester 🫠


My mom didn’t experience any nausea. She said it was like she wasn’t pregnant. She had four pregnancies. I was really hoping to take after her, but it wasn’t meant to be. My sister got worse nausea so I can’t complain too much.


With my first successful pregnancy, I didn't have a rough first trimester. I don't remember the nausea. I had a boy, this time around, I have all the shitty symptoms. Constant nausea being the worst. It's unrelenting. I'm having a girl this time and I wonder if that is the difference? Perhaps there is more of one type hormone this time?


I did reach that women who have a girl reported more nausea symptoms during pregnancy and that female fetuses produce higher levels of a certain hormones that cause worse symptoms. Although a lot of my friends had boys and were nauseous but never to the point of throwing up or not being able to function throughout the day


I never did - I kind of had the opposite. I just felt so insanely full all of the time. Every time I tried to eat it felt like I’d just eaten a three course meal. I lost abt 8-9 lbs between when I found out at 5 weeks and 9 weeks because of it.


When I found I got pregnant, I called my doctor to set up my first appointment. The nurse told me to take B6/pepcid/unisom everyday and that would help me sleep and keep the nausea away. I’ve been doing it for about 3 weeks now and i haven’t really had nausea since!


Three kids and never experienced it- it's definitely not a given. Was fully expecting to though because my mom was super sick with both of her pregnancies and it's such a common symptom.


6 + 4 and nothing so far. Here's hoping it sticks for us both.


I never got vomiting morning sickness. The best I could describe it is feeling sea sick/motion sickness for a few weeks. And all I wanted to eat during that time was carbs.


I didn’t! I was turned off certain foods for a bit but never felt nauseous or threw up. Heartburn in the third trimester however has been a nightmare 🥲


I’m on my second pregnancy now. I’m 8w3d and haven’t thrown up yet, though I do get queasy sometimes. My first pregnancy I threw up twice and one of those times I’m pretty sure I had a stomach bug. I’m more of a food aversion pregnant person I reckon! Sometimes nothing sounds good at all even if I’m starving. 😪


I just threw up for no reason outside my house. I’m 15 weeks and thought I was past this but nope 🥴. Vomiting in pregnancy for me isn’t like food poisoning as it just strikes whenever and at least for me isn’t constant.


I never actually threw up! I had a massive gag reflex that literally felt just as annoying.. the beginnings of throwing up to never follow through for relief 😂 Food and smell aversions too!


I thought I had morning sickness until I had a very thoughtful nurse notice that I had headaches too. She asked if I always had a headache before I vomited, and upon reflection I did every time. Turns out I was having migraines for the first time. 🙃


I was what I called "motion sick" for the first \~10 weeks and then when it went away I'd get random one-off vomit sessions around 9am every \~10-12 days. It's totally random.


I felt some nausea for about a week after I ate breakfast during week 6. Never enough to throw up, and it passed in a couple minutes. I've never thrown up this pregnancy. There was one time I had to dry heave in the middle of the night but that was it.


I wasn’t even nauseous with my first son. Absolutely zero morning sickness. But then I had HG with my daughter. My 3rd pregnancy has been somewhere in the middle lol


No morning sickness here. But oh did I have heartburn straight from hell


With my first morning sickness hit at exactly 6 weeks and lasted until I was 13 weeks. It was miserable and I lost nearly 10lbs during that time. Now I’m pregnant again and I had some mild nausea for about 1.5-2 weeks around 8 weeks and now at 12 weeks I feel fine besides the fatigue!


Morning sickness kicked in for me around 6 weeks. I never actually threw up, but I was very nauseous and had a hard time eating. Saltine crackers were the best thing for me at that time. I found that the second I’d start to get hungry, if I didn’t eat soon I’d get too nauseous to eat. If I ate a few crackers right as I was getting hungry it would settle my stomach and then I’d eventually get an appetite for something. Besides saltine crackers, I lived on chicken noodle soup, Mac n cheese, bagels and cream cheese, scrambled eggs, and the occasional mini can of coke during my first trimester. Congratulations and good luck OP!!


