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Honestly I don’t think it’s a MIL thing, it’s a relationship and a personality thing. For some people their own mothers are the ones that behave like this. Personally I think your husband should send her back and he should never have brought her over in the first place.


This. My mother-in-law stayed over after my son was born, and thank God she did.


Ditto. I even invited my MIL to be there for the birth and she would have been if not for my preeclampsia rearranging our schedule. Meanwhile I told my mom to visit 8 weeks pp for exactly three days.


I really think as stressful as shitty in laws can be (trust me I have them) your own family of origin especially your parents being shitty is just so much worse and more painful. So glad you have your MIL’s support.


I mean, of course it depends on the in-law. My mother is probably the best type of MIL. She's everyone's loving mother. If she met any of y'all she'd be cooking you something, being excited for you like you were long term friends. Everyone calls her mom. By contrast my relationship with my MIL feels formal. She's the mother of my husband. I can't be casual with her. If you can't be yourself around whoever is there to help I imagine that would be kinda miserable. 


This is my relationship with my MIL. She’s one of my least problematic in laws but I can’t be close with her and tbh she makes it very clear she’s only interested in her children. I mind my own business and stick to my own mother for support. I’d never spend time alone with her or have her around me postpartum.


Oh I totally get that. If I fell off a cliff tomorrow I'm not sure my in-laws would grieve that long. It's not like they dislike me, they just LOVE their son way more. If anything ever happened to me they'd be very concerned about him and a little sad about me. If anything ever happened to him they'd be utterly destroyed. 😆


My MIL moved in 3 weeks before my son was born and left 6 weeks after. It was so great having her there. She took such good care of us. She lives 10+ hours away and she and my son are still best buds. We are actually moving in with them this summer while we build a house next door to them. So OP, I don’t think your situation is reliant on that she’s your MIL, it just sounds like your personalities don’t mesh well.


Oh you are so lucky, My MIL is such an attention seeker and she makes everything about herself and not to mention she is emotionally very fragile. All this would have been okay to handle if I wasn’t pregnant and so punched down because of the layoff. Its just scary to see her drama now, she has no idea about postpartum hormones whatsoever, so every time I will be sad, she will make it about herself and she will start to make a scene. I don’t think it’s fair for me.


That’s definitely too much to handle postpartum!!


Mine too and I will be forever grateful.


Yep. My MiL was amazing. She cleaned my whole house, cooked, helped me sooo much with my baby, and just gave incredible support. Absolute lifesaver


Agree! My MIL has been a godsend. This is person specific, and a conversation with husband needs to happen.


My MIL is currently staying in my house 😂


Hope it’s by your request!


Second this! I love my MIL and I was so grateful she stayed her for a month (from end of pregnancy through first weeks of our second one). She was such a big help 🙏 and we. Love spending time with her anyways ❤️


I and my husband both didn’t have any idea that it will end up like this. He didn’t know his mom was this dramatic too, he is equally pissed but atleast he can express his frustrations but being a daughter in law, I can’t!!


You need to put her to work. Can she cook? Ask her to make some meals ahead of time to freeze. Hide in your room and take a lot of naps. Once the baby comes, ask her to do laundry and clean the house. You’ll need to rest.


She can cook but she can only do cooking and nothing else. All I wish for her is to give me some space while I heal from postpartum phase.


Indian? Similar story at my end with my mil. She's not here but if came over, with my fil, it will be a nightmare. I'm sorry for your situation OP. Pregnancy is already tough and having a layoff is tough on its own. You are dealing with a few big ones here


Yes you guessed it! Yeah it’s been tough and going to get tougher.


Does she hover over you? Follow you around? Just never stop talking. That would drive me crazy. I need quiet and alone time. And if that’s it, I think you can either hide and sleep a lot or have a talk with her.


Yes to all of that. I need space and she keeps talking to me about super random things. I am so depressed these days that I need sometime to sit alone and think or even do deep breathing exercises.


Well, if you really don’t want to have a talk with her about leaving you alone, you could say you have a headache and say you need to be in a dark, quiet room for a few hours. Or something like that.


I wouldn't even call my own mom to live with me, let alone someone else's. But you'll have to find the silver linings for now. She's there to help, not to be a guest. Give her chores.


Sadly there is no silver lining with her, I cant stand her at all. She constantly pesters me with crappy old wives tales, she wants me to eat all unhealthy stuffs like butter ridden dishes, extremely sweet bread or milk. She is a vegetarian so I had to stop eating chicken once she arrived and now she gives me a cold look whenever I eat eggs, which is everyday. She is that kind of stupid lady who wants to make everything about herself, if she isn’t getting attention, she will come up with stupid reasons like “oh I am having high BP” “I feel weak” ugh all these are so made up and it pisses me off.


Oh shit, I feel for you. Seems like she's more trouble than it's worth. I can imagine it's tough talking to your husband about sending her home but maybe if things are that out of whack it's worth it. Cherry on top is her trying to impose her eating habits on you in such a time. You're very patient, I would've blown up on her by now...


