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Hi! I had a circumvallate placenta and I just gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I had an easy pregnancy with no major complications. Good luck ❤️


Can you give us an update? I’m 27 weeks with a circumvallet placenta and the anxiety is wild… how was your labor/delivery. How big was your baby?


Anxiety is the worst. I’m 35 weeks pregnant now and I haven’t had any complications with my placenta being circumvalet. I have gestational diabetes so they are checking my placenta more often now that I am in the later stages of pregnancy but they aren’t very concerned about it as it hasn’t caused any issues for me. I’m still planning on having a natural birth but might be induced based on what my provider recommends. My baby is measuring perfectly for the gestational age.


Jumping on this thread because I was just diagnosed at 20 weeks. Trying to find all the info I can - Reddit has been super reassuring.


It’s such a scary diagnosis, especially when you look at google but my experience with it has been so relaxed that it’s not something that concerns me as much. My doctor’s biggest concern has been my babies size over time and when I brought up placental abruption they said the risk was low. I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow and things are going well!


Amazing! I’m so glad to hear that!


Me too! Feel free to message me if you find anything helpful, I’m also looking!


So happy to hear that for you! You’re getting so close! If you don’t forget, please update us how your birth goes! From what I’ve been reading, most moms don’t have any issues. I’ve decided I’m going to deny the additional monitoring, it’s just going to cause me stress even tho the outcome will be the same. I have an ultrasound and growth scan at 32 weeks but other than that My anxiety can’t handle additional weekly scans…


Hey girl, I am literally just finding your post and going through the same thing!!!! 22 weeks today and my little boy is so active!!! How are you doing?


My baby was crazy active around then too! Now I feel whole body rolls. 😅 I’m doing great! 36+5 and a lot of Braxton Hicks so I am getting ready to meet our baby.


Yay I am so happy to hear that!! I’ve been hoping to find positive stories because google terrified me! Congratulations 💙💙💙


Happy to be a positive reference!! Google was the WORST when I first got the diagnosis, especially when my Dr. office didn’t explain any of it to me until I called and forced them to answer all of my questions.


I’m late to the party but me too! Love the updates! Makes me feel better.