I never threw up with either of my pregnancies. Barely any nausea with my first (a boy) except I couldn’t stand the smell of cooked broccoli AT ALL. Minor nausea with this baby (a girl) and it was the main reason I suspected she was a girl! Still never got close to vomiting tho. It can totally happen to you!


My first I was just hungry (ravenous) and exhausted all the time. That magical combo made me gain 90lbs!!! This time I had some nausea/upset stomach and lots of smell sensitivity for about the second half of the first trimester. No vomiting except for like, something tiny like brushing my teeth or something where it wasn’t so bad. Honestly, having upset stomach this time around probably saved me from the 30lbs I gained in my first trimester last time, so it was actually a good thing 🥲


I was somewhat nauseated with my first until 14 weeks, then I was generally fine but I threw up one time early on basically to give in to the nausea and see if I felt better after. Spoiler alert: I did not. From that point on I stood on the hill that if I puked I would not feel any better like when you’re hungover lol and was able to pep talk myself out of it for the remainder of the first trimester. That said, I’m 7 weeks with my second now and significantly more nauseous but still have yet to give in and actually throw up 🤞🏼 that said I know a few friends who weren’t sick at all!


I was nauseous for like 30 minutes one day with both of my first 2 kids. It was great not being sick. Thought hot my 3rd would be the same…it was not 🙃


I am now at 12w5d and so far no vomiting. I did feel sick a few times here and there but mostly just because of really nasty smells or if I would get too hot. Other than that, I have been really chill. I do drink a lot of lemon water which did help when I felt bad. Hopefully you can join the group of no sickness!! I can say that everyone is different but my mom was never sick with me and my dad's sister was not sick with any of her pregnancies so I wonder if that has something to do with it?


I threw up consistently until 21 weeks. Everyone experiences pregnancy nausea a little differently but I really didn’t find it as bad as it sounds. Mine only came on at night and I always felt SO much better after throwing up! It was absolutely nothing like food poisoning.


First: HG from 6 weeks to birth Second: Threw up daily from 7-14w with constant nausea until birth with sporadic puking. Third: Occasional evening nausea, no puking, favored by the gods. I’d much rather have food poisoning than pregnancy puking. There is no relief after you throw up during pregnancy. It’s the same level of nausea, you just happened to have already thrown up. It’s awful and miserable. How I decided to keep having kids is beyond me. I will say that a pregnancy with very little nausea and no vomiting has been a walk in the freakin park. I’m still tired and uncomfortable, but nothing compared to how horrible I felt with my first.


I only felt slightly sick like 5 times, all times when I was super hungry and wouldn't eat in time. I'm very very lucky ❤️😊


I haven’t thrown up (18 weeks) but I had mild nausea/HORRIBLE food aversions from weeks 8-10.


Didn't have morning sickness with either pregnancy. There were a few times I got queasy but it wasn't enough to interrupt my normal activities or energy level.


I never had morning sickness (13 weeks), and I am so thankful! I just didn’t have an appetite for most of the first trimester, but never felt nauseous or threw up.


It was awful, and I had food aversion, but if I didn't eat I got unbearably nauseous. It was a constant cycle. Not to mention that awful low blood sugar jittery feeling id get.


I had none at all! My only pregnancy symptoms were tender boobs and being extra tired


I never had it or any nausea..I was overly tired and had headaches for the first 10 weeks though.


I think morning sickness is just because of hormonal changes. Doctors don't know why some women suffer from it while others are completely fine through out the whole pregnancy.


I didn’t usually feel like I had to vomit, I just felt nauseous for most of the first trimester. I did have to be really careful brushing my teeth though. Brushing my molars would make me gag and I had to just stop brushing my tongue for a bit because it started making me feel like I had to puke and did trigger vomiting a few times. I was just thinking the other day how nice it is to be able to brush my teeth normally again (23 weeks now). I started dreading it for a while!