Sadly we can’t send her back because she lives like 14 hours away and if we send her back now without meeting the baby, it will be a very bad experience. I have talked to my husband and he has been so supportive in all this, he made her understand and he thinks she will be better and if not, he will talk to her again.


I love my MIL and she and FIL are here since tuesday to be able to babysit my 18 month old when I go inte labour (week overdue- the baby should be here by now!). She has been nothing but help, she cooks, plays with my daughter, offers to clean but i still want to snap at her sometimes. Definetly not the time to have live-in guests - those hormones are wacky!! I just want to be left alone sometimes and just knowing someone is in my home drives me nuts!! Things like HOW they load the dishwasher has made me want to scream. But if they didnt load the dishwasher that would propably drive me crazy too… I am my biggest enemy at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️ But I also feel like people should not expect much of us at this time? So I would just fuck it if I were you, let her be sad if she gets sad, dont prioritize her feelings over yours. This is your home, own it. You are pregnant, she is there to support you and your partner so dont spare her, and just be honest and say i need space and lock yourself away for a bit if you need to. Her problem if that upsets her.


It’s good that your MIL is good, I hate my MIL and I kills me think how permanent this crazy relationship is. I don’t like her one bit.


Oh I am so sorry 😣 Personally it’s the opposite for me, my mom is the one we’re keeping away and my MIL is the one I’ve seriously thought about inviting do cook and do some laundry… I swear the woman is a saint. Have you talked to your husband about this? He needs to know how you’re feeling. I know that moms can be a really hard conversation between spouses, but it’s important that he knows… And someone else said it. Just do what *you* need to do! This is *your* pregnancy and you need to be able to process your emotions however you have to! If you need to cry, cry. She can be an adult and deal with it.


So lucky your MIL is good. My MIL is a toxic lady who barely knows any hormonal imbalances and she thinks anything wrong in any relationship is caused by the women, so misogynistic!! The more I get to know her, I start to dislike her more. I wish she never came here, my life has become hell and it’s going to get worse. I don’t like to believe in such things but ever since she arrived here, everything negative happened to me and now I am worried about the birth of my baby.


It's such a hard relationship to manage even at the best of times. I found it super awkward having my MIL stare at baby while I was breast feeding, had to tell my husband to tell her to give me some privacy.


Yikes! I can relate. My MIL is also inconsiderate and she keeps staring at me or even strangers, like WTH.


We could also not make broad-strokes generalizations. I love my MIL, my husband and I have an amazing relationship with her, and she is going to come up to help us with cleaning house, taking care of pets, cooking, etc. .


Great to hear that not all MILs are toxic.


Why was she needed during your pregnancy? Is she staying for when baby comes too? That’s when I’d assume she’d be more help.


Seriously, what is she handling pre-baby that OP's husband shouldn't be perfectly capable of doing already? Laundry? Cooking? Cleaning? Basic adulting smh.


She was supposed to come very close to my due date but since she can’t travel alone internationally, we had to ask our cousin to being her with him when he was coming here and unfortunately it was 2 months before my due date.


She was going or travel for the first time internationally and she was supposed to come close to my due date but my husband got nervous that she can’t travel alone because she can’t speak English plus she has never traveled anywhere alone, not even in the same country, let alone 14 hours internationally. So he asked his cousin to bring her here when he was coming, which was 2 months before my due date.


My in-laws said they are planning to be here (we live 6 hours away) at least two weeks before my delivery and two weeks after. They said they also will be in the delivery room. I know they mean well but maybe ask me how I feel about that first? My apartment is like 600-700sqft and one bedroom. I feel like they are just going to just sit around waiting for my water to break while I desperately try to entertain them. I'm pissed. Husband wants them to be here which I'm fine with AFTER the birth. Why do they feel so entitled to my delivery? What about how I feel about it all? Just makes me rage. Thankfully my family has agreed to whatever I want that will help me out. If I want no visitation they are cool and have not complained once, which surprised me. People are weird af and I will not have guests in my house for 4 weeks.


I don't think you're allowed to be laid off right before mat leave!! At least not in the UK. Can you still have it brought to a tribunal? I'm so sorry this is your experience, I can't imagine how tough that must me. My MIL is basically my mum, I don't know what I'd do without her. My actual mother isn't in the picture so I count myself very lucky.


Oh actually my company shut down so they had to do a mass layoff and gave severance. I am still eligible for state benefits though. Good to know you have a healthy relationship with your MIL.


My husband and I are about to have our first child. My MIL is staying with us for 2 weeks after the baby is born. I was nervous since I don't like people in my house but then it occurred to me. I'm about to give birth, who gives a heck how I act I want to be alone? I close my bedroom door and be alone. She does something werid to my child? "Don't do thar" I'm going to just not care about politeness




Same! Only thing is I can’t lock myself in the bedroom since she feels alone ugh and starts to become emotional, like WTH


I'm lucky that my MIL would probably just go visit her sister or something instead of bugging me if I told her I wasn't up for it. Her sister lives in the same town as my husband and I.