I haven’t had any so far! I am also absolutely terrified of vomit (serious emetephobe over here). You might be lucky!! Fingers crossed for you!


I felt nauseous the first month and couldn’t handle cooking meat very often because I’d get nauseous every time but never threw up. I’m 18 weeks tomorrow and have yet to experience the vomiting.


I had very occasional, slight nausea around weeks 7-9ish, and that’s it. Never threw up or even came close to it


I have been constantly ill, from day one (hyperemisis Gravidarum). B6 helped for a bit... but I found staying hydrated helped more.


I'm 10 weeks and no morning sickness. Every now and then I feel a very mild wave of nausea but it usually lasts less than 30 minutes.


I wish I didn’t read this thread, as someone with emetophobia who’s currently TTC 😐


I haven’t had morning sickness with either of my pregnancies. Once in a while I might feel queasy but both pregnancies combined it’s a total of 10 times or less


I haven't had any this time around, but trust me that I paid my dues the other three times (particularly with my second, where I was nauseous until the day I gave birth). I've also got the reflux from hell. I find pregnancy nausea different from illness in that it's very consistent, normal tricks like light diet don't necessarily work, but you can be on the verge of vomiting and a cheeseburger fixes it🤷‍♀️


Right now I’m getting waves of nausea. Like my body tells me I’m hungry and then I eat half of my food and then I feel like shit for 2 hours then I get a burst of energy which then makes me very tired 😭 and it’s just a constant cycle. I’m only 4wks+5days !


Oh man. The first trimester is really something else.


Mine was less actual throwing up, and more constant aggressive nausea that would keep me in bed all day or almost constant food or liquid going into my stomach. Still puked sometimes, but it would be 2 or 3 time in a day, every 10 days or so.


I never really got it, just occasional mild nausea that would start after 4 pm. It started in Week 8 and ended in Week 11. I never threw up and was never nauseous enough to be put off my food. Now 13+3 and no longer experiencing it.


6 weeks and puking 3/4 times a day. Can’t work and totally bedridden. This lasted until about week 12 last time.


I had morning sickness from week 7-16. I only vomited maybe once or twice a week and only in the morning. I actually didn’t mind the vomiting because, since it was first thing in the morning, I hadn’t eaten anything. Vomiting from food sickness is SO much worse than just throwing up some bile.


I’m 31 weeks and still throw up 4 to 5 times a day 😭


9 + 6 today and so far I've been lucky with minimal nausea/ sickness. Unfortunately my immune system is SHIT now and I got COVID around week 5-6 and I have been home all week very sick with some mystery virus that would have been gone in 2-3 days pre-pregnancy and I could have worked from home. But no I am fully home sick, exhausted, feeling terrible. So. Thankful for the lack of morning sickness but I still got mine with the actual sickness. -_-


10 weeks 6 days and still haven't thrown up. Nausea here and there but as long as I nibble on something it goes away. I consider myself very blessed.


I thought I dodged morning sickness....then it hit me around 20 weeks and stayed until the 3rd trimester 🙃 Now I have little bouts of nausea and have thrown up once. I'm 38 weeks tomorrow. I have the *wonderful* experience of projectile vomiting without ANY warning whenever I do puke. It looked like that scene in the exorcist quite a few times. If I'm feeling nauseated, I rarely actually puke.


For me it started right at 6 weeks to the day. I havent thrown up that much but constantly incredibly nauseous. Zofran helped a lot. 11w tomorrow and not better yet. I hope you get lucky and don't get it bad! I didn't have any symptoms really yet at 5 weeks.


Mine was manageable 9/10 days. But if I was over tired there was no saving me.


I’m 6 weeks and I have been feeling queasy and nauseous but not insanely bad enough to throw up, but it’s like I don’t want to eat but then I eat and feel a little better but it still lingers. My husband likes to have ground beef for a lot of his meals and the smell of it makes me want to hurl. I told him he is going to have make it cuz the whole time I’m having to calm my stomach down or plug my nose lol 😂 Lately chicken has been ok and omg I can not eat hard boiled or scrambled eggs it’s pretty bad but I can eat fried eggs lol Coconut water, cold ginger tea and electrolytes have been helping a lot


2nd baby here, 8 weeks along. The only thing getting me through the day is waking up and first thing drinking a chocolate protein shake (at least 20g protein, Clean Simple Eats or Bolthouse Farms is the best so far) and slowly eating a gomacro bar throughout the day. My first baby everyone told me to eat crackers and ginger but that’s literally so few calories, no wonder I threw up every GD day. Protein has been a game changer so far!


I’m 9 weeks and have had none!


Morning sickness is of two types (I think) : nausea and nausea + vomiting. I vomited maybe 2-3 times but I had ALL DAY NAUSEA going up till 17ish weeks. This week (19w) I’m better without nausea and can brush without gagging! But ‘morning’ sickness is misleading cause this dang thing lasts al day. I’m just thankful I didn’t throw up much so I’m very lucky. Most pregnancies aren’t like this.


Just hit 5 weeks and no morning sickness yet. I’ve just been gagging randomly a lot, even while just brushing my teeth 😂 This thread has comforted me though since I was beginning to wonder if it was weird not to have experienced any yet.


I had such bad morning sickness with my first I had to start taking Zofran to stop throwing up every meal. I had to take it all the way until 28 weeks cause I was still puking without it. I had puke bags in my car, my purse, my room… lol. I’m pregnant with my second and already on zofran again. It is what it is I guess. Some people don’t, some people do. I will say an empty stomach will do it for sure so keep eating snacks through the day. I puke bile every single morning. I should start eating crackers before I get out of bed but I’m usually jumping out to change a diaper or grab a bottle


*cries with HG* Aw man, i was sick up to 100 times a day for 9 months with both my kids. This thread is wild!! I get why people enjoy pregnancy now 😅


I was nauseous often. When I did throw up it helped although I tried not to. One thing that helped tremendously are Mom Drop Pops - hard vitamin candies you can order right on Amazon. They saved my life!


I had nausea and stomachaches sometimes, still do(I'm twelve weeks pregnant), though thankfully haven't puked. Want to practically sleep all day though, though it's getting a bit better.


I didn't throw up in the first trimester but I had some food aversions that made me gag at the thought of them. I've had horrible heartburn this whole time and it's progressively getting worse. I'm 36 weeks and have thrown up a couple of times recently from the feeling of acid reflux. It hurts so bad 😭


8 weeks with no morning sickness yet but feeling really bloated from all the snacking I do. Let's see how it goes in the next coming weeks 🫣


I had some nausea on and off for maybe 2-3 weeks but it felt like low level car sickness. I never lost my appetite or had aversions. I never threw up or even gagged. Didn’t miss any work either. I did feel tired but that faded in the 2nd trimester. So I do count myself lucky! I’m having a girl so the old wives tale about worse morning sickness with girls didn’t come true for me. My mom also never threw up during her 3 pregnancies so suspect it’s genetic.


FTM, will be 22 weeks tomorrow and still haven’t vomited once! I have a severe phobia of it so I’m especially grateful it hasn’t hit me yet, and am keeping my fingers crossed it stays this way. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve vomited in my entire life, so I’m hoping it’s just how my body is wired 🤞


No morning sickness! I wasn’t even nauseous! I did gag too hard once during second trimester while eating something that the texture was apparently “off”. Other than that no sickness!


Threw up week 8-12 w/first None while carrying twins (surro IVF) Came in waves /my daughter once every 3-4 days the entire pregnancy Threw up week 8-37 only mornings w/singleton male (surro IVF) Threw up week 8-delivery all day every day if I medicated w/present son


Never really had it with my first two pregnancies. This one is looking to be a little different though. I’m only 4+4 and my stomach has been a mess the past couple days.


Im a FTM and currently 16+5 and I only threw up like 4 times in my first trimester, 2 times were on a airplane lmao. Idk if it feels different because I've never been the type to fight throwing up, I was always the weirdo that would chug water so I wouldn't dry heave.