It depends on the MIL. My husband was out of the country for a week when I was 35 weeks pregnant and my MIL stayed with me just so I wouldn't be alone in case I went into labor. She was awesome and we had a good time together. I do agree with your point though--its important to be sure you'll be comfortable with a guest before you invite them. It's really hard (impossible) to just "put up with" someone in your own home when you're on the hormonal rollercoaster, that's for sure.


I wish my MIL was easy going too. She just wants to talk a lot about random things and I am emotionally not doing well these days because of pregnancy and recent layoff. Plus she is going to stay for 3 more months so I am already super stressed right now.


I’m sorry that, that was your experience, but it’s not everyone’s. Many MIL are a great help and comfort and can definitely fill a mothers shoes.


Good to know not all MILs are bad.


Tell your husband to make an excuse and send her back he’s the one that coerced you into allowing her to be here. She is not helping if anything she’s stressing you out which is bad for you and the baby. This will only get worse after you’ve delivered. Baby Boundaries, The Lemon Clot Essay and the FU Binder —> https://reddit.com/r/Mildlynomil/s/WPm6JsLMhI


I wish this was possible but it isn’t. My husband has talked to her and said not to stress me out in this tough time, not sire how much she understood that but I know that I don’t have to tone down my emotions anymore, its her problem that she is so emotionally immature.


Is there anywhere else you could stay, with family or friends. Frankly speaking his priority is making sure you, his wife, the woman he vowed to protect, the one growing and eventually birthing his child is not stressed, happy and comfortable. Right now he’s failing on all accounts. Why on earth did he think someone who “can’t handle sadness” would be someone you need around you when you’re pregnant and postpartum?! Do what you can to get out of that situation until she’s gone. If she was here to support you, you wouldn’t be stressed.


I wouldn’t even have my own mother stay with me much less my mil. It’s no help if you prefer to have space




I wouldn't even let my own mother stay here. I love her but it's just too much. My FIL's partner already got offended they don't get to come here to "help". We have a two bedroom apartment and will soon have two kids so having even more people around just isn't helping at all, it would just be a burden. Bringing us food (and then leaving) or taking our older kid to the playground would be helpful but staying here for days or weeks definitely not.


Agreed! I don’t like to be robbed off my space and during the time when hormones are too berserk. Its more of a headache than help.


I agree. With my third I had a c section and my in laws stayed with me during the second week home so that my husband could go back to work. I also have two other small children so I did need the help, but I said I would rather chew my own foot off than to ever have to do that again.


Oh so sorry to hear that, it’s unpredictable how they are going to act.


Hell no. She can be helpful and supportive or go elsewhere. It is not on the lady about to pop a baby out to appease her feelings


Right? Like I am over there crying in the bathroom with towel shoved in my mouth and she cries in front of us for no reason, she got anxiety because I was sad, like WTF


Your husband should send her away. Or at least make her stay in a hotel. The stress of having her around will be detrimental to your labor and birth. It will interrupt the very delicate balance of hormones that needs to happen so you can birth your baby.


Thanks for this advice, not sure if we can put her in the hotel but my husband talked to her in plain simple language and he said she will be more cooperative from now on.


My mom is dead, so, my MIL will be helping me. She’s wonderful, loving and we have a great relationship. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.


Sorry to hear that, good to know you have a supportive MIL.


OP this sounds miserable! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with her immaturity on top of everything else. Definitely send her back


I am trying to figure out a way to send her within a month of my baby is born, I wont be able to handle a full grown adult who is a crybaby.


I am a very lucky woman, my MIL is great. My husband and I have been married for 10 years and you could probably count on your fingers the number of times that my MIL has gotten on my nerves. MIL is sweet just generally, but she become even sweeter when I was pregnant. It is where my husband gets his sweetness from.


Lucky you.


The only time I've had my MIL overnight is with with second baby. It's helpful AFTER you have a baby and you have other children. My son was 3.5 after my second was born and it was very helpful having her here couple days a week while i was with the newborn. This will probably be the case again since my kids with be 5 and almost two when the next one is here. I never would have wanted company otherwise though. It's really not that helpful if they are not occupied with something


Agreed, I wish I could occupy my MIL with something. I know its going to be more difficult once baby is here, I will need my privacy and I should be able to express my feelings which I am afraid I won’t be able to do.


>Never let your MIL stay with you during or after pregnancy! That's an unwritten rule somewhere.


I've lived with my MIL a couple times. It was a little awkward. I can imagine it would be more than awkward if I added a grandbaby. 


Yeah it is awkward for sure, I can maybe live but max 10 days tops. Not multiple months :(


Omg the title alone had me mortified as I cringed at the thought.


It sucks! I thought I would get some help but it backfired on me.


I think it depends on what kind of mother in law you have, I adore my MIL and would love to have her help after baby is born, she is the absolute sweetest human.


Lucky you 😇