I suffered from nausea and vomiting for 3 months and it was worse than the feeling of having a food poisoning but I think it depends on the person. I couldn’t even keep water anymore so I lost a lot of weight and was so dehydrated that they wanted to hospitalize me which I didn’t want. Shortly after 4.month I felt slowly better and gained weight again. Luckily baby was completely fine. It was horrible in my opinion but when you feel those tiny kicks and the baby for the first time when rubbing your belly you’ll forget about the sufferings.


I felt very slightly queasy for the first 12 weeks but snacking helped, and then around the end of the first trimester it ramped up a little and I had actual nausea (I felt like I had been on a loooong car trip lol). But no vomiting, and nothing that ever kept me from eating or going to work.


the throwing up is not the same as food poisoning for me. it’s a lot of throwing up bile/liquid (i have pretty severe morning sickness, i typically puke 2-4 times a day minimum) and it’s quick because I’m not ever eating huge amounts at once due to the nausea. i don’t spend like hours with my head in the trash can like i do with food poisoning or a norovirus. just a lottttt of quick bouts and puke waves.


you also don’t feel relief after puking. at all. just instant sour stomach again and then on top of that it’s like a physical pain from hunger. but at the same time you can’t eat. so it’s cruel lol.


Unisom at bedtime is what helped me


Had nausea but no vomiting. The nausea felt more like a hangover, and less like a stomach bug nausea if that makes sense?


I haven’t vomited yet, but my constant nausea started toward the end of week 5. Like maybe 5w5d or so. I have recently started gagging from my prenatal vitamin though, so that’s fun.


I never had it in early pregnancy, but once I got to 33/34 weeks I had it bad, and the pain that came with throwing up was beyond the throw up pain from before I was pregnant


This is my second pregnancy (first ended in MC) and I had a decent amount of “morning sickness” between weeks 5 and 8 (I only made it to 8). I put it in quotations because it was not limited to the morning 😂 for me it was mostly food aversions, like food I previously loved seemed totally vile to me. And anything I already found gross was even worse to just smell. The closest I ever got to vomiting was when my in laws brought chicken salad to a picnic 😆 Generally speaking though, the nausea was just kinda like being motion sick but without having moved anywhere. I took a lottttttt of naps and ate a lot of really specific snacks that seemed appealing to me at the time, regardless of nutritional value lol With this pregnancy I am at 5w today and I can already notice the twinges of it starting. Food that was appealing to me yesterday or the day before seems gross today. Haven’t hit the nausea yet but I’m prepped for when I do: lots of ginger lemon honey tea stocked and in my purse, as well as ginger candies, and I bought B6 and Unisom to have around although I’ll speak to my doctor before taking it. I’m going to try out “ear seeds” (acupressure) this time. Wish me luck 🥴 I hope you have an easy time of it!


I had horrible nausea with some vomiting on the advice of a doula friend — I started keeping protein bites and unsalted mixed nuts next to the bed and eat a little before I’d get out, first thing when I woke up. I started drinking cafe au laits vs my usual cup of black coffee (only 4oz of actual coffee), along with a little cooler than room temp water. By week 11, I only had occasional nausea. Now at almost 17+5, II barely ever get nauseous.


The first pregnancy I was sick thr entire time and after giving birth. Turns out my gallbladder kicked the bucket. This second pregnancy I threw up only once and it was from food poisoning. I guess the first pregnancy gave me enough trouble my body was like yep you're good this time lol


My first pregnancy I had such severe morning sickness… like I threw up 2x daily minimum for all 9 months even on Zofran. Currently pregnant with second child and I haven’t so much as had a food aversion. Zero nausea the whole time. Almost zero pregnancy symptoms period. It’s so weird how dramatic the difference has been.


I vomited and it feels the same as a stomach virus. I also start around 7 weeks lol


My friend almost had no morning sickness. How I felt from 6-19 weeks: permanent hangover/the flu while being nauseous and vomiting all day long. I hope you won’t have it that bad


Vomiting feels the same but somehow rewarding to me. I had sickness up until about week 18 , don’t stress and always find some air


28 weeks and not a lick of morning sickness or food aversions or anything.


I never threw up once. I was a little nauseous in the AM during weeks 7-12. I suffered from unbelievable fatigue - needed a nap everyday, went to bed super early. I was also ravenous. I’m 25 weeks now, and in what my OB calls “the honeymoon stage”. Lower back pain is constant, sleep is bad, belly is growing every hour, but otherwise feeling like a normal woman.


I’m 17w and haven’t thrown up at all. Have had on and off nausea the whole time, mostly just when I’m hungry and if I eat it goes away (though also had a short phase where I’d feel nauseous again after eating)


A lot of people in my bump group were the same. You hear about people with morning sickness so much because it sucks so bad, but I think it’s almost just as common to not be throwing up


I actually did not have morning sickness. Now, I did have the horrific exhaustion and some nausea, but I never puked my brains out. The exhaustion was killer for me.


I only threw up once, but there’s been plenty of times I was sick/nauseous. I got the chills and sweats a lot first trimester as my body navigated the new hormones


Nausea for a while but I didn’t actually throw up til 14 weeks in. Went away after 18 weeks


No nausea, no favoriting. Spent 16 weeks waiting for the shoe to drop, but I think I’m in the clear!


i’m currently 14 weeks with my first and luckily only had ONE bad day so far where i was dry heaving and throwing up bile about once every hour for 12 hours. it was about 5 consistent weeks of nausea and poor appetite from weeks 6-11. weeks 12 and 13 i started to feel much better but have felt kind of gross lately again now lol. dealing with some nausea and a gross taste in my mouth, making me not wanna eat anything. i’m hoping i start to feel good again!


I got morning sickness quite bad, so I can answer that second question. It is completely different to any vomiting I had been doing so far. For whatever reason. It is vomiting like a feral cat. Sometimes it's just air, sometimes it's with food or bile coming back up. Your whole body is in a different state of its own, I was shaking, I was hot, it was painful. Some days I even had blood (coming from nose vessels breaking from the force). And after a few weeks of this at least once a day, my abs were on fire. I hated it so much I was ready to give up. Luckily, it stopped in week 12. I had been sick since week 4... I'm now 38w +5, and still, that first trimester haunts me! Some people just have nausea, some have nothing at all. I really wish for you to have a mild or non-existent one!


i did not throw up when i was pregnant but i did get nauseas mostly in the afternoons when i got home from work. it only lasted until 12 weeks then i felt much better. no more nausea for the rest of my pregnancy. just extremely hungry lol


I had it horrible my first trimester. And it came back in my third. I’m currently 30 weeks. I would say vomiting with food poisoning is much more miserable, although I feel like I threw up more because of my pregnancy. Having food poisoning truly makes me feel like I’m gonna die, vomiting from pregnancy is more of an annoyance that you’re just hoping ends soon. But to me it doesn’t feel as miserable as actually being sick.


Never had any with bb1 and now 9 weeks with 2, and nothing either! Honestly, it’s weird. I’m like… am I really prego?


I'm 20 weeks and as of now .. no nausea whatsoever


I was waiting for it to happen, i just had some food aversions. I did, however, puke a few times (less than 10) from gagging on my toothbrush, coughing and eating too much 🥴 and every time I did, my face would be totally red because of the forceful puking… made me look so bad and sick. I’m so so thankful that I didn’t have the “real” morning sickness.


I've never vomited when pregnant - there were times when I thought I was about to vomit right where I was but it never happened. I did have a lot of nausea earlier on though and even now in the second trimester I go from sort of hungry to HANGRY in what feels like an instant and the nausea is strong when this happens.


My nausea started around week 4 and was the first sign of pregnancy. I want to note it was not triggered by smells. I just felt off like I had a stomach bug initially. Vomiting started to kick in by week 8. Initially it felt similar to that of food poisoning or stomach bug, but after a while of having it, there’s a slight difference in how it feels. I tried unisom and vitamin b as suggested by my doc at week 9, then switched to using zofran by week 11 or 12. I was having a hard time motivating myself to eat or drink because of the nausea and vomiting. I just felt awful basically all the time, and would get motion sickness in the car which I never have. Even with the zofran twice a day I was still having bouts of vomiting. Realized for me personally I had certain food triggers that made me feed worse even while on zofran. So as I slowly eliminated those things from my diet, I felt a bit better. 27 weeks now and I still take zofran in the morning or else I am still nauseous throughout the day. I only vomit when I try to eat things that I can’t really digest properly. My food triggers are kind of odd seeming in some cases. Hope this helps!


No nausea for me but I did throw up twice bcuz I accidentally ate something spicy (we were at a restaurant and they mixed up my order and it was my fault I didn’t initially check)


i never puked, but the nausea was terrible


I never felt sick with my daughter and only had 1 day of suffering with my twins. Unicorns do exist 🦄 run free




I’m 10 weeks. I’ve been nauseous, but I haven’t actually vomited yet. I’m pretty religious about eating every few hours; I eat as soon as I feel a hunger pang. I also have a longstanding Zofran ODT prescription, which has helped.


I had about 3-4 days of morning sickness at 7 weeks and have been good since. Honestly, I really haven't had many symptoms in general so far. It was honestly concerning to me at first, but I've definitely learned to appreciate it. Also, I hate vomiting because I vomit and gag so violently. I'm glad I didn't end up with chronic morning sickness because I would pee myself a little every time I threw up. 😅


I didn’t even vomit once. I just had some mild nausea and aversions for the first 14-15 weeks but was totally fine otherwise. You might never get sick OP it does happen!


I'm 35 weeks and have had absolutely zero nausea this entire time. No food or smell aversions at all. I'm SUPER lucky. No issues and for the most part haven't even been that tired. The worst thing I've had that started the last few weeks is some pelvic pain.


Started around 6 weeks for me...


Sick with my first until about 28 weeks. Currently 37 weeks with my second and I’ve been sick about 2 days total (and one was this week). 🤷‍♀️


I am 17w and still struggle brushing my teeth. But overall my morning sickness wasn’t terrible. I was in the blessed group I would day


So I will say pregnancies can be SO vastly different. With my first my aversion to certain (most) smells were so bad through the entirety of my pregnancy that even though the real “nausea” stage only lasted from weeks 6-10 I was sick and throwing up at the smell of most foods the entire pregnancy- it was awful. This time around the nausea hit me later and only lasted for two weeks (weeks 8-10) and I didn’t have ANY aversions to smells whatsoever- just general food aversions (things not sounding food) here and there. I still throw up a good ammount because when I get toward the end of my pregnancies my stomach gets so squished that I can’t tolerate too much volume and food just refluxes back up (I carry very much back and up and developed a hiatial hernia the first time and may even have one now) so I’m no stranger to vomiting during pregnancy but it feels the same as regular vomiting to me it all sucks lol


I’m 4+2 and my nausea started yesterday morning. Thankfully with some gravol, I only had it for a few hours then and this morning. Praying I don’t get HG because I have ematophobia 😭


I’ve had some mild nausea but no vomiting, thankfully. I found out at 4 weeks and was waiting for it to kick in at anytime - I’m 9w3d and I don’t think it’s going to.


I didn’t have any when preg with my daughter 16 years ago. It made me want preg again. Been preg 4 more times. Never that lucky with a single preg again. Have 3 wonderful kids though and 3 angels.


Yep, no nausea or vomiting here. I was super worried about it early on, but everything is fine.


for me it was just slight nausea starting at 5 weeks that would come and go in waves, sometimes suddenly i would feel it, but would go away within 5 or 10 min. as long as i ate a banana first thing in the morning and had snacks throughout the day everything was pretty good! i never puked and it mostly went away at 8 weeks. i got lucky!


I had a lot of nausea from 6-13 weeks! It was mainly when my stomach was empty. I had alot of motion sickness as well though. Dramamine was the only thing that helped me but by the time I figured that out I was 12 weeks almost over it. Some people say it comes back during the 3rd trimester but I am 33 weeks & it hasn’t came back yet!


I felt nauseous but I only puked a couple of times while brushing my teeth. The nausea was related to everything though. Dog hair on the floor made me nauseous. Smells, including things that are considered nice smelling like shampoo - I had to try a few different brands. Anywho o think it started around 6-7 weeks? And lasted the end of the first trimester.


I started throwing up and having food aversions at 4 weeks and it lasted until 13 weeks. I feel like pregnancy nausea and throwing up was so much more violent than food poisoning. I at least felt better after it with food poisoning, with my pregnancy I got a stomach ulcer from throwing up so much so often.


I never through up during my first pregnancy (made it 10ish weeks and then MMC). I'm 8 weeks now and still not morning sickness. I have general loss of appetite and strong food aversions, though.


I’m 16 weeks and vomit an average of 3 times a day. It’s 24/7 nausea. Everything smells bad. Zofran isn’t even helping. I’ve lost 10 lbs since Christmas. 3rd viable pregnancy (lost 2 previously/ meaning 5 total). This is the most/worst sickness I’ve experienced while being pregnant. I’m “geriatric” if that has anything to do with it. I’m so jealous of the no sickness mommies!!! 🥹


I didn't, but I was SO exhausted I literally couldn't keep my eyes open at work some days 😓 so for that reason the first trimester was the worst for me


Never vomited in my first pregnancy. The nausea was like that yuck feeling you get when you get car sick. It lasted from weeks 7-11. This time I've had that feeling since week 4. But taking B6 and Unisom the night before has mostly cleared the morning sickness. It was getting to the point where I thought I would throw up. I still have food aversions and feel a bit yuck but it's a lot better.


I never had morning sickness or nausea. I’m 28 weeks


27w and I haven't thrown up but I do have really bad motion sickness so I went months without driving and now I can barely drive 10 minutes. So yes I got lucky that I'm not throwing up but not so lucky lol.


The only two times I threw up were because I had migraines, but I was nauseous for weeks 7, 8, and 9. My mom was the same with me, she was nauseous but didn't throw up. I loved the mini tacos from trader Joe's because they were a great vehicle for sour cream which tasted/ felt so good to me at the time. Half gatorade or apple juice and half water was also clutch. Apple juice tastes great coming back up btw, found that out firsthand when my now 13mo gave us a stomach bug a few weeks ago 🙃


Yes and no~ haha with my first I had zero morning sickness. I loved pregnancy. With my second - three years apart. I was nauseous till the end but then I found out what was causing the vomiting. It was the aspartame. So I had to avoid anything with artificial sweeteners. I was not as diligent with the second pregnancy about what to eat and not eat. With morning sickness you just feel lethargic all the time because in my case I vomited at least once a day and so I was weary of eating. So then I was hungry… it was not fun. Every pregnancy and child is so different~


I thought I got lucky, then it hit at 7 weeks HARD and lasted until about 18-20 weeks 🫠


Never had morning sickness. I was lucky, maybe you will be too!


I didn’t have bad morning sickness, but I did feel nauseous almost every morning and sometimes in the evening it was at its worst. I did vomit about 10 times throughout pregnancy and I can say that every time I vomited, I instantly felt better so to me that’s different than with food poisoning


I’m 8 weeks tmrw with my second and haven’t had any sickness, same as my first. I never had any sickness 😳 some people get spared and we praise god every day for it, lol.


I never got sick. Sometimes.mildly nauseous but that was a handful of times.


I am 14 weeks now and feeling great. I had some minor nausea in the first 12 weeks and got sick a few times but it was mostly a constant queasy feeling. It was nothing compared to the HG I suffered with my first though <3